View Full Version : Whittling Knife

05-14-2009, 04:03 PM
Is there such thing and if so would someone sell it?

05-14-2009, 04:16 PM
Yes there is, and no they would not.

05-14-2009, 05:56 PM
Several in fact, at least two of which will indeed never get sold. Could always see if Speaker would sell his, course thats about as likely as well the farmer giving up turnips

05-14-2009, 06:15 PM
Yah, some items just don't get sold...

Whittling knives

Thingul Diamond

The backpack that picks up your gear

Glove bows

The one self mana heroism item (which has left the game as far as I know)

The self mana opals (on a locked out account)



Mr. Dallas
05-14-2009, 06:29 PM
>open bracer
You tap your shadow black bracer twice in quick succession, opening a small spring-loaded compartment! As it opens, a short ebony-handled whittling knife is fired straight into the air, which you deftly catch!

>look knife
The knife has a long enruned ebony handle and a blade that is extremely keen. A soft golden glow surrounds the hilt.

(used a small rod in the other hand)

>tap knife
Hmm... that grip still doesn't seem quite right. Perhaps this is going to take a bit more practice.
>tap knife
Your knife responds, almost as if by magic, slicing easily through the rod with graceful strokes.
Roundtime: 37 sec.
>tap knife
Your knife responds, almost as if by magic, slicing easily through the rod with graceful strokes.
Roundtime: 37 sec.
>tap knife
As you work, an unfinished orc figurine begins to take shape.
Roundtime: 37 sec.
>tap knife
You finish with a flourish and hold up an elaborate orc figurine for everyone to appreciate!
Roundtime: 10 sec.

other folks will see:

>Teegan whittles quickly and easily, the knife slicing through the rod with sure, graceful strokes.
>Teegan grins as her orc figurine begins to take shape.
>Teegan finishes with a flourish and holds up an elaborate orc figurine for everyone to appreciate.

I'm not against trading it - but it would take an item as rare as this that I would use a bit more.


05-14-2009, 06:30 PM
Engeue's sword...for several reasons

05-14-2009, 06:52 PM
Nice, Mr. Dallas. I know Debia has been wanting one of those forever, but I don't think she has the toys to pry it from your hand. I bet Belnia might try to shake it loose.

05-14-2009, 07:00 PM
Does it actually do anything?

05-14-2009, 07:04 PM
Can you choose what it widdles, does it vary in what it makes, or is it always the same?

05-14-2009, 07:14 PM
I believe those items that are made are imbeddables. Obviously, this meant it was the shit in GS3. It still is, but not quite such a huge advantage mechanically.

Mr. Dallas
05-14-2009, 07:17 PM
Does it actually do anything?

It basically will turn "ranger rods" into carved imbeds. Randomly you can get figurines, symbols, and charms. The charms are pin worn and sing as non-crumbly - but crumble :( - I suppose I could assist on that to see what's what - but have never gotten around to it.

<<Can you choose what it widdles, does it vary in what it makes, or is it always the same?>>

It's completely random - as far as I can tell - I've whittled various arkati symbols and all sorts of critters - etc.

When you first start off with the knife - your descriptions are mostly "crude" etc. - but change as you gain some time with it.


05-14-2009, 07:21 PM
I'm waiting for it as a ranger guild skill. It's a shoe-in.