View Full Version : Evading creatures
06-14-2009, 08:50 PM
Hi there, I recently returned and have a bard at level 14 atm he is X2 in brawl, I have noticed that like level creatures or even lower evade me all the time. I was doing a bounty with a 17 sorceror for grey orc kills he was plinking them with 702 while I was swinging away. Probem was they were evading at least 50% of the time. So the sorceror starts stunning them first, I was still getting evaded around %25 while they were stunned! I haven't played in along time but I don't remember anything like this, I'm not expecting to kill them in one swing but when I get evaded 4 times in a row and 2 times in a row when stunned it seems a bit much. Anway my question is would training in CM help this or is it just bascially that the mobs are tougher these days? Forest trolls weren't quite as bad but they still evaded quite a bit, I even had a kappa(7 lvls lower) do a X2 evade in a row while stunned. Thanks for any advice, suggestions hep etc...
06-14-2009, 09:11 PM
You're probably just getting really unlucky. Unless this is happening like every single hunt or something... keep in mind critters and characters have three chances to negate your attack, Evade, Block (those with a shield) and parry (those with a weapon in their hand). But it shouldn't be happening 50% of the time.
06-14-2009, 10:37 PM
Maybe it is bad luck (it wouldn't surprise me) next time I will make sure and log it and go back and review it.
06-15-2009, 06:14 AM
With GS especially, the glow of success is short-lived and the frustration of failure persists. This is partially due to the fact that after you achieve success in GS, you're a bit ashamed for being proud of your accomplishments in a text-based roleplaying game.
I spent one night soloing a warcamp with my rogue and razed it (with a starting population of ~250) without dying once. Then the next day I die like 3 times and think "how come I always fucking die in these fucking things?" Sometimes I waste >100 mana trying to cast 516 because I roll <20 7-some times in a row.
When you read a review it's always about how bad something is because that's what sticks out in your mind.
Anyway, as far as I know, EBP is solely based on comparative levels and training of the defender (dodge, shield, weapon, as appropriate). Extra CM ranks won't help.
06-15-2009, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the replies, It could be the stretches of bad luck, but it just seems so often: evade , evade, stunned creature still evades,etc...but then again I'm a glass is half empty kind of person, maybe that has a bit to do with it...
06-15-2009, 10:30 AM
Also, some annoyances in mechanics can not or will not be explained. Blame the d roller, forever.
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