View Full Version : Tasteless jokes: Do they make you lawls?

06-21-2009, 11:15 AM
Do jokes that are obviously tasteless make you laugh? I know I chuckle at them.

06-21-2009, 11:17 AM
examples please.

06-21-2009, 11:19 AM
Dark humor I guess would be the genre. Racist jokes, dead baby jokes, your mom jokes, things like that.

You know the ones that when you tell them the response is generally laughter plus a comment like wow or damn.

06-21-2009, 11:22 AM
Dark humor I guess would be the genre. Racist jokes, dead baby jokes, your mom jokes, things like that.

You know the ones that when you tell them the response is generally laughter plus a comment like wow or damn.

The same ones where a person walks into the joke and quickly bolts.

< Example? >

The difference between a large pizza and a black man would be a good one, etc.

06-21-2009, 11:24 AM
Exactly. The kind of joke where you look over your shoulder and then start to tell it.

Or the ones that you know will offend certain prudes so to be nice you make sure they aren't around when you tell them

06-21-2009, 11:41 AM
It depends on the joke, honestly.

I make Azn, and other race, jokes all the time, for example, but I don't, and wouldn't, make one about say, child molestation ( not that I've heard one before, but just saying).

06-21-2009, 11:47 AM
It depends on the joke, honestly.

I make Azn, and other race, jokes all the time, for example, but I don't, and wouldn't, make one about say, child molestation ( not that I've heard one before, but just saying).
See I do. I think it's (being child molestation) horrible but I can still make jokes about it. I seperate humor from true feelings pretty easily.

I also wait until I know my crowd. I've got some black friends that I can tell black jokes too, and some that I can't.

06-21-2009, 11:55 AM
See I do. I think it's (being child molestation) horrible but I can still make jokes about it. I seperate humor from true feelings pretty easily.

Well, that's not it for me. I can separate humor from true feelings without a problem. I just can't find the humor in some things.

I mean, really there's all types of jokes and regardless of what you call it, tasteless, off-color, adult, etc etc, they're all just.. jokes. Some are funny, based on your humor, and some aren't. Some people like Jim Carrey, some people like Borat. Someone call tell a joke about a car passing by, and you might think it's funny, and I don't. It doesn't necessarily mean my feelings play a part.

06-21-2009, 12:09 PM
Late one evening, the day after he had lost his wife scuba diving, two grim-faced policemen paid Mr. Rhodes a visit. "We're sorry to disturb you at this hour, Mr Rhodes, but we have some information concerning your wife. Actually, we have some bad news, some pretty good news and some really great news. Which would you like to hear first?"

Obviously fearing the worst, Mr Rhodes asked for the bad news first.

"We're sorry to inform you, sir," the policeman said, "we found your wife's body in the San Francisco Bay this morning."

Oh, my God!" said a distraught Mr. Rhodes. Remembering what the policeman had said, he asked, "What's the good news?"

"When we pulled her up," said the policeman, "she had two five-pound lobsters and a dozen crabs on her."

"What?" a confused Mr Rhodes exclaimed. "So, what's the great news?"

As he smiled and smacked his lips, the officer replied, "We're going to pull her up again tomorrow."

06-21-2009, 12:11 PM
See I do. I think it's (being child molestation) horrible but I can still make jokes about it.

A kid goes up to his father and says, "Hey, Pop, know how old I am today?"

His father says, "No...how old?"

He says, "I'm eleven!"

He goes into the kitchen and says to his grandmother, "Hey, Grandma, know how old I am today?"

She says, "Come closer..."

She unzips his jeans and reaches her thin, spotted arm down into his underwear.

She fondles his genitals for a few minutes and then she says, "You're eleven."

He says, "How could you tell?"

She says, "I heard you tell your father."

06-21-2009, 12:18 PM
A kid goes up to his father and says, "Hey, Pop, know how old I am today?"

His father says, "No...how old?"

He says, "I'm eleven!"

He goes into the kitchen and says to his grandmother, "Hey, Grandma, know how old I am today?"

She says, "Come closer..."

She unzips his jeans and reaches her thin, spotted arm down into his underwear.

She fondles his genitals for a few minutes and then she says, "You're eleven."

He says, "How could you tell?"

She says, "I heard you tell your father."

06-21-2009, 12:29 PM
Ahahaha see that's funny!

06-21-2009, 12:31 PM
It depends on the joke, honestly.

I make Azn, and other race, jokes all the time, for example, but I don't, and wouldn't, make one about say, child molestation ( not that I've heard one before, but just saying).

That's ironic, because I am the other way around. I will make jokes about pervs all the time, but not racist jokes...except for the pancake joke. Thats funny.

06-21-2009, 12:32 PM
Yes, those jokes are the best.
It's how hideous and culturally wounding they can be that adds a painful laugh like ''damnnnnmmm''.

06-22-2009, 09:54 AM
I make all sorts of jokes, except ones that call people niggers or faggots. Those words are just too harsh for me.


06-22-2009, 10:28 AM
If a joke is funny I will laugh at it. A tasteless joke can be funny only for the fact that it is so tasteless, but just using racial slurs, or highly controversial issues in a joke doesn't make it funny. I'll laugh at just about anything if it is funny, regardless of its explicit content.

06-22-2009, 11:46 AM
When I was in High School, a girl told me this joke:

Her: What's the best part about fucking a little boy in the ass?

Me: Err, wha?

Her: It feels just like fucking a little girl in the ass.

It was more shocking than funny, but I have to admit, the fact that she found that funny made me want to fuck her. (Although I was a 16 yr old boy, and she was a girl with nice tits who used the word "fuck" twice, in the matter of moments, so my testimony is probably worthless).

06-22-2009, 12:07 PM
One of the guys I worked with like 10 years ago liked to tell this tasteless joke (I might be off slightly on the wording/delivery):

Q: Whats the best thing about fucking a 13-year old?

A: you can slick her hair back so she looks 9.


He was around 35 at the time too.

06-22-2009, 12:11 PM
If its understood, tacitly even, to be tasteless within the group or with the person... sure.

If its out of place or character then that person on the shit list.

06-22-2009, 12:45 PM
I am widely acknowledged to be tasteless. I'm banned from eating with my co-workers and talking at the same time because I've put them off their bagels and pasta in the past. Racist jokes, poop-eating, whatever. I don't care. I'll tell it, although I will wait for an audience of my peers and not try it on, say, my mother.

06-22-2009, 12:47 PM
I'll laugh at anything, depending on the circumstances. I wouldn't for example crack a rape jokes at an inquest.

Dead Baby Jokes are my preferred tipple.

06-22-2009, 12:55 PM
See I do. I think it's (being child molestation) horrible but I can still make jokes about it. I seperate humor from true feelings pretty easily.

I also wait until I know my crowd. I've got some black friends that I can tell black jokes too, and some that I can't.

I laugh at tasteless jokes (hell as a teen I had that joke book), but it was only enjoyed in certain company.

Stanley Burrell
06-22-2009, 12:59 PM
A kid goes up to his father and says, "Hey, Pop, know how old I am today?"

His father says, "No...how old?"

He says, "I'm eleven!"

He goes into the kitchen and says to his grandmother, "Hey, Grandma, know how old I am today?"

She says, "Come closer..."

She unzips his jeans and reaches her thin, spotted arm down into his underwear.

She fondles his genitals for a few minutes and then she says, "You're eleven."

He says, "How could you tell?"

She says, "I heard you tell your father."

You got taste (I'll find out soon enough, AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. Look behind you.)

Less tasty:

Q: What's better than having sex with a four year old?

A: Sex with a two year old.

Q: What's better than having sex with a two year old?


06-22-2009, 01:00 PM
How do you stop a baby crawling round in circles?
Nail it's other hand to the floor.

Stanley Burrell
06-22-2009, 01:04 PM
How do you stop a baby crawling round in circles?
Nail it's other hand to the floor.

What do you do after it eats through the duct tape and starts crying again?

Nothing, that wasn't duct tape, it was an exploratory tracheotomy with a rusty spoon.

06-22-2009, 01:16 PM
Black pregnancy test:

Take a fried chicken drumstick and insert it into the woman's vag.

If there's a bite missing when you remove it, grats on your new baby.

Stanley Burrell
06-22-2009, 01:26 PM
Q: What do you to a woman with no black eyes?

A: Punch her in the face.

Q: What do you say to a woman with a black eye?

A: "I told you once." Then punch her other eye.

Q: What do you do to a woman with two black eyes?

A: Cut off her tongue so she can't file a police report without sounding really, really funny.

Q: What do you do when the police show up anyway?

A: Don't tell them the rest of her is buried in the Mojave Desert.

06-22-2009, 01:41 PM
What is the difference between a black person and a snow tire?

Snow tires don't sing when you put chains on them.

Stanley Burrell
06-22-2009, 01:44 PM
There are four people in a police car, two Mexicans and an African American are the passengers. Who's driving the car?

A third Mexican, they steal shit.

06-22-2009, 01:54 PM
I'll laugh at pretty much anything at pretty much any time. I have kids, and I don't even mind dead baby jokes.

What do you get when you put a baby in a blender?
A hard-on.

How do you get a baby out of a blender?
Tortilla chips.

What's the difference between an apple and a dead baby?
You don't fuck the apple before you eat it.

06-22-2009, 02:03 PM
What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and Cadillac?

I don't have a Cadillac in my garage

06-22-2009, 02:34 PM
A priest and a rabbi are walking in the park, when the priest points to a little boy and said, 'Let's screw that little boy!'

The rabbi replies, 'Out of what?'


I have a raunchy sense of humor anyway, though there are some that make me groan while I'm laughing...

Stanley Burrell
06-22-2009, 02:41 PM
Why do Jews have big noses?

Because the air is free.

How do you know when it's midnight at a priest's house?

When the big hand touches the little hand.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-22-2009, 03:52 PM
I have a sick sense of humor. I've never heard a joke that actually offended me.

Sometimes I feel dirty for thinking something is hilarious, but it's mostly because I can think of other people who would be wildly offended if I laughed.

06-22-2009, 03:59 PM
I have a sick sense of humor. I've never heard a joke that actually offended me.

Sometimes I feel dirty for thinking something is hilarious, but it's mostly because I can think of other people who would be wildly offended if I laughed.

I want to do all kinds of offensive things to you!

06-22-2009, 05:46 PM
What kind of bees produce milk?


But seriously, some of these are pretty fucked up, and I am going to go punish myself by punching myself in the nuts for laughing at them.

06-23-2009, 09:10 AM
How do you know when it's midnight at a priest's house?

When the big hand touches the little hand.

I always heard this told as a Jacko joke. Funny either way, I guess...

06-23-2009, 09:23 AM
A priest and a rabbi are walking in the park, when the priest points to a little boy and said, 'Let's screw that little boy!'

The rabbi replies, 'Out of what?'


I have a raunchy sense of humor anyway, though there are some that make me groan while I'm laughing...

10/10 joke

06-23-2009, 09:27 AM
Why do Jews have big noses?

Because the air is free.

This is our absolute favorite Jew joke around my house, with the exception of the volkswagon/ashtray one.

06-23-2009, 09:29 AM
10/10 joke

It was funnier months ago when I first posted it here.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2009, 09:34 AM
What was the only thing missing from the million man march?
An auctioneer.

What happens when you stick you hand in a jar of jelly beans?
The black one steals your watch.

06-23-2009, 12:00 PM
Do jokes that are obviously tasteless make you laugh? I know I chuckle at them.

I voted twice because it depends on the joke. I cant tolerate some stuff.

For the most part, because Robin2yearsago would have done anything ANYWHERE for the sake of humor, I keep my tightass opinions to myself.

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2009, 12:29 PM
Wait Robin your ass is tight now?

06-23-2009, 12:42 PM


This shouldn't be posted.....

What's the difference between jews and boyscouts?
Boyscouts come back from their camps.

06-23-2009, 12:43 PM
An oldie that just popped back into my head:

A father has three daughters.

His oldest daughter approaches him and asks, "Daddy, why'd you name me Rose?" and the dad replies, "Cause when you were born a rose fell on your head."
Hearing this, the second daughter approaches him and asks, "Daddy, why'd you name me Daisy?" and the dad replies, "Cause when you were born a daisy fell on your head."
Then the youngest comes up and asks, "Ermmphmurtagh?", and the dad says, "Shut the fuck up, Cinder-block!"

Sean of the Thread
06-23-2009, 12:47 PM
lol whomever repped me and called me a racist get over it. I'm so far from racist it's not funny.

Read the name of the thread.

06-23-2009, 01:13 PM
What was the only thing missing from the million man march?
An auctioneer.

What happens when you stick you hand in a jar of jelly beans?
The black one steals your watch.

lol those are horribly funny.

06-23-2009, 01:15 PM
A man yells to his wife to come in to the room and look at his clock. She walks into the room to see him standing there with an erection and a big smile. She says "That's not a clock" to which he replied "It will be with two hands and a face on it."

06-23-2009, 03:19 PM
Q: How does every black joke start?

A: (look over your shoulder)

06-23-2009, 03:31 PM
Q: How does every black joke start?

A: (look over your shoulder)


06-23-2009, 03:59 PM
Q: Why don't Italians clean their ears?

A: Because if do their heads would cave in.

06-23-2009, 05:21 PM
Wait Robin your ass is tight now?

I dont know about tight but the GI-Joe I stuck up there says its like riding a roller coaster.

06-23-2009, 06:05 PM
What's the greatest jewish dilemma?

Free Pork.

A boy, both black and Jewish, walks up to his father who is sitting on the couch. He asks him, "Dad, am I more black or am I more Jewish?"

Dad replies, "That's a better question for your mother, go ask her."

He wanders outside where his mother is tending her garden. He asks her, "Mom, am I more black or am I more jewish?"

The mother, curious about her son's query, asks, "That's an interesting question, dear. Why does it matter?"

The son replies, "Well, the kid down the block has a bike for sale- 50 bucks. I'm wondering if I should talk him down to $25 or just steal it from the fucker."

Three men were travelling the desert, when their camel died. They only had enough water for one man to walk to safety. An argument ensued between the three men: a white man, a black man, and a middle eastern man. As they argued, the camel began to rot in the hot sun, so they dragged the camel to the nearest cave.

They decided that the man who had the fortitude to spend the most time in the cave with the rotting camel would be the most likely to survive the trip through the desert.

First, the white man goes in. He almost immediately runs out screaming in disgust and vomiting profusely.

The black man wanders in, spends quite a bit more time in the cave, but runs out in a few minutes saying, "shit, I've smelled some nasty shit, but fuck this!"

The Middle Eastern man quietly stands up and saunters into the cave.

Almost immediately, the camel runs out.

06-23-2009, 08:32 PM
What's the difference in a black jew and a white jew?

The black jews have to sit in the back of the oven.

Bam 2 for one.