View Full Version : Lich+PsiNet issue

05-21-2009, 08:49 AM
Okay, not being able to figure this out is starting to bug me. I was running just PsiNet previously, and uninstalled that, Stormfront, the SGE, and the launcher in preparation for doing an install of Lich+Psinet. Went through my registry and hunted down all the Simutronics-related stuff and got rid of it as per Durfin's post here.

I'm running XP, by the way. I reinstalled the Launcher and SGE, and Stormfront, and Lich. Logged in. It runs fine (though it won't auto-detect, I have to drop the stormfront-mode.txt into its directory).

Installed PsiNet, tried to log in again, stuck at the endless 'Waiting for FE' message on the PsiNet window that a few other people have mentioned. I uninstalled everything, rebooted, reinstalled, same issue. Wash, rinse, repeat a third time, and now it'll at least open up Stormfront but it disconnects me as soon as it loads, with the following message:

PsiNet v2.2.0.2736 has intercepted the game connection.

Attempting to contact the game server...
Negotiation failure.
Lich 3.50 Exception: stream closed
<output class="mono"/>
--- Lich's connection to the game has been closed.
<output class=""/>
<output class="mono"/>

<output class=""/>

* Connection to the game has been lost. You will need to login again to continue playing.

So what the hell am I doing wrong, and does anyone have any ideas on how to make it work? I don't even know what I did the final time that made it get past the 'Waiting' stage it was stuck on before.

05-21-2009, 12:56 PM
Have you tried logging in via the Autosage that the psinet update came with? Or how about through the website itself?

My SGE no longer works, but the Autosage(which I don't enjoy) logs in fine. Also the website(which sucks) play.net works fine too. If those work and the SGE still does not, the SGE probably got mixed up/bumped out of the registry by the autosage?

I would guess that it has to do with the registry if you're able to login using the aforementioned methods.

Hope someone that knows a bit more chimes in to letcha know if this didn't help.

05-21-2009, 12:57 PM
Not sure what the lateast error message is. Did you follow this procedure exactly when installing...

1) uninstall everything. This may include having to scrub your registry for all old psinet and lich entries and deleting them (EDITING REGISTRY IS DANGEROUS IF YOU'RE BAD AT COMPUTERS!)

2) Install launcher

3) install lich

4) use the "install to registry" option lich has in the start menu. Do this twice to ensure it gets applied.

You should be able to log into the game and use lich. If it doesn't work when using the SGE try direct from the website (using a non-internet explorer browser)

If lich is not working or opening properly when you login from the website, something is up. there should be a lich-debug file in your lich directory, post what is in it.

5) Install psinet. Make sure you install psinet to a directory with NO SPPACES. Lich will cause an error if psinet is in a directory with spaces. I install to C:\psinet

You should now be able to log in using both programs. If you get the "waiting for FE" error message again, look in your hosts file directory, located...


If there is a file there named something like "hosts.bak" "hosts1.bak" or something to that effect, rename or move it to another location.

If you are still having problems again, check in your lich directory for the lich-debug text file and see what it has to say.

If there is no debug file, open a command prompt (start menu-> run -> type "cmd" and press OK) and navigate to your lich folder in the command prompt (using the default directory the command would be: cd c:\program files\lich) and type in the following command...

lich.exe --debug C:\Gse.~xt

that should definitely create a debug file.

05-22-2009, 07:18 PM
So, I tried again today. Wiped everything again, rebooted, started over. Reinstalled the launcher, SGE, and Stormfront. Made sure I could log in via the SGE. Installed Lich, tried to log in via the SGE, no go. No debug file in the Lich folder, so I did this:

If there is no debug file, open a command prompt (start menu-> run -> type "cmd" and press OK) and navigate to your lich folder in the command prompt (using the default directory the command would be: cd c:\program files\lich) and type in the following command...

lich.exe --debug C:\Gse.~xt

that should definitely create a debug file.

And tried logging in via the website instead. Stormfront didn't pop up this time either, so I went to the debug file that's now in the directory, and this is what's in it:

sal_fname == C:\Gse.~xt
Error opening .sal (Simutronics Auto Launch) file: No such file or directory - C:\Gse.~xt

05-22-2009, 07:54 PM
what web browser are you using? If you're using firefox go to tools -> options -> click the APPLICATIONS button

file types are listed alphabetically, you want "SAL file"

make note of what it's opening with now (it should be flagged "default" anyways) click the drop down box and change it to "save file"

try to log via the website again, it will not launch anything but it still save the .sal file, which normally with firefox goes to your desktop and will be called <charactername>.sal

do the command prompt to lich's directory again, and assuming the .sal file was saved to your desktop, type the following (exactly, includding all quotes and such, except for the character name. replace donquix with whatever character name you were trying to log in with when you downloaded the .sal file)

lich --debug "%userprofile%\desktop\donquix.sal"

05-23-2009, 12:49 AM
I can get lich to work, I can get psinet to work. When i install them together All I get is the "Waiting for FE" in the psinet loader.

Anyone know how to fix this?


getting the

no such file to load -- common.rb
sal_fname == C:\Program
Error opening .sal (Simutronics Auto Launch) file: No such ftimeout waiting for connection.
Timeout, restoring backup and exiting

error as well.

05-23-2009, 03:23 AM
you installed psinet in the default folder, didn't you? (c:\program files\psinet)

reinstall with psinet in a folder with NO SPACES. like c:\psinet

05-23-2009, 05:26 AM
you installed psinet in the default folder, didn't you? (c:\program files\psinet)

reinstall with psinet in a folder with NO SPACES. like c:\psinet

I did =).