View Full Version : Obama Leaves Health Benefit Tax "On Table" - CBS News

06-03-2009, 12:09 PM
Obama Leaves Health Benefit Tax "On Table" - CBS News (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/06/03/politics/main5057993.shtml)


06-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Couldn't take the time to actually name the thread and then give some insight to what it was about in the body of your post huh?

Just posting a link followed by an emote is lame.

It's about Obama leaving health care tax on the table. No one saw that coming I'm sure....

06-03-2009, 12:20 PM
Couldn't take the time to actually name the thread and then give some insight to what it was about in the body of your post huh?

Just posting a link followed by an emote is lame.

It's about Obama leaving health care tax on the table. No one saw that coming I'm sure....
I did name it, but when I grabbed the name to rename the link I must have hit paste instead of copy. I apologize for the missed title, and will see if I can edit the title.

But at least I cannot be accused of using "The Chosen One's" name in my post, eh?

After arguing against (and lampooning in political ads) McCain over the possibility of taxing health care benefits it just strikes me as extremely hypocritical to even be considering the tax.

Next thing you know he will keep Gitmo open, continue warrantless wiretaps, keep troops in Iraq and start a $50 billion+ public works program (formerly known as GM).

06-03-2009, 12:31 PM
How did he feel about taxing health care, and giving a tax credit for it, at the second debate?

"Now, Sen. McCain has a different kind of approach. He says that he's going to give you a $5,000 tax credit. What he doesn't tell you is that he is going to tax your employer-based health care benefits for the first time ever.

So what one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away. He would also strip away the ability of states to provide some of the regulations on insurance companies to make sure you're not excluded for pre-existing conditions or your mammograms are covered or your maternity is covered. And that is fundamentally the wrong way to go.

In fact, just today business organizations like the United States Chamber of Commerce, which generally are pretty supportive of Republicans, said that this would lead to the unraveling of the employer-based health care system." -BO

(source: Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate - CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/07/presidential.debate.transcript/))

06-03-2009, 12:35 PM