View Full Version : Do you still play Gemstone?

05-30-2009, 02:19 PM
Just to see how many posters still actually play the game that brought us together.

Feel free to explain your votes if you feel the need.

05-30-2009, 02:26 PM
In the process of closing my accounts right now due to lack of time to play/boredom. Will be back i'm sure, one day.

05-30-2009, 02:28 PM
I wouldn't go back and play if they let me play for free. The game seemed like more work than what it was worth.

05-30-2009, 02:29 PM
Still have my character but let my subscription wear out.
WoW is enticing again now it's PvP time. That will get old soon too and I'll just continue with Xbox360 and booze for fun.

05-30-2009, 02:30 PM
I'm tempted to join up for Ebons, just to win a few items and then retire again just so people can't enjoy them. Being such a cunt brings me a sense of enourmous well-being.

The Ponzzz
05-30-2009, 02:51 PM
I'm tempted to join up for Ebons, just to win a few items and then retire again just so people can't enjoy them. Being such a cunt brings me a sense of enourmous well-being.

Haha, you should play Platinum. Seems this sort of thing happens often with us.

I play, but real life seems to have taken a toll on my time I can put in. That's not a bad thing, but I do still enjoying playing.

05-30-2009, 03:15 PM
wow ponzzz you play platinum?

05-30-2009, 03:16 PM
I log in, pwn, then go afk and play something else.

05-30-2009, 03:23 PM
I stopped playing awhile ago.. WoW has me entangled in it's little web... Although now to come to think of it.. I played this game for 4-5ish years and the highest I ever got my character to was like 30. I then bought and sold characters without any real attachment. I played almost all the classes at a capped level and had fun. I'm sure I'll be back one day and just pop in and buy a cheap close to or capped character and have some more fun.

05-30-2009, 03:53 PM
i joined back for a few months, then quit.. : /

05-30-2009, 04:02 PM
Been playing since I was 12 on and off. I usually go hiatus for a few weeks then go back. Always keep my account opened though.

War Angel
05-30-2009, 04:05 PM
I go through phases where I play for a month, cancel for 3, play for a month, cancel for 3 ect. ect. I have kept 1 account open continously, but it's just a basic account, with 1 character on it. 14.95 isn't too much to pay for a weekend where I find myself with absolutely nothing to do. (Besides the fact that billing is closed on weekends, they'd make more money if they had 1 person on staff during the weekends to re-open accounts.)

05-30-2009, 04:07 PM
yes, when time permits

05-30-2009, 04:10 PM
No no no people. We cannot have the players winning the majority vote over the quitters!

Although, I would assume a lot of people who've quit won't bother staying around here to post much less vote.

05-30-2009, 04:14 PM
Quit a couple of years ago. Didn't like the direction the game was going in, what with more and more deliberate time sinks, all of the tedious variety.

I was also insulted when Simu was doing publicity for Hero's Journey and said their motto has always been "less tedium, more fun".

05-30-2009, 06:09 PM
Simu was doing publicity for Hero's Journey and said their motto has always been "less tedium, more fun".


05-30-2009, 09:23 PM
Quit, sadly.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-30-2009, 09:32 PM
I've pretty much quit.

I have plans to maybe eventually return, but the game known as IRL has thus far soaked up most of my free time.

05-30-2009, 10:47 PM
Still playing and loving it...

IRL has awesome graphics but there's no respawn point, man.

05-30-2009, 10:59 PM
havent touched it other than a free month here and there in like 5 years

05-31-2009, 05:42 PM
Closed account, mainly due to not really enjoying my in game time,and being completly fed up with the rp aspect of my main character. Maybe one day I'll play again, though do not plan to do so anytime soon, though who knows.

05-31-2009, 06:25 PM
Not playing. :)

Enjoyed the game - but felt targeted for lots and lots of "balancing" efforts, so it was time to move on.

I would have stayed if it was just the forced level drop down to the cap (though, losing 162 levels would have sucked!).

But there were too many other changes that I felt were getting put in to make the majority of the other older characters not look like the complete pieces of crap that they truly were by comparison (reallocations, jacking of armor spell hindrances w/ hard recast timers, etc, etc).

So, got out before a complete devaluation of my efforts happened.

05-31-2009, 06:58 PM
Not playing. :)

Enjoyed the game - but felt targeted for lots and lots of "balancing" efforts, so it was time to move on.

I would have stayed if it was just the forced level drop down to the cap (though, losing 162 levels would have sucked!).

But there were too many other changes that I felt were getting put in to make the majority of the other older characters not look like the complete pieces of crap that they truly were by comparison (reallocations, jacking of armor spell hindrances w/ hard recast timers, etc, etc).

So, got out before a complete devaluation of my efforts happened.

How much did you get for Malok anyway? I just remember some suburban e-thug kid bought him but never knew what the price was.

05-31-2009, 09:03 PM
I promised I wouldn't disclose.

I can say that he was sold basically naked (eblade weapon, 4x shield, a few alters, etc) - and that it was for substantially more than what Tsin is asking for his character.

05-31-2009, 09:07 PM
Malokii was where it was at until they raped armor.

I currently don't play, maybe again one day but right now my time is spent on kids and WoW.

05-31-2009, 09:23 PM
Account on hold due to no time to play. The latest addition to the fam has me hopping.

05-31-2009, 09:29 PM
haven't even considered playing since I sold out a couple years back. I never really enjoyed the game when they switched to gs4. Really broke any sense of accomplishment for me when it took months of play to get my CS to go up 3 points.

05-31-2009, 09:43 PM
I promised I wouldn't disclose.

I can say that he was sold basically naked (eblade weapon, 4x shield, a few alters, etc) - and that it was for substantially more than what Tsin is asking for his character.

Actually now that I think about it I wanna say the guy told me 2 or 3k for some reason.

05-31-2009, 09:44 PM
I don't really game anymore. I can't play without analysis of the time I'm wasting that should be going to something else, which makes me a bit sad. Oh well.

05-31-2009, 10:58 PM
I started playing a new character 4 months ago and then finally pulled Jihna out of the closet again last month. I'm back for a while.

05-31-2009, 11:35 PM
I used to be Cayge (IG and here), returned a few months ago. In Vaalor with my cleric and namesake. Very good to be back, Vaalor is still a great place and there haven't been TOO many annoying nuisances. Hope all of you 5+ year posters have been well.

06-01-2009, 02:25 AM
Now that I sold the last of my silvers off, my choice is "Fuck No" heh.

Sean of the Thread
06-01-2009, 04:41 AM
I like the beach.

06-01-2009, 04:45 AM
Do you roll your trousers at the knee?

Sean of the Thread
06-01-2009, 04:54 AM
Do you roll your trousers at the knee?

Clearwater Beach requires no such tom foolery. Live music... shrimp and beer.

Do you carry your m-14 at left shoulder or port arms?

(just noticed the scratch on the photo almost makes Hernandez look like a Bird Colonel) (on his cover)

06-01-2009, 10:44 AM
I quit a couple years ago. I occasionally get very nostalgic of my good times in GS. I think about the friendships that came from it, the laughs, the good books that got referred to me, and most of all I think about the memorable roleplaying experiences I've had through my 7-8 years of continuous play.

I keep telling myself I should come back, but a small (probably very wise) part of my brain keeps whispering that only frustration and disappointment awaits me. Time enhances the good memories while the bad fade away. From still reading these boards now and then (although not posting, as you can see), I figure not much has changed in the way the game is run and managed and that, above all, is what keeps me from coming back.

06-01-2009, 10:54 AM
I quit a couple times. Third one stuck. My favorite thing to do had been to sit in the tower, pick, and interact, but everyone and their mother was picking up a support staff, and I spent most of my time twiddling my thumbs. Finally quit when a nearly capped character decided to follow me around and steal boxes from my disk. Repeatedly.

06-01-2009, 11:25 AM
Clearwater Beach requires no such tom foolery. Live music... shrimp and beer.

Do you carry your m-14 at left shoulder or port arms?

(just noticed the scratch on the photo almost makes Hernandez look like a Bird Colonel) (on his cover)

lmao. dumbass. LOWREDY ftw

06-01-2009, 11:51 AM
Still play, never quit, still loving it. But I also never quibble about taking family vacations, or logging off to play lawn darts or scarf the neighbor's BBQ.

Now,don't get me wrong, there are things that absolutely make me crazy mad, but I guess I still feel the magic, and I still have friends I get to see and be with every day I'm in game. Have no plans to quit until the bitter end, mine or GS's...

Killer Kitten
06-01-2009, 12:26 PM
Quit in 2004, and still quitted. Even if my hands hadn't gotten so bad I'd have probably left the game. All of the changes made what used to be a simple, straightforward game way too complicated. I just wanted a game I could play and enjoy, not something I had to study for.

That and most of my old friends were gone. I did the MA thing for awhile but it got boring indulging in witty repartee with myself.

Sean of the Thread
06-01-2009, 12:38 PM
I would actually attempt to play if my hand wasn't dead. I can't do shit with this bad hand.

06-01-2009, 12:42 PM
I quit in 2007, two years ago, full time, after 12 years of playing.

06-01-2009, 01:15 PM
I stopped playing for about 2 years and sold off my characters about 5 years ago after playing from AOL pay by the hour days. Completly regret the sale, but made a crapload of cash - upwards of 2k on the sorc and 2.5k on the empath. Of course, there were some great items included in the sale...

Came back about 2 years later and had to start all over again. Took a short hiatius while recovering from brain surgery, but I'm back playing again. Vivi's capped now, but still loves to hunt - devoted to her house and MHOs and hunting for "stuff" as her friends call it.

Not sure I'll ever leave on a permanant basis, may take breaks, will never ever sell off again... learned my lesson on that already. :tumble:


06-10-2009, 01:34 PM
I stopped playing for about 2 years and sold off my characters about 5 years ago after playing from AOL pay by the hour days. Completly regret the sale, but made a crapload of cash - upwards of 2k on the sorc and 2.5k on the empath. Of course, there were some great items included in the sale...

Came back about 2 years later and had to start all over again. Took a short hiatius while recovering from brain surgery, but I'm back playing again. Vivi's capped now, but still loves to hunt - devoted to her house and MHOs and hunting for "stuff" as her friends call it.

Not sure I'll ever leave on a permanant basis, may take breaks, will never ever sell off again... learned my lesson on that already. :tumble:


Yes, I repeatedly kick myself for selling my rogue. Will never get over it haha. I feel you!

06-10-2009, 06:27 PM
Yes, I repeatedly kick myself for selling my rogue. Will never get over it haha. I want to feel you!


06-10-2009, 06:44 PM
lol nice

06-10-2009, 07:43 PM
I quit a couple of months ago. First cancelled my cleric about 3 months ago, Galihud who was only 43. I started him about a month before repell was changed to bane.

I then quit my other character, Kagdeth, who is 64. Had Kagdeth since about 2-3years after the AOL days. But... I got bored of playing two characters at once, because I would just fry on one and rest, while the other was resting I'd fry on the other. It would just be rince and repeat which got boring.

I think I quit because I couldn't get my friends to continue to play the game with me. I'll prob start again in a year or something. I seem to play for about 1.5 years, quit for 1.5years etc.

06-10-2009, 08:16 PM
I'm still playing 3 characters regularly... trying to cap Luminasa (not going to happen this year, I think, but I'll get close).

Just messing around with Hiroa, I want to get him to the point where he can comfortably call him a "bodyguard".

I want to be doing alchemy with my sorc, but I can't even muster the willpower to log that char in these days...

But still enjoying the game overall.

06-10-2009, 08:19 PM
I would actually attempt to play if my hand wasn't dead. I can't do shit with this bad hand.

Could a robust set of macros and scripts make it worthwhile? You could probably automate enough that you could do most things in game with one hand, even if custom commands like talking took you longer.

Just a thought. I'm sorry you're stuck in that position :(

The Scholar
06-10-2009, 10:46 PM
Still play. Still love it. Might take a break every now and then, but always get pulled back.

06-13-2009, 09:59 AM
I've been playing on and off since '95. It gets boring and I quit, then I miss it, and return, repeat.