View Full Version : North Korea's 2nd nuke test today

05-25-2009, 08:34 AM
Diplomacy is NOT working, now what?

05-25-2009, 08:50 AM
Ninja's, mate.

05-25-2009, 09:00 AM
Let Russia go to war with them.

05-25-2009, 09:43 AM
Have we tried hugging yet?

05-25-2009, 09:52 AM
Have we tried hugging yet?

Yes, but it was a hug by Hillary, which is what probably prompted them to detonate a second nuke.

05-25-2009, 09:57 AM
Yes, but it was a hug by Hillary, which is what probably prompted them to detonate a second nuke.



05-25-2009, 10:45 AM
Have we tried hugging yet?

You think fighting 3 wars at the same time is a good idea?

05-25-2009, 11:00 AM
Have we tried hugging yet?
You can't hug children with nuclear arms.

05-25-2009, 12:09 PM

05-25-2009, 03:12 PM
You can't hug children with nuclear arms.

Yea you can! But then you have nuclear fried children.

I like the extra crispy ;-)

05-25-2009, 04:47 PM
Here is the test Biden was talking about.

During the Bush Administration NK was pretty quiet. Another plus for the Bush regime.

Obama has a lot on his plate in his first term. Well, thats a bit of an understatement... he’s got a whole fucking lot on his plate and this is the cherry on top from crazy Kim.

Pretty sure he’s just a wanna be nuclear playboy but thats a problem.

05-25-2009, 05:01 PM
During the Bush Administration NK was pretty quiet. Another plus for the Bush regime.

North Korea first tested a "nuke" while Bush was president.

05-25-2009, 05:46 PM
Diplomacy is NOT working, now what?

Take away Starcraft.

05-25-2009, 05:55 PM
Take away Starcraft.

1. That would be South Korea, and if we did that, it would be the end of the world as we know it.

2. North Korea doesn't have any gaming systems more advanced then the Atari 2800, which in fact was just launched there 2 months ago to much fanfare.

Boxing is the #1 selling title.


05-25-2009, 06:30 PM
1. That would be South Korea, and if we did that, it would be the end of the world as we know it.

Or perhaps it would send the South Koreans into a frenzy and they'd go nuts and invade North Korea, similar to the second civil war powered by Schnapps on South Park.

05-25-2009, 07:55 PM
You think fighting 3 wars at the same time is a good idea?

No, I think yet another stern "condemnation" will somehow work wonders THIS time. Maybe we can get one of those UN Resolutions together, since they have been so extremely effective in the past.

05-25-2009, 08:10 PM
At least they didn't test it on South Korea :-D

05-25-2009, 10:23 PM
No, I think yet another stern "condemnation" will somehow work wonders THIS time. Maybe we can get one of those UN Resolutions together, since they have been so extremely effective in the past.

what do you propose then?

05-25-2009, 10:30 PM
The thing that disturbs me a little bit is the world wide response to the test, including that of the United States and United Nations. You could cut and paste their responses, they're saying the SAME exact thing they always say when North Korea does some crazy shit.

Clear violation
Disregard for international community
A threat to regional and international security and peace

Blah blah blah.

At this rate it just seems like no one is going to do anything until it's too late

Sean of the Thread
05-25-2009, 11:22 PM
agreed... but what is the alternative?

Personally I think a coup or killing Kim is the current answer as the last thing we need is more war.

05-25-2009, 11:47 PM
but what country bears the burdon to carry out such an action?


05-26-2009, 12:33 AM
what do you propose then?


05-26-2009, 12:51 PM
I still can't see how them having nukes is a threat to "world peace", but not us having them.

But I mean, obviously the US would never use such a thing...right?

05-26-2009, 12:53 PM


Sean of the Thread
05-26-2009, 12:59 PM
I still can't see how them having nukes is a threat to "world peace", but not us having them.

uhmmm idk? oh It's b/c he's batshit insane.

05-26-2009, 02:27 PM
I find it pretty laughable to believe that a "batshit insane" dictator so bent on the nuclear destruction of the world would achieve control of a country and maintain it for such a period of time. If I was the ruthless dictator of a country with the rest of the world trying to tell me how to run it, guess what? I would develop nukes too.

It's the same kind of redneck-based knee jerk reaction that allowed the hostile invasion of Iraq.

Sean of the Thread
05-26-2009, 02:37 PM
I find it pretty laughable to believe that a "batshit insane" dictator so bent on the nuclear destruction of the world would achieve control of a country and maintain it for such a period of time. If I was the ruthless dictator of a country with the rest of the world trying to tell me how to run it, guess what? I would develop nukes too.

It's the same kind of redneck-based knee jerk reaction that allowed the hostile invasion of Iraq.

you're officially a dipshit.

05-26-2009, 02:44 PM
Nope, I'm officially against policing the world.

I don't even like the US policing the US.

05-26-2009, 03:01 PM
you're officially a dipshit.

It's actually been official for quite some time now.

Sean of the Thread
05-26-2009, 03:02 PM
Ok. It's your prerogative if you want to be ass raped by NK because we didn't put them check.

05-26-2009, 03:27 PM
Isn't this their first confirmed successful test?

Honestly I think it's just a simple case of small penis syndrome. Maybe we can just give Kim a little pat on the head and welcome him to the 20th century and he'll feel like a big boy now.

Then again he is pretty batshit crazy and sick and dying.

Perhaps we can actually close the sale with the UN this time and disarm them with out actually taking full responsibility and taking down their entire government. At least there is no oil on the line.

Nuke everybody.

05-26-2009, 03:51 PM
Isn't this their first confirmed successful test?

Honestly I think it's just a simple case of small penis syndrome. Maybe we can just give Kim a little pat on the head and welcome him to the 20th century and he'll feel like a big boy now.

Then again he is pretty batshit crazy and sick and dying.

Perhaps we can actually close the sale with the UN this time and disarm them with out actually taking full responsibility and taking down their entire government. At least there is no oil on the line.

Nuke everybody.

This is not their first nuclear test.

05-26-2009, 03:54 PM
By the way, they test fired some more missiles today.

05-26-2009, 04:07 PM
This is not their first nuclear test.

I meant successful. I know they've been trying for a while. I've been under the impression that they were pretty imcompetent about making warheads up until now.

Question is, how crazy is Kim? What are his motives? What does he want for the future of his country and the heirs to his throne. It's been suggested somewhere that he is just trying to open up negotiations for economic help from the US. Maybe a bailout? :whistle: I'm not really buying that though because of the comments about how they are ready to do battle if we try a pre-emptive attack. Seems kinda trigger happy on the surface but maybe he is smart enough to give off some fake tells.

Bailout. Slippery slope.

Nuclear weapons. Slippery slope.


05-26-2009, 04:12 PM
This is the second time they're tested a nuclear weapon underground.

05-26-2009, 04:20 PM
I find it pretty laughable to believe that a "batshit insane" dictator so bent on the nuclear destruction of the world would achieve control of a country and maintain it for such a period of time. If I was the ruthless dictator of a country with the rest of the world trying to tell me how to run it, guess what? I would develop nukes too.

It's the same kind of redneck-based knee jerk reaction that allowed the hostile invasion of Iraq.

Do you realize how childish that sounds. Well he told me not to do it, but since I have such a big ego I'm going to do it just cause he said not to... I'll sure show him.. Like grow up.

North Korea is known for having an unstable leader. He doesn't listen to reason and he isn't trusting. Maybe if Korea was a fully non communist, who did humanitarian work and was some what of a stable, clear thinking country it might be o k...

Would you feel comfortable having your crazy retarded neighbor who didn't like you very much producing bombs?

05-26-2009, 05:07 PM
It's not the fact that he's being told not to make nukes. It's the fact that he's being told not to make nukes by a bunch of countries THAT HAVE NUKES.

It's not like the world has disarmed and disposed of all nukes and he is trying to bring them back to take over the world. It's a matter of leveling the playing field.

05-26-2009, 05:19 PM
It's not the fact that he's being told not to make nukes. It's the fact that he's being told not to make nukes by a bunch of countries THAT HAVE NUKES.

It's not like the world has disarmed and disposed of all nukes and he is trying to bring them back to take over the world. It's a matter of leveling the playing field.

The reality is that the playing field will never be leveled. Fear runs too deep. Who decides who gets to be the last to disable their weapons. The first to make one? The first to launch one? That would be us on both. But we cannot even agree on that within our own fear ridden country.

There is also the threat of underground extremist proliferation even if we could achieve world wide disarmament.

Fact is, no one is going to agree to get dick reduction surgery as long as there will be someone else out there with a bigger dick.

05-26-2009, 05:28 PM
I am aware of the reality, but that never has and never will stop a government from trying.

As long as one country has nuclear weapons, you can't blame any other countries for wanting the protection afforded by having them as well.

05-26-2009, 05:57 PM
The point is, North Korea is a highly unstable country. The leader, Kim Jong II is portrayed as a GOD. Not the type of country you want building nuclear weapons and then either using them or selling them to countries who don't have that technology (which they do).

05-26-2009, 06:18 PM
It's not the fact that he's being told not to make nukes. It's the fact that he's being told not to make nukes by a bunch of countries THAT HAVE NUKES.

It's not like the world has disarmed and disposed of all nukes and he is trying to bring them back to take over the world. It's a matter of leveling the playing field.

So, obviously you have no problem with N. Korea having nuclear weapons. I imagine you don't have an issue with Iran having them either. Or Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Japan, Taiwan, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, Vatican City, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Crazy Ass Southern Baptists, KKK, Weather Underground, etc...

Let them all have the WMDs because the US has them.

Your level of ignorance is pretty rare here and I for one hope you plan on sticking around.

05-26-2009, 06:54 PM
So, obviously you have no problem with N. Korea having nuclear weapons. I imagine you don't have an issue with Iran having them either. Or Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Japan, Taiwan, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, Vatican City, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Crazy Ass Southern Baptists, KKK, Weather Underground, etc...

Let them all have the WMDs because the US has them.

Your level of ignorance is pretty rare here and I for one hope you plan on sticking around.

You know, he may be on to something. If the United States were to distribute nuclear weapons to EVERYONE, then we wouldn't have to worry about anything!


05-26-2009, 06:58 PM
I have a problem with any country having them. At no point have I said that I am for nuclear weapons.

I also can't blame North Korea for wanting nukes when so many other countries have them. I damn sure wouldn't want to be holding a knife in a room full of people with guns.

05-26-2009, 07:08 PM
I have a problem with any country having them. At no point have I said that I am for nuclear weapons.

I also can't blame North Korea for wanting nukes when so many other countries have them. I damn sure wouldn't want to be holding a knife in a room full of people with guns.

So.. your answer isn't to have everyone get them.. it's to have no one have them? So your answer is to have anyone that wants them to get them?

How exactly should we go about telling every country that has them to destroy them? Should we use the magic word? Maybe we can have the UN draft a very stern resolution to them?

You are extremely funny.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-26-2009, 07:33 PM
I have a problem with any country having them. At no point have I said that I am for nuclear weapons.

I also can't blame North Korea for wanting nukes when so many other countries have them. I damn sure wouldn't want to be holding a knife in a room full of people with guns.

You may have a problem with anyone having them, but there's really nothing you can do about that. They exist and they always will, at this point it's damage control.

I think I'm pretty far from your assessment of a "war mongering redneck American". I didn't agree with going into Iraq and for the most part don't agree with invading sovereign nations without very good reason. War is an ugly and horrible affair, and should be avoided if it can be.. but the harsh reality is that war is in fact needed in certain times and situations.

Of every nation in the world, I am the most behind cleaning NK's clock. Kim Jong Il is not in any way less BSC because he's managed to keep power, as you have said. Plenty of bat shit crazy, cruel, and out of whack people have also been genius and able to make and hold a lot of power and do a shit ton of damage (zomg I'm Godwinning, but Hitler comes to mind). Not to mention you can thank his daddy in large part for KJI's success, since it was his dad that created the cult of personality that has NK people on their knees worshiping him, and set the iron-fisted, heavy punishment example of Government and style of ruling for his son to follow. KJI believes and behaves as if he is God on Earth. The human rights violations him and the Government has perpetrated against their own people for such a long period of time and to the extent that they have, outright dwarfs current atrocities committed by rulers and other nations. When it comes to hostile and dangerous Governments, KJI is pretty much unmatched IMO.

North Korea does not want nukes strictly for defense, or to "level the playing field" as you say. It's not as if they're just gonna store the nukes somewhere after spending copious amounts of money to create them, and their only use will be for KJI to go visit them and laugh to himself, "Ha ha, I showed those Americans! I do what I want!". And if you truly believe that, then (and I mean this in the most offensive way possible) you are an absolute fucking idiot.

05-26-2009, 07:43 PM
well, Hillbama will have their hands full with this one..

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-26-2009, 07:47 PM
well, Hillbama will have their hands full with this one..

Definitely fucking sucks, since they're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Going into yet another war is really, REALLY a horrible idea right now.

This is obviously wishful thinking but I hope other countries step up to this challenge instead of immediately looking to us.. and I hope it comes in the form of something other than a "strongly worded condemnation", heh. Especially with China being the government that's closest to North Korea's :/

05-27-2009, 01:53 AM
I think that the U.S. needs to step back from this one. Mind you, I really do agree that Kim is definatly, absoluty, completely and totally batshit insane, and I can really see him dropping one of these on Seoul even if he knew it would be suicide for his country to do so. After all, he IS dying already, so WTF, why not take SK with him when he goes?

But, I also think that in this instance, China has a far, FAR better chance of making this idiot see reason (Or just threaten to vaporize him if he won't) than the U.S. does. They do share a border, and there is NO WAY those old men in Beijing want Kim to have nukes. And they have the will, and more importantly, the resources to punch his ticket big time if he steps out of line.

05-27-2009, 02:42 AM
The North's military said in a statement that it will respond with "immediate, strong military measures" against any attempt to stop and search North Korean ships under the Proliferation Security Initiative.

The statement, carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency, also said the regime no longer considers itself bound by the armistice that ended the Korean War. It accused the U.S., a signatory of the armistice, of "dragging" the South into the program under its "hostile policy" against the North.

It also said it cannot guarantee safety for South Korean and U.S. navy ships sailing near the disputed western Korean sea border.

Choe Thae Bok, a high-ranking party official, was quoted by North Korea's official news agency as saying that the nuclear test "was a grand undertaking" to protect the country against "the U.S. imperialists' unabated threat to mount a pre-emptive nuclear attack and (put) sanctions and pressure upon it."

North Korea blamed the escalating tensions in the region on Washington, saying the U.S. was building up its forces, and defended its nuclear test as a matter of self-preservation.


No, this guy isn't nuts...

05-27-2009, 07:51 AM
What we are all basically are saying is... You are a dummy.

05-27-2009, 08:08 AM
May 27 (Bloomberg) -- North Korea threatened a military response to South Korean participation in a U.S.-led program to seize weapons of mass destruction, and said it will no longer abide by the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War.

“The Korean People’s Army will not be bound to the Armistice Agreement any longer,” the official Korean Central News Agency said in a statement today. Any attempt to inspect North Korean vessels will be countered with “prompt and strong military strikes.” South Korea’s military said it will “deal sternly with any provocation” from the North.

South Korean President Lee Myung Bak ordered his government to take “calm” measures on the threats, his office said in a statement today. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Takeo Kawamura, echoed those remarks and called on North Korea to “refrain from taking actions that would elevate tensions in Asia.”

The threats are the strongest since North Korea tested a nuclear weapon on May 25, drawing international condemnation and the prospect of increased sanctions against the communist nation. South Korea dispatched a warship to its maritime border and is prepared to deploy aircraft, Yonhap News reported, citing military officials it didn’t identify.

“This rapid-fire provocation indicates a more aggressive shift in the Kim Jong Il regime,” said Ryoo Kihl Jae, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul. “Kim is obviously using a strategy of maximum force.”

Markets Fall

South Korea’s benchmark Kospi stock index fell for a fifth day, the longest losing streak since February. The index declined 0.7 percent to 1,362.02. The won weakened 0.5 percent to 1,269.35 per dollar as of the 3 p.m. close of trade in Seoul.

The yield on government debt due in March 2014 rose six basis points to 4.58 percent, while the three-year yield added five basis points to 3.79 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News.

North Korea can’t guarantee the safety of ships passing through its western waters, KCNA said. The statement specified five islands controlled by the South that were the site of naval skirmishes in 1999 and 2002.

“What they are saying is that they will take military action if there is any action taken on behalf of the program such as boarding their ships, stopping and searching and so on,” said Han Sung Joo, a former South Korean foreign minister.

‘Deal Sternly’

South Korea’s military “will deal sternly with any provocation by North Korea, based on a strong South Korea-U.S. defense coalition,” Rear Admiral Lee Ki Sik of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in an e-mailed statement. North Korea was making “obstinate claims” about nullifying the armistice, he said.

The U.S. has about 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea, according to the United States Forces Korea Web site.

South Korea yesterday agreed to join the Proliferation Security Initiative, or PSI, set up to locate and seize shipments of equipment and materials used to make weapons of mass destruction.

President Lee had resisted joining the PSI until the nuclear test, even after North Korea fired a ballistic missile on April 5. His predecessor, Roh Moo Hyun, had said that joining the initiative would be too provocative.

North Korea has also fired five short-range missiles in two days in a further display of military defiance. The United Nations Security Council agreed in an emergency session on May 25 to condemn the nuclear test and missile launches.

‘Cessation’ of Hostilities

Under the July 27, 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War, both sides agreed to “a complete cessation of all hostilities” and pledged to accept the demarcation line that has become the world’s most-heavily mined demilitarized zone.

North Korea may be preparing to reprocess spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclear reactor, the Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported earlier today, citing an unidentified South Korean official. Steam has been rising from the facilities, the newspaper said.

Kim is 68 according to research groups including the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, while the regime says he is a year younger. He likely suffered a stroke last August, according to U.S. intelligence officials, and disappeared from public view before presiding over a parliamentary session in April, when he looked gaunt and aged.


Why can't we just leave him alone and let him get nuclear weapons! IT'S NOT FAIR BECAUSE WE HAVE THEM!!!

05-29-2009, 03:19 AM
I'm still in draft-range. :-(

Whatever. China is like their big brother. If my little bro is being a bitch, I will say:
"Dude... chill out"
"Dude... relax, cut it out"
"God damn, man- wtf?"
Then I'll fucking deck the motherfucker.

I have a feeling China's getting near step 3. If we smack them, big brother will be pissed. Let him do the smacking.

If he doesn't, we kinda have to ask permission first. We really really really don't wanna challenge China. They know kung fu (Like Keanu!).