View Full Version : NEGATIVE Rep Whoring Pyramid Scheme Thread

05-17-2009, 10:25 AM
Similar to outlined here:

except in reverse. :)

Step 1: NEGATIVE Rep all the posts currently in the thread.
Step 2: Post that you have done so.
Step 3: Roleplay an evil person on these forums. :)

05-17-2009, 10:33 AM
shit malok, whats up?

you need a personal chef yet?


05-17-2009, 02:57 PM
Heya! :)

Could use a chef. :)

Whats your favorite chicken recipe? [Wife likes chicken, and I'm out of creativity on it.]

Thanks for the negative rep. :)

(I wonder if the red rep grows like the green rep does? or if with a LOT of negative rep, you get a mouse over that says "You've now reached Tsin" status or some such.)

05-17-2009, 03:09 PM
Chicken ala Kuyuk

2 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
several Shiitake Mushrooms (5-6 decent sized)
a few sprigs of thyme
1 cup of sherry
2 cups of heavy cream
Salt and Pepper

Chicken, breasts, thighs, legs, etc doesnt matter.

Chop shallots and garlic, doesnt need to be too fancy, just cut them up.

Slice mushrooms into thin ribbons (julienne)

Pick thyme off stem

1: get large saute pan hot on stove, add a few tablespoons of oil, or butter

2: Add garlic and shallots to pan, they should sizzle a bit. Add fresh thyme now.

3: after 2 minutes or so, add your nicely chopped mushrooms, let them cook, they will absorb the oils, it wills seem dry. it is ok.

4: let mushrooms start to caramelize in pan, stir occasionally.

5: once mushrooms are carmelized a bit, add sherry off of the flame. Let cook down until it just barely swishes around when you shake the pan. (think 1/4 cup of liquid)

6: add cream to saute pan, stir gently to mix it all together. let boil for a few minutes to reduce and thicken. add generous amounts of salt and pepper to bring out the flavor.

hold sauce on side.

7: In new saute pan, get very hot, add oil, season chicken part with salt and pepper. Sear chicken in saute pan, flip it over, sear other side. You can finish it on the stove or toss it in the oven to finish cooking.

8: Take chicken, put on plate with whatever starch you want, cous-cous, potato, rice, etc. pour sauce over top, then put whatever vegetable you planned on eating on the side..



05-17-2009, 03:21 PM
Can neg rep people (red) give Neg rep that will even do anything? And ClydeR's the king of neg rep not Tsin.