View Full Version : Some kind of Mental switchup/retardedness

05-25-2009, 12:22 AM
I swear this shit is irritating me, it doesn't happen THAT often but enough for me to notice.. it seems somewhere along the what I want and what my brain decides to choose the lines get fucked up.. example
Today I stop at the store because I know the house we just moved into is pretty much snackless and I'm going to prepare for the midnight brunch...
I see a carton of iced raspberry long johns.. I pick it up and say to myself shit these look good.. I want these.. now comes in me putting them down and picking up a box of cinnamon rolls I do remember thinking these dont look as good as the long johns... blank part... so tonight I'm like fuck yeah I'm gonna go eat one of those raspberry long johns... to find fucking cinnamon rolls in the kitchen.
This isn't a food thing it's a I want choice A... end up later at the house with choice B like WTF happened? did I totally miss what the fuck I was telling my brain I wanted to get and it just said fuck you I'm getting this.
I wish I could remember some more specific examples..
So.... this cinnamon roll isn't nearly as good as those raspberry long johns would have been... :(
I guess another sort of example would be like me at the store thinking I'm going to need some caffeine later today when I get home somewhere in the brain it goes NO SODA IS BAD FOR YOU...pick up a fucking thing of flavored water with no caffeine or some tea or something...then I get home like WHy the fuck didn't I buy that fucking soda.. how the hell did I talk myself out of it.

05-25-2009, 12:29 AM
Maybe you just have a lot on your mind. That's weird though.

05-25-2009, 12:41 AM
Did you ever shove crayons up your nose?

05-25-2009, 12:53 AM
no, but if I did it would have went like this... a purple and green crayon..me saying I'm gonna shove the purple one up my nose because I still have to color in the grass under this tree, then I'd end up with purple grass because the green crayon is no longer available

05-25-2009, 01:06 AM
no, but if I did it would have went like this... a purple and green crayon..me saying I'm gonna shove the purple one up my nose because I still have to color in the grass under this tree, then I'd end up with purple grass because the green crayon is no longer available

LOL (your situation isn't funny but that sure fucking was.)

05-25-2009, 01:12 AM
Lay off the weed.

05-25-2009, 11:47 AM
Don't blame weed, it's never done that to me.

Killer Kitten
05-25-2009, 11:58 AM
What I hate is getting in my car and making the 5 minute drive to the store for something, only to find my mind blank when I get to the store.

So I go in and wander around the store, figuring that I'll see what I came for and it will trigger the memory and I'll buy it. I end up spending way too much on other stuff that I remember being low on and when I get home Mike says, "But where is - whatever I went out for?"

Even worse is when I'm coming back from the store and forget where home is. Driving all over Youngstown and being unable to find the house I used to have in Long Island is downright disturbing. Guess it would be more disturbing if I did find it... hmmm.

(Moral of the story is you're just preparing for your old age, don't let it worry you.)

05-25-2009, 12:03 PM
Lay off the weed.

...any minute now...

05-25-2009, 01:01 PM
What I hate is getting in my car and making the 5 minute drive to the store for something, only to find my mind blank when I get to the store.

What I hate is making a list; then, you have your list, you get to the store, and you find that yes, you STILL write like a doctor, and you start reading what should be the word soap over and over again trying to figure out why you thought you needed soup. True story. I have shitty handwriting. I suppose that's what txt docs and a printer are for.

Stanley Burrell
05-25-2009, 01:25 PM
When I'm really, really, really tired I'll sometimes accidentally reverse stuff like you said. Like, I'll put the tea in the frigerator and, as I'm putting the milk in the pantry, it dawns on me that without caffeine I am dyslexic beyond funniness.

05-25-2009, 01:56 PM
Yeah I've had to stop myself putting the coffee pot in the fridge before.

Stanley Burrell
05-25-2009, 02:04 PM
w00t. Dyslexic 5^

05-25-2009, 02:24 PM
Even worse is when I'm coming back from the store and forget where home is. Driving all over Youngstown and being unable to find the house I used to have in Long Island is downright disturbing. Guess it would be more disturbing if I did find it... hmmm.

(Moral of the story is you're just preparing for your old age, don't let it worry you.)

Honestly that doesn't sound like something a 50 year old should be getting (from normal "old age" that is). I understand forgetting what you came to the store for and buying other shit instead, cuz I do that too, but forgetting where you live long enough to drive all over town looking for a previous house? That just sounds weird.

05-25-2009, 02:43 PM
w00t. Dyslexic 5^

Atlantic 5^ !!

05-25-2009, 02:51 PM
Jurassic 5?

05-26-2009, 07:04 AM
Jackson 5!

05-26-2009, 07:53 AM
Babylon 5!