View Full Version : What's Wrong With This?
06-05-2009, 02:21 PM
You see Grand Lord Hevinsbane the Dreadnaught.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Issimir Clan.
He is very tall and appears to be very young. He has piercing steel grey eyes and rosy skin. He has shoulder length, flowing steel grey hair worn in a ponytail. He has a fleshy face, a red nose and sunken cheeks.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an imflass shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a hide longcoat, a crimson leather herb satchel slung over his shoulder, a stylish midnight blue pack, a thick gold ring, a suit of black alloy field-plate, a deep blue strapless evening gown with a long trailing skirt made from layer upon layer of sheer blue chiffon petals, each sparkled with tiny diamonds, an invar-bound spidersilk Adventurer's Guild badge, a roan armband, a tiny invar volcano pin, a formal navy blue satchel, a vultite chain, a flounced opalescent spidersilk skirt threaded with vaalin, a rugged hazel satchel, a trilliant-cut blue starstone necklace, some yellow viper skin slippers, an olive green watered silk bonnet, a soot black serge belt, and a feathered storm grey bodice.
Ok, so tons of people have mentioned him before... but my gods, that is just wrong.
06-05-2009, 02:25 PM
those slippers are hideous
06-05-2009, 02:35 PM
06-05-2009, 02:39 PM
WHY did I actually sit and watch that? :/
Some Rogue
06-05-2009, 02:42 PM
Do you pick on kids with Down's when their socks don't match? Same principle. :D
06-05-2009, 02:44 PM
<Insert often reused joke about Paladins being limp wristed>
06-05-2009, 02:47 PM
There was a cleric like that too. I can't think of his name, but he wore dresses and was a member of the all female house. Dag nabbit, I hate when names escape me.
06-05-2009, 02:50 PM
those slippers are hideous
I've seen much worse outfits, usually on women. But those slippers alone are just unforgiveable. :yes:
06-05-2009, 03:06 PM
a member of the all female house.
Which house is that? Moonstone Abbey?
06-05-2009, 03:08 PM
The Coven? Bah, my memory is taking a dump today (and it really stinks in here). Everyone referred to him as her, called him Lady ..... I hate when I can't remember the names.
I think it was about 2 or 3 years ago.
06-05-2009, 03:24 PM
The Coven isn't a house. They have one though.
06-05-2009, 03:57 PM
Not sure if it was the Coven or not.
06-05-2009, 04:00 PM
You see Grand Lord Hevinsbane the Dreadnaught.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Issimir Clan.
He is very tall and appears to be very young. He has piercing steel grey eyes and rosy skin. He has shoulder length, flowing steel grey hair worn in a ponytail. He has a fleshy face, a red nose and sunken cheeks.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an imflass shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a hide longcoat, a crimson leather herb satchel slung over his shoulder, a stylish midnight blue pack, a thick gold ring, a suit of black alloy field-plate, a deep blue strapless evening gown with a long trailing skirt made from layer upon layer of sheer blue chiffon petals, each sparkled with tiny diamonds, an invar-bound spidersilk Adventurer's Guild badge, a roan armband, a tiny invar volcano pin, a formal navy blue satchel, a vultite chain, a flounced opalescent spidersilk skirt threaded with vaalin, a rugged hazel satchel, a trilliant-cut blue starstone necklace, some yellow viper skin slippers, an olive green watered silk bonnet, a soot black serge belt, and a feathered storm grey bodice.
Ok, so tons of people have mentioned him before... but my gods, that is just wrong.
I wish people would use Sort Auto Head...seriously
06-05-2009, 05:07 PM
I wish people would use Sort Auto Head...seriously
ditto. my first thought.
06-05-2009, 05:23 PM
Hevinsbane is a rule unto himself and has been for years. Just wait until you hear him talk ...
Moonstone Abbey = Coven
And it was Lady Vishra I think
06-05-2009, 05:25 PM
The real mystery is how he reached post-cap in the first place, given his complete and utter inability to spell things correctly. Only thing I can think is that someone made macros for him and he was at least smart enough to memorize which macro did what.
06-05-2009, 05:26 PM
The real mystery is how he reached post-cap in the first place, given his complete and utter inability to spell things correctly. Only thing I can think is that someone made macros for him and he was at least smart enough to memorize which macro did what.
Or he bought the character from someone else...
06-05-2009, 05:36 PM
From what I've heard, he's always been like that, or at least, he's been like that ever since paladin conversions were turned on. That's been, what, four, five years?
06-05-2009, 06:09 PM
Selling a very famous and well-liked paladin. CB $1400 to anonymous.
Moonstone Abbey = Coven
06-05-2009, 07:28 PM
He is a funny guy, his healer and himself tend to feebly act as 2 seperate people but the spelling errors make it terribly obvious. I too am really curious as to how he even can function in the game at all with his typing skills.
Then, yesterday I spend like 4k (15 minutes, more importantly) on tinctures for an imploded Savek. Hev's healer (Nitat) heals down the minors...then Hev shows up out of nowhere, raises him just as I prep 308. Rather than make a fuss I just politely told him he should ask first and clearly observe that the word "Deacon" in a profession typically entails a religious profession.
I mean I could've really been a dick about it but, Geshron nor myself are the type to pick on autistic/downy kids anyhow. I'm sure he has a hell of a learning disability. Or is just piss-drunk when he's IG, I dunno.
06-05-2009, 07:36 PM
Moonstone Abbey = Coven
Ah k, I haven't had a Coven member since 2001 nor have I kept up with them.
06-05-2009, 07:39 PM
Sample Hevinsbane post from the officials:
last time i checkt mstrikeing in a swarm in a warcamp just gets you eaten
i just dunt think that spell should be alowd
the troll can reheal over and over again so you can get compleetly strupt
as for the magic items
aloda the times the critter is over lv 100 whin i fight
so emplode might fail
hay i'm all for the fackt its hell
i meen a ehad on one on one has its moment but whin you stand there and have 3 brutes mstrikeing you a wizerd preping a spell and a cleric smileing
you can realy feel good about your self whin your being raised back intown bragging i got all but that last one
06-05-2009, 08:01 PM
I think people kinda/sorta tolerate him now on the officials, or at least know about him.
There used to be huge flame wars launched by him just posting once, and people subsequently complaining about the typos, then other people ripping on them for daring to comment, queue retaliation mode...
06-05-2009, 08:22 PM
And it was Lady Vishra I think
Yeah, s/he/it also stuttered. It was stupidly annoying {to me anways}. Although, mad props for being able to type that crap out as fast as they did.
Rather than make a fuss I just politely told him he should ask first and clearly observe that the word "Deacon" in a profession typically entails a religious profession.
I personally completely ignore titles.
Sample Hevinsbane post from the officials:
Ah, so that's who that dude is. I just tend to skip right over what he posts because I don't want to go blind.
Some people with spelling problems are handicapped and are using software to help them play. Either that or they’re drunk.
06-05-2009, 08:37 PM
The black alloy field-plate is not gay for him to wear so I'm not sure why it's bold. Unless it's the fact he's wearing it under a gown.
The other stuff...yeah.
06-05-2009, 08:56 PM
More importantly, he (attempted) to hunt and talk with me a bit, explaining the benefits of Living Spell if I were to MA a Paladin. Then, he offered to get the Paladin to Level 20 for me, so long as I paid his account expenses for that period of time.
After the rezz he says "Oh no, Gesh you aren't a Cleric are you?" (I had raised him earlier in the day from a Warcamp) after he just stormed in and rezzed without saying a word haha.
It's the same look/feeling I get when someone who is drunk is trying to explain something complex. A lot of nodding, and smiling. No reason to get bent really, he seems to mean well.
06-05-2009, 09:28 PM
Unless it's the fact he's wearing it under a gown.
Don't forget the bodice that's over the gown that's over the field-plate!
06-06-2009, 12:45 AM
everuyon juts liten up, hees a prity nice guy if u get to know em tho
06-10-2009, 02:58 PM
I find him quite hilarious. I pay a lot more attention to his posts on the officials than I do to a lot of other posters'. And whenever he posts logs of his hunting he seems like he knows what he's doing for the most part, so who knows, maybe the whole kindergarten typing thing is all just a ruse.
06-10-2009, 03:24 PM
And it was Lady Vishra I think
I think that was he/r. S/he was really nice, RP'd it well, but I still could not get the visual of a guy with a beard and deep voice wearing a dress and giggling. Just.. strange.
06-12-2009, 02:06 PM
I think that was he/r. S/he was really nice, RP'd it well, but I still could not get the visual of a guy with a beard and deep voice wearing a dress and giggling. Just.. strange.
If I added that he also played Querthose (the original) would that help? Unless I'm very much mistaken and will no doubt be corrected
And I agree, an original angle very well RPd even if it did make me uncomfortable watching the Ivas raising ritual/dance.
06-14-2009, 04:03 PM
Or he bought the character from someone else...
Late response. That has to be true. Jihna hunted nymphs with Hevinsbane way back when. He was normal then. Not like now.
Stanley Burrell
06-14-2009, 09:03 PM
I hunted with him on Teras. Really nice (guy?). Only wore a skirt back then too. When I asked him why he wore a skirt, I remember he responded with,
"Ye defnittly the skirt is. it's. Aye."
Then he'd wink and nod ten times and we'd go hunt stuff. He was always telling me to convert to a Paladin in Swedish too.
Maybe he has a program that makes him talk like that.
06-15-2009, 10:25 AM
He has a healer named Nitat with him that is him as well. I've kind of grown to like the guy really, he understands the mechanics pretty well. I have a couple of friends who are very intelligent and well-spoken...until they get to the keyboard.
It's ultimately better than anyone who t..t..t...alks with a st-st-st-stutter in the game or that one guy who used to talk like Cobra Commander all the time with the sssssssssss at the end of things. That guy sucked.
edit: I always have had a Cobra avatar but no I was not the hissing dude, for the record. I talk just like this in game. (wordy and liberal?)
06-15-2009, 11:19 AM
You see Grand Lord Hevinsbane the Dreadnaught.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Issimir Clan.
He is very tall and appears to be very young. He has piercing steel grey eyes and rosy skin. He has shoulder length, flowing steel grey hair worn in a ponytail. He has a fleshy face, a red nose and sunken cheeks.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an imflass shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a hide longcoat, a crimson leather herb satchel slung over his shoulder, a stylish midnight blue pack, a thick gold ring, a suit of black alloy field-plate, a deep blue strapless evening gown with a long trailing skirt made from layer upon layer of sheer blue chiffon petals, each sparkled with tiny diamonds, an invar-bound spidersilk Adventurer's Guild badge, a roan armband, a tiny invar volcano pin, a formal navy blue satchel, a vultite chain, a flounced opalescent spidersilk skirt threaded with vaalin, a rugged hazel satchel, a trilliant-cut blue starstone necklace, some yellow viper skin slippers, an olive green watered silk bonnet, a soot black serge belt, and a feathered storm grey bodice.
Ok, so tons of people have mentioned him before... but my gods, that is just wrong.
Full plate, bodice, skirt, bonnet, and a long flowy dress? For some reason I'm picturing Bugs Bunny in armor trying to convince Elmer Fudd he's a human female.
07-10-2009, 05:10 PM
this is my last post on theas boards
today i delete my main
7.9mill exp
died again on the swim to the hunting grounds
and theres to much lack of responce from the staff
so dunt worry about my spelling problems again
after today ill be gone
and so i'm not tempted to come back ill delete hevinsbane as soon as i pass out his geer to friends
Discuss. (or don't)
07-10-2009, 05:29 PM
I laughed when I saw that. Like him deleting his character is causing anyone but himself grief.
Why not just grab another few ranks of swimming?
07-10-2009, 05:50 PM
>Brave Adventurer Questing:
o well hoepfullee he kin swim now
07-10-2009, 05:54 PM
hes handeng out his geer!!
07-10-2009, 06:12 PM
I laughed when I saw that. Like him deleting his character is causing anyone but himself grief.
Why not just grab another few ranks of swimming?
The issue was he used sigil of escape with his hands full
the room it landed you in you apparently need swimming in, to swim you need your hands open, and you can't stow what's in your hands because you're swimming
causing you to have to wait and eventually drown.
07-10-2009, 07:10 PM
Right, but in his "I'm quitting" post, he says he died *again* swimming *to* the hunting ground.
07-10-2009, 07:25 PM
He's an idiot, probally sigil of escaped before. hah
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