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06-08-2009, 06:14 PM
Cleaned up a bit to make fer less scroll script is very messy but it works.

#Will stick gems into jars (will also do bottles and beakers)- useful for adventure guild gem hoarding
#Origional script by Craig O'Brien ~~ Edited by Blueland (Joseph@Joseph.net)

gemdb = [ "some blue lapis lazuli","n'ayanad crystal","ayanad crystal","tiny golden seed","banded agate", "blue lace agate", "chameleon agate", "cloud agate", "fire agate", "frost agate", "moss agate", "mottled agate", "tigereye agate", "piece of golden amber", "deep purple amethyst", "azurite", "azure blazestar", "crimson blazestar", "golden blazestar", "emerald blazestar", "bloodjewel", "bloodstone", "bright bluerock", "red carbuncle", "chalcedony", "ridge coral", "paw coral", "flower coral", "black coral", "blue coral", "pink coral", "red coral", "blue cordierite", "corestone", "cinnabar crystal", "glaesine crystal", "quartz crystal", "rock crystal", "dragonmist crystal", "tigerfang crystal", "deathstone", "scarlet despanal", "blue diamond", "dragon\'s-tear diamond", "dwarf-cut diamond", "black diamond", "yellow diamond", "uncut diamond", "maernstrike diamond", "star-of-tamzyrr diamond", "star diopside", "doomstone", "black dreamstone", "blue dreamstone", "green dreamstone", "pink dreamstone", "red dreamstone", "yellow dreamstone", "white dreamstone", "gold dust", "dragonfire emerald", "dragon\'s-tear emerald", "dwarf-cut emerald", "uncut emerald", "eye-of-Koar emerald", "star emerald", "blue eostone", "olivine faenor-bloom", "bronze fang", "copper fang", "gold fang", "iron fang", "mithril fang", "platinum fang", "silver fang", "steel fang", "urglaes fang", "violet feystone", "periwinkle feystone", "firestone", "almandine garnet", "red garnet", "green garnet", "spessartine garnet", "wyrm\'s-eye garnet", "ametrine gem", "aquamarine gem", "chrysoberyl gem", "blue gem", "red gem", "beryl gem", "chrysoprase gem", "lilac glimaerstone", "cerulean glimaerstone", "clear glimaerstone", "golden glimaerstone", "green glimaerstone", "peach glimaerstone", "smoky glimaerstone", "ultramarine glimaerstone", "petrified haon", "yellow heliodor", "yellow hyacinth", "polished ivory", "fiery jacinth", "brown jade", "green jade", "white jade", "black jasper", "red jasper", "yellow jasper", "blue lapis", "black marble", "green marble", "pink marble", "white marble", "mica", "mithril-bloom", "pale blue moonstone", "cats-eye moonstone", "golden moonstone", "opaline moonstone", "pale green moonstone", "silvery moonstone", "mother-of-pearl", "gold nugget", "platinum nugget", "obsidian", "spiderweb obsidian", "banded onyx", "black onyx", "piece of onyx", "aster opal", "black opal", "boulder opal", "dragonfire opal", "fire opal", "moonglae opal", "white opal", "frost opal", "purple opal", "green ora-bloom", "firemote orb", "shadowglass orb", "fire pearl", "iridescent pearl", "black pearl", "grey pearl", "pink pearl", "white pearl", "peridot", "pyrite", "blue quartz", "carnelian quartz", "eye quartz", "citrine quartz", "rose quartz", "rainbow quartz", "tangerine quartz", "golden rhimar-bloom", "riftshard", "riftstone", "rosespar", "dragon\'s-tear ruby", "dwarf-cut ruby", "star ruby", "uncut ruby", "sylvarraend ruby", "sandsilver", "blue sapphire", "blue shimmarglin sapphire", "clear sapphire", "dragonsbreath sapphire", "dragonseye sapphire", "blue mermaid\'s-tear sapphire", "dwarf-cut sapphire", "green sapphire", "lavender shimmarglin sapphire", "pale water sapphire", "pink sapphire", "star sapphire", "violet sapphire", "yellow sapphire", "umber sard", "sardonyx", "shimmertine shard", "viridian soulstone", "black sphene", "brown sphene", "white sphene", "yellow sphene", "spherine", "blue spinel", "pink spinel", "red spinel", "violet spinel", "sardonyx stone", "alexandrite stone", "adventure stone", "malachite stone", "labradorite stone", "morganite stone", "rhodochrosite stone", "jet stone", "turquoise stone", "sunstone", "sapphire talon", "purple thunderstone", "blue topaz", "clear topaz", "golden topaz", "errisian topaz", "imperial topaz", "pink topaz", "smoky topaz", "black tourmaline", "blue tourmaline", "clear tourmaline", "green tourmaline", "pink tourmaline", "spiderweb turquoise", "argent vultite-bloom", "wyrdshard", "brown zircon", "clear zircon", "green zircon", "snowflake zircon", "yellow zircon" ]

if script.vars.find { |val| val =~ /\bhelp\b/i }
echo("Will stick gems into jars (will also do bottles and beakers) - useful for adventure guild gem hoarding")
echo("You MUST can change the hardcoded container settings to use this script!")
# container1 = Unprocessed gems - will default to greatcloak if not defined
# container2 = Your primary jar container (not full jars) -
# container3 = Empty jar container -
# container4 = Full jar container (full jar storage) -
$jargem_gemsack = "tunic"
$jargem_primejarsack = "pouch"
$jargem_emptyjarsack = "cloak"
$jargem_fulljarsack = "tunic"

fput "look in my #{$jargem_gemsack}"
contents = waitfor("In the .+ you see").gsub(/ and (?:an|a|some)/, ',')
$jargem_gems = contents.scan(/\b(?:#{gemdb.join('|')})(?=,|\.)/)

def jargem_get_empty
fput "get jar from my #{$jargem_emptyjarsack}"
emptyresult = waitfor("Get what", "You remove")
if emptyresult =~ /Get what/
fput "get bottle from my #{$jargem_emptyjarsack}"
botresult = waitfor("Get what", "You remove")
if botresult =~ /Get what/
fput "get beaker from my #{$jargem_emptyjarsack}"
beakresult = waitfor("Get what", "You remove")
if beakresult =~ /Get what/
echo ("You are out of empty jars")
$jargem_contain = 'beaker'
$jargem_contain = 'bottle'
$jargem_contain = 'jar'
def gem_to_jar
if $jargem_gem2
fput "put my #{$jargem_gem2} in my #{$jargem_contain}"
fput "put my #{$jargem_gem} in my #{$jargem_contain}"
jarresult = waitfor("into your jar", "into your beaker", "into your bottle", "to the contents of", "into your empty", "full", "better of mixing", "holding the beaker", "holding the jar", "holding the bottle")
if jarresult =~ /into your empty|into your beaker|into your jar|into your bottle|to the contents of/
fput "put my #{$jargem_contain} in my #{$jargem_primejarsack}"
elsif jarresult =~ /better of mixing/
fput "put my #{$jargem_contain} in my #{$jargem_gemsack}"
elsif jarresult =~ /full/
fput "put my #{$jargem_contain} in my #{$jargem_fulljarsack}"

until ($jargem_gems.length == 0)
$jargem_gem = $jargem_gems.shift
$jargem_gem2 = nil
if $jargem_gem =~ /pale blue sapphire/
$jargem_gem2 = 'pale sapphire'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /pale blue moonstone/
$jargem_gem2 = 'blue moonstone'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /pale green moonstone/
$jargem_gem2 = 'green moonstone'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /deep purple amethyst/
$jargem_gem2 = 'deep amethyst'
elsif $gem =~ /blue shimmarglin sapphire/
$jargem_gem2 = 'shimmarglin sapphire'
elsif $gem =~ /piece of golden amber/
$jargem_gem = 'golden amber'
$jargem_gem2 = 'golden amber'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /pale water sapphire/
$jargem_gem2 = 'water sapphire'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /lavender shimmarglin sapphire/
$jargem_gem2 = 'shimmarglin sapphire'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /tiny golden seed/
$jargem_gem2 = 'golden seed'
elsif $jargem_gem =~ /blue lapis lazuli/
$jargem_gem2 = 'blue lapis'
if $jargem_gem2
fput "take my #{$jargem_gem2} from my #{$jargem_gemsack}"
fput "take my #{$jargem_gem} from my #{$jargem_gemsack}"
result = waitfor("You remove", "Get what", "need a free hand")
if result =~ /need a free hand/
fput "stow all"
if result =~ /You remove/
put "rummage in my #{$jargem_primejarsack} ingredient #{$jargem_gem}"
newresult = waitfor("jar", "bottle", "beaker", "seem to locate any ingredient like that")
if newresult =~ /jar|bottle|beaker/
if newresult =~ /jar/
$jargem_contain = 'jar'
elsif newresult =~ /bottle/
$jargem_contain = 'bottle'
elsif newresult =~ /beaker/
$jargem_contain = 'beaker'
elsif newresult =~ /seem to locate any ingredient like that/
elsif result =~ /Get what/
echo ("there is a problem with your gem setup, double check, exiting")
echo ("And we're done! Exiting.")

06-08-2009, 10:27 PM
Nicely done, looks like it does the same thing, but is shorter and cleaner than my version. I'll test it out and reupload it to the repository if it works well.

Edit: I noticed a few things that are in my current version, that I haven't uploaded yet to the repository, that are nice to have. It has a "mode" variable, which can be set to "hoard" or "cap"

When you're trying to put a gem into a full jar containing gems of the same type, "hoard" mode would just get a new jar and continue on. "cap" mode would just stick excess gems into your full jar container instead for sale. I found the "cap" mode more convenient because I don't see much point in keeping more than 50 of one gem type if all I'm using it for is the adventure guild. I may have to try merging these versions.

I also use the script from within scripts, and it's very convenient to be able to specify the containers by the command line instead of always hardcoding them, simply because the calling script can give the parameters, which means you can use it with multiple characters that don't necessarily have the same container setup without keeping different versions of the script, so I'm going to leave the option for command line in it, as well as the hardcode option too.

06-08-2009, 11:23 PM
Yeah I didn't change much about yours other than not having it look in the gemsack each time it needs a new gem.. that sorta annoyin to look back through to find whispers.

06-28-2009, 12:37 PM
hey guys I am working on completely revamping this script but need help collecting gem GameObj.names the current list that I have is.

gemdb= ["radiant crimson mote of essence", "some radiant crimson essence dust", "red spinel", "emerald blazestar", "large white pearl", "piece of spiderweb obsidian", "white opal", "dragonseye sapphire", "aquamarine gem", "orange imperial topaz", "n'ayanad crystal", "periwinkle feystone", "piece of white chalcedony", "glimmering blue mote of essence", "pale yellow heliodor", "pink sapphire", "pale green moonstone", "yellow sapphire", "dragon's-tear emerald", "large grey pearl", "blue spinel", "azure blazestar", "some polished red coral", "smoky glimaerstone", "bright chrysoberyl gem", "yellow hyacinth", "green garnet", "spiderweb turquoise", "shard of rainbow quartz", "blue sapphire", "golden topaz", "yellow zircon", "fire opal", "piece of golden amber", "pale blue moonstone", "pale water sapphire", "green tourmaline", "light pink morganite stone", "piece of rose quartz", "clear tourmaline", "cerulean glimaerstone", "star sapphire", "green sapphire", "uncut diamond", "ultramarine glimaerstone", "turquoise stone", "tiny black pearl", "uncut ruby", "sylvarraend ruby", "pink topaz", "smoky topaz", "black opal", "shimmertine shard", "polished jet stone", "small pink pearl", "bright violet feystone", "green zircon", "silvery moonstone", "green malachite stone", "piece of banded onyx", "black tourmaline", "green chrysoprase gem", "crimson blazestar", "piece of black onyx", "uncut maernstrike diamond", "uncut emerald", "moonglae opal", "fire agate", "fiery jacinth", "lavender shimmarglin sapphire", "piece of citrine quartz", "pink tourmaline", "pink rhodochrosite stone", "pink spinel", "blue shimmarglin sapphire", "green errisian topaz", "peach glimaerstone", "orange spessartine garnet", "violet spinel", "star ruby", "brilliant lilac glimaerstone", "golden blazestar", "some polished pink coral", "deep purple amethyst", "smooth stone", "some radiant essence dust", "scarlet despanal", "ayanad crystal", "olivine faenor-bloom", "golden glimaerstone", "deep red carbuncle", "green glimaerstone", "dragon's-tear diamond", "tiny golden seed", "some blue lapis lazuli", "blue tourmaline", "piece of cat's eye quartz", "radiant mote of essence", "golden beryl gem", "violet sapphire", "dragon's-tear ruby", "clear glimaerstone"]

If you have gems other than these I would appreciate their GameObj.names to obtain them you can use the following code replacing tunic with the name of the container your gems are in

;e jargem_first = Hash.new ; GameObj.inv.find {|obj| obj.noun == 'tunic'}.contents.collect {|item| if !jargem_first.key?(item.name);jargem_first[item.name] = Array.new;end;jargem_first[item.name].push(item.id)}; respond jargem_first.keys.join("\", \"")

to get one of each gem out of the jars that you have use the following code replacing the container names

;e first = GameObj.inv.find {|obj| obj.noun == 'pouch'}.contents; first.each {|jar| ;fput "take ##{jar.id}"; fput "shake #{GameObj.right_hand.noun}";fput "put ##{GameObj.left_hand.id} in tunic";fput "put #{GameObj.right_hand.noun} in pouch";sleep 1}

Don't worry if you duplicate the gems that I already have I can easily search and destroy duplicates.