View Full Version : Cursed arrows

06-01-2009, 06:15 PM
This is maybe a silly idea, but I have to ask.

1) Can you curse a bundle of arrows? If so, does it act like a bless or eblade, such that removing a single arrow from the bunch causes it to remain cursed?
2) If not, can you bundle a bunch of individually cursed arrows for the same effect?
3) Would the cursed arrows stick to the archer when he tried to grab one?
4) If this setup is possible, what would happen if you fired a cursed arrow at something? If it sticks, is it stuck there until the curse is neutralized? If it falls to the ground and an enemy picks it up, will they be subject to the curse?

A lot of seemingly random questions, I know, but that thread about the critter grabbing an ebladed arrow from the ground and stabbing the archer for the flare kill got me thinking about ways to prevent this. If grabbing the arrow caused the critter to go into a fit of itching or some such (or if simply getting the arrow stuck in the critter made it itch!), it seems like it might be something fun to try.

06-02-2009, 12:11 AM
you won't be able to hold a bundle of cursed arrows unless you are the curser. Even if you are the curser the arrow will not be able to leave your hand when you try to fire the bow or load a cross bow. sorry

06-02-2009, 12:13 AM
though you can curse it, pour a pure potion on it to temporarily remove the curse, fire it then it will recurse i think

06-02-2009, 10:39 AM
you won't be able to hold a bundle of cursed arrows unless you are the curser.

Yah, I pretty much expected that.

Even if you are the curser the arrow will not be able to leave your hand when you try to fire the bow or load a cross bow. sorry

But I was hoping that wouldn't be true =\ Ah, well. I don't have a sorc archer, but it just seemed like something that would be hilariously cool for the few that ARE out there.

Hell, if they coded this, I'd probably make one to try it :D

though you can curse it, pour a pure potion on it to temporarily remove the curse, fire it then it will recurse i think

Would it re-curse the moment it's fired? Either way, too expensive to be worth it as anything more than a parlor trick, I guess.