View Full Version : Tillmen's lich and spellup

05-24-2009, 02:01 PM
Well, I finally made the jump to Tillmen's version. For the most part I'm very pleased. One snag I've ran in to is that this version doesn't seem to have spellup built in. Yes, there is a version on the repo that I've downloaded but it's throwing an eval error when I ;spellup list. I think it's giving me some incorrect information as well, like mana costs etc. I've seen a few other self only spellup scripts here and there but I really like being able to use this for spelling up other people as I don't want to think any more than I have to at times. Might someone be able to poke around and see if the problem is an easy fix. I've looked but I'm not familiar with the way lich scripts work. :comp:

05-24-2009, 02:41 PM
Check out the continual spellup script that someone posted in the favorite lich scripts thread...It's the bomb, but maybe not what you're looking for. I can confirm it works on v3.67

as for ;spellup list i'm not getting that eval error

;spellup list
--- Lich: spellup active.

1) To prevent a spell from being used, type ';spellup exclude [number]' (ex: ;spellup exclude 401).
2) To include a spell that's currently being excluded, type ';spellup include [number]' (ex: ;spellup include 401).
3) To change the duration that the script will stop casting spells that stack at, type ';spellup stackto [number]' (ex: ;spellup stackto 180)
4) To change the duration that the script will refresh any unstacked spells at, type ';spellup unstackmin [number]' (ex: ;spellup unstackmin 5).
5) To run the script in passive mode (to make it do nothing until someone taps you, then have it spell them up and go back to waiting), type ';spellup passive' (ex: ;spellup passive).
6) To list all spells that Lich recognizes as available for you to cast, type ';spellup list' (ex: ;spellup list).
7) For a full list of all spell effects that are currently recognized by Lich, type ';spellup list full'.

Target duration for stacked spells: 220 minutes.
Minimum duration for unstacked spells: 5 minutes.

Currently excluded spells:
- 402
- 403
- 404

Known spells and their durations per cast:
101 Spirit Warding I 60 minutes per cast (1 mana).
102 Spirit Barrier 60 minutes per cast (8 mana).
103 Spirit Defense 90.0 minutes per cast (3 mana).
104 Disease Resist 60 minutes per cast (4 mana).
105 Poison Resist 60 minutes per cast (5 mana).
107 Spirit Warding II 60 minutes per cast (7 mana).
112 Water Walking 60 minutes per cast (12 mana).
115 Fasthr's Reward 10 minutes per cast (15 mana).
117 Spirit Strike 1 minutes per cast (17 mana).
120 Lesser Shroud 60 minutes per cast (23 mana).
140 Wall of Force 1.5 minutes per cast (40 mana).
202 Spirit Shield 60 minutes per cast (6 mana).
204 Unpresence 60 minutes per cast (4 mana).
207 Purify Air 60 minutes per cast (7 mana).
209 Untrammel 30 minutes per cast (9 mana).
211 Bravery 60 minutes per cast (11 mana).
215 Heroism 60 minutes per cast (15 mana).
218 Spirit Servant 16 minutes per cast (18 mana).
219 Spell Shield 60 minutes per cast (19 mana).
220 Major Sanctuary 38 minutes per cast (20 mana).
303 Prayer of Protection 77 minutes per cast (22 mana).
307 Benediction 56 minutes per cast (18 mana).
310 Warding Sphere 56 minutes per cast (124 mana).
313 Prayer 77 minutes per cast (43 mana).

--- Lich: spellup has exited.

the times+mana costs look correct to me.

05-24-2009, 02:59 PM
The bomb eh... It's specialized to what I need it for, but not sure it's the bomb.

05-25-2009, 02:03 AM
Here is what I'm getting... I'll dig around it some more I suppose.

>;spellup list
--- Lich: spellup active.

1) To prevent a spell from being used, type ';spellup exclude [number]' (ex: ;spellup exclude 401).
2) To include a spell that's currently being excluded, type ';spellup include [number]' (ex: ;spellup include 401).
3) To change the duration that the script will stop casting spells that stack at, type ';spellup stackto [number]' (ex: ;spellup stackto 180)
4) To change the duration that the script will refresh any unstacked spells at, type ';spellup unstackmin [number]' (ex: ;spellup unstackmin 5).
5) To run the script in passive mode (to make it do nothing until someone taps you, then have it spell them up and go back to waiting), type ';spellup passive' (ex: ;spellup passive).
6) To list all spells that Lich recognizes as available for you to cast, type ';spellup list' (ex: ;spellup list).
7) For a full list of all spell effects that are currently recognized by Lich, type ';spellup list full'.

Target duration for stacked spells: 220 minutes.
Minimum duration for unstacked spells: 5 minutes.

Currently excluded spells:
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 414
- 425
- 430
- 506
- 515
- 520
- 911
- 916
- 919
- 920

Known spells and their durations per cast:
401 Elemental Defense I 68 minutes per cast (1 mana).
402 Presence 1 minutes per cast (2 mana).
403 Lock Pick Enhancement 1.35 minutes per cast (3 mana).
404 Disarm Enhancement 1.35 minutes per cast (4 mana).
--- Error: spellup: (eval):58:in `eval': can't convert nil into String
--- Lich: spellup has exited.

05-26-2009, 04:08 AM
Ugh. I can't seem to get this figured out. I've tried downloading infomonitor2 and a few other things but can't seem to get it working. I tried to just use it to spellup a friend and while it did cast, it over cast a lot and eventually 435'ed the person I was spelling up. This for me is a deal breaker and I've went back to the old lich. I did use the spellup script mentioned above however and while it works fine for me, I need something that works on others too.