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10-21-2009, 01:44 PM
I will be popping into this MUD come November, Farn. Did you get that Dark Elf race coded?

Don't get too excited, as the amount of content is still quite low. I would appreciate another tester and more input, though, so please do pop by and let me know what you think. I have some more areas in mind, and now that I'm happier with my combat mechanics (which I was hung up on for a while), I'll see about slapping those in. I do cringe at the idea of writing up all the room descriptions though. When I started I thought it'd be something I was good at, but it turns out I don't really have the knack. Oh well. Second-rate filler descriptions will do to begin with.

As far as the dark elves - nope. No elves in my game. Hah. But if you want to play the "stereotypically shunned/feared for their dark power and reputation" race, you could choose the Nethrim.

10-21-2009, 01:59 PM
Ah, okay so you're using dN for the skills as well, I missed that part. A d100 for each is essentially like having 2d100 -100 as an actual combat roll, but I can see how if you aren't planning on showing the combat rolls you're better off just adding the d100 to each factor for less confusion.

I don't know what you're planning on for end game type of skills but this system causes two side effects... you previously stated that you only get exp if there's a chance for you to miss ... this has been essentially removed as a roadblock. Someone could fight Mr Pacifist all day long and gain exp. Additionally you've introduced only a little bit of weighting on your combat results. Consider the following:

Guy w/ 100 Defense skill, guy w/ 100 Offense skill

(d100 + d100) - (d100 + d100)

Your total outcomes range from 198 to -198, considering all <=0 to be misses you have a 50% chance to hit.

W/ the skills upped to 1000 there's the same chance to hit, but the defender is in a much more dangerous position, as the hit range increases to 1098, there is still a curve weighting it towards zero, but you'll need to accomodate the defenders, as I imagine it'll get quite fatal fast. Either continue to increase hitpoints as individuals progress (no racial HP cap like GS) with limb damage/crits scaled as well (IE taking 10% of total HPs to an arm in a swing gives a rank 1) or introduce some sort of DFRedux.

10-21-2009, 02:18 PM
I appreciate the input, Celephais. I'm not much of a numbers person, so this is all very good to have brought to my attention.

The skill gain idea is based on the challenge. I need to work on a new formula now, but it's basically be comparing the total skill levels of each combatant and calculating how easy it is for the attacker to hit the defender. If they're near-equal skilled, there'll be moderate experience gain. I'll make it so that a higher challenge yields more experience up to a point, then it'll taper off again as the landed hits will be more due to luck than to skill when the challenge is extremely high. That'll be the next thing to wrack my brain on.

Instead of eternally raising hitpoints or implementing something like redux, I'll probably have the damage factor multiplier capped out. So for example, if I put that cap at 200, if someone ends up with an end attack result of, say, 500, it'll still only multiply the damage factor by 200.

10-21-2009, 03:08 PM
Instead of eternally raising hitpoints or implementing something like redux, I'll probably have the damage factor multiplier capped out. So for example, if I put that cap at 200, if someone ends up with an end attack result of, say, 500, it'll still only multiply the damage factor by 200.
Well... this takes out the ability to have exceptional strikes. Especially when it comes to weapons that are typically low DF but can be devestating if used correctly (daggers).

Just my opinion.

10-21-2009, 04:05 PM
Forget numbers. All you need is unicorns.


10-21-2009, 04:08 PM
What sort of area descriptions do you need written most? 10 forest rooms, 10 cave rooms, 10 meadow rooms. . .?

10-21-2009, 05:35 PM
Forest and mountain rooms, mostly.

10-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Someone having trouble logging in, or should I ban this IP that mysteriously keeps connecting but seems to be doing nothing further and idling out?

10-21-2009, 10:48 PM
sorry I haven't been in this week, work has been taxing among other things, but I'll get in some this weekend and try to get you some more town rooms painted up

10-22-2009, 12:15 AM
You will not be receiving your usual paycheck of $0.00 due to your absence.

I also feel compelled to remind you that you are out of paid days off.

10-22-2009, 08:20 AM
Dangit, mother pussbuckets!!!

Please tell me the company is still matching 100% on my 401k though?

10-22-2009, 11:16 PM
go ga

[Shadgard, Front Gate]
A large wooden gate stands here in the thick town wall, ready to protect the townsfolk from the dangers of the wilderness outside.
You also notice a goliath guardsman.
Obvious paths: east, south.

A goliath guardsman lunges at you with a bronze-headed halberd!
AAR(210): 247 vs TDR(52): 16 = Result: 231
A hit for -156 damage!

Health: 222

1) Why does the guard hate me

2) Might be a little buggy. Negative damage ftw!

Edit: My revenge is doing negative damage as well.

You attack a goliath guardsman with a bronze short sword with a carved cedar hilt!
AAR(52): 132 vs TDR(200): 99 = Result: 33
A hit for -20 damage!
Roundtime: 4 second(s).

10-23-2009, 01:44 AM
1) Why does the guard hate me

2) Might be a little buggy. Negative damage ftw!

1) I'm guessing you attacked some NPCs in the town or the Shadgard Hunters outside the gates and messed up your Shadgard faction. Shame on you. I'll set your faction back to neutral this time.

2) The negative damage thing is indeed strange. Was it only happening with the town guard?

10-23-2009, 01:56 AM
1) I'm guessing you attacked some NPCs in the town or the Shadgard Hunters outside the gates and messed up your Shadgard faction. Shame on you. I'll set your faction back to neutral this time.

2) The negative damage thing is indeed strange. Was it only happening with the town guard?

Yeah, I sat there for a few minutes and now my health is like 5000.

10-23-2009, 02:10 AM
Negative damage thing should be fixed now. It was a problem resulting from my idea to have combat DFs take into account the AAR vs TDR difference, which should make it so that at higher skill levels when combat roll results are very high numbers, the combatants won't be taking ridiculously high amounts of damage.

10-23-2009, 06:14 PM
Someone having trouble logging in, or should I ban this IP that mysteriously keeps connecting but seems to be doing nothing further and idling out?

Was it 209.XXX.XXX.XXX
Had to slap a ban on it today myself.

10-23-2009, 07:54 PM
Heh. Probably me. Zmud keeps trying to connect when I idle out. Need to change that setting.

10-23-2009, 10:52 PM
Heh. Probably me. Zmud keeps trying to connect when I idle out. Need to change that setting.
Ban removed.

10-23-2009, 11:38 PM
I've got my first couple of script hunters. I don't mind at the moment, but realize that there'll be at least a skills wipe, if not a characters wipe, once the systems have been refined and the numbers tweaked. You'll be losing all that combat skill eventually and have to start at square one.

Also, I'm working in a placeholder death mechanic soon, so be prepared to update those scripts.

10-24-2009, 12:32 AM
There's now a death mechanic in place. It's not the final death mechanic, but it works for now. You drop all your gear, lose all riln (money) on your person and get zapped to the Town Commons.

Any items that are registered are permanently janitor-proof, so you only have to worry about other players grabbing them when you die. Any non-registered items are janitor-proofed for 10 minutes upon death droppage.

10-26-2009, 01:39 AM
Fatigue and hunger are now in effect. Using certain skills, such as combat skills, will add to your fatigue and lower your nutrition. Certain thresholds of either will reduce some skill attempts by a percentage, such as combat - your AAR and TDR will decrease as you become hungrier/more fatigued.

Your nutrition goes down slowly (so you get hungrier) on its own. Various actions can also cause your nutrition to go down. You can currently buy travel rations at the general store to satisfy your hunger. I'm working on the bakery and a grocery to add a better variety of foodstuffs, but for now, travel rations are it.

Various actions raise your fatigue. In combat, different weapons cause differing amounts of fatigue per attack. For instance - swinging a sledgehammer will cause more fatigue than swinging a dagger. To compensate for this, I may cause heavier weapons to skill up more per attack than lighter weapons.

Fatigue goes down on its own over time. Sitting or lying down causes fatigue to decrease at an accelerated rate (three times as much rest as standing).

You can get information on your fatigue and hunger by using the 'info' command.

Also, you can now use the 'score' command as an alias for 'info.' I noticed several people trying to use it.

These systems should allow for some interesting side-effects to things like poisons, diseases and bleeding. Inflicting these conditions in combat wouldn't necessarily be the best for quick kills, but would be effective in debilitating an opponent due to the effects of fatigue and hunger. A fully hungry and fatigued opponent would be operating at about 37% effectiveness, numbers-wise.

Of course, numbers will be receiving plenty of tweaking.

10-27-2009, 01:34 AM
If anyone's interested, there are some buildings in town that need some interior designing. You can brag to your friends that you designed something for a game. Just don't mention that it's a small game that has yet to acquire an established playerbase.

At the very least, a single room description is necessary. Try to keep it to a few sentences, and avoid describing actions in the description itself (such as a blacksmith sharpening a blade) - that's room script material, not room description. Any extra designing is welcome, but not necessary. You're free to design multiple rooms for the building, as well as look-at-able items with lengthy descriptions and verb interactions. You can come up with NPCs for the buildings if you want, or even room scripts.

To help get a feel for what style the buildings should be: The town is a frontier mining town. Out-of-the-way and mostly independent, it's a rustic but successful community. The local resources available are coniferous woods such as pine and the available metals are copper, tin and therefore bronze, though copper is by far the most commonly-used, while bronze is rarer and a bit of a status symbol. Plenty of stone to go around, as the town is nestled between two mountain faces.

The buildings I need are:

Stables - accommodates horses as well as other types of mounts, such as large riding dogs.

Inn - Note the common room is also a place to order food and drinks. Preferably with a few individual rooms, though I can add these in myself if needs be.

Pawnshop - No specific vision here; unleash your creativity.

Brewery - Again, nothing specific in mind.

Blacksmith - The furnace/forge is powered by a watermill.

Town Hall - Should have a lobby as well as at least one clerk's office.

Lumber Mill - This will be outside the town walls. Powered by a watermill.

Buildings that could use a face-lift from the meager descriptions I've given them:

Elric's Attire - A humble tailor shop. Nothing fancy.

Doran's Footwear - A cobbler's shop. Again, nothing fancy.

General Store - Cluttered with all sorts of frontiersy tools and knick-knacks.

If you're interested in working on any of these, PM the details to me here on the Corner or use the CLOK site's contact form here: http://clok.game-host.org/contactform.php If you want more info on any of the buildings, contact me in the same way.

Keep in mind there's no guarantee your work will be used, and I may alter things in order to have them fit in with my vision of the town/genre, though I'll consult with you first rather than just changing it on my own without notice.

If more of a reward is necessary to inspire people than having their work get put into the game, I'm open for suggestions. Remember, you're free to model NPCs after yourself or one of your characters, as long as they fit into the game world well enough (no elves or dwarves, for instance).

10-28-2009, 06:45 PM
Yeah yeah yeah...

Been working 12+ hour days this past two weeks, with the occasional civ, poker, or pickup basketball game.

I'll be back soon...Promise!

10-28-2009, 07:36 PM

10-28-2009, 08:18 PM
There is now an infirmary on Brewery Row. If you're low on health, head there and ask Hildibrand for healing (ask hildibrand heal). It'll raise your fatigue level and lower your nutrition proportionate to how much health you were missing, so be prepared to rest and eat some food after major healing.

The 'healme' verb no longer works.

There's currently no charge for healing, though there will eventually be a fee once I put in some ways to raise your faction with the the town. Those neutral with the town will be required to pay in advance. Those friendly with the town will be able to put the fee on their tab in the form of a debt that can be paid off later (though if one's tab is too high, Hildibrand will refuse to heal you). Hildibrand will refuse to heal those hostile with the town.

Also, as an unrelated fun little addition, if a canim character attacks without a weapon, he or she will attack with 'clawed fists' instead of 'closed fists' and have a slightly higher DF, as well as one more potential extra strike than those of other races. I hope to add other little racial perks as ideas come to me.

10-29-2009, 11:09 PM
Heh. Probably me. Zmud keeps trying to connect when I idle out. Need to change that setting.

You're cluttering up my logs!

10-30-2009, 10:17 AM
You're cluttering up my logs!

So reduce the idle timer! Also, why in the world would you log that?


You are holding a forest green wool cloak in your right hand and a bronze-buckled ash gray canvas rucksack in your left hand.
You're naked. Oh dear.

wear ruck
You can't wear anything else on your back.

I assume this is because when I died it removed the rucksack and dropped it but didnt clear the wear slot. Oops.

EDIT: Where the fuck are the seeds?!?

10-30-2009, 11:07 AM
So reduce the idle timer! Also, why in the world would you log that?
I imagine he's logging everything... what with it being alpha/beta. That's just smart.

10-30-2009, 11:14 AM
I imagine he's logging everything... what with it being alpha/beta. That's just smart.

Yeah, I agree. Though I guess I'm used to each different type of fault having its own separate log so you don't clutter things up or overlook a specific issue.

10-30-2009, 11:54 AM
I imagine he's logging everything... what with it being alpha/beta. That's just smart.
I agree.

Plus, logging connection data is a very important part of running a gaming server. Be surprised how many script-kiddies and griefers there are on the net.

10-30-2009, 09:07 PM
You are holding a forest green wool cloak in your right hand and a bronze-buckled ash gray canvas rucksack in your left hand.
You're naked. Oh dear.

wear ruck
You can't wear anything else on your back.

I assume this is because when I died it removed the rucksack and dropped it but didnt clear the wear slot. Oops.

This is fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out. Any usage of the 'wear' command should fix it for your character.

As far as seeds - I'll put farming necessities (tools, seeds, watering buckets) into a store in the next day or two, and I'll put a well or a usable river in at some of the farms so you can water the crops.

11-02-2009, 02:13 PM
I am getting kicked out for typing "info" or "health"

11-02-2009, 03:01 PM
I am getting kicked out for typing "info" or "health"

Fixed. The problem was that your current health (1800ish) was over your max health (100), presumably from when negative damage was happening a while back. Your current health is now 100.

11-02-2009, 03:33 PM
You can now buy farming supplies in the general store. There's also a well at the farm outside the gates. Here's what you'll need to do to get some fruit:

Buy a delta-headed hoe (or get one by defeating one of the scarecrows that wield them)
Buy a watering bucket
Buy some test seeds (haven't come up with 'real' seeds yet, my creativity died)

Go to an area at the farm with some fertile soil (it'll show up in the 'you also notice' section). Hold the hoe in your right hand and type "farm till" to till the soil. Then put away the hoe and get out the seeds. Type "farm plant" to plant the seeds.

Now get out your watering bucket, head to the well (which is in one of the areas at the farm), and type "fill bucket." Then go to where you planted the seeds and type "farm water." Repeat this several times - preferably until you get the messaging that the soil is fully watered.

The test seeds will grow very quickly - within a few minutes. This won't be the norm, though crops will still grow relatively quickly rather than "real-time" growth cycles of months/years. I'm thinking some in about a day, others maybe in several days. We'll see. Still coming up with an in-game explanation for this, though I have several ideas.

Anyhow, keep looking and you'll notice the soil become lined with bushes, then with bushes bearing small fruits, etc. Once the fruits are ripe, type "farm harvest" to gather the fruits into a pile on the ground. It should yield about 20 testfruits. Type "get testfruit" to get one from the pile.

There you go. You can now get more food for your money, provided you're willing to work a bit for it. I'm still working on the "farm gather" which will gather all the fruits into another container. I'm also working on characters being able to get seeds from fruits so you can re-plant them instead of having to buy new seeds each time.

11-02-2009, 06:00 PM
Fixed. The problem was that your current health (1800ish) was over your max health (100), presumably from when negative damage was happening a while back. Your current health is now 100.

That's what I figured, but I wanted to keep my stockpile of health!!!

11-16-2009, 08:04 PM
[Shadgard, Town Commons]
A statue of a robed woman stands here in a circular plaza of earthen-hued cobblestones. Two circles of wooden benches have been placed around the plaza, one running the outer circumfrence of the plaza and facing inward, the other circling the base of the statue and facing outward. The plaza serves as a popular place for townsfolk to meet, visit and do business. A well-maintained road of cobblestones heads southward, while dirt paths lead to other sections of the town. On the north side of the plaza lies the Town Hall.
The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice a wooden trash barrel, the town hall.
Obvious paths: west, east, north, south.

Is the "somewhat noisy" line a new room variable? Just now started seeing it.

Also... the cloaked wandered is hauling ass between room, heh.

11-16-2009, 11:06 PM
Rooms have always had the noise, crowd, lighting and fog values, but now rooms with noise, lighting and/or fog different enough from the norm will have an extra line saying as much. I'll be adding in NPC crowd sizes soon as well. You can toggle this feature on and off with the "options" verb.

Fog, lighting and crowds can have an effect on things like searching, hiding, combat and so forth. Noise and crowds can hinder your concentration for certain skills and actions, and can interfere with or drown out speech and things like audible magical incantations. Making the levels of these room properties knowable to players should help them make strategic decisions.

As for the Wanderer cruising around at top speed - NPCs all move constantly if there's nothing in the room for them to attack because I haven't coded in any idle scripts (such as a "do nothing" script) for them yet. The Wanderer is my test subject for an NPC that wanders throughout all areas in the world rather than being restricted to one area, and will attempt things like climbing and swimming as well once I'm finished with the AI coding. She'll even practice things like climb and swim so that she can explore new areas she couldn't previously get to. She's got an in-game history and reason for being there as well, but of course that'll be all nice and mysterious, left up to the players to puzzle out.

As long as I'm here, I'll also mention the "position" verb (which can also be used via "combat"). It's sort of a pseudo-stance/engagement verb. There are three combat positions: avoid, ranged, and engage. Avoid means you'll have a high chance of outright avoiding attacks due to not letting enemies get near you (so you don't even need a dodge skill check). Ranged means you'll have a fair chance of outright avoiding attacks while still being able to fire/throw ranged weapons (which haven't been implemented yet). Engage means there's no chance of outright avoiding an attack due to the position mechanic. If you attack something/someone with a melee attack, you're automatically switched to the Engage position.

I plan on this having differing effects based on the area you're in. For instance, if you're in a cramped tunnel, you'll be forced to the Engage position. If you're in a wide open field, you'll have a greater chance to outright avoid attacks. If you're hit by a Press attack, you're forced into the Engage position and can't switch back to Ranged or Avoid until the Press ends. If you're in roundtime, you have less chance of outright avoiding an attack. Some maneuvers and weapons will allow for greater effectiveness against position turtlers, such as a charge that has a higher chance of landing an attack on a ranged/avoid-position target, or snares like nets and bolos that can prevent the target from backing away to a ranged or avoid position. Ranged combat will not work when in the Engage position, so things like the previously-mentioned nets and bolos will be a good tactic against ranged foes.

11-16-2009, 11:56 PM
Ah, and for the rogues/stealth-lovers out there ... you'll be able to use the 'hide' and 'stalk' mechanics to sneak up on people that are in Avoid or Ranged positions and bypass the position defenses that way ... provided they don't see you sneaking up on them, of course.

Say some pesky archer keeps nailing you from Ranged distance and you can't get near them to land a hit with your dagger. Hide, stalk them, then attack them and they'll be immediately put into the Engage position.

11-17-2009, 12:29 AM
Since you're just starting this mud and need a direction for something to do, IE test mob attack behaviours etc, you should just go old school gemstone and set up some auto-invasions people can defend the town against.

Throw in some friendly NPC's or a way to train them up, supply them. Make a little game of it.

11-17-2009, 12:35 AM
Fun idea. I'll set something up.

I'm also working on the town having a database of available resources (lumber, stone, metal, etc.), and that influencing which goods are available to buy from the NPC shops. I could have players help gather resources for the town, which would effect how well the town can defend itself.

11-17-2009, 12:43 AM
Exactumundo what I was thinking Farn. Here's quick dirty comprocess.. I have been meaning to sit down and line out the system for you to read but, works been hell.. anyways, here you go. Replace industries with skills / tools, whichever. These would make basic ingredients to make more complicated items out of. Make alchohol out of yeast, clothes from cloth and metal, or food stuffs from sugar, milk, flour and fruits.

Mine: Plot:
-> Iron Ore -> Unrefined Sugar
-> Silver Ore -> Wheat
-> Bronze Ore -> Vegetables
-> Gold Ore -> Cotton
-> Sivrite Ore -> Hemp
-> Coal
-> Gemstones

Quarry: Refinery:
-> Granite Iron Ore + Coal -> Iron Ingot
-> Slate Silver Ore + Coal -> Silver Ingot
-> Sand Bronze Ore + Coal -> Bronze Ingot
-> Salt Gold Ore + Coal -> Gold Ingot
Iron Ingot + Coal -> Steel Ingot
Well or Stream (stream could randomly cause disease:
-> Water

Greenhouse: Yeast Tank:
-> Silk Thread Unrefined Sugar -> Yeast

Sawmill: Sugar Refinery:
Wood -> Planks Unrefined Sugar -> Pure Sugar

Spinning Mill: Windmill:
Cotton -> Cotton Thread Wheat -> Flour
Hemp -> Rope

Weaving Mill: Butchers:
3 x Cotton Thread -> 2 x Cotton Cloth Carcasses -> Meat
3 x Silk Thread -> Silk Cloth Carcasses -> Bone
Carcasses -> Oil
3 x Carcasses -> Leather
Gold Ingot -> 250 Gold Coins Cow:
-> Milk
-> Wool

11-17-2009, 10:23 PM
I always wanted an in-game mail system in Gemstone. There's only one town so it's not like you'll be sending things far away, but if you want to give something to someone who isn't around at the moment, mail it to them and they can pick it up when they're around. Also, once homes are implemented, mail will be sent directly to homes.

Farn sends some mail:

[Shadgard Town Hall, Post Office]
This is the post office.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a pile of parchment.
Obvious exits: west.

get parch
You take a single piece of parchment from the pile.

get quill
You remove a quill from inside your satchel.

write Hey Shar, I heard you broke your hoe farming the other day, and thought you could use a replacement. Hope the scarecrows aren't giving you too much trouble. You owe me lunch.
You write on your parchment.

put quill in sat
You put a quill in the satchel that you are wearing.

mail shar
You hand the piece of parchment to the post worker, who places it behind the desk and informs you that the recipient can come by the post office and check their mail to pick it up.

get hoe
You remove a delta-headed hoe from inside your satchel.

mail shar
You hand the delta-headed hoe to the post worker, who places it behind the desk and informs you that the recipient can come by the post office and check their mail to pick it up.

I could have put both the parchment and hoe into a container and just sent the container with both items inside, of course.

Now the pickup by Shar:

[Shadgard Town Hall, Post Office]
This is the post office.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice a pile of parchment.
Obvious exits: west.

check mail
The post worker shuffles through some papers for a few moments, nods, and retrieves a piece of parchment from behind the desk. "This was sent to you by Farn." He then hands it to you and says, "You've still got more incoming mail waiting to be picked up. Check with me again when you want it."

read par
The parchment reads:

Hey Shar, I heard you broke your hoe farming the other day, and thought you could use a replacement. Hope the scarecrows aren't giving you too much trouble. You owe me lunch.

check mail
The post worker shuffles through some papers for a few moments, nods, and retrieves a delta-headed hoe from behind the desk. "This was sent to you by Farn." He then hands it to you and says, "Looks like that's it for your incoming mail."

Fun. There'll eventually be a charge depending on weight/size of the item plus a flat service charge, and a way to retrieve mail you sent but was never picked up by the recipient. If I end up making multiple towns, of course mail will be able to be sent from town to town, but that's a ways off yet.

11-20-2009, 04:37 PM
The tavern is open for business. You can either order a quick, one-shot drink without a drink container, or you can hold a drink container in your hand and order to have the bartender fill your drink container with the desired drink. Example:

[Cleverly-Named Tavern]
Rotting wooden planks add to the already offensive mixed scent of sweat and stale beer, making this tavern smell particularly bad even as seedy taverns go. Wooden tables and chairs have been crammed into the small building in an effort to accomodate as many patrons as possible. Tall barrels serve as makeshift barstools around a worn pine bar.
Your eyes strain a bit in the dim light. Several people are milling about the area. The area is somewhat noisy.
You also notice a prominent sign.
Obvious exits: out.

read sign
The sign reads:


buy (note: both the 'buy' verb and the 'order' verb work the same)
Dianysia glances at you and points to a sign on the wall listing the items for sale:

1. a wedge of cheese
2. some Gardic beer
3. some Farn's Beer
4. some ginger ale
5. a pewter mug
6. a pewter tankard

To inquire further about an item for sale, type "order [#]".

buy 2
You ask Dianysia for the details on some Gardic beer.

A strong beer with a thick foamy head, brewed primarily using hops and Gardic wheat. Unique to the town of Shadgard.

(Since you don't have a drink container in your hand, you will receive only 1 tick of the drink and will consume it automatically)

Cost: 3 riln.
If you want to buy it now, type "order confirm".

buy confirm
You confirm your order with Dianysia and pay the 3 riln it costs.
Dianysia pours you a shot of Gardic beer, which you quickly pick up and throw back.
The beer burns your throat as it goes down and warms your belly.
You place the empty shot glass on the bar.

buy 5
You ask Dianysia for the details on a pewter mug.

A mug with a large handle on one side. Holds up to 8 ticks of liquid.

Cost: 20 riln.
If you want to buy it now, type "order confirm".

buy confirm
You confirm your order with Dianysia and pay the 20 riln it costs.
You receive your mug.

l mug
The mug has a large handle on one side and a small number 8 etched into the bottom.
It is empty.

buy 3
You ask Dianysia for the details on some Farn's Beer.

A soft drink with a thick foamy head, brewed primarily using sassafrass root along with various other roots, herbs, and tree barks. Recipe discovered and popularized by a bantam named Farn.

(Your pewter mug holds 8 ticks of liquid, and the price has been adjusted accordingly.)

Cost: 8 riln.
If you want to buy it now, type "order confirm".

buy confirm
You confirm your order with Dianysia and pay the 8 riln it costs.
Dianysia fills your pewter mug with Farn's Beer.

l mug
The mug has a large handle on one side and a small number 8 etched into the bottom.
It has some dark brown foamy liquid in it.

drink mug
You take a drink from your pewter mug.
There is a hint of wintergreen flavoring on top of the trademark sassafrass taste.

Your hunger is fully satisfied.

put mug in sat
You don't want to spill the contents of the mug all over the inside of the satchel!

There will also be close-able drink containers for stashing drinks and carrying them around with you, such as flasks and canteens.

I could use some help coming up with strong drinks and flavor messaging for when you drink them, as I'm not a drinker myself.

Drinking satisfies hunger by a slight amount, causes you to become drunk depending on the strength of the drink, and raises your 'Drinking' skill as long as it's not a soft drink. Any ideas as to what drunkenness should effect aside from perception, slurred speech and doing random silly things like in Gemstone?

The 'Drinking' skill causes you to be able to imbibe more strong drinks before feeling the effects of drunkenness. There will be an option to lower or turn off your resistance to drunkenness for any who want to roleplay a person who becomes drunk easily. There's no way to tell what your drinking skill is, which should make drinking contests more interesting (rather than knowing you'll probably win because your number is higher than your opponent's number, for instance).

12-11-2009, 09:01 PM
I'd like some opinions on an idea I'm tossing around: Wilderness.

Aside from main areas like roads, paths and areas of particular interest, there will be "wilderness" rooms. These areas will have shorter, more vague descriptions and fewer (if any) props and such. It always bothered me to be wandering down a path along the plains in Gemstone, but be unable to travel anywhere but the path itself.

The wilderness areas will be assumed to be covering a larger area than the main paths and town areas, and so will take roundtime to travel through, as well as causing some fatigue and hunger. Mounts will come in handy here, reducing wildereness travel time and fatigue.

Many of these wilderness rooms will be empty and uninteresting, but there will occasionally be something for intrepid explorers to discover out in the boonies, off the beaten paths. There will also be wildlife critters roaming around the wilderness for outdoorsy folks to hunt for food, skins and so on, and some of these critter will pose a threat (a hungry pack of wolves, for instance).

12-12-2009, 09:18 PM
I share your frustration with the rail feeling of GS paths, and strongly endorse the wilderness idea.

That said, exploring is very tedious business in an open environment. Without some form of radar or other sensing equipment (which would probably defeat the purpose, if I have it right?), I think most of the goodies you secret away will remain secreted away forever.

12-12-2009, 11:04 PM
Some of the 'goodies' will remain out there for people to just chance upon, as rewards for people who enjoy exploring.

If something has remained hidden for a long time that I particularly want to be found, I'll slip in little clues here and there to generate interest in the area and help point people in the right direction. Rumors by NPCs, treasure maps dropped by critters or sold by wandering merchants - that type of thing.

Also, some will be no more hidden than simply being off the beaten path. You'll know when you happen upon some particularly interesting/explorable areas because the room descriptions will suddenly be longer and more descriptive than the typical vague wilderness room descriptions. On the other hand, I'll probably also hide some things out in the middle of nowhere in the vague wilderness areas, just to see if anyone finds them. They'd require active searches, foraging, digging, or something like that.

12-17-2009, 07:36 PM
So uh. Whats up with this thing?

12-18-2009, 04:51 AM
Been a low priority for the past month or so, due to the holidays. Been doing a lot of traveling and have also been receiving visitors, along with the usual holiday bustle.

I've been scribbling notes down, mainly on world lore, which I hope to cobble into a public rough draft soon. I can't seem to settle on a continent design (I can't count how many maps I've drawn at this point), and while I've been working on the wilderness system, it presents the problem of boundaries. The playable area will probably end up on a small island continent so I can use ocean as a natural boundary on all sides. I'm designing the basic wilderness map first to cover the entire continent, and after that's done I can work on the non-wilderness highly-explorable areas. I can add new areas into existing wilderness regions over time, which will be nice, and if the continent ever gets too crowded I'll set up a route by ship, air or portal to another continent.

There will be wilderness travel between most explorable areas. Because of this, mounts are high on my priority list, as I'm sure folks will want to cut down on travel time and fatigue. General travel mounts won't be terribly difficult to obtain, but will require maintenance (feeding, stabling and so forth). There will be other, rarer mount types that -are- difficult to obtain, such as the more combat-effective mounts, or mounts that can enter mount-unfriendly areas, can climb and swim well, and so on.

12-20-2009, 08:08 PM
I've set up a forum (http://bbs.contrarium.net/)of my own for work on this project. If anyone wants to help with the development or sign on as a GM, send me a PM.

I'll likely post here on the Corner every now and then with updates when particularly big or interesting things are implemented.

12-20-2009, 08:24 PM

12-20-2009, 08:57 PM

04-07-2010, 09:11 PM
Where u at?

04-07-2010, 10:39 PM
You missed me by just a few minutes earlier today. I've been working mostly on GMs being able to use in-game commands to do things so nobody has to edit raw code and learn a new programming language to participate for most things.

Also finally got weapons working on templates so that if a weapon type needs tweaking, I just tweak the template and it effects all instances already in the game. Unfortunately, weapons before this upgrade will need to be upgraded by a GM, but there are only a handful of those out there anyway.

I also got some basic wilderness mechanics working and have started on a hunting ground. Going slowly but surely. I've got one other GM helping me every now and then now that GMs can work with in-game commands, but she's often busy with school and other priorities.

04-07-2010, 10:46 PM
Oh... I'm still a Rotting Flesh Golem, btw.

05-13-2010, 01:55 PM
In case anyone ever dreams about combining elements into unique spells around here:

While most spells in the game are going to be part of a specific set or list of spells, the Elemental sphere of magic is going to be sort of the "scholar's/experimenter's magic," in that anyone can pick it up regardless of guild affiliation or whatever, and instead of having a list of 20-odd spells accessed by prep 101, prep 102, etc., you prepare spells by preparing and mixing elements. You then take what you've prepared and focus it into what type of spell you want (a missile attack spell, an item enchantment spell, a buff spell, maybe some other things like conjuring an item made of the prepared elements).

There are 5 basic schools of elemental practice:

Pyromancy (Fire)
Aquamancy (Water)
Aeromancy (Air)
Terramancy (Earth)
Cryomancy (Cold)

With more skill in the required -mancy schools and a separate elemental-mixing skill, you can mix up to 3 basic elements to get different effects. For instance, prep pyromancy and aquamancy to get steam, or pyromancy twice and terramancy once to get lava, or pyromancy, terramancy and cryomancy to get obsidian. You could then bolt an enemy with a jet of steam, a glob of lava or a spear of obsidian, respectively.

Anyhow, the whole point of this post is that I'm having trouble coming up with results for some of the possible combinations. I'll post what I've got so far, and would appreciate any suggestions. Right now I'm just working on bolt ideas, and if I'm not too overwhelmed by the concept I'll then move on to enchantments and buffs.

Pyro = Firebolt (fire damage)
Pyro Pyro = Firebolt II
Pyro Aqua = Steam (heat damage)
Pyro Aero = Heat bolt? (heat damage)
Pyro Terra = Fireball (fire damage, possible splash damage to up to 2 other hostiles)
Pyro Cryo
Pyro Pyro Pyro = Firebolt III
Pyro Pyro Aqua = Steam II (multiple damage cycles)
Pyro Pyro Aero = Scorching Ray (fire damage, multiple damage cycles)
Pyro Pyro Terra = Lava Bolt (fire damage, damage over time)
Pyro Pyro Cryo
Pyro Aqua Aqua = Boiling Jet (heat damage, multiple damage cycles)
Pyro Aqua Aero
Pyro Aqua Terra
Pyro Aqua Cryo
Pyro Aero Aero
Pyro Aero Terra = Ash Lightning (electric damage, chance to arc to other hostiles)
Pyro Aero Cryo = Lightning (electric damage, chance to arc to other hostiles)
Pyro Terra Terra = Molten Boulder (initial crush damage followed by fire damage, knockdown)
Pyro Terra Cryo = Obsidian Spear (high pierce damage)
Pyro Cryo Cryo

Aqua = Water Jet (very low crush damage, knockdown, drench)
Aqua Aqua = Water Jet II
Aqua Aero
Aqua Terra = Mud (very low crush damage, chance to blind/slip/slow?)
Aqua Cryo = Ice Spear (pierce damage)
Aqua Aqua Aqua = Water Jet III
Aqua Aqua Aero
Aqua Aqua Terra = Acid (acid damage, possible splash damage to nearby hostiles)
Aqua Aqua Cryo = Freezing Water (cold damage, knockdown, drench, possible splash drench, chance to numb/freeze where it hits?)
Aqua Aero Aero
Aqua Aero Terra
Aqua Aero Cryo = Lightning (electric damage, chance to arc to other hostiles)
Aqua Terra Terra
Aqua Terra Cryo = Freezing Mud? (low crush damage, slow target actions, chance to freeze?)
Aqua Cryo Cryo = Ice Block (crush damage, knockdown, stun)

Aero = Airbolt (very low crush damage, knockdown)
Aero Aero = Airbolt II
Aero Terra
Aero Cryo
Aero Aero Aero
Aero Aero Terra = Sandstorm (very low pierce damage per strike, multiple damage cycles, knockdown, chance to blind)
Aero Aero Cryo = Ice Shards (pierce damage, multiple damage cycles)
Aero Terra Terra
Aero Terra Cryo
Aero Cryo Cryo = Hail (crush damage, multiple damage cycles)

Terra = Boulder (crush damage, knockdown)
Terra Terra = Boulder II
Terra Cryo
Terra Terra Terra = Boulder III
Terra Terra Cryo = Crystal Spear? (high pierce damage)
Terra Cryo Cryo

Cryo = Cold Bolt (cold damage, freeze)
Cryo Cryo = Cold Bolt II
Cryo Cryo Cryo = Cold Bolt III

If some of the combinations prove too unreasonable, I suppose I could just have them result in a dud, but I'd like as many combinations as creatively possible. Also, all spells are not created equal, some may be more useful or effective than others.

05-13-2010, 02:13 PM
How is your population going these days? Still getting people regularly logging in?

05-13-2010, 02:21 PM
Just a few regulars (mostly GMs), since I'm not trying to convince anyone to play while there's still a unfinished mechanics and content is low. And of course, the bugs. Though I do appreciate new people coming in and playing around a bit, since they tend to discover the bugs for old systems I've forgotten to update.

We've got a heck of a lot of lore, though. I should write up some player-friendly spoiler-free documents.

05-13-2010, 02:26 PM
I'm glad things are still progressing. Quite a cool project.

05-24-2010, 09:30 PM

so just started reading this topic and was trying to look into the game but having problems with site being slower than a 14k dialup connection will book mark it and try later but just letting you know its having problems so you can check on your end


05-25-2010, 10:34 PM
Yeah, there was a slight problem after we moved the server, but it should be resolved now.

05-31-2010, 12:28 AM
I had no idea you were so busy, my friend! Does Levi know about this? I may have to check it out.

05-31-2010, 11:08 AM
He does. He's one of the legion of &quot;hey, I'd love to help out with that&quot; and-then-disappear people.

For anyone who wants to keep up on how things are going, keep an eye on the Announcements thread (http://bbs.contrarium.net/viewforum.php?id=9).

01-08-2011, 08:06 PM
I've been working lately on guilds, and could use some suggestions for guild ideas and ideas for said guilds' abilities. I could also use some area designers (even just area concepts, if you're not keen on writing a bunch of room descriptions), or just general idea-bouncers. If anyone is interested, drop me a line. I've only got one other GM at the moment working with me, but I'd be thrilled to have a little team going.

01-09-2011, 08:41 AM
i can help.. would do room descriptions/ abilities / creature design


some of my work is here

01-09-2011, 10:01 AM
I want an Elf profession.

You want something done... 01-09-2011 09:29 AM dumb

I'm sorry you're too uneducated to get a joke about classic D&D anonymous neg repper. At least they recently re-released a box set so you might eventually grasp it.

On Topic:

I'll see if I can dig up any old areas, Farn. Is there a particular theme you're looking for?

01-09-2011, 11:09 AM
Someone spammed the thread with neg rep saying the same thing.

01-09-2011, 01:17 PM
For areas, I could use pretty much anything that would fit in with a generic fantasy world. I'm trying to add more content so players have a bit more to do and explore. There aren't any radically different races (all are human sub-races), so nothing like trolls, kobolds or what have you. There's plenty of room for interesting animal creatures like fire salamanders and that, though.

As for particulars, I need some swamps, some ruins of towns/castles/fortresses wiped out by a plague (so no real war damage), a robber's camp (that would move around to different forest locations, so the area descriptions could remain the same - generic foresty), and some fire salamander caverns. Other stuff is great too.

01-09-2011, 01:38 PM
For areas, I could use pretty much anything that would fit in with a generic fantasy world. I'm trying to add more content so players have a bit more to do and explore. There aren't any radically different races (all are human sub-races), so nothing like trolls, kobolds or what have you. There's plenty of room for interesting animal creatures like fire salamanders and that, though.

As for particulars, I need some swamps, some ruins of towns/castles/fortresses wiped out by a plague (so no real war damage), a robber's camp (that would move around to different forest locations, so the area descriptions could remain the same - generic foresty), and some fire salamander caverns. Other stuff is great too.

I'll see what I can dig up. I won't make extravagant promises. Most of my stuff is from a mishmashed anachronistic world.

01-09-2011, 01:42 PM
No worries. I appreciate it. I can use areas beyond those as well, and I can work on adapting things to fit, if you don't mind your areas being altered a bit.

Jace Solo
01-09-2011, 01:56 PM
So this is still kicking?
I might have to get into it and check it out. What do I need program wise? Is there anything like Lich going on with it? Quick movement, spell up scripts, stuff like that?

Interested, just not enough to read the backlog of 30 plus pages...yet....

01-09-2011, 02:11 PM
You don't need any programs to play. You can play from your browser, though the UI is minimal. Check out http://clok.game-host.org/play/ to see a list of different game clients you can use. One of these days I'll learn to design a custom UI for the game with bells and whistles, but I want the game to be further along first.

Nothing like Lich. The game's not far enough along to warrant it, honestly. Some of the different clients listed on the Play page offer interfaces for things like macros and scripts, though I haven't fiddled with them myself.

Development has been slow since I've just been working on it in my spare time as a hobby, but I want it to really get moving now, hence my attempt at GM recruitment. There's enough to hop in and get a feel for the game, and a few hunting areas, but I'm not quite ready to start telling masses of players to come in. Still some more development to be done for there to be enough to keep long-term player interest. Guilds need to be finished and more areas need to be completed.

01-09-2011, 05:50 PM
I remember when it was only scarecrows, great job, and nice stick-to-it-ness

01-09-2011, 08:35 PM
Have a way to recover passwords?

01-10-2011, 05:49 AM
Hmmm, not yet. PM me your character name and I'll reset the password. Then you can log in and change it. I'll set up email registration for password recovery purposes.

01-12-2011, 06:15 PM
im playing this, made a sledgehammer wielder. i was hunting for stuff to pawn at 3 riln per, got bored due to lag, rolled up a character or 2 to get the free startup money.. then an obsidian spear attacked me out of nowhere and killed me.. my bank acc was cleared.. so now im dead in the water lol.

01-12-2011, 06:29 PM
Yeah, cheating is sort of frowned upon, even if it's due to boredom. Players no longer start with money; instead they start with un-pawnable gear.

01-14-2011, 11:22 AM
im doing good in this now, i haul a handcart out with me hunting, and i load it up with tons more weapons than a regular backpack can hold.. with a hunting partner you can clear 70 riln per hunt pretty easy

01-15-2011, 08:09 AM
had an awesome night last night.. my melee attack has cleared 200. WATCH OUT RUMMY, IT'S ON!!!!!!!!

01-15-2011, 09:50 AM
This thread always reminds me of Boiler by Limp Bizkit.

01-15-2011, 10:17 AM
Megadeth - the scorpion!!!

01-24-2011, 11:29 AM
havent played this in a while. lack of good hunting. scarecrows too easy, bandit area too hard. hoping to get some time to get going again soon.

cant seem to get my ruby scripts to work in MUSHclient either.

01-26-2011, 12:58 PM
havent played this in a while. lack of good hunting. scarecrows too easy, bandit area too hard. hoping to get some time to get going again soon.

cant seem to get my ruby scripts to work in MUSHclient either.

I hope you're trolling. I'm unaware of mushclient being compatible with ruby, other than custom made plugins.

If you're talking about using lich scripts in mushclient.. /facepalm.

01-27-2011, 01:18 AM
when u go to scripts menu in mushclient, ruby is listed

04-06-2011, 10:02 AM
One of my GMs bailed, so if anyone wants in, send me a PM.

Time demands are 9:00 PM (Mountain) meetings every other Sunday that usually go about an hour, and however much time you can work in in-between, as long as you get some stuff done.

Requirements are enthusiasm and creativity to help develop the game mechanics and world as well as an eye for bugs and the ability to clearly and concisely report them (the GM I lost was our main bugfinder/reporter, though nobody's going to be pigeonholed into a single role).

No coding necessary - I can code up anything fairly easily myself, I just need to be presented with a thought-out concept. There are in-game commands to create items, critters, rooms and so forth. If someone has an aptitude for code (the game's written in Python) and wants to try their hand at some coding (or tear mine apart and tell me how much better and more efficient it could be), I'm open to that as well once a relationship of trust has been established.

Lastly, here's the scary GM agreement you must agree to:

By becoming a GM, you agree that any of your work may be altered at any time by other GMs (though generally not without your permission while you remain on the team) and that any of your work will be maintained by the game even upon your departure. There is no claim to exlusive rights to any of your work, so you are free to use it in other projects or however else you'd like.

04-06-2011, 10:14 AM
And just because I thought this was a neat spell and wanted to share it:

You are holding an ash longbow in your right hand.

exam long
You carefully examine an ash longbow...
It is a huge item.
It is mainly made of ash.
It can be worn over one shoulder.
It could be wielded as an improvised weapon in melee combat.
It requires two hands to wield in combat.
It can be used to fire arrows, its effectiveness dependent on your Archery skill.
It seems to have a heavy draw.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

cast 701
You run your hand over the length of your ash longbow, causing the wood to straighten and thicken, the bowstring becoming enveloped inside the shifting wood. When you are finished, you are holding a thick, round staff, its length a bit shorter than the original bow stave.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You are holding an ash staff in your right hand.

exam staff
You carefully examine an ash staff...
It is a huge item.
It is mainly made of ash.
It could be wielded in melee combat, its effectiveness dependent on your Staves skill.
It feels extremely well-balanced, and you figure you could get up to 4 strikes per attack with it.
It requires two hands to wield in combat.
It would give you an extreme advantage at parrying incoming blows.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

cast 701
You run your hand over the length of your ash staff, causing the wood to narrow and curve, a bowstring emerging from somewhere inside the shifting wood. When you are finished, you are holding an ash longbow, its length a bit longer than the staff it started out as.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

You are holding an ash longbow in your right hand.

04-06-2011, 10:17 AM
You run your hand over the length of your ash longbow, causing the wood to straighten and thicken...

so you had Freud coding for you then?

04-06-2011, 10:32 AM
Hah. I didn't even think about that. Now the question is whether to leave it like that and let people snicker, or change "wood" to "stave."

04-06-2011, 10:35 AM
I vote leave it like that.

04-06-2011, 11:06 AM
If you changed every line of the game that made Wayne immediately think of penis there would simply be no text left.

04-06-2011, 11:23 AM
Son of a...

But he's probably right, my mind pretty much lives in the gutter.

04-06-2011, 11:33 AM
Son of a...

But he's probably right, my mind pretty much lives in the gutter.

That's from having to read all of our posts.

05-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Edit: The site and game now reside at http://clok.contrarium.net. Previous temporary addresses should still work, pointing to the current address.

05-04-2011, 10:27 PM
Incidentally, if anyone can recommend any good domain registrars (don't need hosting), please do.

05-04-2011, 10:44 PM
namecheap or godaddy come to mind

06-16-2011, 08:28 PM

Oravia offers you a mug of Farn's root beer. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Oravia says, "Priceless."

>order 12
You ask about the price of a mug of Farn's root beer.

You suggest a price to Gilver, and a pained look crosses his face. He exclaims, "What curse has been laid upon me that you should offer such a low price?! I could not part with that for less than 250 silvers."

Gilver says, "Since you're a citizen of this town, I'll drop the price to 225."

You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.

You accept Oravia's offer and are now holding a mug of Farn's root beer.

You stare at nothing in particular.

You say, "...He'll be back for this."

Oravia exclaims, "He has to be!"

You take a drink from your Farn's root beer. The sharp bite of sassafrass root darts through the tingling prickle of a hundred tiny bubbles bursting on your tongue, giving way to the faint tastes of orris and ginger.
You have 4 quaffs left.

Oravia exclaims, "It even tastes good!"

You take a drink from your Farn's root beer. Wintergreen's sweetly refreshing flavor dances around the hints of pine and ginger flavoring the Farn's root beer, which has a rich bite of sassafras.


Just thought you should know, BROSIF. You've become immortalized, in Root Beer Form, in the game you are trying to outdo.

06-17-2011, 06:45 PM
That was a sneaky way for you all to get me to reactivate.

Now to write a script that keeps Farn in the tavern, drinking his root beer all day.

Jace Solo
07-15-2011, 06:42 PM
I take it this is still up and running?

07-16-2011, 12:11 AM
It was recently on a small hiatus development-wise due to a new baby, but it's always been up and running. The site (still woefully incomplete) can be found at http://clok.contrarium.net. There's a flash-based web client on the site, or you can connect with your own client on port 4000.

If (when) you discover there's some necessary information or resource that can't be found anywhere, feel free to post about it here or on the site BBS and I'll get on it. Since I've moved the documentation to a wiki rather than doing it all by hand, it's much easier to add and update info on the site.

08-11-2011, 03:07 AM
Had a small influx of new people register and play recently. If you'd like to come in and playtest with other folks around, now's the time to do it.

Also, finally got a permanent domain.


08-11-2011, 03:49 PM
How have I not seen this thread before?

Looking over the forum you have going this looks like it has come a long long way from that first few areas. Very, very neat to see you've kept this up. I'll have to log in and have a look around when I get home.

Hell, you have mining! I'm already a fan! ;)

08-13-2011, 05:18 PM
Thanks IW, players who kill other players repeatedly for no reason and drive away new people will indeed be put in jail and left to stew awhile when unrepentant.

08-13-2011, 06:12 PM
i love getting banned from everything BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

It must suck to have such a small dick.

08-13-2011, 07:46 PM
I almost wrote a post in defense, then remembered who it was making the assessment.

08-13-2011, 07:51 PM
Your disapproval fills me with pride.

08-18-2011, 03:14 AM
Created a character last night. Walked around, tried to forage like your guide said, but I'm not sure I was in the right spot. I tried in the wilds which were the only forests I could find and never could find anything to sell :(

So, I wandered more, and ended up totally lost and running from infested... zombie stuff. THAT made things interesting. I somehow made it back to town after a while, walked around more... and realized it was now after midnight.

Soooo, if you can tell me where I should be foraging so I can make enough to get myself a mining pick, that'd be swell and I'll try again tomorrow.

hehe It looks pretty neat though.

08-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Any forests in the wilderness should work for foraging, except when on the main road. I'll probably put in some messaging when trying to forage on a road to indicate there isn't anything growing there. Some things I need to add to the guide are that you can SURVEY to look for what's available for foraging in the area (doesn't always detect everything there, depends on your foraging skill, but it's easier to detect via SURVEY than it is to actually find something via FORAGE) and that you can just type FORAGE by itself to auto-forage for anything edible in the area without specifying. Also, if you hold a container in one hand while foraging, you'll automatically put anything you find in there and continue auto-foraging.

If you look in the crate in the Commons, you'll often find spare mining picks or logging axes that you can use.

08-18-2011, 02:50 PM
Well, I logged back in today and there was a pickaxe in the crate. There wasn't last night.

But that made things much easier and I was able to get a handcart and whatnot going quick. So that was good and fun.

The cave-ins were a funny surprise and I swear I almost died!

I never did find anything to forage however, even using Survey all I saw were sticks and those didn't increase my foraging skill at all. So, I dunno, never did like foraging anyhow. ;)

08-28-2011, 12:51 AM
I got kicked off tonight for quoting Pulp Fiction: "English motherfucker! Do you speak it?" If you are going to censor peoples speech, you are just creating the same carebear land that people hate about Simutronics.

10-16-2011, 01:40 PM
Apologies, but I haven't seen Pulp Fiction, and it looked to me to be someone acting unnecessarily rude and offensive moments after joining a new community, just after we had had issues with some others harassing players and attempting to "grief", which we don't tolerate. It was my fault for jumping to a conclusion and reacting so heavy-handedly.

11-26-2015, 11:13 PM

This thread gets a gold medal!