View Full Version : Invasion deaths

06-11-2009, 12:24 AM
Rimalon gestures at a translucent-winged vertiginous horror.
Rimalon hurls a stream of fire at a translucent-winged vertiginous horror!
AS: +520 vs DS: +234 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +91 = +413
... and hits for 179 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.

** As a translucent-winged vertiginous horror's stony hide is hit, its outer rim seems to fold inward upon itself drawing Rimalon along with it! **
... 25 points of damage!
Decompression liquifies what little brain Rimalon had!

* Rimalon drops dead at your feet!

Classic! A++

06-11-2009, 12:29 AM
KERBLAM. I was pwnt many-a-time.


A translucent-winged vertiginous horror gestures mystically.
A wave of crimson ethereal ripples moves outward from a translucent-winged vertiginous horror.

Vivaldi is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone.

You are buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Roundtime changed to 12 seconds.
... 40 points of damage!
Head explodes, splattering sizzling bits of flesh and bone everywhere.
The brilliant aura fades away from you.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
Your sense of faith and conviction wanes.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
You no longer bristle with energy.
You feel less confident than before.
You become solid again.
You feel the surge of magic depart.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
The light blue glow leaves you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
You feel your extra strength departing.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The layer of stone surrounding you crumbles away.
You return to normal color.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The warmth surrounding you fades with the spiritual force that was surrounding your arms.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Abruptly, everything you see and hear comes into better focus. Your personal temporal reality has rejoined the true flow of time.
The powerful look leaves you.
Your boosted confidence and fearlessness fade.
You feel less confident.
You no longer feel so dextrous.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...

Belnia is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin.

* Belnia drops dead at your feet!

Belnia loses a thorny barrier.
Belnia no longer appears to be listening intently.
Belnia becomes solid again.
Belnia seems to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Belnia.
The powerful look leaves Belnia.
The brilliant aura fades away from Belnia.
The deep blue glow leaves Belnia.
Belnia appears less confident.
The bright luminescence fades from around Belnia.
Belnia seems to lose some dexterity.
The white light leaves Belnia.
The very powerful look leaves Belnia.
The air about Belnia stops shimmering.
Belnia returns to normal color.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Belnia suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The dim aura fades from around Belnia.
Belnia appears less powerful.
Belnia no longer looks so weak.
Belnia's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
The light blue glow leaves Belnia.
The faint blue glow fades from around Belnia's hands.
The shimmering aura fades from around Belnia.
Belnia seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Belnia seems a bit less imposing.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Belnia.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Belnia.

Droit is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Neck consumed in flame and charred to a crisp.

* Droit drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Droit's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Droit.
The powerful look leaves Droit.
Droit loses a thorny barrier.
Droit appears less powerful.
Droit seems a bit less imposing.
Droit appears less confident.
The bright luminescence fades from around Droit.
Droit seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The very powerful look leaves Droit.
The white light leaves Droit.
Droit becomes solid again.
Droit returns to normal color.
Droit seems to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Droit.
The faint blue glow fades from around Droit's hands.
The shimmering aura fades from around Droit.
Droit appears somehow different.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Droit suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The misty halo fades from Droit.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Droit.
The deep blue glow leaves Droit.
The air about Droit stops shimmering.
The light blue glow leaves Droit.
Droit seems to lose some dexterity.
The dim aura fades from around Droit.
The brilliant aura fades away from Droit.
Droit's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

* Droit just bit the dust!
* Belnia just bit the dust!
* Rimalon just bit the dust!

Vivaldi says, "Hell."

06-11-2009, 12:33 AM
The Three Musketeers got pwnt. All for one, and deeds for all!

06-11-2009, 01:04 AM
Rimalon feeds a green-eyed white cat a bite of his fresh tuna.

Rimalon feeds a green-eyed white cat the last of his fresh tuna.

The white cat purrs.

You stare at Rimalon.
The white cat lightly bumps Rimalon's leg with her head.
Rimalon runs his hand across the head of a green-eyed white cat and gives her a light scratch; the cat butts his hand in response as if begging for more.
Rimalon cocks his head at you.

You ask, "Are we doing errands for Triss in the middle of an invasion?"

Speaking to you, Rimalon asks, "Problem?"

You shrug.
The white cat meows at you.
The white cat rubs up against you.
The white cat purrs.
Rimalon nods in agreement.
You notice Sovine moving stealthily west.

Speaking to a green-eyed white cat, you say, "Just as long as you splode my head."

You say, "Err...don't."
The white cat twitches her ears, seemingly listening for something.

You say, "DON'T splode my head."
The white cat cleans herself carefully.
The white cat meows at you.
The white cat pads east.


Belnia asks, "To the tower for target practice?"

Rimalon exclaims, "YES!"
Belnia says, "They're all standing around."

You peer west and see ...

[Solhaven, North Market]
The crush of the crowd is almost overwhelming here in the center of the market. Peddlers wheeling small carts push their way through, shouting loudly. Nearby, a group of dwarves argue heatedly with a local merchant. Cracks splinter many of the cobblestones of the square. You also see a spotted timber hyena, a sleek pale golden wildcat, a troublesome sun spirit that is flying around, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, the Baelog disk, a touchy desert spirit that is flying around, a squalid canvas pavilion, an old barrel, the Belts booth, the Small Blades stand, the Muffinsmith's stall with a wax-stamped parchment on it and a wooden bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Sovine, Kilthal, Currin, Raelee, Meureii, Guarrin, High Lord Baelog, Bristenn, Kippe, Alifair, Lady Kateerina, Protector Misun, Calean, Tunder, Lord Rypikris, Protector Aydan, Vryke
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west
Belnia's group just went south.
[Solhaven, North Market SE]
Sooty smoke belches from a chimney precariously perched atop a stone building. An old man leans against the outer wall, slowly sharpening his blade with a coarse whetstone. An engraved imflass sign hangs from a metal bar mounted above the entrance. You also see some ambrominas leaf and a copper-roofed ironwood tower.
Also here: Vivaldi, Rimalon, Belnia
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, west, northwest
Rimalon exclaims, "YES!"
Belnia scrambles up a large ladder on the tower's side.
Rimalon scrambles up a large ladder on the tower's side.
Motes of blinding blue light gather together nearby, growing brighter as they coalesce. A soundless explosion tears through the area as the glow dims to reveal a shambling form wreathed in writhing tentacles.
A writhing unstable wave ascendant arrives, striding forth with his robes trailing behind him.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a writhing unstable wave ascendant.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a writhing unstable wave ascendant! The ascendant manages to get out of the way!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
A writhing unstable wave ascendant points a single golden nail toward you!
A writhing unstable wave ascendant concentrates intently on you, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward you!
CS: +709 - TD: +431 + CvA: -8 + d100: +58 - +5 == +323
Warding failed!
You shudder with severe convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop your body.
You are crushed for 50 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
The bones in your neck are shattered leaving your head hanging loosely!
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Phoen's Strength (606) ended. [-10AS]
You feel the inner strength leave you.
Spell Lesser Shroud (120) ended. [-20STD, -20DS, -20BoltDS]
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
Spell Spirit Warding II (107) ended. [-15STD, -25BoltDS]
The deep blue glow leaves you.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]
The light blue glow leaves you.
Spell Wall of Thorns (640) ended. [-20DS]
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Spell Cloak of Shadows (712) ended. [-25DS, -20SorcTD]
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
Spell Resist Elements (602) ended. [-15BoltDS]
The air about you stops shimmering.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Self Control (613) ended. [-63PhysDS, -10STD]
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Spell Spirit Guard (Statue) ended.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
Spell Spirit Defense (103) ended. [-10DS]
The powerful look leaves you.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade.
Spell Mobility (618) ended. [-102Dodging]
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-20DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Nature's Touch (625) ended. [-12STD]
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...
The wave ascendant gurgles a raspy cackle of delight!
* Droit just bit the dust!
Vivaldi scrambles up a large ladder on the tower's side.
Irritated, a writhing unstable wave ascendant weaves his head from side to side, hissing softly between his teeth.
An unseen force is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Something grabs you and drags you west.
[Solhaven, North Market South]
A young lad in a tattered tunic sits begging in front of a half-timber store, fending off any that would encroach on his domain with a deadly glare. To the north, the hawking of merchants, arguments of bargainers and shuffle of wares and boots combine to form an almost pleasant din. You also see a drunken sailor, a peglegged cat and an old barrel.
Obvious paths: north, east, west

An unseen force is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Something grabs you and drags you west.
[Solhaven, North Market SW]
Trappers, still dusty from traveling the caravan route, drift into and out of this small shop. A velnalin pelt, stretched across a wooden frame, hangs above the narrow entrance. An old man sits nearby, playing a merry tune on his cornet. You also see a stooped old woman.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
You say, "Faaantastic."

An unseen force is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Something grabs you and drags you west.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Grains of sand pried loose by the wind and rain form a tiny bank along the facade of the Captain's Rest. The building's weathered sandstone walls and salt-flecked slate roof give it the honest appearance of being one of Solhaven's oldest structures. You also see a green striped tent and an old barrel.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southwest

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Grains of sand pried loose by the wind and rain form a tiny bank along the facade of the Captain's Rest. The building's weathered sandstone walls and salt-flecked slate roof give it the honest appearance of being one of Solhaven's oldest structures. You also see a green striped tent and an old barrel.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southwest
An unseen force is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Something grabs you and drags you southwest.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Protector Aydan's group just arrived.

Rypikris raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

Rypikris gestures at you.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 13 minutes and 30 seconds.)
Baelog deeply says, "Uh, Droit..."
Aydan asks, "What got you?"
Currin pokes you to see if you'll move.
A green-eyed white cat pads in.
The white cat begins to carefully observe its surroundings.
The white cat glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Silver-green flickers surround your body.
You are healed.
The white cat glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Currin pokes you in the ribs.
The guiding force leaves Bristenn.
Currin blinks.
Currin flails his arms about.
Baelog blinks at you.

You say, "Ascendant."

Meureii sniffs at you.

The white cat lightly bumps your leg with her head.

Currin exclaims, "I did it!"

The white cat meows at you.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a green-eyed white cat, a spotted timber hyena, a troublesome sun spirit that is flying around, a sleek pale golden wildcat, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, the Baelog disk and a touchy desert spirit that is flying around.
Also here: Kilthal, Currin, Raelee, Meureii, Guarrin, High Lord Baelog, Bristenn, Kippe, Alifair, Lady Kateerina, Protector Misun, Calean, Tunder, Lord Rypikris, Protector Aydan
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest

Currin exclaims, "I brought you back to life!"

Currin lets out a cheer!

Aydan pulls you to your feet.

Speaking deeply to you, Baelog asks, "What...happened?"
Protector Aydan's group just went east.

You blink.

You say, "What in the name of.."

You inspect yourself carefully, making sure you're all right.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a black mouse and a green-eyed white cat.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.

You currently have the following active spells:
Armored Fluidity

Spirit Warding I (101) starts for 50m. [+10STD, +10BoltDS]
A light blue glow surrounds you.
Spirit Defense (103) starts for 1h 15m. [+10DS]
You suddenly feel more powerful.
There is a dim flash around you.
Disease Resist (104) starts for 50m.
You feel a strengthening of your internal fortitude.
There is a dim flash around you.
Poison Resist (105) starts for 50m.
You feel a strengthening of your blood flow.
Spirit Warding II (107) starts for 50m. [+15STD, +25BoltDS]
A deep blue glow surrounds you.
Fasthr's Reward (115) starts for 10m.
A dull golden nimbus surrounds you.
Lesser Shroud (120) starts for 50m. [+20STD, +20DS, +20BoltDS]
You suddenly feel a lot more powerful.
You are surrounded by a white light.
Natural Colors (601) starts for 1h 03m. [+10DS]
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Resist Elements (602) starts for 3h. [+15BoltDS]
The air about you shimmers slightly.
Phoen's Strength (606) starts for 1h 35m. [+10AS]
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Natural Colors (601) stacks to 2h 06m. (+1h 03m)
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Self Control (613) starts for 3h. [+63PhysDS, +10STD]
You feel an aura of natural confidence surrounding you.
Sneaking (617) starts for 58m 20s.
You begin to move with cat-like grace.
Mobility (618) starts for 1h 35m. [+102Dodging]
You suddenly feel much more dextrous.
Wall of Thorns (640) starts for an unknown duration. [+20DS]
You are surrounded by a writhing barrier of sharp thorns.
The white cat stares at a black mouse intently.

You laugh out loud!
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a black mouse and a green-eyed white cat.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest

You bow.

The black mouse moves a bit closer to a green-eyed white cat.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a black mouse and a green-eyed white cat.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest

A green-eyed white cat is engulfed in flames. It and everything it possesses are consumed in the conflagration. All that remains are smoking ashes, which are scattered on a breeze.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a dirty rat and a black mouse.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest

A plaintive meow emanates from the shadows.

You belt out, "TRIIIIISSSSSS!"

06-12-2009, 10:56 PM
Speaking to an algae-robed storm oracle, Silverthorne asks, "How can we help you?"

An algae-robed storm oracle says, "No, there must be more deaths to convince you to flee."

An algae-robed storm oracle just went down.
[Fasthr's Lance, Armory]
Obvious exits: south, up, down

An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.
[Fasthr's Lance, Anteroom]
Obvious exits: up, out

Calean just arrived.

An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.

[Fasthr's Lance, Yard]
Obvious paths: none

>g gate
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
Also here: Protector Misun, Currin, Vilkea, Lady Kateerina, Guarrin
Obvious paths: east, west

[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.

An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you.
CS: +597 - TD: +430 + CvA: -8 + d100: +16 == +175
Warding failed!
You feel a surge of intense energy suddenly tear violently at your body! You feel drained!
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes your right arm to expand and snap. That hurts!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
... 35 points of damage!
Brrrrr! That was a cold blow to the chest!
... 15 points of damage!
Nasty shock to the head. You feel dazed and confused.
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to your right arm breaking tendons and bone!
You are still stunned.

The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!

You feel at full magical power again.
You feel fully energetic again.
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
You also see an algae-robed storm oracle.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes your left arm lightly.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red.
The ground then quickly cools.
You are still stunned.
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
A polished ebon gate dominates the intersection, set into the tall, white marble walls that occupy the intersection's southeast corner. You also see an algae-robed storm oracle.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
You are still stunned.
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to your left arm.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
You fall to the ground.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Feels uncomfortable.
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to left hand. Ouch.
The ground then quickly cools.
>You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
The pleasantly warm sensation fades as your heart beat begins to return to normal.
An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare you!
AS: +530 vs DS: +616 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +74 = +18
A clean miss.
>sigi heal
You are still stunned.
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
You are still stunned.
>sigi heal
You are still stunned.
The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically!
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind then subsides.
sigi heal
You are still stunned.
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
>craw s
You are still stunned.
craw s
The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 7 points of damage!
craw s
Blow grazes your left leg.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left arm burns skin bright red.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
The ground then quickly cools.
You crawl south, your every movement sending waves of pain through you.
[Solhaven, Eastbridge Lane]
Paired temple gates stand on either side of the street, the gate to the east bearing the silver clenched fist of Kai and the gate to the west bearing the silver sword of Ronan. Flanking Eastbridge Lane, the two temples guard the roadway from the bridge and the temples of Lornon south of the canal.
Obvious paths: north, south
Roundtime: 18 sec.
...wait 18 seconds.
You have minor lacerations about the head and a possible mild concussion, minor bruises on your neck, a completely severed right arm, a fractured and bleeding left arm, a fractured and bleeding right leg, a fractured and bleeding left leg, some minor cuts and bruises on your left hand, deep gashes and serious bleeding from your chest, and minor cuts and bruises on your abdominal area.
You have old battle scars on your right leg, and old battle scars on your left leg.

Area Health per Round Tended
Right arm 3 No
Head 1 No
Chest 12 No
Left leg 4 No
Left arm 4 No
Right leg 2 No

Maximum Health Points: 248
Remaining Health Points: 48
You are feeling faint.

Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10

Maximum Stamina Points: 163
Remaining Stamina Points: 163

An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
The ground then quickly cools.

The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
...wait 10 seconds.
sigi heal
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you!
CS: +593 - TD: +441 + CvA: -8 + d100: +84 - +5 == +223
Warding failed!
... 30 points of damage!
Strike to arm spins you like a top. You are stunned.
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
Roundtime: 24 sec.
...wait 32 seconds.
An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare you!
AS: +530 vs DS: +349 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +70 = +281
... and hits for 32 points of damage!
Sprained neck.
Spell Spirit Guard (Statue) ended. [-25DS]
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Bias (508) ended. [-20ETD]
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
Spell Self Control (613) ended. [-63PhysDS, -10STD]
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended.
You become solid again.
Spell Mobility (618) ended. [-102Dodging]
You no longer feel so dextrous.
Spell Wall of Thorns (640) ended. [-20DS]
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]
The light blue glow leaves you.
Spell Spirit Warding II (107) ended. [-15STD, -25BoltDS]
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
Spell Lesser Shroud (120) ended. [-20STD, -20DS, -20BoltDS]
The very powerful look leaves you.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Resist Elements (602) ended. [-15BoltDS]
The air about you stops shimmering.
Spell Nature's Touch (625) ended. [-12STD]
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
Spell Spirit Defense (103) ended. [-10DS]
The powerful look leaves you.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
Spell Phoen's Strength (606) ended. [-10AS]
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Spell Water Walking (112) ended.
The misty halo fades from you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...
The oracle lets out a harsh, contemptuous laugh!
* Droit just bit the dust!

An algae-robed storm oracle says, "I wish to do more violence."

An algae-robed storm oracle points a clawed finger toward you.

You are healed

Lady Lunaryna just arrived.

[Solhaven, East Bridge]
Barges and galleys ply the length of the canal, passing beneath the arch of the East Bridge on their way towards either the seagates below Vornavis or the docks at Baron's Quay. To the north the roofs and spires of the temples of Liabo rise close at hand, while the northern cliffs beyond the Cascade of Tears provide a backdrop to the massed buildings of North 'Haven. In the opposite direction, the tops of the Lornon temples stand in front of the plain of rooftops and warehouses that stretch southward.
Obvious paths: north, south

An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.

You say, "Wuh oh."

Lady Lunaryna just arrived.

You stand back up.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

An algae-robed storm oracle smirks.

You exclaim, "No!"

An algae-robed storm oracle gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at you.
CS: +593 - TD: +325 + CvA: -8 + d100: +20 - +5 == +275
Warding failed!
... 30 points of damage!
Strike to arm spins you like a top. You are stunned.
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
Roundtime: 24 sec.

You are still stunned.

Lunaryna glances at you.

An algae-robed storm oracle says, "Round and round..."

06-13-2009, 01:46 PM
How did you keep getting healed, and I guess someone was controlling the Oracle?

06-13-2009, 01:52 PM
Yah, Auchand. I think the healing is a brilliant tactic on his part, really. It allows him to call in a hit on particular characters (709 CS?!) without leaving them feeling bitter about it. You still have to pull back and respell and such, but the recovery is far less arduous than an actual death.

06-13-2009, 01:55 PM
Unless I was reading it wrong, it seemed like even though your spells dropped you had all your spells again. Unless someone was rapid fire spelling you up.

06-13-2009, 02:02 PM
He gave me a single cast of all the spells I knew. Decent, but not sufficient for an invasion. That's also the first and only time I've seen him do that.

06-17-2009, 11:19 PM
You feel a rumble come from beneath your feet.
Dirt and rock explode from the ground beneath you as a colossal sea wurm erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface!
Rocks and dirt pelt you as you are thrown into the air!
You make a stunning maneuver in the air avoiding the majority of the debris and landing on your feet!

You remove a single wooden arrow from a bundle of wooden arrows.

You are now in an offensive stance.

You nock a wooden arrow in your ruic longbow.
You fire a wooden arrow at a colossal sea wurm!
AS: +459 vs DS: +254 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +44 = +272
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
The scintillating red light surrounding the arrow fades some.
Glancing shot. The wooden arrow flips over, landing behind a colossal sea wurm.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Motes of blinding blue light gather together nearby, growing brighter as they coalesce. A soundless explosion tears through the area as the glow dims to reveal a shambling form wreathed in writhing tentacles.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant arrives, striding forth with his robes trailing behind him.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
You also see a writhing unstable wave ascendant, a wooden arrow and a colossal sea wurm.
Also here: Rimalon
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest

You nock a wooden arrow in your ruic longbow.
You fire a wooden arrow at a colossal sea wurm!
AS: +459 vs DS: +254 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +12 = +240
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Shot knocks the sea wurm's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!
[You have earned 85 prestige points.]
The wurm rolls over and dies.
The scintillating red light surrounding the arrow fades some.
The wooden arrow sticks in a colossal sea wurm's right eye!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant gestures mystically.
A writhing unstable wave ascendant closes his eyes in deep concentration...

CS: +709 - TD: +481 + CvA: +12 + d100: +5 - -5 == +250
Warding failed!
Rimalon's eyes begin to glow purple.

An echo of foreign thought brushes your mind.
CS: +709 - TD: +451 + CvA: -8 + d100: +93 - +5 == +338
Warding failed!
You are overwhelmed with sympathy for a writhing unstable wave ascendant.

A colossal sea wurm blinks a few times.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant opens his eyes, looking less focused.

Rimalon shifts his focus to you...
Rimalon's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Rimalon gestures at you.
Rimalon hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
AS: +588 vs DS: +498 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +51 = +181
... and hits for 43 points of damage!
Heavy spark to right leg. You cringe in surprise.

You shift your focus to Rimalon...
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Rimalon.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Rimalon! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 13 points of damage!
Rimalon's charred leather armor seems to deflect some of the thorns.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
... hits for 26 points of damage!
Rimalon's charred leather armor seems to deflect some of the thorns.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
... hits for 15 points of damage!
Rimalon's charred leather armor seems to deflect some of the thorns.
... 10 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending a writhing unstable wave ascendant.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending a writhing unstable wave ascendant.

You shift your focus to Rimalon...
You already have a different spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to cast another!
You shift your focus to Rimalon...
You already have a different spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to cast another!
Rimalon stands up, readying himself for combat.
Rimalon shifts his focus to you...
Rimalon gestures at you.
Rimalon hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
AS: +568 vs DS: +496 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +75 = +187
... and hits for 43 points of damage!
Heavy spark to left arm. Gonna hurt tomorrow.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending a writhing unstable wave ascendant.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending.

You remain steadfast in your goal of defending.

You shift your focus to Rimalon...
You gesture at Rimalon.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Rimalon! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 29 points of damage!
Rimalon's charred leather armor seems to deflect some of the thorns.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.
... hits for 26 points of damage!
Rimalon's charred leather armor seems to deflect some of the thorns.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.
... hits for 27 points of damage!

* Rimalon drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Rimalon's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The opalescent aura fades from around Rimalon.
The dim aura fades from around Rimalon.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Rimalon suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The light blue glow leaves Rimalon.
The faint blue glow fades from around Rimalon's hands.
Rimalon seems a bit less imposing.
Rimalon appears somehow different.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Rimalon.
The air calms down around Rimalon.
The brilliant aura fades away from Rimalon.
The deep blue glow leaves Rimalon.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rimalon.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rimalon.
The shimmering aura fades from around Rimalon.
Rimalon becomes solid again.
The air about Rimalon stops shimmering.
Rimalon returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rimalon.
Rimalon appears less confident and fearless.
The powerful look leaves Rimalon.
Rimalon suddenly appears less powerful.
Rimalon's eyes momentarily return to normal before going lifeless.
Rimalon doesn't seem quite the same as he was a moment ago.
Rimalon seems to lose some internal strength.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Rimalon.
Rimalon glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Rimalon seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Rimalon just arrived. Wait, wasn't he here already?
A faint silvery glow fades from around Rimalon.
A luminescent aura fades from around Rimalon.
Rimalon appears less confident.
Rimalon seems hesitant.
Rimalon no longer bristles with energy.
Rimalon seems to lose some dexterity.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Your sympathy toward a writhing unstable wave ascendant overwhelms you as you endure an onslaught of emotions.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
* Rimalon just bit the dust!

...wait 6 seconds.

...wait 5 seconds.

A writhing unstable wave ascendant gestures at you.
A void rips open in the area, directly above you!
You are sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes you to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.

* Droit has been vaporized!

Spell Melgorehn's Aura (913) ended. [-10DS, -20ETD]
A luminescent aura fades from around you.
Spell Cloak of Shadows (712) ended. [-25DS, -20SorcTD]
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Spell Mobility (618) ended. [-102Dodging]
You no longer feel so dextrous.
Spell Poison Resist (105) ended.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
Spell Lesser Shroud (120) ended. [-20STD, -20DS, -20BoltDS]
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
Spell Elemental Bias (508) ended. [-20ETD]
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-20DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Bravery (211) ended. [-15AS]
You feel less confident.
Spell Wall of Thorns (640) ended. [-20DS]
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Spell Rapid Fire (515) ended.
You feel the surge of magic depart.
Spell Nature's Touch (625) ended. [-12STD]
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
Spell Purify Air (207) ended.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
Spell Self Control (613) ended. [-63PhysDS, -10STD]
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Spirit Guard (Statue) ended. [-25DS]
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
Spell Spirit Defense (103) ended. [-10DS]
The powerful look leaves you.
You begin to feel less sympathic.
Spell Phoen's Strength (606) ended. [-10AS]
You feel the inner strength leave you.
Spell Spirit Warding II (107) ended. [-15STD, -25BoltDS]
The deep blue glow leaves you.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Resist Elements (602) ended. [-15BoltDS]
The air about you stops shimmering.
Spell Spirit Shield (202) ended. [-10DS]
The dim aura fades from around you.
Spell Disease Resist (104) ended.
You lose your extra internal fortitude.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]
The light blue glow leaves you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...

Blasted into a thousand pieces your remains speed through a limitless void for several moments before you feel a tugging on your remains by some unseen force. You realize you are falling rapidly when abruptly your remains come to a crashing stop.

[Solhaven, Liabo Plaza]
You also see a terra-cotta bench with some stuff on it and an old barrel.
Obvious paths: north, west

* Droit just bit the dust!

06-17-2009, 11:32 PM
[Solhaven, Miller's Court]
You also see an algae-robed storm oracle.
Also here: Vivaldi, Guarrin, Protector Misun, Damina, Lady Kateerina, Tunder, Lord Paidreg, High Lady Demietria, Raelee, Kilthal, Drakam, Lord Syberus, Lord Falvicar, Calean, Lord Rypikris, Protector Aydan, Meureii, Bristenn
Obvious paths: west
Rimalon followed.
Tunder nocks a wooden arrow in his golden ruic longbow.
Tunder fires a wooden arrow at an algae-robed storm oracle!
AS: +433 vs DS: +38 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +74 = +489
... and hits for 71 points of damage!
The wooden arrow streaks into an algae-robed storm oracle's right arm and out the other side.
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically.
A wave of snapping and crackling ethereal ripples moves outward from an algae-robed storm oracle.
Rimalon is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right hand to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
You are buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
Roundtime changed to 13 seconds.
... 60 points of damage!
Terrifying electrical arc destroys spinal column one vertebra at a time!
Spell Cloak of Shadows (712) ended. [-25DS, -20SorcTD]
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The green and gold energy fades from around you, bringing your awareness of nature to its original state.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Spell Lesser Shroud (120) ended. [-20STD, -20DS, -20BoltDS]
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
Spell Spirit Defense (103) ended. [-10DS]
The powerful look leaves you.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Spirit Warding II (107) ended. [-15STD, -25BoltDS]
The deep blue glow leaves you.
Deep blue motes swirl away from you and fade.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Self Control (613) ended. [-63PhysDS, -10STD]
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Spell Nature's Touch (625) ended. [-12STD]
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
Spell Purify Air (207) ended.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade.
Spell Wall of Thorns (640) ended. [-20DS]
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
Spell Mobility (618) ended. [-102Dodging]
You no longer feel so dextrous.
Spell Phoen's Strength (606) ended. [-10AS]
You feel the inner strength leave you.
Spell Resist Elements (602) ended. [-15BoltDS]
The air about you stops shimmering.
Spell Bravery (211) ended. [-15AS]
You feel less confident.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-20DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]
The light blue glow leaves you.
Spell Spirit Shield (202) ended. [-10DS]
The dim aura fades from around you.
Spell Disease Resist (104) ended.
You lose your extra internal fortitude.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Spell Spirit Guard (Statue) ended. [-25DS]
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
Spell Poison Resist (105) ended.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...
Vivaldi is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses right arm at elbow.
He is stunned!
Guarrin is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Terrifying electrical arc destroys spinal column one vertebra at a time!

* Guarrin drops dead at your feet!

The deep blue glow leaves Guarrin.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Guarrin and fade.
Guarrin seems to lose some dexterity.
The shimmering aura fades from around Guarrin.
Guarrin seems hesitant.
The faint blue glow fades from around Guarrin's hands.
Guarrin seems slightly different.
Guarrin seems a bit less imposing.
Guarrin becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The light blue glow leaves Guarrin.
Guarrin appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Guarrin.
Guarrin begins to breathe less deeply.
The bright luminescence fades from around Guarrin.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Guarrin suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Guarrin becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Guarrin.
Guarrin returns to normal color.
Guarrin's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The dim aura fades from around Guarrin.
Guarrin appears less confident.
The powerful look leaves Guarrin.
Guarrin appears to lose some internal strength.
Misun is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive electrical shock to back. Won't be bending over for awhile.
She is stunned!
Damina is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 55 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left arm into another universe. Happy traveling.
She is stunned!
Kateerina is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 55 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Kateerina to a smoldering pile of ash!

* Kateerina drops dead at your feet!

The light blue glow leaves Kateerina.
Kateerina appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
The deep blue glow leaves Kateerina.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Kateerina and fade.
Kateerina seems to lose some dexterity.
Kateerina's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Kateerina returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kateerina.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kateerina.
Kateerina seems hesitant.
The dim aura fades from around Kateerina.
Kateerina seems slightly different.

* Kateerina was just vaporized!

Tunder is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left leg into another universe. Happy traveling.
He is stunned!
Paidreg is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 55 points of damage!
Surprisingly large electrical arc destroys neck and moves up around head making a flashy halo. Rather classical death occurs.

* Paidreg drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Paidreg.
Paidreg appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The deep blue glow leaves Paidreg.
Paidreg's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Paidreg returns to normal color.
Paidreg seems slightly different.
Paidreg seems hesitant.
The light blue glow leaves Paidreg.
Paidreg becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Paidreg appears to lose some internal strength.
The powerful look leaves Paidreg.
The white light leaves Paidreg.
The very powerful look leaves Paidreg.
The guiding force leaves Paidreg.
Demietria is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Horrifying bolt of electricity turns chest into a smoking pulp of flesh. No life left there.

* Demietria drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Demietria.
Demietria seems slightly different.
The air calms down around Demietria.
The very powerful look leaves Demietria.
The white light leaves Demietria.
Demietria seems hesitant.
The bright luminescence fades from around Demietria.
The wall of force disappears from around Demietria.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Demietria.
Demietria's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Demietria.
The light blue glow leaves Demietria.
The deep blue glow leaves Demietria.
Demietria returns to normal color.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Demietria's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Demietria appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
Demietria glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The powerful look leaves Demietria.
Raelee is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Raelee to a smoldering pile of ash!

* Raelee drops dead at your feet!

Raelee seems slightly different.
Raelee glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The powerful look leaves Raelee.
Raelee appears less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Raelee.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Raelee.
The bright luminescence fades from around Raelee.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Raelee.
Raelee returns to normal color.
Raelee no longer bristles with energy.
Raelee appears somehow different.
Raelee seems hesitant.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Raelee suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Raelee becomes solid again.
The deep blue glow leaves Raelee.
Raelee appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Raelee.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Raelee.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Raelee.
Raelee just arrived. Wait, wasn't she here already?
Raelee seems a bit less imposing.
Raelee's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
The air calms down around Raelee.

* Raelee was just vaporized!

Kilthal is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Some swirling ethereal armor partially deflects the onslaught of the shocking attack.
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock to left leg. Gonna limp for awhile.
He is stunned!
Drakam is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Some vultite drake-linked mail partially deflects the onslaught of the shocking attack.
... 15 points of damage!
Arcing strand of electricity jolts across Drakam's back. Pretty.
He is stunned!
Syberus is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
Falvicar is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 57 points of damage!
Terrifying electrical arc destroys spinal column one vertebra at a time!

* Falvicar drops dead at your feet!

The opalescent aura fades from around Falvicar.
The deep blue glow leaves Falvicar.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Falvicar and fade.
The air calms down around Falvicar.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Falvicar.
Falvicar appears to lose some internal strength.
Falvicar appears less confident.
The brilliant aura fades away from Falvicar.
The very powerful look leaves Falvicar.
The white light leaves Falvicar.
The misty halo fades from Falvicar.
The dim aura fades from around Falvicar.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Falvicar.
Falvicar becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The bright luminescence fades from around Falvicar.
A subtle light fades from Falvicar's eyes.
Falvicar returns to normal color.
A white glow rushes away from Falvicar.
The powerful look leaves Falvicar.
Falvicar's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Falvicar begins to breathe less deeply.
Falvicar seems slightly different.
Falvicar seems hesitant.
The light blue glow leaves Falvicar.
The guiding force leaves Falvicar.
Falvicar appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
Calean is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 28 points of damage!
Explosive bolt of electricity vaporized neck. Head drops to shoulders then on ground. Never knew what hit 'em.

* Calean drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Calean.
Calean seems slightly different.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Calean suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The air calms down around Calean.
The powerful look leaves Calean.
Calean seems to lose some dexterity.
The deep blue glow leaves Calean.
Calean becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The bright luminescence fades from around Calean.
The very powerful look leaves Calean.
The white light leaves Calean.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Calean.
Calean seems hesitant.
Calean glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Calean.
Calean begins to breathe less deeply.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Calean.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Calean.
The dim aura fades from around Calean.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Calean's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Calean returns to normal color.
The misty halo fades from Calean.
Calean appears to lose some internal strength.
Rypikris is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 55 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Rypikris to a smoldering pile of ash!

* Rypikris drops dead at your feet!

The very powerful look leaves Rypikris.
The white light leaves Rypikris.
Rypikris seems hesitant.
Rypikris seems slightly different.
A subtle light fades from Rypikris's eyes.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Rypikris suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The deep blue glow leaves Rypikris.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Rypikris and fade.
The brilliant aura fades away from Rypikris.
Rypikris appears less confident.
The dim aura fades from around Rypikris.
The powerful look leaves Rypikris.
The light blue glow leaves Rypikris.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rypikris.
Rypikris seems a bit less imposing.
Rypikris returns to normal color.
Rypikris becomes solid again.
Rypikris looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
A white glow rushes away from Rypikris.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rypikris.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rypikris.
Rypikris seems to lose some dexterity.

* Rypikris was just vaporized!

Aydan is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Some silvery blue steel plate partially deflects the onslaught of the shocking attack.
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
Meureii is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
Bristenn is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses left hand at wrist.
He is stunned!
> * Rypikris just bit the dust!
* Calean just bit the dust!
* Falvicar just bit the dust!
* Raelee just bit the dust!
* Demietria just bit the dust!
* Paidreg just bit the dust!
* Kateerina just bit the dust!
* Guarrin just bit the dust!
* Droit just bit the dust!

08-01-2009, 11:37 PM
SUPER LONG log of our assault on the Provost's manor in Solhaven tonight. Long and haphazardly edited, so reader beware.


Kilthal softly says, "Here we go."

>You tap a wiregrass anklet that you are wearing.
1d100: 79 + Modifiers: 180 == 259

Calculating duration based on: Tap
Haste (506) starts for 1m.
You begin to notice the world slow down around you. Strange.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

[Solhaven, Punkt Court]
The silhouette of Vornavis's western wall looms to the east, casting much of the cultivated court in its shadow. As if seeking to rival the wall's height, the townhouses bordering its stone bulk are all at least three stories tall. Hoarding the sole patch of moonlight in the yard is a small but tidy manor house with a silver-inlaid pale mistwood door, its sloping roof wrought of diamond-shaped verdigris bronze shingles. You also see an edgy forest spirit that is flying around, a sleek sable wildcat and the Siwas disk.
Also here: Yukito, Nilandia, Metadi, Calean, Siwas, Godefroy, Silverthorne, Alifair, Vilkea, Lady Eiadh, Kilthal
Obvious paths: west

[Venquinor House, Entry Hall]
Dulcet-hued honey oak frames the tidy, riverstone-tiled antechamber, lent depth by the roseate luminescence filtering in through the panes of some stained glass windows framing the front door's silver-inlaid bulk. The ceiling rises into a gentle dome, the base of which is encircled by a pattern of downy, snow-colored feathers against a verdant backdrop. You also see a writhing green-robed initiate, an algae-robed storm oracle, a crackling thunder spirit, a towering pillar of dark water, a towering pillar of dark water, a crackling thunder spirit, a scarred sea troll overlord, a towering sea troll warrior, a scarred sea troll overlord, a gnarled sea troll marauder, a crackling thunder spirit, a crackling thunder spirit, a scarred sea troll overlord, a crackling thunder spirit, a crackling thunder spirit, a scarred sea troll overlord, an algae-robed storm oracle, a towering sea troll warrior, an oozing grey-robed monk, a towering sea troll warrior, a towering sea troll warrior, a gnarled sea troll marauder, a cyclopean ocean titan, a cyclopean ocean titan, a towering pillar of dark water, a towering sea troll warrior, a towering sea troll warrior, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a gnarled sea troll marauder, a scarred sea troll overlord and a scarred sea troll overlord.
Also here: Metadi, Calean, Siwas, Godefroy, Silverthorne, Alifair, Vilkea, Lady Eiadh, Nilandia, Yukito, Kilthal
Obvious exits: east, west

>Yukito just went west.

The pillar of dark water closes its eyes and draws in on itself, arms crossed over its aqueous torso. Suddenly its eyes flash open and it hurls a blast of water at Vilkea!

Time slows to a standstill as you watch the watery blast slam into Vilkea's screaming, unmoving form! Her scream is cut short as her shattered body is blasted back into a crumpled heap!
... 35 points of damage!
Chest strike. Vilkea knocked down stunned!
She is stunned!
* Yukito was just disintegrated!

An oozing grey-robed monk points a single golden nail toward Calean!
An oozing grey-robed monk hurls a radiant ball of energy at Calean!
AS: +404 vs DS: +813 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +91 = -276
A clean miss.
An algae-robed storm oracle just arrived.
A crackling thunder spirit claws at Godefroy!
AS: +309 vs DS: +396 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +73 = +17
A clean miss.
The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Godefroy!
Nothing happens.

>Kilthal gestures.
A wave of icy blue ethereal ripples moves outward from Kilthal.
A writhing green-robed initiate is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
A freezing and accurate strike renders the green-robed initiate's left leg a memory!
The green-robed initiate is stunned!
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A towering pillar of dark water is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves.
The pillar of dark water seems to slow down while absorbing the freezing energy!
A towering pillar of dark water is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves.
The pillar of dark water seems to slow down while absorbing the freezing energy!
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Failed to evade blast! Eye and brain splintered beyond recognition.
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Failed to evade blast! Eye and brain splintered beyond recognition.
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
The sea troll overlord drops in its tracks as the bitter cold freezes its lungs solid!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Deadly accuracy shatters the sea troll marauder's spine into a thousand tiny icy shards!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Freezing blast turns facial features a stunning, but very unhealthy shade of blue.
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A crackling thunder spirit floats above the ethereal waves of energy.
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Frigid blast shatters the sea troll warrior's right leg beyond all recognition!
An oozing grey-robed monk is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 35 points of damage!
What was once the grey-robed monk's right leg shatters with the well placed strike!
The grey-robed monk is stunned!
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Deadly accuracy shatters the sea troll warrior's spine into a thousand tiny icy shards!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Frigid blast shatters the sea troll marauder's left leg beyond all recognition!
A towering pillar of dark water is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves.
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Deadly accuracy shatters the sea troll warrior's spine into a thousand tiny icy shards!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
A towering sea troll warrior is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Advanced case of frostbite and shield arm is history!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
An eyeless blue-robed acolyte is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Polar blast decimates the blue-robed acolyte's right hand!
The blue-robed acolyte is stunned!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
The sea troll marauder drops in its tracks as the bitter cold freezes its lungs solid!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
A freezing and accurate strike renders the sea troll overlord's left leg a memory!
A scarred sea troll overlord is buffeted by the icy blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Belly is now a block of ice. So much for breakfast!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!

08-01-2009, 11:38 PM
Yes, this post is a single cast of fury.

You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Nature's Fury spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an oozing grey-robed monk.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +41 == +529
Warding failed!
A severed warrior arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 100 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a writhing green-robed initiate with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +171 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +392
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a writhing green-robed initiate!
... 73 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the green-robed initiate clean through!
A writhing green-robed initiate thrashes one last time and goes still.
A writhing green-robed initiate returns to normal color.
A writhing green-robed initiate seems slightly different.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +45 == +323
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a crackling thunder spirit!
... 59 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
... 60 points of damage!
Tremendous strike!
Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 60 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +33 == +176
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering pillar of dark water!
... 30 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +54 == +197
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a towering pillar of dark water!
... 34 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +226 + CvA: +25 + d100: +71 == +342
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 63 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
... 55 points of damage!
Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the thunder spirit in half!
To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
... 55 points of damage!
Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the thunder spirit in half!
To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
... 60 points of damage!
Surgical strike to the right eye removes the top of the head!
The thunder spirit goes still for a moment while its head reshapes.
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +25 == +380
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 71 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 55 points of damage!
Every bone in the right arm shattered and scattered about!
... 50 points of damage!
Left leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +87 == +442
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 83 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +23 == +387
Warding failed!
inc 635 One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 72 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Impact removes the left hand in a spray of red mist!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +79 == +443
Warding failed!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 83 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! The sea troll marauder blinks once and falls quite dead!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll marauder clean through!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
... 50 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +56 == +334
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a crackling thunder spirit!
... 61 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
... 60 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
... 60 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the right hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
... 70 points of damage!
Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the thunder spirit in half!
To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit seems slightly different.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +82 == +380
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 71 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh.
The thunder spirit convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
... 50 points of damage!
Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the thunder spirit in half!
To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
... 50 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +364
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 67 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Hard strike removes the right eye and a goodly bit of skull!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +58 == +356
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a crackling thunder spirit!
... 66 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
... 55 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
... 55 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 70 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +75 == +353
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 65 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 55 points of damage!
Tremendous strike!
Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
... 70 points of damage!
Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the thunder spirit in half!
To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit seems slightly different.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +18 == +382
Warding failed!
A scarred sea troll overlord is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 71 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll overlord howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Strike to the sea troll overlord's throat removes it!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +2 == +300
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 55 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll warrior howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon an oozing grey-robed monk with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +18 == +130
Warding failed!
An oozing grey-robed monk is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 21 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces forearm!
... 25 points of damage!
Well placed strike to back shatters vertebrae!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to right arm breaks it!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +31 == +395
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a towering sea troll warrior!
... 74 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the right arm shattered and scattered about!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Left leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 == +315
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 58 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +98 == +396
Warding failed!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 74 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs right leg!
... 55 points of damage!
Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +39 == +151
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering pillar of dark water!
... 25 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 1 point of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +69 == +367
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering sea troll warrior!
... 68 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +41 == +396
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 74 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot clean through the throat severs the spine!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll warrior howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon an eyeless blue-robed acolyte with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +234 + CvA: +25 + d100: +52 == +315
Warding failed!
An eyeless blue-robed acolyte is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 58 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The blue-robed acolyte rises to his knees. "Why hast ye forsaken me m'lord, served you well I did!" beckons the acolyte in a desperate prayer.

The acolyte then goes oddly still.
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +22 == +386
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 72 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! The sea troll marauder blinks once and falls quite dead!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll marauder howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +41 == +339
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 62 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +22 == +320
Warding failed!
A scarred sea troll overlord is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 59 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 45 points of damage!
Incredible shot clean through the throat severs the spine!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)

08-01-2009, 11:39 PM
Calean traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Calean gestures at an oozing grey-robed monk.
A void rips open in the area, directly above an oozing grey-robed monk!
Rather abrupt decompression causes an oozing grey-robed monk to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny monk bits shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.

Alifair swings an elegant vultite handaxe at a towering pillar of dark water!
AS: +560 vs DS: +365 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +1 = +233
... and hits for 45 points of damage!
The guiding force leaves Alifair.

Godefroy chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...

Metadi looks determined and focused.
In a breathtaking display of agility and combat mastery, Metadi whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes!
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a severed overlord arm! A hit!
Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a severed overlord arm! A hit!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending shield arm flying.
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a severed overlord arm! A hit!
Lucky shot severs left hand and sends it flying.
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a severed warrior arm! A hit!
Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a severed warrior arm! A hit!
Crushing blow to the spine!
The severed warrior arm slumps to the ground.
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
A deafening explosion rocks the area as a beam of light shines down from high above and onto the acolyte. The blue-robed acolyte appears rejuvenated!

* Yukito just bit the dust!

>You feel fully energetic again.
>The severed warrior arm throbs on the ground!
>The marauder arm throbs on the ground!
>The overlord arm throbs on the ground!
>The overlord arm throbs on the ground!
>The severed warrior arm throbs on the ground!
>The severed warrior arm throbs on the ground!
>The overlord arm throbs on the ground!

>A towering pillar of dark water sloshes in, gurgling noisily.
>A gnarled sea troll marauder arrives, flexing its massive claws.
>A scarred sea troll overlord arrives, flexing its massive claws.
>A gnarled sea troll marauder arrives, flexing its massive claws.

The thunder spirit whales away, consumed with bloodlust!
A crackling thunder spirit claws at Kilthal!
AS: +300 vs DS: +438 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +42 = -73
A clean miss.
>A crackling thunder spirit claws at Alifair!
AS: +279 vs DS: +485 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +85 = -98
A clean miss.

>Godefroy channels at an eyeless blue-robed acolyte.
Particles of dust and soot rise from the floor at Godefroy's feet as he releases a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward an eyeless blue-robed acolyte!
A silver barrier encompasses an eyeless blue-robed acolyte as Godefroy attempts to cast on him. He coyly tilts his head in Godefroy's direction, and with an insane grin calmly says, "You preach the path of the enlightened as well! Yes, good... I sense your idol is weak!"

Pausing to laugh maniacally, he continues, "Perhaps you should try and sway the kobolds, trolls or orcs to your religion? Something a bit more representative of your ilk?"

CS: +425 - TD: +389 + CvA: +25 + d100: +97 == +158
Warding failed!
The blue-robed acolyte is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 81 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy!
The blue-robed acolyte sits tentatively upon the floor. "Why hast ye forsaken me m'lord, served you well I did!" beckons the acolyte in a desperate prayer.

The acolyte then goes oddly still.

>Silverthorne gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Silverthorne gestures at a towering pillar of dark water.
Silverthorne closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +34 == +293
Warding failed!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 53 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll marauder clean through!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
It is knocked to the ground!
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +96 == +364
Warding failed!
A scarred sea troll overlord is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 67 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
... 50 points of damage!
lootlootlootlootloot Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll overlord howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +60 == +328
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 60 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 55 points of damage!
Every bone in the right arm shattered and scattered about!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to the sea troll marauder's throat removes it!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +366 + CvA: +25 + d100: +16 == +51
Warded off!
The pillar of dark water manages to escape from the furious onslaught unscathed!
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +98 == +490
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed warrior arm!
... 93 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +18 == +410
Warding failed!
A severed marauder arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 77 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +485
Warding failed!
A severed overlord arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 92 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +15 == +407
Warding failed!
A severed overlord arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 76 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +46 == +438
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a severed warrior arm!
... 82 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +28 == +420
Warding failed!
A severed warrior arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 79 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +65 == +457
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed overlord arm!
... 86 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +94 == +276
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a crackling thunder spirit!
... 50 points of damage!
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit seems slightly different.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +113
Warding failed!
A towering pillar of dark water is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 17 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 3 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 2 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +19 == +66
Warded off!
The pillar of dark water manages to escape from the furious onslaught unscathed!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +226 + CvA: +25 + d100: +34 == +209
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a crackling thunder spirit!
... 36 points of damage!
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit seems slightly different.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a crackling thunder spirit.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +69 == +328
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 60 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +90 == +349
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 64 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +95 == +363
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 67 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 55 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +98 == +366
Warding failed!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 68 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll marauder clean through!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The sea troll marauder lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +64 == +266
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a crackling thunder spirit!
... 48 points of damage!
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +19 == +221
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 39 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Blow to leg severs the Achilles tendon along with the rest of the leg!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +24 == +292
Warding failed!
A scarred sea troll overlord is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 53 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +49 == +251
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering sea troll warrior!
... 45 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike pierces temple and kills the sea troll warrior instantly!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 40 points of damage!
Shot to back shatters bone and vertebrae!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 40 points of damage!
Blow to leg severs the Achilles tendon along with the rest of the leg!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +29 == +297
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a towering sea troll warrior!
... 54 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +16 == +218
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a towering sea troll warrior!
... 38 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks the sea troll warrior almost in two!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow removes the sea troll warrior's right forearm at the elbow!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +50 == +252
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 45 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll marauder clean through!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen skewers the sea troll marauder quite nicely!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The sea troll marauder lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +16 == +32
Warded off!
The pillar of dark water manages to escape from the furious onslaught unscathed!
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 == +265
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering sea troll warrior!
... 48 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll warrior howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering sea troll warrior with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +28 == +287
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering sea troll warrior!
... 52 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll warrior clean through!
The sea troll warrior continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
... 55 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly!
A towering sea troll warrior screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The sea troll warrior lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +367
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 68 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
The sea troll marauder lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +83 == +285
Warding failed!
A scarred sea troll overlord is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 52 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +376 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +52 == +254
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 45 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
... 40 points of damage!
Right arm is torn from shoulder!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 40 points of damage!
Blow removes the sea troll overlord's right hand neatly!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.

08-01-2009, 11:40 PM
Calean traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Calean gestures at a towering pillar of dark water.
A void rips open in the area, directly above a towering pillar of dark water!
The pillar of dark water is twisted violently by the intense power of the void!
+158 Hits.

Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.

You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Nature's Fury spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a towering pillar of dark water.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +69 == +557
Warding failed!
A severed overlord arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 106 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +33 == +521
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed overlord arm!
... 99 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 == +505
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a severed marauder arm!
... 96 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +75 == +563
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a severed warrior arm!
... 107 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +37 == +525
Warding failed!
A severed marauder arm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 100 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +89 == +577
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed warrior arm!
... 110 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed warrior arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +55 == +543
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed warrior arm!
... 103 points of damage!
A severed warrior arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +71 == +559
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed marauder arm!
... 106 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +69 == +557
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed overlord arm!
... 106 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed overlord arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +49 == +537
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed overlord arm!
... 102 points of damage!
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +25 == +513
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed marauder arm!
... 97 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +50 == +538
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed marauder arm!
... 102 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +142 + CvA: +25 + d100: +19 == +374
Warding failed!
A gnarled sea troll marauder is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 69 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll marauder clean through!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The sea troll marauder howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll marauder lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a scarred sea troll overlord with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +83 == +447
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a scarred sea troll overlord!
... 84 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly!
A scarred sea troll overlord screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the sea troll overlord clean through!
The sea troll overlord continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll overlord lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +133 + CvA: +25 + d100: +59 == +423
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 79 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks the sea troll marauder almost in two!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!
... 55 points of damage!
Blow to head removes skull!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The sea troll marauder lies still.
[You have earned 1 prestige point.]
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +366 + CvA: +25 + d100: +45 == +176
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering pillar of dark water!
... 30 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +209
Warding failed!
A towering pillar of dark water is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 36 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +15 == +158
Warding failed!
A towering pillar of dark water is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 26 points of damage!
... 3 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +52 == +164
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering pillar of dark water!
... 27 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 1 point of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Siwas utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Siwas gestures at a towering pillar of dark water.
Siwas hurls a roaring ball of fire at a towering pillar of dark water!
AS: +459 vs DS: +273 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +80 = +314
... and hits for 104 points of damage!
The pillar of dark water gurgles eerily and collapses into a puddle of water.
A towering pillar of dark water appears somehow different.
The roaring ball of fire explodes into a large sphere of flame.

A burst of flame from Siwas's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a severed marauder arm.
... 45 points of damage!
Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.

A burst of flame from Siwas's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a severed overlord arm.
... 40 points of damage!
Burst of flames to chest toasts skin nicely.
A severed overlord arm stops moving and decays away.

A burst of flame from Siwas's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a towering pillar of dark water.
... 15 points of damage!
The pillar of dark water gurgles in agony as steam billows about!

A burst of flame from Siwas's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a towering pillar of dark water.
... 20 points of damage!
The pillar of dark water gurgles in agony as steam billows about!

A burst of flame from Siwas's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a towering pillar of dark water.
... 15 points of damage!
The pillar of dark water gurgles in agony as steam billows about!

08-01-2009, 11:41 PM
Jesus Christ, there's just too much. Gonna cut out a bunch of stuff and skip to the end.

08-01-2009, 11:42 PM
Calean traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Calean gestures at a towering pillar of dark water.
A void rips open in the area, directly above a towering pillar of dark water!
Shock wave of air slams a towering pillar of dark water into the ground!
+61 Hits.

A crackling thunder spirit is not affected by the vacuum of the void.
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
>Godefroy channels at a towering pillar of dark water.
inc 635Particles of dust and soot rise from the floor at Godefroy's feet as he releases a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a towering pillar of dark water!
CS: +425 - TD: +470 + CvA: +25 + d100: +33 == +13
Warded off!

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Siwas!
The ground beneath Siwas begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to right leg. That hurts a bit.
Siwas falls to the ground.
The boiling ground shifts, erupting towards Nilandia in a burst of flame!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to left arm!
She is stunned!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char chest a crispy black.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to back. Won't be sleeping on that for awhile.
The ground then quickly cools.
>A crackling thunder spirit drifts in!
>A crackling thunder spirit drifts in!

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically!
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind knocks you off your balance and you fall over.
Your arms are forced down to your sides!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 2 seconds.
Metadi is knocked over by the wind!
Calean is knocked over by the wind!
Godefroy is knocked over by the wind!
Silverthorne is knocked over by the wind!
Alifair is knocked over by the wind!
Eiadh is knocked over by the wind!
Kilthal is knocked over by the wind!
A towering pillar of dark water is buffeted by the great wind!
A misshapen sea griffin is buffeted by the great wind!
The wind scatters the cloud.
The wind then subsides.

The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Siwas!
The ground beneath Siwas begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to abdomen!
She is stunned!
... 35 points of damage!
Siwas takes a breath of super-heated air and expires gasping.

* Siwas drops dead at your feet!

[spells dropping]
The ground then quickly cools.

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Calean!
The ground beneath Calean begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 3 points of damage!
Strike to head reddens cheekbone.
He is stunned!
... 18 points of damage!
Flames incinerate left arm to the bone. Not a pleasant sight.
... 5 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap.
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit.
The ground then quickly cools.

> * Siwas just bit the dust!

An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Nilandia!
The ground beneath Nilandia begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to back!
... 20 points of damage!
Flames incinerate muscle tissue in neck exposing the trachea. More than you ever wanted to see.
... 25 points of damage!
Flames toast right cornea. Consider an eyepatch.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to abdomen toasts skin nicely.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left leg. Gonna need lots of butter.

* Nilandia drops dead at your feet!

>A cyclopean ocean titan tries to ensnare Kilthal!
AS: +689 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +81 = +409
... and hits for 36 points of damage!
Fierce arm lock twists Kilthal's left arm!
He is stunned!

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically!
>A towering pillar of dark water spins quickly back to an upright position!

>A gnarled sea troll marauder arrives, flexing its massive claws.

>A crackling thunder spirit swirls around Nilandia's dead body.
>Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at a towering pillar of dark water!
AS: +538 vs DS: +437 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +90 = +236
... and hits for 86 points of damage!
The glimmer of a lump of black ambergris catches your eye as the pillar of dark water gurgles and collapses into the large puddle on the floor.
A towering pillar of dark water appears somehow different.
A towering pillar of dark water glances around, looking a bit less confident.

08-01-2009, 11:43 PM
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an algae-robed storm oracle.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a gnarled sea troll marauder with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +37 == +335
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a gnarled sea troll marauder!
... 62 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks the sea troll marauder almost in two!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to the sea troll marauder's throat removes it!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
... 55 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
A gnarled sea troll marauder screams and falls to the ground grasping at its mangled right leg!
... 70 points of damage!
Strike to chest causes a large gaping hole!
The sea troll marauder continues to struggle for life!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
lootloot CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +4 == +302
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 55 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 60 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 50 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh.
The thunder spirit convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +78 == +376
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a crackling thunder spirit!
... 70 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 55 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 50 points of damage!
Tremendous strike!
Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +199 + CvA: +25 + d100: +49 == +347
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 64 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
... 50 points of damage!
Surgical strike to the right eye removes the top of the head!
The thunder spirit goes still for a moment while its head reshapes.
... 55 points of damage!
Massive strike to the chest crashes through the thunder spirit's back in a cloud of vapor.
Slowly, the thunder spirit reforms its torso.
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
The surroundings advance upon a towering pillar of dark water with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +374 + CvA: +25 + d100: +12 == +135
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a towering pillar of dark water!
... 22 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
... 1 point of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a severed marauder arm with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +9 + CvA: +25 + d100: +41 == +529
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a severed marauder arm!
... 100 points of damage!
A severed marauder arm stops moving and decays away.
The surroundings advance upon a crackling thunder spirit with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +31 == +309
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 56 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
A crackling thunder spirit releases a groan of mingled ecstasy and relief as it fades away.
A crackling thunder spirit seems slightly different.
A crackling thunder spirit seems hesitant.
A crackling thunder spirit returns to normal color.
The surroundings advance upon a misshapen sea griffin with relentless fury!
CS: +472 - TD: +354 + CvA: +25 + d100: +29 == +172
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a misshapen sea griffin!
... 29 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the chest.
... 20 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left arm.
... 15 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.
... 15 points of damage!
Stubs left hand finger.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>The ground begins to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
A crackling thunder spirit loses its balance and falls over.
A crackling thunder spirit loses its balance and falls over.
A towering pillar of dark water loses its balance and falls over.
>The marauder leg throbs on the ground!
>lootAn algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
>A cyclopean ocean titan tries to ensnare Godefroy!
AS: +689 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +56 = +479
... and hits for 68 points of damage!
Fierce arm lock twists Godefroy's left arm!
He is stunned!
>An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare Eiadh!
AS: +530 vs DS: +483 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +34 = +119
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Barely touched!
>A crackling thunder spirit drifts in!
>An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
>An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare Godefroy!
loot AS: +530 vs DS: +280 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +74 = +362
... and hits for 47 points of damage!
Blow to the diaphragm.

>You stand back up

08-01-2009, 11:43 PM
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically.
A faint purple aura begins to pulsate from an algae-robed storm oracle...

An echo of foreign thought brushes your mind.
CS: +593 - TD: +471 + CvA: -8 + d100: +77 - +5 == +186
Warding failed!
You are overwhelmed with sympathy for an algae-robed storm oracle.

CS: +593 - TD: +344 + CvA: -21 + d100: +38 == +266
Warding failed!
Metadi's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +463 + CvA: +12 + d100: +37 - -5 == +184
Warding failed!
Calean's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +385 + CvA: -6 + d100: +26 == +228
Warding failed!
Godefroy's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +427 + CvA: +2 + d100: +68 - -5 == +241
Warding failed!
Silverthorne's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +409 + CvA: +2 + d100: +60 - -5 == +251
Warding failed!
Alifair's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +208 + CvA: -18 + d100: +46 == +413
incant 616 Warding failed!
Vilkea's eyes begin to glow purple.

The dull golden nimbus surrounding Eiadh suddenly begins to glow brightly.
CS: +593 - TD: +484 + CvA: -6 + d100: +38 - -5 == +146
Warding failed!
Eiadh's eyes begin to glow purple.

The dull golden nimbus surrounding Kilthal suddenly begins to glow brightly.
CS: +593 - TD: +384 + CvA: -8 + d100: +53 - -5 == +259
Warding failed!
Kilthal's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +247 + CvA: +25 + d100: +36 == +407
Warding failed!
A crackling thunder spirit's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +181 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +536
Warding failed!
A towering sea troll warrior's eyes begin to glow purple.

CS: +593 - TD: +220 + CvA: +25 + d100: +28 == +426
Warding failed!
A writhing green-robed initiate's eyes begin to glow purple.

An algae-robed storm oracle opens her eyes, looking less focused.

>You remain steadfast in your goal of defending an algae-robed storm oracle.

>Alifair stands up, readying herself for combat.
Alifair shifts her focus to you...
Alifair swings an elegant vultite handaxe at you!
AS: +560 vs DS: +591 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +71 = +74
A clean miss.
The guiding force leaves Alifair.

>Silverthorne stands up, readying himself for combat.
Silverthorne shifts his focus to you...
Silverthorne gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Silverthorne gestures at you.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath your feet! You manage to jump out of the way!

Metadi stands up, readying himself for combat.
Metadi shifts his focus to Godefroy...
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at Godefroy!
AS: +572 vs DS: +270 with AvD: +55 + d100 roll: +90 = +447
... and hits for 158 points of damage!
Right leg mangled horribly.

* Godefroy drops dead at your feet!

>You shift your focus to Vilkea...
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Vilkea.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Vilkea! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 19 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull!

* Vilkea drops dead at your feet!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

> * Vilkea just bit the dust!
> * Godefroy just bit the dust!

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Kilthal!
The ground beneath Kilthal begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
Some swirling ethereal armor is overwhelmed by the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Blow connects right below right eye!
He is stunned!
Some swirling ethereal armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg blackens kneecap.
Some swirling ethereal armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
Some swirling ethereal armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red.
The ground then quickly cools.

08-01-2009, 11:44 PM
>With blinding speed, a misshapen sea griffin dives down and hooks its claws into Silverthorne! With a great flap of its wings the sea griffin carries Silverthorne into the air!

Just as the griffin begins to surge upward, it suddenly loses its grip and lets Silverthorne plummet toward the ground!

Silverthorne flails awkwardly before slamming into the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.

>The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare Metadi!
AS: +530 vs DS: +390 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +9 = +181
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Barely touched!

>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Silverthorne!
The ground beneath Silverthorne begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to back.
Some vaalorn-scaled brigandine spiked with eonake thorns partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.
Some vaalorn-scaled brigandine spiked with eonake thorns partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to head catches ears on fire! Yeeoww!
He is stunned!
The ground then quickly cools.

>An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!

>The oracle whispers with a sinister voice carried on the wind!
An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically!
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind knocks you off your balance and you fall over.
Your arms are forced down to your sides!
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Roundtime changed to 8 seconds.
Metadi is knocked over by the wind!
Calean is knocked over by the wind!
Eiadh is knocked over by the wind!
A towering sea troll warrior is knocked over by the wind.
A writhing green-robed initiate is knocked over by the wind.
A misshapen sea griffin is buffeted by the great wind!
The wind then subsides.

>An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare Alifair!
AS: +530 vs DS: +460 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +64 = +168
... and hits for 9 points of damage!
Attempt to snare hips shaken loose.

A gnarled sea troll marauder suddenly screams in rage and begins frothing at the mouth!

A gnarled sea troll marauder claws at Kilthal!
AS: +458 vs DS: +342 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +24 = +163
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.

>An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare you!
AS: +530 vs DS: +402 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +26 = +184
... and hits for 6 points of damage!

Attempt to snare hips shaken loose.
>An algae-robed storm oracle whistles a soft, malicious tune!
>An algae-robed storm oracle gestures at Metadi!
The ground beneath Metadi begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The boiling ground shifts, erupting towards Silverthorne in a burst of flame!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
Some vaalorn-scaled brigandine spiked with eonake thorns partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red.
Some vaalorn-scaled brigandine spiked with eonake thorns partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to back toasts skin nicely.
The ground then quickly cools.

>Alifair shifts her focus to Eiadh...
Alifair gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to her aid...
Alifair gestures at Eiadh.
Nothing happens.

>Metadi stands up, readying himself for combat.
Metadi shifts his focus to Calean...
Metadi swings a perfect mithril maul at Calean!
AS: +557 vs DS: +439 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +32 = +186
... and hits for 89 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
He is stunned!

>The ground begins to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
Metadi loses his balance and falls over.
Alifair loses her balance and falls over.
An eyeless blue-robed acolyte loses his balance and falls over.
A towering pillar of dark water loses its balance and falls over.
A scarred sea troll overlord loses its balance and falls over.
A gnarled sea troll marauder loses its balance and falls over.
A crackling thunder spirit loses its balance and falls over.
A crackling thunder spirit loses its balance and falls over.
A crackling thunder spirit loses its balance and falls over.

>An algae-robed storm oracle tries to ensnare Metadi!
AS: +530 vs DS: +340 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +43 = +265
... and hits for 10 points of damage!
Attempt to snare chest shrugged off.

08-01-2009, 11:45 PM
Screw it. I give up. I skipped a whole bunch and thats still only half the log. Let's just say it was crazy shit and only two of us made it out alive. The craziest part is that my entire log happened in under a minute -- my haste hadn't even worn off by the time I fogged out.

Mana Goddess
08-02-2009, 01:30 PM
Just passing through Friday afternoon when I ran into one of them horrors...

[Solhaven, North Market East]
A brown awning stretches across the front of the large stone building here. Hanging above the entrance is a metal breastplate, rusted from exposure to the salty sea air. Two giantmen, deeply engrossed in conversation, lean casually against the building. You also see a translucent-winged vertiginous horror that is flying around and an old barrel with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>l hor
You see a fairly typical vertiginous horror.
She has severe head trauma and bleeding from her ears, a fractured and bleeding right leg, a fractured and bleeding left leg, a fractured and bleeding left hand, deep lacerations across her chest, deep lacerations across her abdomen, some minor cuts and bruises on her back, a blinded right eye and a blinded left eye.
She has a wooden arrow (worn), a tumorous stony hide (worn) and a tangled phosphorescent tendril.
You blink.
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror blinks at you.
>tilt horr
You cock your head at a translucent-winged vertiginous horror.
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror exclaims, "Norghghg! Nom NOM!"
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror swings a tangled phosphorescent tendril at you!
AS: +422 vs DS: +55 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +11 = +400
... and hits for 90 points of damage!
Awesome shot collapses one of your lungs!
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
The Ilestrin disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
You say, "Oh."
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror crouches over your body and begins snacking on your entrails.
DEAD>'I should've expected that, really.
You say, "I should've expected that, really."
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror looks you in the eye, its face covered in guts.
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror belches, sending bits of flesh and bone flying everywhere.
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror sniffs at you.
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror exclaims, "Shaga thak f'tagh!"

08-02-2009, 06:35 PM
This was from the same invasion that Droit posted his ludicrously long Nature's Fury log from...

This is pretty long too, I was sucked up on the street and thought that's where I still was, not in the Provost's house...

A colossal sea wurm hovers its enormous head directly above you and begins to inhale with a powerful, gale force draw.
You are sucked up straight into the maw of the wurm!
[The Belly of the Beast]
Choked with an incomprehensible stench, the air inside the stomach is thick and moist, the foulness pervading the organ so condensed it sticks in the back of the throat. Underfoot, spongy tissue periodically contracts, roiling like a living sea, and is sopped in slick, reeking bile, which makes standing a challenge. The fleshy ceiling above secretes a viscous acid that flows to coat the walls of the stomach like caustic phlegm. You also see the wurm's stomach wall.
Obvious exits: none
You can't go there.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
J>store weapon
You put an oak-hafted perfect rolaren mattock in your leather baldric.
(Change your default item by selecting store list.)
J>get kn
You remove a sturdy serrated rolaren hunting knife from in your leather sporran.
Stomach acid coats your body and slowly dissolves your flesh!
... 5 points of damage!
You avoid the worst of the attack but still get a singed forearm.
J>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Stomach acid coats your body and slowly dissolves your flesh!
... 5 points of damage!
Splash to chest runs off before it does worse than blister the skin.
J>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
JR>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Stomach acid coats your body and slowly dissolves your flesh!
... 1 point of damage!
Spray just catches the hand as your little finger is badly blistered.
Your heightened awareness of your foes fades away.
JR>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Stomach acid coats your body and slowly dissolves your flesh!
... 5 points of damage!
Bit of acid strikes your calf leaving bright red spots.
The boost to your fighting spirit fades.
!JR>att wall
...wait 1 seconds.
!J>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Stomach acid coats your body and slowly dissolves your flesh!
... 5 points of damage!
Spray just catches the hand as your little finger is badly blistered.
You feel at full magical power again.
Your internal strength fully recovers from your most recent attempt to tap into it.
!JR>att wall
...wait 1 seconds.
!JR>att wall
You strike at the stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife managing to cut a small way into the wurm's stomach wall.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Finally, you manage to slice through the wurm's stomach wall with your rolaren hunting knife, creating a hole large enough to escape through!
Suddenly, you feel your body getting pushed rapidly through the inner anatomy of the beast until it is finally violently expelled.
[Venquinor House, Kitchen]
Lit by the unsteady commingling of verdant and opaline light trickling through some colored glass windows set into the western wall, the kitchen is a large chamber bounded by riverstone and honey-hued wood paneling. The rich, hearty scent of smoke melded with that of roasting boar wafts from a gaping stone-trimmed hearth opposite the windows. You also see a colossal sea wurm, a froth-maned water mare, a froth-maned water stallion, a scarred sea troll overlord, a writhing green-robed initiate, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, a colossal sea wurm, a rotten shrieking siren, a froth-maned water mare, a writhing green-robed initiate, a writhing green-robed initiate, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte and a malachite bowl full of sticks.
Obvious exits: east
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
A salt-crusted mein construct pounds at you with its heavy mein right fist!
AS: +255 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +35 = +73
A clean miss.
A salt-crusted mein construct pounds at you with its heavy mein left fist!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
A salt-crusted mein construct tries to ensnare you in its solid mein arms!
AS: +265 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +95 = +143
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Barely touched!
A salt-crusted mein construct tries to ensnare you in its solid mein arms!
You barely dodge the attack!
A writhing green-robed initiate claws at you!
You evade the attack by a hair!
A writhing green-robed initiate claws at you!
AS: +326 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +1 = +85
A clean miss.
An oozing grey-robed monk strides in, a wary look on her face.
A colossal sea wurm claws at an eyeless blue-robed acolyte!
AS: +546 vs DS: +346 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +41 = +279
... and hits for 46 points of damage!
Downward slash across the blue-robed acolyte's left thigh!
Gouges bone!
The blue-robed acolyte is stunned!
A scaled mutant legionnaire drifts in, gliding swiftly just above the floor.
Kilthal [General]: "Engage near the bank."
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A froth-maned water mare rears back!
A deep blue glow surrounds a froth-maned water mare.
A froth-maned water stallion stomps at you with its foot!
AS: +261 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +4 = +31
A clean miss.
An eyeless blue-robed acolyte mutters a harsh rite.
An oozing grey-robed monk strides in, a wary look on her face.
...wait 2 seconds.
An oozing grey-robed monk strides in, a wary look on her face.
A scarred sea troll overlord flesh wounds regenerate some.

A scarred sea troll overlord suddenly screams in rage and begins frothing at the mouth!

A scarred sea troll overlord pounds at you with its fist!
AS: +516 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +93 = +392
... and hits for 37 points of damage!
Torn muscle in your left leg!
A scaled mutant legionnaire drifts in, gliding swiftly just above the floor.
[Venquinor House, Entry Hall]
Dulcet-hued honey oak frames the tidy, riverstone-tiled antechamber, lent depth by the roseate luminescence filtering in through the panes of some stained glass windows framing the front door's silver-inlaid bulk. The ceiling rises into a gentle dome, the base of which is encircled by a pattern of downy, snow-colored feathers against a verdant backdrop. You also see a writhing green-robed initiate, a writhing green-robed initiate, a scaled mutant legionnaire, an algae-robed storm oracle, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a salt-crusted mein construct, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, an oozing grey-robed monk, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte that is lying down, a cyclopean ocean titan, a froth-maned water mare, an oozing grey-robed monk, a rotten shrieking siren, a towering sea troll warrior, a writhing green-robed initiate, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, an oozing grey-robed monk, an algae-robed storm oracle, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, a shimmering cerulean phantasm and a writhing green-robed initiate.Obvious exits: east, west
[Venquinor House, Dining Room]
The low wooden eaves of the roof reflect wetly from the polished surface of a blond oak dining table carved from a massive single slab of wood at the center of the chamber. Climbing through a high arch in the northern wall, some rounded riverstone steps ascend to the second level of the manor. Mosaic tiles dance over the surface of the arch in interlocking patterns of opal and emerald tesserae. You also see an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a misshapen sea griffin that is flying around, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a misshapen sea griffin that is flying around, a twisted oceanic oddity, a froth-maned water mare, a twisted oceanic oddity, a froth-maned water stallion, a writhing green-robed initiate, a rotten shrieking siren, an ethereal mutant legionnaire, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a writhing green-robed initiate, a writhing green-robed initiate, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, an ethereal mutant legionnaire, a gnarled sea troll marauder, an eyeless blue-robed acolyte, a writhing green-robed initiate, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, a salt-crusted mein construct, a rotten shrieking siren and a carved oak chair.
Obvious exits: west
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A froth-maned water stallion flares her nostrils.
A rotten shrieking siren claws at you!
AS: +290 vs DS: +243 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +83 = +137
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Hard blow, but deflected.
Not much damage.
A shimmering cerulean phantasm floats in!
An eyeless blue-robed acolyte waves his hand in a broad arc!
A pure white aura sparkles around an eyeless blue-robed acolyte.
A writhing green-robed initiate gestures and murmurs a quiet prayer.
A writhing green-robed initiate mumbles a silent prayer!
A light blue glow surrounds a writhing green-robed initiate.
An oozing grey-robed monk strides in, a wary look on her face.
An ethereal mutant legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward you!
CS: +414 - TD: +290 + CvA: -21 + d100: +98 == +201
Warding failed!
You contort in excruciating agony!

You take 96 damage!Roundtime: 7 sec.
A salt-crusted mein construct pounds at you with its heavy mein right fist!
AS: +255 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +89 = +139
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
A feeble blow to your left arm!
A salt-crusted mein construct pounds at you with its heavy mein left fist!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
!R>sigi es
A misshapen sea griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A misshapen sea griffin tries to bite you!
AS: +447 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +74 = +291
... and hits for 26 points of damage!
Slash to your right leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You return to normal color.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
You feel less confident.
You feel your extra strength departing.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
You become solid again.
The powerful look leaves you.
The air about you stops shimmering.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...

08-04-2009, 05:33 AM
Belnia shifts her focus to you...
Belnia whispers quietly into the wind, summoning the forces of nature to her call.
Belnia gestures at you.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath your feet! Several of the thorns jab into you!
... hits for 14 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!
You fall screaming to the ground grasping your mangled left leg!
You are stunned for 8 rounds!
... hits for 23 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Neck skewered, sliding past the throat and spine! That looks painful.
... hits for 16 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike to left arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Elbow punctured, oh what pain!

08-04-2009, 05:55 AM
Jesus christ....

High Lord Aethor's group just went west.
[Solhaven, North Market SE]
Sooty smoke belches from a chimney precariously perched atop a stone building. An old man leans against the outer wall, slowly sharpening his blade with a coarse whetstone. An engraved imflass sign hangs from a metal bar mounted above the entrance. You also see a mutilated putrefying siren, a spined piscine legionnaire and a copper-roofed ironwood tower.
Also here: High Lord Aethor
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, west, northwest
A perturbed oxbow spirit floats in, following Aethor.
Aethor chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Aethor gestures at a spined piscine legionnaire.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a spined piscine legionnaire.
CS: +402 - TD: +694 + CvA: +25 + d100: +56 == -211
Warded off!
A mutilated putrefying siren claws at Aethor!
AS: +275 vs DS: +366 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +11 = -45
A clean miss.
Aethor chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Aethor gestures at a spined piscine legionnaire.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a spined piscine legionnaire.
CS: +402 - TD: +694 + CvA: +25 + d100: +21 == -246
Warded off!
You say, "Whoa."
A spined piscine legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward Aethor!
CS: +436 - TD: +351 + CvA: +12 + d100: +40 == +137
Warding failed!
A very painful blow.
... 10 points of damage!
Tendons in Aethor's shield arm snap.
Aethor chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Aethor gestures at a spined piscine legionnaire.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a spined piscine legionnaire.
CS: +402 - TD: +694 + CvA: +25 + d100: +32 == -235
Warded off!
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
A spined piscine legionnaire chants in an incomprehensible language, causing streams of dim grey energy to lash about his hands.
>908 liz
Voodoo '908 liz' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT liz'.
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Fire...
Your spell is ready.
Cast at what?
>908 leg
Voodoo '908 leg' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT leg'.
A spined piscine legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward Aethor!
A void rips open in the area, directly above Aethor!
Aethor is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Aethor to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.

* Aethor has been vaporized!

* Aethor drops dead at your feet!

The dim aura fades from around Aethor.
Aethor seems slightly different.
A subtle light fades from Aethor's eyes.
The powerful look leaves Aethor.
The air calms down around Aethor.
The light blue glow leaves Aethor.
Aethor seems hesitant.
Aethor appears less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Aethor.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Aethor and fade.
Aethor begins to breathe less deeply.
A white glow rushes away from Aethor.
The brilliant aura fades away from Aethor.
The opalescent aura fades from around Aethor.
The very powerful look leaves Aethor.
The white light leaves Aethor.
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
You gesture at a spined piscine legionnaire.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a spined piscine legionnaire!
AS: +499 vs DS: +374 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +73 = +255
... and hit for 103 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
The roaring ball of fire strikes a spined piscine legionnaire, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 15 points of damage!
Decent shot to the left eye would have blinded a normal foe!

A burst of flame from your roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a mutilated putrefying siren.
... 40 points of damage!
The putrefying siren's head is split cleanly in two, but reseals from the neck up!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A perturbed oxbow spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
The Aethor disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
* Aethor just bit the dust!
>908 leg
Voodoo '908 leg' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT leg'.
Wait 1 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
>908 leg
Voodoo '908 leg' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT leg'.
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Fire...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a spined piscine legionnaire.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a spined piscine legionnaire!
AS: +499 vs DS: +374 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +32 = +214
... and hit for 92 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh.
The piscine legionnaire convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
The piscine legionnaire is knocked to the ground!
The roaring ball of fire strikes a spined piscine legionnaire, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 15 points of damage!
Top of the head momentarily flattened.

A burst of flame from your roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a mutilated putrefying siren.
... 45 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh.
The putrefying siren convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
It is knocked to the ground!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Spell Benediction (307) ended. [-15AS, -15DS]
Your sense of faith and conviction wanes. You are less sure of yourself.
A spined piscine legionnaire stands up with a grunt.
A mutilated putrefying siren struggles to rise but fails in the attempt.
>908 leg
Voodoo '908 leg' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT leg'.
Wait 1 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
>908 leg
Voodoo '908 leg' to 'PREPARE 908', 'CAST AT leg'.
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Fire...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a spined piscine legionnaire.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a spined piscine legionnaire!
AS: +484 vs DS: +372 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +95 = +264
... and hit for 127 points of damage!
Incredible strike to the piscine legionnaire's back smashes through the chest!
Too bad it melts back together.
The piscine legionnaire emits a hollow scream as ribbons of essence begin to wend away from him and into nothingness!
The bright luminescence fades from around a spined piscine legionnaire.
The deep blue glow leaves a spined piscine legionnaire.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a spined piscine legionnaire, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a spined piscine legionnaire.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a spined piscine legionnaire.
A spined piscine legionnaire glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The light blue glow leaves a spined piscine legionnaire.
The roaring ball of fire strikes a spined piscine legionnaire, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.

A burst of flame from your roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a mutilated putrefying siren.
... 40 points of damage!
A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists the putrefying siren high into the air.
It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

08-04-2009, 06:13 AM
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>519 tit
Voodoo '519 tit' to 'PREPARE 519', 'CAST AT tit'.
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Immolation...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a cyclopean ocean titan.
CS: +566 - TD: +585 + CvA: +25 + d100: +11 == +17
Warded off!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around a cyclopean ocean titan for a moment, then dissipate.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Solhaven, Nerite Lane]
Achieving a trim, conservative air, the buildings in this area are all fronted with tiles in earthtones and pastels.
Obvious paths: east, west
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
Speaking to an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, Kyaloria says, "They will keep coming, there is no end in sight."
>inc 908
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Fire...
Your spell is ready.
You do not currently have a target.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
>inc 908
You gesture at a cyclopean ocean titan.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at a cyclopean ocean titan!
AS: +484 vs DS: +613 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +36 = -71
A clean miss.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Solhaven, Nerite Lane]
Achieving a trim, conservative air, the buildings in this area are all fronted with tiles in earthtones and pastels. You also see the blue Darckwizard disk.
Obvious paths: east, west
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
A pallid blue lizard slithers in.
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's left eye looks better.
A ripple of heated air begins to waver in midair, emitting waves of heat throughout the area. Soon, a jagged crimson line begins to form in the center of the disturbance, extending both vertically and horizontally, the line begins to rip a tear in reality. Within moments, a throbbing vitreous eyeball emerges from the newly formed opening and when it is clear, the tear shuts rapidly behind it
A ripple of heated air begins to waver in midair, emitting waves of heat throughout the area. Soon, a jagged crimson line begins to form in the center of the disturbance, extending both vertically and horizontally, the line begins to rip a tear in reality. Within moments, a throbbing vitreous eyeball emerges from the newly formed opening and when it is clear, the tear shuts rapidly behind it
A pallid blue lizard charges at you with its tusk!
With no room to spare, you manage to parry the blow with your tapered faewood runestaff!
[Solhaven, Nerite Lane]
Achieving a trim, conservative air, the buildings in this area are all fronted with tiles in earthtones and pastels. You also see a throbbing vitreous eyeball, a throbbing vitreous eyeball, a pallid blue lizard and the blue Darckwizard disk.
Obvious paths: east, west
A throbbing vitreous eyeball hovers as a tempest of crimson energy coalesces around itself.
A throbbing vitreous eyeball hovers as a tempest of crimson energy coalesces around itself.
A throbbing vitreous eyeball focuses its iris upon you!
CS: +333 - TD: +374 + CvA: +15 + d100: +16 - -5 == -5
Warded off!
A pallid blue lizard tries to bite you!
You barely dodge the attack!
>prep 917
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Boil Earth...
Your spell is ready.
A throbbing vitreous eyeball focuses its iris upon you!
CS: +333 - TD: +374 + CvA: +15 + d100: +64 - -5 == +43
Warded off!
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
>cast tit
Cast at what?
You can't go there.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's left eye looks better.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
>cast tit\
Cast at what?
>cast tit
You gesture at a cyclopean ocean titan.
The ground beneath a cyclopean ocean titan begins to boil violently!
A cyclopean ocean titan dodges out of the way!
The ground then quickly cools.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a pallid blue lizard and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A pallid blue lizard slithers east.
Tiny fissures in the fire wyrdling's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Voodoo '410' to 'PREPARE 410', 'CAST'.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's left eye looks better.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan.
Obvious paths: southeast
Voodoo '410' to 'PREPARE 410', 'CAST'.
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels. You also see the blue Darckwizard disk.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's right eye looks better.
The ground buckles as a cyclopean ocean titan tunnels to the surface!
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay.
Obvious paths: southeast
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's right arm looks better.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.

The ground buckles as a cyclopean ocean titan tunnels to the surface!
Kyaloria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kyaloria concentrates.
Kyaloria's right hand looks better.
Are you sure you want to 435 the room? If so, use 435! or turn off the safety option in VOODOO OPTIONS.
You sense the link between you and your fire wyrdling begin to slowly weaken.
* Adner just bit the dust!
>[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Kyaloria takes a bite of her sovyn clove.
Kyaloria makes a horrible face!
Kyaloria's right arm is fully restored.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>prep 435
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Major Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan.
Obvious paths: southeast
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A heavy drizzle trickles down from the grey skies.
You gesture.
A wave of crimson ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
The ground buckles as a cyclopean ocean titan tunnels to the surface!
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay. You also see the blue Darckwizard disk.
Obvious paths: southeast
>prep 914
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Sandstorm...
Your spell is ready.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Kyaloria removes a bur-clover potion from in a gilt-trimmed steel cabinet.
>cast tit
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
You gesture at a cyclopean ocean titan.
A whirlwind swirls around a cyclopean ocean titan for a moment, but then subsides.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay.
Obvious paths: southeast
Spell Call Familiar (920) ended.
You sense the link between you and your fire wyrdling weaken and vanish.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Stacks of barrels, crates, and bales leave little room to even walk, as a purser and his crew unload a caravel that is docked along the west end of the quay. You also see the blue Darckwizard disk.
Obvious paths: southeast
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
[Solhaven, North 'Haven Quay]
Lighters and barges tie up along the north side of the quay, loading supplies and cargo for the larger carracks and cogs moored further out in the bay. The south side of the quay descends in a broad stretch of steps to the water, providing easy boarding for the passengers of the many punts, gigs and skiffs plying the bay between the shore and the anchored vessels.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A capacious, whitewashed warehouse faces North 'Haven Quay across Bayside Road. The constant flow of longshoremen to and from the quay is often at odds with the traffic on Bayside. You also see a cyclopean ocean titan and a salt-crusted old canvas tent.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A cyclopean ocean titan plunges his fist into the ground in front of you!
CS: +521 - TD: +404 + CvA: +15 + d100: +80 - -5 == +217
Warding failed!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to stomach sends you doubling over to the ground.
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 15 rounds!
Roundtime: 24 sec.
>prep 525
You are still stunned.
A pallid blue lizard slithers in.
>chat shit
You focus on transmitting your thought.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
A cyclopean ocean titan rumbles an incantation.
A cyclopean ocean titan plunges his fist into the ground in front of you!
CS: +521 - TD: +404 + CvA: +15 + d100: +67 - -5 == +204
Warding failed!
... 40 points of damage!
You are stunned by a strike to the hand.
Roundtime: 24 sec.
A pallid blue lizard charges at you with its tusk!
Fumbling aimlessly, you manage to deflect the attack with your runestaff!

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Palores echo in your mind:
"shit indeed"
The surroundings are blurred with a downpour of obscuring rain.
A cyclopean ocean titan stomps at you with its foot!
AS: +675 vs DS: +469 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +12 = +257
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hits for 121 points of damage!
Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives your heart out the back.
Spell Sign of Striking (Striking) ended. [-5AS]
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
Spell Sign of Shields (Shields) ended. [-20DS]
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Sign of Warding (Warding) ended. [-5DS]
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Bias (508) ended. [-20ETD]
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
Spell Sign of Defending (Defending) ended. [-10DS]
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
Spell Prismatic Guard (905) ended. [-20PhysDS, -35BoltDS]
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Targeting (425) ended. [-50AS, -50ECS]
You feel less confident than before.
Spell Elemental Barrier (430) ended. [-37DS, -37ETD]
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
Spell Sign of Smiting (Smiting) ended. [-10AS]
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Focus (513) ended. [-63BoltAS, +20PhysAS]
You no longer bristle with energy.
Spell Sign of Dissipation (SignDis) ended. [-15TD]
Your SIGN OF DISSIPATION is no longer effective.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-44DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Sign of Swords (Swords) ended. [-20AS]
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
Spell Temporal Reversion (540) ended.
Abruptly, everything you see and hear comes into better focus. Your personal temporal reality has rejoined the true flow of time.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!

...departing in 10 mins...

The ocean titan laughs heartily at you!

* Darckwizard just bit the dust!

I was about to meteor swarm it.

08-04-2009, 06:22 AM
god a MS would be good.

Funny about Aethor getting owned. He's horrible at this game.

These logs really highlight some of the CS/TD issues versus Bolt AS they have in this game.

08-04-2009, 06:57 AM
Well, went back, found it, had up to 3 meteor swarms going, it is immune to damage by them. I got nothing.

08-04-2009, 07:24 AM
Well, went back, found it, had up to 3 meteor swarms going, it is immune to damage by them. I got nothing.

They need to remove the spell from the game and give Wizards something useful. It'd be such a badass spell if they let it actually own things.

08-04-2009, 07:34 AM
I killed it (the Titan)using alternating dispells 119 and 417 then 711 pain. Those eyeballs only killable by swinging?

08-04-2009, 07:35 AM
I killed it (the Titan)using alternating dispells 119 and 417 then 711 pain. Those eyeballs only killable by swinging?

Its a shame that alternating dispells is one of the best way a mega-post-capped sorc has to deal with a creature they spawn--good thinking though.

08-04-2009, 08:38 AM
Yea, 240 probably would have worked better or 117 for a swinger. My implosion couldn't touch it.

08-04-2009, 10:26 AM
I killed it (the Titan)using alternating dispells 119 and 417 then 711 pain. Those eyeballs only killable by swinging?

I'd slaughter rooms of eyeballs with 908

08-04-2009, 12:53 PM
These creatures are designed to have distinct strengths and weaknesses (i.e. a high TD but low DS, etc.). I think the intention was that not everything would be killable by any one player, making grouping necessary.

08-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Unless you're a casting archer, that is.

08-04-2009, 04:48 PM
A translucent-winged vertiginous horror exclaims, "Shaga thak f'tagh!"

Yay for Cthulhu!

08-04-2009, 10:50 PM
[Solhaven, Triton Road]
A well-worn path leads into the fenced yard surrounding the local school. The low stone building sits well back from the street, the schoolyard empty and quiet. You also see a small black pearl, a seaglass and mein construct that appears dead, a disheveled white cat, a sleek sable wildcat, a disgruntled sunburst spirit that is flying around, the Aethor disk, a cheery geyser spirit that is flying around, the Meureii disk and a seaglass and mein construct that appears dead.
Also here: Rimalon, Alifair, Silverthorne, Missoni, Perigourd, Evelith, Aethor, Siwas, Tebon, Meureii, Sir Cryheart, Cyral, Vilkea, Protector Aydan
Obvious paths: east, south, west
The white cat pads off.
Tebon looks tense and ready for action.
Protector Aydan's group just went south.
Rimalon says, "...Er."
Rimalon traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Rimalon gestures.
Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.
A cheery geyser spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
A disgruntled sunburst spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
The still form of a seaglass and mein construct suddenly explodes, sending shards of mein in every direction!
Rimalon dives out of the way!
Shards of mein fly directly at you!
You scream out in pain as shards of mein slash you!
... 50 points of damage!
Off-balanced slash!
Enough force to sever your left hand!
You are stunned for 10 rounds!
The still form of a seaglass and mein construct suddenly explodes, sending shards of mein in every direction!
Rimalon dives out of the way!
Shards of mein fly directly at you!
You scream out in pain as shards of mein slash you!
... 160 points of damage!
Incredible slash to your neck!
Throat and vocal cords destroyed!
Zero chance of survival.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]

Tea & Strumpets
08-06-2009, 04:38 PM
Is your armor not crit padded?

08-06-2009, 04:50 PM
Heavily crit padded, but I was loaded down with boxes.

08-07-2009, 03:40 AM
[Solhaven, Snippet and Shadow]
Lancet arches of pale limestone above the doors and windows of a building near the intersection's northwest corner set it off from its neighbors. One more facade in the walls of stone buildings facing the streets on all sides -- the lighter stone and graceful curves create a positive image in this canyon of gloom that is Shadow Street. You also see a scaled mutant legionnaire and a scaled mutant legionnaire.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
incant 616
>A scaled mutant legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward you!
CS: +466 - TD: +423 + CvA: -8 + d100: +99 == +134
Warding failed!
A painful blow.
... 15 points of damage!
Your neck is snapped violently by spasming muscles.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!
>A scaled mutant legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward you!
CS: +451 - TD: +423 + CvA: -8 + d100: +90 == +110
Warding failed!
You feel a surge of intense energy suddenly tear violently at your body! You feel drained!
... and hits for 11 points of damage!
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
... 5 points of damage!
Chilly blast to the head. Where is that cap Mom knitted for you!?
... 5 points of damage!
Light shock to abdomen. That stings!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes your right arm lightly.
A wild-eyed water zealot scrambles in, cackling with clueless glee!
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
A scaled mutant legionnaire chants in an incomprehensible language, causing streams of dim grey energy to lash about his hands.
A scaled mutant legionnaire chants in an incomprehensible language, causing streams of dim grey energy to lash about his hands.
The thorny barrier surrounding you blocks the attack from the water zealot!
A twisted oceanic oddity arrives, bringing in a rancid odor.
A wild-eyed water zealot claws at you!
Fumbling aimlessly, you stagger out of the way of the attack!
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
A scaled mutant legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward you!
A wave of snapping and crackling ethereal ripples moves outward from a scaled mutant legionnaire.
A twisted oceanic oddity is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces the oceanic oddity to a smoldering pile of ash!
The oceanic oddity lets out a final curse as it dies.
The very powerful look leaves a twisted oceanic oddity.
The white light leaves a twisted oceanic oddity.
The deep blue glow leaves a twisted oceanic oddity.
A wild-eyed water zealot is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Horrifying bolt of electricity crystalizes abdominal area. Spiffy but unfortunately also quite deadly.
The water zealot writhes in agony and dies.
You are buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
... 25 points of damage!
Nasty shock to right hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!

>A scaled mutant legionnaire points an ethereal, clawed finger toward you!
A void rips open in the area, directly above you!
Forceful decompression nearly turns you inside out!
+163 Hits.
Spell Spirit Warding II (107) ended. [-15STD, -25BoltDS]
The deep blue glow leaves you.
Spell Self Control (613) ended. [-63PhysDS, -10STD]
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
Spell Spirit Defense (103) ended. [-10DS]
The powerful look leaves you.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
Spell Foraging (603) ended.
You feel less in tune with your natural surroundings.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Natural Colors (601) ended. [-10DS]
You return to normal color.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-20DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Lesser Shroud (120) ended. [-20STD, -20DS, -20BoltDS]
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
Spell Mobility (618) ended. [-102Dodging]
You no longer feel so dextrous.
Spell Nature's Touch (625) ended. [-12STD]
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
Spell Resist Elements (602) ended. [-15BoltDS]
The air about you stops shimmering.
Spell Phoen's Strength (606) ended. [-10AS]
You feel the inner strength leave you.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.
Spell Wall of Thorns (640) ended. [-20DS]
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Spirit Warding I (101) ended. [-10STD, -10BoltDS]
The light blue glow leaves you.
You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased.
Spell Sneaking (617) ended.
You are no longer moving silently.
Spell Water Walking (112) ended.
The misty halo fades from you.
Spell Whispering Willow (605) ended.
You no longer hear voices in your mind.
Spell Poison Resist (105) ended.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...

08-07-2009, 06:45 AM
I wonder if I could aim for an eyeballs eye.

08-09-2009, 10:40 PM
So, I didn't actually die here, but a whole bunch of other people did. This entire log comprises one instant:

An algae-robed storm oracle gestures mystically.
A wave of russet ethereal ripples moves outward from an algae-robed storm oracle.
Earthdiver is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Blow removes Earthdiver's left hand neatly!
He is stunned!
Silverthorne is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Left arm is torn from shoulder!
He is stunned!
Morgiest is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Blow to back crushes spinal column.
Talk about no backbone!

* Morgiest drops dead at your feet!

Morgiest seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Morgiest suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The bright luminescence fades from around Morgiest.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Morgiest.
The light blue glow leaves Morgiest.
The powerful look leaves Morgiest.
Morgiest appears less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Morgiest.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Morgiest and fade.
Morgiest becomes solid again.
Morgiest returns to normal color.
The dim aura fades from around Morgiest.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Morgiest.
Baelog is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to back separates vertebrae!
He is stunned!
Bristenn is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Hard blow to left hand breaking bones!
He is stunned!
Shize is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks Shize almost in two!

* Shize drops dead at your feet!

Shize seems a bit less imposing.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Shize.
Shize's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Shize becomes solid again.
Shize seems to lose some dexterity.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Shize.
Shize seems slightly different.
Shize returns to normal color.
Shize seems hesitant.
Shize appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The bright luminescence fades from around Shize.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Shize suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Raelee is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen ruptures internal organs!

* Raelee drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Raelee's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The brilliant aura fades away from Raelee.
Raelee becomes solid again.
A luminescent aura fades from around Raelee.
Raelee seems hesitant.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Raelee.
The bright luminescence fades from around Raelee.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Raelee.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Raelee suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Raelee seems to lose some internal strength.
Raelee appears somehow different.
Raelee seems a bit less imposing.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Raelee.
Raelee returns to normal color.
A subtle light fades from Raelee's eyes.
The layer of stone surrounding Raelee crumbles away.
Raelee seems to lose some dexterity.
Raelee seems slightly different.
Raelee appears less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Raelee.
The deep blue glow leaves Raelee.
Raelee just arrived. Wait, wasn't she here already?
Raelee no longer bristles with energy.
The air calms down around Raelee.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Raelee.
Raelee's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Raelee appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
The air about Raelee stops shimmering.
The powerful look leaves Raelee.
The dim aura fades from around Raelee.
Raelee glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Eahlstan is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to left eye pops it!
He is stunned!
Cryheart is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow removes Cryheart's right foot!
He is stunned!
Shirkon is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks Shirkon almost in two!

* Shirkon drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Shirkon.
Shirkon seems a bit less imposing.
Shirkon seems to lose some dexterity.
The powerful look leaves Shirkon.
Shirkon's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Shirkon seems slightly different.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Shirkon suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Shirkon returns to normal color.
Shirkon seems hesitant.
Shirkon appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The air about Shirkon stops shimmering.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Shirkon.
The light blue glow leaves Shirkon.
The bright luminescence fades from around Shirkon.
The deep blue glow leaves Shirkon.
Shirkon becomes solid again.
Cinabar is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Blow to back crushes spinal column.
Talk about no backbone!

* Cinabar drops dead at your feet!

Cinabar returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Cinabar.
The light blue glow leaves Cinabar.
Cinabar appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Cinabar.
Cinabar becomes solid again.
Cinabar's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Cinabar seems slightly different.
Cinabar seems hesitant.
Tunder is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!
He is stunned!
Valicar is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Left arm is torn from shoulder!
He is stunned!
Alifair is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
She is stunned!
Missoni is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!

* Missoni drops dead at your feet!

The silvery luminescence fades from around Missoni.
Missoni seems hesitant.
The opalescent aura fades from around Missoni.
Missoni begins to breathe less deeply.
The dim aura fades from around Missoni.
The powerful look leaves Missoni.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Missoni.
Missoni appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
Missoni appears somehow different.
Missoni no longer bristles with energy.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Missoni.
The bright luminescence fades from around Missoni.
Missoni appears less confident.
A white glow rushes away from Missoni.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Missoni.
A subtle light fades from Missoni's eyes.
Missoni's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Missoni seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The very powerful look leaves Missoni.
The white light leaves Missoni.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Missoni begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The deep blue glow leaves Missoni.
Missoni returns to normal color.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Missoni's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Missoni glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Missoni seems slightly different.
Missoni seems a bit less imposing.
The air calms down around Missoni.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Missoni suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The air about Missoni stops shimmering.
Missoni becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Missoni.
A luminescent aura fades from around Missoni.
The light blue glow leaves Missoni.
Glatt is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to Glatt's throat removes it!

* Glatt drops dead at your feet!

Glatt seems to lose some dexterity.
Glatt returns to normal color.
Glatt seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
Glatt appears less confident and fearless.
Glatt's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Glatt becomes solid again.
Glatt seems slightly different.
Glatt seems hesitant.
Glatt seems less resolute.
A crimson mist bleeds out from Glatt's exposed skin.
Glatt seems a bit less imposing.
Glatt becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The air about Glatt stops shimmering.
Glatt appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The light blue glow leaves Glatt.
Glatt appears to lose some internal strength.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Glatt begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Cobalt light separates itself from Glatt and scatters into oblivion.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Glatt.
The deep blue glow leaves Glatt.
Glatt loses the flickering stormy grey energy surrounding him.
Balantine is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the right arm shattered and scattered about!
He is stunned!
Perigourd is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Blow shatters bones in Perigourd's neck leaving his head hanging loosely!
As Perigourd struggles vainly to live, he grasps for the warhorn on his belt, raising it to his lips for one final blast.
Perigourd gasps in agony as he blows, but his attempt is in vain.

* Perigourd drops dead at your feet!

The dim aura fades from around Perigourd.
Perigourd's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Perigourd begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The opalescent aura fades from around Perigourd.
Perigourd seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Perigourd becomes solid again.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Perigourd suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Perigourd's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Perigourd returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Perigourd.
The brilliant aura fades away from Perigourd.
The deep blue glow leaves Perigourd.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Perigourd and fade.
The light blue glow leaves Perigourd.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Perigourd.
Perigourd seems to lose some dexterity.
A subtle light fades from Perigourd's eyes.
Perigourd begins to breathe less deeply.
Perigourd appears less confident.
Perigourd seems a bit less imposing.
The powerful look leaves Perigourd.
Perigourd appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
Perigourd seems hesitant.
Perigourd seems slightly different.
The air about Perigourd stops shimmering.
A white glow rushes away from Perigourd.
Perigourd appears somehow different.
Vilkea is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen ruptures internal organs!

* Vilkea drops dead at your feet!

The bright luminescence fades from around Vilkea.
The shimmering aura fades from around Vilkea.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Vilkea.
Vilkea seems hesitant.
Vilkea's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Vilkea seems to lose some dexterity.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Vilkea suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Vilkea returns to normal color.
Vilkea appears less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Vilkea.
Vilkea seems slightly different.
The faint blue glow fades from around Vilkea's hands.
The light blue glow leaves Vilkea.
Vilkea appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
Vilkea seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Vilkea.
The air about Vilkea stops shimmering.
Kilthal is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Some swirling ethereal armor is overwhelmed by the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 50 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
He is stunned!
Nolat is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Blow shatters bones in Nolat's neck leaving his head hanging loosely!

* Nolat drops dead at your feet!

Nolat seems hesitant.
The air about Nolat stops shimmering.
The dim aura fades from around Nolat.
Nolat is no longer moving so silently.
Nolat seems slightly different.
The faint blue glow fades from around Nolat's hands.
Nolat seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The deep blue glow leaves Nolat.
Nolat appears less powerful.
The light blue glow leaves Nolat.
Nolat seems to lose some dexterity.
The very powerful look leaves Nolat.
The white light leaves Nolat.
The shimmering aura fades from around Nolat.
Nolat appears less confident.
The powerful look leaves Nolat.
Nolat no longer appears to be listening intently.
Nolat returns to normal color.
Nolat seems to lose some internal strength.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Nolat.
Nolat loses a thorny barrier.
Aegin is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
A swirling sonic barrier is overwhelmed by the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!

* Aegin drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Aegin.
Aegin returns to normal color.
Aegin seems to lose some dexterity.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Aegin.
Aegin becomes solid again.
Aegin's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Aegin seems hesitant.
Aegin's tower shield dissipates.
Aegin appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The bright luminescence fades from around Aegin.
Aegin seems slightly different.
Aegin's sonic barrier dissipates.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Aegin.
Aegin's sonic handaxe dissipates.
Aegin glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Yviara is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen ruptures internal organs!

* Yviara drops dead at your feet!

Yviara seems slightly different.
Yviara seems hesitant.
Yviara appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
Yviara returns to normal color.
Yviara's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Cyral is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!

* Cyral drops dead at your feet!

The deep blue glow leaves Cyral.
The powerful look leaves Cyral.
Cyral returns to normal color.
The light blue glow leaves Cyral.
Cyral seems slightly different.
Cyral begins to breathe less deeply.
Cyral seems a bit less imposing.
Cyral's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Cyral becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Cyral.
Cyral seems to lose some dexterity.
Cyral appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The dim aura fades from around Cyral.
Cyral appears less confident.
Cyral seems hesitant.
You are buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
You are forced out of hiding.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
Roundtime changed to 17 seconds.
... 50 points of damage!
Every bone in your right arm is shattered and scattered about!
You are stunned for 10 rounds!
Monax is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Every bone in the left arm shattered and scattered about!
He is stunned!
Tebon is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to Tebon's throat removes it!

* Tebon drops dead at your feet!

The deep blue glow leaves Tebon.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Tebon and fade.
Tebon seems hesitant.
Tebon appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The dim aura fades from around Tebon.
Tebon seems slightly different.
Tebon's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Tebon returns to normal color.
The light blue glow leaves Tebon.
Tebon appears less confident.
The powerful look leaves Tebon.
Niqk is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to abdomen breaks Niqk almost in two!

* Niqk drops dead at your feet!

Niqk seems hesitant.
The air calms down around Niqk.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Niqk.
The deep blue glow leaves Niqk.
The powerful look leaves Niqk.
The dim aura fades from around Niqk.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Niqk.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Niqk.
The very powerful look leaves Niqk.
The white light leaves Niqk.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Niqk suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Niqk's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Niqk.
Niqk appears less confident.
Niqk seems slightly different.
Niqk returns to normal color.
The light blue glow leaves Niqk.
Niqk glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The bright luminescence fades from around Niqk.
Metadi is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to back separates vertebrae!
He is stunned!
Dalimar is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Blow to back crushes spinal column.
Talk about no backbone!

* Dalimar drops dead at your feet!

The deep blue glow leaves Dalimar.
Dalimar appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Dalimar begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Dalimar seems hesitant.
Dalimar returns to normal color.
Dalimar loses the flickering black energy surrounding him.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Dalimar.
The powerful look leaves Dalimar.
The very powerful look leaves Dalimar.
The white light leaves Dalimar.
The light blue glow leaves Dalimar.
The air calms down around Dalimar.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Dalimar.
A crimson mist bleeds out from Dalimar's exposed skin.
The warm glow fades from around Dalimar.
Dalimar seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
Dalimar appears less confident and fearless.
The dim celadon wisps about Dalimar's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
Dalimar's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Falvicar is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Left leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
He is stunned!
Aydan is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Blow to chest frees a rib to spear a lung and heart!
He is stunned!

And the final result:

Also here: a stunned Earthdiver who is lying down, a stunned Silverthorne who is lying down, the body of Sir Morgiest who is lying down, a stunned High Lord Baelog who is lying down, Bristenn who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Shize who is lying down, the body of Raelee who is lying down, a stunned Sir Eahlstan who is lying down, a stunned Sir Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Shirkon who is lying down, the body of High Lady Cinabar who is lying down, a stunned Tunder who is lying down, a stunned Sir Valicar who is lying down, a stunned Alifair who is lying down, the body of Missoni who is lying down, the body of Glatt who is lying down, a stunned Lord Balantine who is lying down, the body of Perigourd who is lying down, the body of Vilkea who is lying down, a stunned Kilthal who is lying down, the body of Nolat who is lying down, the body of Aegin who is lying down, the body of Dame Yviara who is lying down, the body of Cyral who is lying down, a stunned Monax who is lying down, the body of Tebon who is lying down, the body of Niqk who is lying down, Metadi who is lying down, the body of Dalimar who is lying down, a stunned Lord Falvicar who is lying down, a stunned Protector Aydan who is lying down

08-09-2009, 11:17 PM
Just a random thought but could this be testing for new stuff?

08-10-2009, 02:19 AM
What's that horn perigourd used all about?

08-11-2009, 01:42 PM
What's that horn perigourd used all about?


08-12-2009, 07:50 AM
What's that horn perigourd used all about?

If it is the one I am thinking of, it is an auction item which gives area messaging when the wearer dies. If you have a free hand upon death, it will be blown and heard for a decent distance. It is also capable of a few pretty good AoE spells, though I don't recall which off-hand.