View Full Version : Crossing the line?

The Scholar
05-30-2009, 08:14 PM
Don't get me wrong. I love to RP. I like to think I"m good at it. I've played with some bad RPers, some good (and often excellent) RPers and some who just play themselves in the lands. I enjoy some well-placed drama here and there.

I met someone once who had an issue discerning between what was IC and what was OOC. After a few arguments, we stopped playing together. I think this happens to everyone, at one point or another, who RP their characters.

Recently, I met someone who I, the player, throughoughly enjoy playing with. But lately, he's starting to feel jaded. Constant emotional stress is not my idea of RP. Yes, I've mentioned this to the player. The RP path is valid and not badly done, my char just is unhappy being on it. I feel like there's been a line being crossed here. However, I don't want to just walk away from the player.

This happen to anyone else? Is there a line? When do you say - enough already!

05-30-2009, 08:39 PM
There is definitely a line. Take it from me, when logging in feels like: A job, a chore, an effort in stress/damage management, a commitment, etc you need to fix it. Immediately. The longer you let a situation like that go on, the worse it gets.

05-30-2009, 08:44 PM
Address it with them OOC. Separate the characters.

05-30-2009, 09:31 PM
Ambush his dome and Act urinate on him.

Stanley Burrell
05-30-2009, 09:50 PM
Ambush his dome and Act urinate on him.

I lol'd.

My RP is now for shit.


05-30-2009, 09:56 PM
I think it does happen to everyone. In any multiplayer online game you're gonna run into a variety of personalities. I agree to a point in keeping IG and OOC stuff seperate but if you take things ooc and actually get to know the player and realize that they are a douche bag, I dont blame your perception of them crosses over to IG. If you think a player is a shithead and still manage to get along IG, I applaud you for being a better person and a much better RPer.

but like fallen said, this is a game meant for enjoyment. regardless of your relationship with the player IG, if he/she is a retard ooc you need to cut your losses and move on. with hundreds of people playing GS, you will run into a cornucopia of personalities (i dont know why but i wanted to use cornucopia in a sentence) and like in real life you'll clash with some. Stay away from them and play with those that fit your personality. I've run into retards and I'm the retard to some and so far we've stayed away from each other. "Fuck you, you bitch ass motherfuckin cunt licking whorebag" is one way I say hello. Some people get it and some get offended. I interact with one but not the latter. Everyone wins.

The Scholar
05-30-2009, 10:48 PM
regardless of your relationship with the player IG, if he/she is a retard ooc you need to cut your losses and move on.

In this case, it's the other way around. The character (while being RPed awesomely-is that even a word?) is in my char's opinion messing with him. The actual player and I talk freely via IMs. I've mentioned that he doesn't appreciate being 'messed around with', yet the 'drama' persists. I find it hard to let him grow attached to someone who is so restless. It disappoints me because the player and I do get along.

The Ponzzz
05-30-2009, 11:13 PM
This is why I play Platinum. I don't deal with this.

05-30-2009, 11:15 PM
This is why I play Platinum. I don't deal with this.

You play Platinum. Is there even anyone else to deal with?

The Ponzzz
05-30-2009, 11:18 PM
Yes. More people per area than Prime. As we have the portals, so all 40 people are in the same area instead of Prime's 400 split between 8 realms.

05-30-2009, 11:22 PM
Yes. More people per area than Prime. As we have the portals, so all 40 people are in the same area instead of Prime's 400 split between 8 realms.

Yollia can back me up on this. 400/8=50


05-31-2009, 01:00 AM
Yollia can back me up on this. 400/8=50


Where this math fails is the fact that MANY more people MA in prime... I for example am only running 2 accounts right now... but i'm fairly certain you could divide the number in prime by half to equal real people #s not in game count.

05-31-2009, 02:19 AM
It's not a crime to walk away, completely away, from crazy people in game. You seem to think so, but it's really REALLY not.

She's 99% sure playing you, testing you to create more drama. Just walk and don't look back. And stop obsessing about it, get out of town, and fucking enjoy it! :D

05-31-2009, 03:30 AM
I walk the line.

05-31-2009, 04:28 AM
lolz math

05-31-2009, 05:09 AM
I'm perturbed by the OP's distinction between himself and his character, specifically personifying his character to have unique opinions ("my char is just unhappy" is probably the creepiest part). I think that crosses at least one line.

05-31-2009, 08:48 AM
In this case, it's the other way around. The character (while being RPed awesomely-is that even a word?) is in my char's opinion messing with him. The actual player and I talk freely via IMs. I've mentioned that he doesn't appreciate being 'messed around with', yet the 'drama' persists. I find it hard to let him grow attached to someone who is so restless. It disappoints me because the player and I do get along.

Are you saying the the player and you have OOC discussions where everything is perfectly cool but his character continues to bother or cause drama with your character IG? I think I'm following that correctly.

It sounds like this guy is trying to push some RP buttons with someone he knows that is comfortable with him as a player? I think something similar has happened to me and I just made it very known that my character was not down for that type of RP/storyline (made it known IC and OOC, but friendly-like), and whenever they'd try to engage me with it I'd just start verbing up a bunch of frustration and explain how busy I was with my studies or assistance to the Guardians of Sunfist or blah blah blah.

I agree with previous posters that when things IG and personal relationship-wise get to out-of-hand (and I feel like with some people this happens quickly), it's good to set your rules and boundaries immediately.

05-31-2009, 09:11 AM



Walk away, roll up or play a new character and enjoy the break...

05-31-2009, 09:14 AM
guys??? you'd tell me if this was me right???

05-31-2009, 10:11 AM
Lol, Dhuul. I was wondering if my advice should have been, "Well, you've made a thread about it on a highly viewed forum. I imagine said someone might stumble across it, or be pointed to it and ...problem solved."

The Scholar
05-31-2009, 02:04 PM
get out of town, and fucking enjoy it! :D
:love: Juna. I plan on it.

I'm perturbed by the OP's distinction between himself and his character, specifically personifying his character to have unique opinions ("my char is just unhappy" is probably the creepiest part). I think that crosses at least one line.

I think anyone's char reacts differently than their player, especially moreso if their personality is different than yours. How is it strange for him to feel differently about a situation than I-his player- does. I don't play ME in the realms.

Are you saying the the player and you have OOC discussions where everything is perfectly cool but his character continues to bother or cause drama with your character IG? I think I'm following that correctly.

guys??? you'd tell me if this was me right???
It's not you. I don't think we've ever met. Wait, I take that back. I think I gave directions to the house lockers once.

05-31-2009, 02:17 PM
Interesting thread. Some great advice to. . .

Except isn't intense RP something a player lives for with their characters?
Yes, it brings out some hard emotions to deal with and keeping those lines of what is game and what is real is tough sometimes, even for the ones that are at the best of it. But emotions are emotions and will effect you no matter what realm your in. How you deal with them is the trick, isn't it?
Perhaps you can play back and out think them, turn the tables? Who knows.

Personally, I live for that kind of crap and thrive on it. Especially when you can talk to the person ooc and keep the lines drawn clear. (Sounds like you and your friend are doing that part well.)

BUT If it is becoming to much, (and only you know that answer), you need to step away for awhile, change towns or play a different character till you feel better about it or till the story line no longer requires you to be part of it. Find away to remove yourself and explain OOC that its just to much for you and your character is done with it.

There, my two silvers worth.

05-31-2009, 05:49 PM
<<I think anyone's char reacts differently than their player, especially moreso if their personality is different than yours. How is it strange for him to feel differently about a situation than I-his player- does. I don't play ME in the realms.>>

My point stands. Let me remind you that your character is not a separate entity. Nothing "he" does is ever out of solely your control, since, you know, it's your character.

Lord Orbstar
06-01-2009, 07:39 AM
I recommend just staring at them slackly in character and intone, "I like Turtles." to whatever he is trying to do. That wall will prove to be an impenetrable fortress he will bounce his un-fun vision of roleplay against till he changes the story.

In character, I would tell him first, "I already told you I am not being sucked into your needy world. If I wanted my emotions and brain sucked into a void, I would ask a sorceror to feed me an implosion" THEN...when he tries to take you down that lane again, drop the impenetrable barrier, "I like Turtles".

Sylvan Dreams
06-01-2009, 10:43 AM
<<I think anyone's char reacts differently than their player, especially moreso if their personality is different than yours. How is it strange for him to feel differently about a situation than I-his player- does. I don't play ME in the realms.>>

My point stands. Let me remind you that your character is not a separate entity. Nothing "he" does is ever out of solely your control, since, you know, it's your character.

Totally agree. I always thought it was a little bizarre when people adamantly tried to act like their character is a completely independent being separate from the player.

06-01-2009, 10:45 AM
There's a difference between 'this character would respond differently than me' and 'this character would respond differently than me and I won't be happy with it yet I should still do it!'

This is about having fun. Even more 'serious RP' avenues are about having fun.

Sean of the Thread
06-01-2009, 11:28 AM
Fucking rp out of it for a bit.

06-01-2009, 11:35 AM
I'm perturbed by the OP's distinction between himself and his character, specifically personifying his character to have unique opinions ("my char is just unhappy" is probably the creepiest part). I think that crosses at least one line.

Do you find authors personifying characters in their book creepy as well? I definitely can understand you not wanting to RP or just being yourself but I don't think it's creepy to say "how would the fictional character I am portraying respond to this".

06-01-2009, 11:53 AM
If I understand WB's point correctly, he already answered that for me. It's not creepy to take on the mindset of a character you've created, but it's definitely creepy to give the character emotions in this situation a la the character, as opposed to the player, being distraught over a certain interaction.

To further my point, since I can still see the argument of the character having differing viewpoints from the player, it's super creepy that it is a topic of discussion, as if the character needs therapy.

06-02-2009, 10:54 AM
It basically looks like they're just using what they know about you and your character(s) to mess with you in-game.

I've had people that have known who my characters are and some of their stats and then used that to mess around with me before like:
- I send them an IM about whatever hunting ground I'm in with my new character, shortly thereafter someone shows up stealing from me.
- Their characters find unusual and absurd excuses to take my characters actions (which may not have even been an interaction with their character) as a threat and kill my character.
- Whenever I run into one of their characters in hunting grounds, they'll poach or do various things.

This all under the guise that they're roleplaying. It may not be the same behavior that you're experiencing but it seems similar. In my opinion, it has little to do with roleplaying and more to do with fucking someone because you know them out-of-game. They may start out as a friend, but if their sole friendly function is pissing you off, I'm not sure that it's any good interacting with them.