View Full Version : 1615/1635 damage types
05-26-2009, 12:37 AM
if you could pick a damage type, which one would you pick?
Kai's crushing damage seems interesting, unbalancing seems like it would be good too considering the spells effect (althought I think they suck for getting crit kills).
05-26-2009, 01:21 AM
I have crush and it's pretty solid. I abhor the crit knockdowns, but I'm not sure you can completely avoid that with any crit table (though I could be wrong about that).
For non-elemental crits, impact would be pretty boss.
For elemental crits, lightning (unless you're a warcamp nut, then fire would be killer for the trolls assuming it stops them from healing).
05-26-2009, 09:47 AM
1615/1635 damage types 05-26-2009 02:13 AM f u
Rofl, seriously? Some people have some major mental issues.
05-26-2009, 10:00 AM
Heh, I received the same thing.
05-26-2009, 10:02 AM
People just clearing their Reps so they can rep the same people over and over. Some people actually cop to it.
You meant 1630...
Koar gives you scepter of lightning!
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and a brilliant golden crown haloes your head. A faint white light builds up and emenates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sceptre!
A blast of white energy bursts from the tip of the ethereal sceptre, striking a vourkha!
CS: +191 - TD: +135 + CvA: +25 + d100: +58 == +139
Warding failed!
The vourkha is stricken for 37 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy spark to back. Bet that hurts.
A blast of white energy bursts from the tip of the ethereal sceptre, striking a vourkha!
CS: +191 - TD: +126 + CvA: +25 + d100: +83 == +173
Warding failed!
The vourkha is stricken for 51 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Explosive bolt of electricity vaporized neck. Head drops to shoulders then on ground. Never knew what hit 'em.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the vourkha's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The vourkha slumps to the ground as the light departs her eyes.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a vourkha suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
A vourkha appears somehow different.
The ethereal sceptre in your hand splinters into a crackle of energy.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
05-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Yeah, 1630, not 1635.
My paladin is Zelia, so mine are a boomerang of randomness. It's pretty cool except it seems to end up cold frequently.
I didn’t pick Koar for the damage type. I’m just an rp nerd.
From Kraki...
05-26-2009, 11:10 AM
Yeah, That's what sparked my question. I wonder which people would choose if they could choose one =). I thought they were all elemental till someone mentioned Kai was crush so I decided to look what was available.
Anyone worship any of these care to share what their damage type is?
Arkati and Spirits of Liabo
Arkati and Spirits of Lornon
05-26-2009, 11:19 AM
I have to imagine Eorgina is either cold or slash.
05-26-2009, 11:58 AM
Sheru is crush.
05-27-2009, 02:18 PM
I got Phoen so its fire/plasma.
05-27-2009, 02:20 PM
Is it fire or plasma?
05-28-2009, 11:26 AM
Phoen is definitely fire.
A pillar of sunlight gold radiance manifests around a hill troll.
CS: +295 - TD: +63 + CvA: +9 + d100: +68 == +309
Warding failed!
Waves of sacred energy tear through the hill troll's body!
... 101 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Super-heated flame causes a hill troll's right eye to explode inward.
You briefly close your eyes, and a miniature sun frames the back of your head. A faint blue light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal chakram!
A ray of brilliant sunlight gleams from the edge of the ethereal chakram, striking a hill troll!
CS: +295 - TD: +63 + CvA: +9 + d100: +6 == +247
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 59 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Left arm incinerated. Unfortunate.
The hill troll is stunned!
The hill troll howls in agony as the flames dance over her body!
... 65 points of damage!
Left leg completely charred.
A hill troll screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
The ethereal chakram flashes brightly and crumbles to dust.
05-28-2009, 11:34 AM
So our fire 1615/1630s do have the extra effect on them, that's cool.
05-28-2009, 11:37 AM
So our fire 1615/1630s do have the extra effect on them, that's cool.
Yeah I have noticed this when the Zelia flares randomly hit fire on trolls or cold on stone giants/illoke etc.
Does acid have the same effect as fire on trolls?
05-28-2009, 11:45 AM
Yeah I have noticed this when the Zelia flares randomly hit fire on trolls or cold on stone giants/illoke etc.
Does acid have the same effect as fire on trolls?
No, only fire has that effect.
05-28-2009, 01:03 PM
I think fire is a good choice. It's moderately powerful versus everything and very powerful versus a relatively common thing, though the 70s-80s will be tough in fire mages and the bowels. Still, a fine choice for the majority of the game.
05-28-2009, 01:22 PM
wouldn't 1615/1630 be totally useless in the bowels though if you selected fire?
05-28-2009, 02:25 PM
Yes, but it's just one hunting ground. Gotta think in terms of cap.
05-28-2009, 02:42 PM
Anyone know which flare type voln is?
05-28-2009, 10:22 PM
Anyone know which flare type voln is?
Voln has roundhousekicktotheface flares.
05-28-2009, 10:23 PM
Voln has roundhousekicktotheface flares.
Only Chuck Norris has those. And they're called 'Kicking your ass flares'.
05-29-2009, 02:45 AM
Eonak is also crushing. Hammer blows, you know.
05-29-2009, 09:46 AM
I thought Eonak was plasma?
05-29-2009, 01:26 PM
Here's Eonak:
You briefly close your eyes, and the repeated sound of metal striking metal rings out in the air around you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal forging hammer!
A shockwave of golden energy ripples out from the head of the ethereal forging hammer, striking a hill troll!
CS: +275 - TD: +63 + CvA: -11 + d100: +19 == +220
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 91 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
The hill troll's shoulder joint explodes, severing shield arm.
The hill troll is stunned!
The hill troll is driven to her knees!
The ethereal forging hammer fizzles into a puff of smoke.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You briefly close your eyes, and the repeated sound of metal striking metal rings out in the air around you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal forging hammer!
A shockwave of golden energy ripples out from the head of the ethereal forging hammer, striking a hill troll!
CS: +275 - TD: +63 + CvA: -11 + d100: +14 == +215
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 59 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Both the hill troll's kidneys rupture. Death is quick and painful.
[You have earned 1 recognition point.]
The hill troll falls to the ground and dies.
You briefly close your eyes, and the repeated sound of metal striking metal rings out in the air around you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal forging hammer!
A shockwave of golden energy ripples out from the head of the ethereal forging hammer, striking a hill troll!
CS: +275 - TD: +63 + CvA: -11 + d100: +23 == +224
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 70 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
The hill troll's neck muscles contract violently, severing head from shoulders.
[You have earned 1 recognition point.]
The hill troll falls to the ground and dies.
Could be plasma. I've always thought of it as a forging hammer striking them.
05-29-2009, 01:36 PM
Those aren't crush crits, and they for sure aren't plasma {lulz}; I'm guessing they're vibe.
05-29-2009, 01:41 PM
Seem to hit everything pretty well.
05-29-2009, 02:42 PM
Anyone worship any of these care to share what their damage type is?
Arkati and Spirits of Liabo
I actually can't tell for sure...
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of leaves gently rain down upon you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal falarica!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +199 + CvA: +17 + d100: +33 == +117
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 24 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Throat nearly crushed. The black forest ogre makes gurgling noises.
The black forest ogre is stunned!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest viper!
CS: +266 - TD: +190 + CvA: +25 + d100: +97 == +198
Warding failed!
The black forest viper is stricken for 56 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
The black forest viper is stunned!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +188 + CvA: +8 + d100: +89 == +175
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 54 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Weapon arm mangled horribly.
The black forest ogre is driven to his knees!
The ethereal falarica slowly decays and falls to the ground as a mass of dead leaves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of leaves gently rain down upon you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal falarica!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +176 + CvA: +8 + d100: +27 == +125
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 21 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +188 + CvA: +8 + d100: +24 == +110
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 15 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the black forest ogre's heart to skip a beat.
The black forest ogre is stunned!
The ethereal falarica slowly decays and falls to the ground as a mass of dead leaves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of leaves gently rain down upon you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal falarica!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +188 + CvA: +8 + d100: +28 == +114
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 19 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow to back cracks several vertebrae.
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +191 + CvA: +8 + d100: +11 == +94
Warded off!
The ethereal falarica slowly decays and falls to the ground as a mass of dead leaves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of leaves gently rain down upon you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal falarica!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest viper!
CS: +266 - TD: +202 + CvA: +25 + d100: +48 == +137
Warding failed!
The black forest viper is stricken for 33 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Blow to back cracks several vertebrae.
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +200 + CvA: +8 + d100: +91 == +165
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 52 points of damage!
A black forest ogre falls prone to the ground, twitches one last time and dies.
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest viper!
CS: +266 - TD: +190 + CvA: +25 + d100: +35 == +136
Warding failed!
The black forest viper is stricken for 40 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Stomach ripped open by mighty blow!
The black forest viper is stunned!
The ethereal falarica slowly decays and falls to the ground as a mass of dead leaves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of leaves gently rain down upon you. A faint golden light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal falarica!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +185 + CvA: +8 + d100: +79 == +168
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 45 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Left leg mangled horribly.
It is knocked to the ground!
The black forest ogre is stunned!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest viper!
CS: +266 - TD: +190 + CvA: +25 + d100: +41 == +142
Warding failed!
The black forest viper is stricken for 25 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
The black forest viper is stunned!
A barrage of viridian essence sprays from the blade of the ethereal falarica, striking a black forest ogre!
CS: +266 - TD: +188 + CvA: +8 + d100: +36 == +122
Warding failed!
The black forest ogre is stricken for 29 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Cut over the black forest ogre's right eye.
The black forest ogre is driven to his knees!
The ethereal falarica slowly decays and falls to the ground as a mass of dead leaves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
05-29-2009, 02:44 PM
Those are crush crits.
05-31-2009, 12:22 AM
Any Jastev pallies out there wanna share what their 1630 looks like?
05-31-2009, 12:35 AM
You gesture at a hill troll.
You briefly close your eyes, and cacophony of child-like laughter fills the air around you. A faint silver light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal crescent boomerang!
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking a hill troll!
CS: +286 - TD: +63 + CvA: +9 + d100: +77 == +309
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 145 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
A hill troll screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
The hill troll is stunned!
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking a hill troll!
CS: +286 - TD: +63 + CvA: +9 + d100: +80 == +312
Warding failed!
The hill troll is stricken for 124 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Back erupts in a bloody display of bone and gore!
[You have earned 1 recognition point.]
The hill troll falls to the ground and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a hill troll.
The ethereal boomerang sprouts limbs, jumps out of your hands and dashes off.
You gesture at an arctic titan.
You briefly close your eyes, and cacophony of child-like laughter fills the air around you. A faint silver light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal crescent boomerang!
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking an arctic titan!
CS: +286 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +9 == +197
Warding failed!
The arctic titan is stricken for 83 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone.
The titan's handaxe falls to the ground.
The arctic titan is stunned!
The arctic titan is driven to its knees!
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking a frost giant!
CS: +286 - TD: +102 + CvA: +19 + d100: +43 == +246
Warding failed!
The frost giant is stricken for 107 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Blow to chest frees a rib to spear a lung and heart!
The frost giant is stunned!
The frost giant is driven to his knees!
The ethereal boomerang sprouts limbs, jumps out of your hands and dashes off.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A frost giant lumbers in, followed by a swirling snowstorm!
Voodoo '1630' to 'INCANT 1630'.
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Judgment...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an arctic titan.
You briefly close your eyes, and cacophony of child-like laughter fills the air around you. A faint silver light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal crescent boomerang!
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking a frost giant!
CS: +286 - TD: +111 + CvA: +19 + d100: +49 == +243
Warding failed!
The frost giant is stricken for 54 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Head explodes in flames! Grab some marshmallows.
[You have earned 1 recognition point.]
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
The deep blue glow leaves a frost giant.
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking an arctic titan!
CS: +286 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +92 == +280
Warding failed!
The arctic titan is stricken for 123 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
Left arm explodes into thousands of pieces!
The titan's reinforced shield falls to the ground.
A spiral of multi-hued essence streams out from the edge of the ethereal boomerang, striking a frost giant!
CS: +286 - TD: +102 + CvA: +19 + d100: +33 == +236
Warding failed!
The frost giant is stricken for 84 points of damage!
The frost giant scoffs at the cold!
The ethereal boomerang sprouts limbs, jumps out of your hands and dashes off.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
09-17-2009, 03:46 AM
So, I just converted my warrior to paladin and I'm curious about "Other." What crits does "Other" give and is it different than being unconverted?
>convert list
The following is a list of the worshipable deities. If your deity choice is not listed, you may choose not to set your alignment or choose the 'other' option, 999.
(Major Arkati/Spirit) || Lesser Spirit/Arkati
1) Koar 31) Niima
2) Lumnis 32) Aeia
3) Ronan 33) Leya
4) Lorminstra 34) Tilamaire
5) Imaera 35) Laethe
6) Phoen 36) Voaris
7) Kai 37) Kuon
8) Oleani 38) Jaston
9) Jastev 39) Voln
10) Eonak
11) Cholen
12) Zelia
13) Fash'lo'nae
14) Tonis
(Major Arkati/Spirit) || Lesser Spirit/Arkati
50) Eorgina 71) Arachne
51) Sheru 72) The Huntress
52) Luukos 73) Amasalen
53) V'tull 74) Onar
54) Mularos
55) Ivas
56) Marlu
57) Andelas
58) Gosaena
59) Charl
999) Other
Ivas gets unbalance? That has to be the best for disabling, since pretty much every unbalance crit prones.
09-17-2009, 04:17 AM
If you prone a creature via crit then you won't get the 10 seconds of hard RT that kneeling the creature causes.
It's total bullshit that the RT is attached to the kneeling aspect.
Oh... lame. They will waste a round standing up and be in full offensive though.
09-17-2009, 04:26 AM
Here is Eorgina, since it wasn't shown on here...
You gesture at a Neartofar troll.
A pillar of dusky red radiance manifests around a Neartofar troll.
CS: +157 - TD: +60 + CvA: +10 + d100: +44 == +151
Warding failed!
Waves of sacred energy tear through the Neartofar troll's body!
... 40 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The Neartofar troll howls in agony as the flames dance over his body!
... 20 points of damage!
Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful.
You gesture at a Neartofar troll.
A pillar of dusky red radiance manifests around a Neartofar troll.
CS: +157 - TD: +60 + CvA: +10 + d100: +48 == +155
Warding failed!
Waves of sacred energy tear through the Neartofar troll's body!
... 30 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
The Neartofar troll falls to the ground and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a Neartofar troll.
07-25-2010, 11:53 PM
Still haven't selected a deity. Any suggestion on what the best damage type is?
07-26-2010, 01:31 AM
If we're ressurecting this thread I might as well ask:
Does anyone know if the warrior crush/slash/puncture resistance armor fittings affect damage done by 1630 (or other spells) that use those crit types?
Also, can anyone post a log of a deity with impact crits? I had thought eonak was impact, but from the log in this thread it appears to be disruption crits?
07-26-2010, 07:13 PM
Still haven't selected a deity. Any suggestion on what the best damage type is?
Any suggestions? Fire seems like it might be the way to go, but wanted to get some opinions on this before I convert.
07-26-2010, 07:20 PM
Any suggestions? Fire seems like it might be the way to go, but wanted to get some opinions on this before I convert.
Take a look at the facts and determine which one you like. Personally, I would just choose an Arkati you're comfortable with perhaps RP'ing, because frankly, the crits really don't matter with these spells.
07-27-2010, 11:42 PM
Thanks - approaching it from what deity I like the most actually makes it easier. So...the choice I like the most is 999) Other. Is that the same thing as not being aligned? Anyone know what types of flares come with that choice?
07-27-2010, 11:48 PM
Thanks - approaching it from what deity I like the most actually makes it easier. So...the choice I like the most is 999) Other. Is that the same thing as not being aligned? Anyone know what types of flares come with that choice?
From a RP standpoint, it's definitely not the same. You're pledging your allegiance to something/someone, it just isn't on the list. Basically something you make up.
From a mechanical standpoint, I can't remember. For some reason I seem to remember picking "other" gives you generic plasma flares, and remaining unaligned gives you random flares from other Arkati on the CONVERT list. Someone needs to fact check that for me though, I could be making it up.
07-27-2010, 11:53 PM
Great - that's what I'm looking for, allegiance to something else. Not the deities on the list. If anyone knows what types of flares 999) Other gives you, it'd be great to hear what they're like.
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