View Full Version : Wish list...
02-23-2004, 11:10 PM
I wish my roommate Kyle would take singing lessons.
I wish my walls weren't so thin.
I wish people didn't listen to Dave Matthews Band.
I wish I was deaf.
02-23-2004, 11:14 PM
I wish you were dead.
LOL JK! <3
02-23-2004, 11:29 PM
I wish people would stop starting threads they can't handle.
I wish people would stop taking OOC matters IG.
I wish people would come up with something a bit more original than "I hope you die".
I wish my eye would get better.
I wish my ferret would quick nipping at my toes.
I wish there were more hours in the evening so that I can sleep longer.
[Edited on 2/24/2004 by CrystalTears]
02-24-2004, 12:35 AM
I wish all the musicians/groups I liked weren't dead/old/broken up/not touring.
I wish I could run like I used to.
I wish I could hit like I used to.
I wish i wasn't 5'1 fat and horribly ugly.
I wish I were a little bit taller.
I wish I were a baller.
I wish I had a girl who looked good. I would call her.
02-24-2004, 12:42 AM
I wish more people would join my clique and fight over me.
I wish I knew what 'a baller' was cause my opinion of Peam is tottering right now.
Likewise, if you seriously don't know where that's from.
02-24-2004, 12:58 AM
I wish what CT wished, minus the eye and the ferret. I also wish that people who choose to post on these boards would, regardless of their individual, chronological age, act and post like adults.
02-24-2004, 01:04 AM
I wish CT and Harmnone would drop out of Raven's clique so I don't have to fight anymore.
I wish I was Skee-lo like Peam.
I wish I had my own house, instead of this shitty apartment.
02-24-2004, 01:36 AM
I wish the moderators would grow a pair and come out and say what they think instead of walking on egg shells.
I also wish I could start life over again. But that's not as important.
[Edited on 2-24-2004 by Tayre]
02-24-2004, 01:40 AM
I wish some jokes weren't really over-done.
Ditto for Outkast on the damn radio.
I wish for inner-peace and the common sense to handle things.
Also for the ability of looking at my own situation with different eyes < why I do it for others so well, I'll never know >.
I want my Jeep back, really badly.
02-24-2004, 01:45 AM
As a former moderator, I'll say this much. No one ever stated there was any sort of protocol that we needed to follow, but I felt there was a certain amount of decorum that needed to be maintained. I felt that as someone who was trusted to represent the more reasonable, gentler side of the PC, I couldn't really say everything that first popped into my head.
However, not being bound by that sense of obligation anymore, I can say 'Stop acting like a bunch of bipolar adolescent bitches and grow the fuck up instead of expecting other people to walk behind you cleaning up your shit.'
02-24-2004, 01:51 AM
The thread they were referring to, I made the initial post and one other. The one related to it, I made one post then didn't even touch it after it went out of hand. CT accused me of "Not being able to handle what my thread will cause". I posted it in GENERAL GEMSTONE for a reason. It was funny, I laughed, whatever. I wasn't complaining, I wasn't trying to start shit.
Had I posted for the sole purpose of causing something, her analysis of my actions would have been accurate and deserved. The thread had basically spiraled of the topic intended and degraded back to the bullshit between sergey and Whirlin, which wasn't my intention. I have never, and still to this day never expect anything from anyone. I've been through way too much and know way better than to count on someone else to take care of me. I wasn't asking anyone to "clean up after me". I was asking that the moderators ..... MODERATE.
The thread was off topic, and was in the inappropriate folder for the conversation that was occuring. While my request of it being deleted may have been extreme, the moderators have full control over stopping the bullshit argument that was occuring without accusing me of not benig able to handle myself..
I wish I knew what was going on....
02-24-2004, 02:02 AM
No, Mint. You do not. ;)
Probably not...okay, I take it back.
02-24-2004, 03:20 AM
1. Shakira
2. that should do it for now
I wish the mods would not allow anyone to post ANYTHING interesting while I am at work.
I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone asked what the fare is on my bus when it is posted right on the farebox.
I wish I was not a technophobe.
I wish I had a title in real life.
I wish I could think of other things to wish for but I am a contented kind of person.
02-24-2004, 04:13 AM
I wish my back would stop hurting.
I wish the guys would come up with something better then "you're old" jokes.
I wish spring would just get here already.
I wish I could fall asleep, cos it's already 4AM.
Edited cos I do need sleep.
[Edited on 2-24-2004 by Lalana]
02-24-2004, 05:08 AM
I wish I could get that god damned song out of my head PEAM (die)
I wish I had a car with tail lights that worked and YES I have done everything in my normal capacity to do except take it in and pay tons for it to be looked at by a mechanic. Damnit.
I wish I was not so cranky and I was not up at this time of the morning.
I wish that well.. I don't really wish anything else. I'm okay with my life.
02-24-2004, 05:29 AM
Right now I wish I didn't start work at 3 AM.
That's about the only thought I am capable of thinking at the moment.
02-24-2004, 07:14 AM
I wish I was allowed to beat the shit out of stupid people and not get in trouble, they would be like "Was that because I'm stupid?" I'd nod and it would be all good.
I wish I could see more results from my work at the gym.
I wish I had a peanut butter sandwich right now.
02-24-2004, 07:37 AM
I wish I would win the lotto.
I wish I didn't have to work quite so much.
I wish I had more time in the day.
A baller is someone with lots of money, beautiful woman (or women) on his arm and a great car. bling bling.
02-24-2004, 08:03 AM
I wish people wouldnt start threads to start something, then say well i had no intention! When its pretty obvious...they're dumb.
02-24-2004, 08:25 AM
My comment wasn't aimed JUST at Tayre, it was aimed at everyone who comes here, gets involved in threads, and then get upset at how it's getting steered, it just happened to end up in that thread because it was the most recent occurence.
Tayre isn't the first person to pull that delete/close card, won't be the last. Moderators are simply growing weary of being asked to close or delete a thread on the grounds of either someone feels it doesn't need to be discussed anymore or because they don't like it for whatever personal reason.
For those people I wish (to stay on topic) that they be a little more selective on who they interact with both in and out of the game, because at any moment, that conversation or that roleplaying scene could be brought here. If it's accessible to the public eye, it's going to be posted, so that is the fate you will have to endure. Don't like it, don't reply and soon enough it will fade into the background just the thousand other threads people start about silly things that happen in the game or in IMs.
Edit: By the way, you REALLY don't want me to put the eggshells away and tell you how I really feel about certain things. It would be the end of my admin status, and frankly, no one is here is worth losing that for. How do you like that honesty eh? :P
[Edited on 2/24/2004 by CrystalTears]
02-24-2004, 08:47 AM
I wish I wasnt so superficial.
I wish I could do a presentation without having a complete breakdown.
I wish I'd finally win on those damn slot machines in Atlantic City.
Originally posted by Edaarin
I wish my roommate Kyle would take singing lessons.
I wish my walls weren't so thin.
I wish people didn't listen to Dave Matthews Band.
I wish I was deaf.
Haahaa, Dave Matthews sounds like Kermit the Frog.
02-24-2004, 09:57 AM
I wish my damn knee would heal 100%
I wish I could get a job offer in the next few weeks
I wish I didn't have so much fucking work to do second semester senior year
I wish my damn roommate would turn the sound off on his computer so he doesn't leave for the weekend with AOL turned on and I hear a loud fucking *close* every damn time someone signs on or off AIM.
I wish Melissa and Warden would stop fucking up Gemstone.
Weedmage Princess
02-25-2004, 04:56 AM
I wish it was 8am so I could go home.
I wish I hit the Mega Millions lottery.
I wish Seinfeld was still going strong.
I wish someone actually gave a shit about what I'm wishing for.
02-25-2004, 10:47 AM
I wish Gemstone would fucking drop professions already and go to straight skills and points.
I wish I had enough money to never have to worry about money again.
I wish I didn't have to work. Could if I wanted to, didn't have to.
I wish Jane Seymour at age 30 was curled up at my feet naked right now and panting over me, 'cause she was the most gorgeous woman there ever was at that age.
I wish my parents had good health.
I wish my cat'd be 3 years old again.
I wish that instead of war countries had "fuckoffs;" the army with the last orgiast still grabbing at a bottle of lube wins.
I wish the fucktards who invented "reality TV" were in chains in front of me, and I had a sharp knife in my hand.
I wish no one within a day's travel of me had to worry about the next meal or where they'd sleep tonight.
I wish Joss Whedon hadn't run out of steam.
I wish Isaac Guillory, Randall Thompson, Harry Chapin & Warren Zevon were still alive and making good tunes.
I wish more of you knew who the fuck Isaac Guillory and Randall Thompson were.
I wish.
02-25-2004, 11:11 AM
I wish the 6th Harry Potter book was out.
I wish my character was not denounced
I wish I had a Dhe'nar-si dictionary
I wish the girl I like felt the same towards me.
I wish I had gotten more back on my tax returns.
I wish I could put muscle weight on more easily.
I wish my car was paid off so I could fix my receiver.
I wish I was still playing GS.
I wish I actually was as happy with my life as I should be instead of being a whiny bitch.
- Remarks complete
02-25-2004, 11:23 AM
I wish Harmnone would say something extremely unresponsible, so we all could gasp.
I wish GS4 wasn't so boring anymore. I loved GS3, because I could steal and RP when I was caught. In GS4, I'm caught every friggin time, and that's too much RP for me.
I wish my new TV had more then 2 component inputs. Now I need to buy a copperbox so I can auto-switch between inputs.
So many more, but I'll leave it at that.
02-25-2004, 11:35 AM
I wish I had a car filled with camping gear right now, and the open road before me.
02-25-2004, 12:21 PM
I wish that my INS employment test tomorrow wasnt 4 hours.
I wish the test started later than 8:30 am.
I also wish this same test wasnt in Newark and was in my town.
Most importantly, I'm wishing and hoping that I pass with high scores.
02-26-2004, 02:17 AM
I wish I was done with SCHOOL.
I wish that I were financially stable.
I wish that people would use their fucking blinkers before turning!
I wish that you could shoot at people during times of road rage and not get arrested.
I wish (Like Anticor) that my hours of aerobics and eating healthy would actually make me LOOK in shape!
I wish I were a B-cup again.
Originally posted by Jesae
I wish that people would use their fucking blinkers before turning!
I wish that you could shoot at people during times of road rage and not get arrested.
Jesae, you scare me...where do you live (and drive) again?
02-27-2004, 02:20 PM
Hee, I live in the Phoenix metro area.
There are three kinds of drivers on the road-normal, cellphoners, old people.
Normal people-9 times out of 10 use their blinker, and do so in a prompt enough time that you can slow down and not rear-end them or have to tailgate for two miles.
Cellphoners-the worst by far, completely oblivious, never use blinker, tailgate, or drive 10 miles or over under the speed limit, and end up SLAMMING ON THEIR BRAKES like 5 feet before making a turn, forcing to you activate your ABS or jerking over into the next lane to avoid smashing into them. These people should die.
Old people-VERY slow drivers typically. Most are hard of hearing or have poor eyesight and don't feel the need to CHECK THEIR side view mirror before switching lanes, and usually the just sortof ooze into it without knowing and just continue to stay there, or they hover over the dividing line. They will turn their blinker on 5 fucking miles before making a turn. These people are on the verge of dying so you can't really do anything more about that.
*The last part of that is made in jest, I like my grandma, she just shouldn't be able to drive anymore.
02-27-2004, 02:31 PM
OH, and while I'm still talking about cars...
I wish I wasn't paying $1.98 for a fucking GALLON of gas!
Shari-who is seriously considering buying a motercycle.
02-27-2004, 05:17 PM
I wish it was summer so I could go wake boarding.
I wish Hilary Duff never started singing.
I wish I didn't have to work tonight.
02-27-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
I wish I were a B-cup again.
I believe a decent portion of the male posters here would like to hear you explain.
02-27-2004, 06:19 PM
Cause exercise, ie: jogging is impossible unless you have a really good sports bra.
Guys who don't realize that WE CAN TELL you're staring at our chest the ENTIRE time while we're speaking with you.
And I'm a total clutz, and every time I wear a white top..I somehow manage to get stuff on it RIGHT OVER MY BOOBS. Not anywhere else, just there, like two bright blinking neon lights. You lean against your car to squeeze past in the parking lot, BAM, to grey smudges.
And I live in the desert, it's 110 in the summer, it's really HOT. I'm not going to elaborate.
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Jesae
I wish I were a B-cup again.
I believe a decent portion of the male posters here would like to hear you explain.
I dont know about Wezas but it was the 'again' part of your post that threw me.
02-27-2004, 07:57 PM
I wish people wouldn't get hired into managment without working in the positions they are managing first.
I wish my boss had the balls to realize that when I'm right and tell him so the appropriate course of action is not writing me up.
I wish I had a brick with his name on it.
I wish that people would hire me based upon my skills and REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE not based on a piece of paper that says I smoked weed, cut classes, went to parties and in between times I took a class or two.
/pissed off at the world
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I wish that people would hire me based upon my skills and REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE not based on a piece of paper that says I smoked weed, cut classes, went to parties and in between times I took a class or two.
/pissed off at the world
Quit stereotyping, please. I'm taking four classes, thankyouverymuch.
02-27-2004, 08:16 PM
I wish I was a kid again. Fuck this college bullshit.
I wish I could hold my niece.
I wish I could watch her sleep.
I wish I was still with my family.
02-27-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I wish I could hold my niece.
I wish I could watch her sleep.
I wish I was still with my family.
Awww the sensative side of Vinh. :yes::thumbsup:
Thecla923 [5:25 PM]: You need a hug man?
Mooshoo16 [5:25 PM]: what?
Thecla923 [5:25 PM]: I wish I was a kid again. Fuck this college bullshit.
I wish I could hold my niece.
I wish I could watch her sleep.
I wish I was still with my family.
Mooshoo16 [5:26 PM]: eat shit
Mooshoo16 [5:26 PM]: or eat testosterone
Mooshoo16 [5:26 PM]: same thing
02-27-2004, 09:05 PM
I think Ranger's the one that needs a hug.
Thecla923 (8:57:08 PM): I was like trying to hit on 70 year prostitutes
02-27-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I think Ranger's the one that needs a hug.
Thecla923 (8:57:08 PM): I was like trying to hit on 70 year prostitutes
Uhhh, I think D was looking for more than a hug. ;)
02-28-2004, 01:42 PM
<coughs> I will elaborate without having the use of diagrams. Obviously you GROW breasts, they don't just suddenly appear. I had b's for a year and then they have ballooned over time. Boyfriend swears its due to the oral contraceptives I'm taking. I think we're going back to using condoms if that's the case.:grin:
02-28-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Cause exercise, ie: jogging is impossible unless you have a really good sports bra.
Guys who don't realize that WE CAN TELL you're staring at our chest the ENTIRE time while we're speaking with you.
Try having double D's and doing anything.
You know it's bad if you're jogging and you have to stop because your tits go numb.
That quote was taken completely out of context.
Originally posted by RangerD1
That quote was taken completely out of context.
Sure it was, all of my quotes that are used against me are too dammit. Someone must put a stop to it.
03-01-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
You know it's bad if you're jogging and you have to stop because your tits go numb.
Read an interview with a Playboy Playmate a bunch o' years ago. She was like the national junior tennis champion, then she got these 36DDs. So much for her career.
03-01-2004, 09:31 AM
See, the articles really are read!
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