View Full Version : Crossbows + Combat Mobility?

06-10-2009, 03:03 PM
I know everyone says crossbows suck compared to bows but has anyone ever tried using a crossbow with combat mobility? You could take the kneeling bonus and not really have a hard time with getting nailed since you just stand up immediately anyway. It might be expensive stamina-wise, though.

With a crossbow, you just get out a bolt and cock the crossbow, right? What's the RT? Is it 3 seconds.

I was just thinking that it might actually be viable with my halfling. As-is composite bow RT is 6 seconds with 509. If I add surge, it shaves 2 seconds. So the crossbow might actually take less time total when averaged out. I could ditch surge and save stamina for something else (I guess combat mobility, for one).

06-10-2009, 03:23 PM
I know everyone says crossbows suck compared to bows but has anyone ever tried using a crossbow with combat mobility? You could take the kneeling bonus and not really have a hard time with getting nailed since you just stand up immediately anyway. It might be expensive stamina-wise, though.

With a crossbow, you just get out a bolt and cock the crossbow, right? What's the RT? Is it 3 seconds.

I was just thinking that it might actually be viable with my halfling. As-is composite bow RT is 6 seconds with 509. If I add surge, it shaves 2 seconds. So the crossbow might actually take less time total when averaged out. I could ditch surge and save stamina for something else (I guess combat mobility, for one).

cock crossbow
get bolt
load crossbow with my bolt (doesn't take any time)

Beyond that, it's something stupid like 5 seconds to cock, which also forces you to offencive, then 2 seconds to fire. Crossbows suck.

06-10-2009, 04:14 PM
cock crossbow
get bolt
load crossbow with my bolt (doesn't take any time)

Beyond that, it's something stupid like 5 seconds to cock, which also forces you to offencive, then 2 seconds to fire. Crossbows suck.

Yeah, I guess it pretty much sucks. I mean I've spent plenty of levels spending 6 seconds in offensive, but bows seem like the way to go. Maybe I'll give it a shot soon here just to see what it's like (since it costs me nothing but the price of a crossbow). I'm getting pretty tired of Grimswarm spawning with wall of force and wizard shield and just thought I might be able to get an edge.

06-10-2009, 04:29 PM
Cmobility with a crossbow works fairly well, which isn't saying a whole lot. I suggest also getting in the guild and mastering Gambits ASAP. Stealth kneel, and Stand will be your biggest friend of all.
If you are lucky you could track down Widget's mech xbow with the crank for a flat 5 secs of Rt to cock the bow. And fairly certain that is didn't force you out of hiding. Could be mistaken.
Conversely, you could get a dual xbow but the scripts for when you turn it over force you out of hiding anyhow. So either Smaster it up really good or invest in Haste items.
All in all its a slow and painful process, but could be decent if you use the right gear.

06-10-2009, 05:25 PM
So cocking is minimum 5 seconds (from a base of what?), modified by STR (as with bows) or with AGIDEX (as with melee)?

06-10-2009, 11:46 PM
I'm pretty sure it has to do with Strength.

06-11-2009, 12:05 AM
All they need to do to make X-bows worth it is the capacity to fire exploding rounds. Loading vials into bolts with LFM traps and alchemy made bombs.

Lord Orbstar
06-11-2009, 03:54 AM
Fallen, you have a great idea. They can release those with Savants. I am sure someone is working on it in the Ivory Tower Headquarters at Simutronics.

06-11-2009, 08:30 AM
The idea has been suggested over and over and over. Never caught on. Like learning languages.