02-20-2004, 09:41 PM
Funny parts are bolded.
[OOC]-Kadumi"but she has boobies..."
[OOC]-You"So does every other chick."
[OOC]-Indica"Wait wait....did you mean Death to Britney, or Death to me?"
[OOC]-You"Death to you."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's tha next topic. Fake or real?"
[OOC]-Pierat"margette thatsher or barbara bush"
[OOC]-Kadumi"same size?"
[OOC]-Tayre"Mine are real"
[OOC]-Michiko"death? lol"
[OOC]-Imraith"part real, part fake"
[OOC]-Indica"Ah...well, I'd have to say Britney. At least I could think up some good parody lyrics."
[OOC]-Kadumi"real. I need the face slappage"
[OOC]-Reijin"You can't beat real tits."
[OOC]-Kasia"Weather mine are fake or real, or Britneys?"
[OOC]-Indica"And mine are all real."
[OOC]-You"Whichever is better."
[OOC]-Sinech"anyone who was stupid enough to marry into the Bush family is stupid" (WTF?)
[OOC]-Kadumi"actually I'm not that picky, just hand em over"
[OOC]-Lolleia"mine are real, but if i could afford it i'd get fake ones"
[OOC]-Reijin"It's a total waste, Lolleia."
[OOC]-Kasia"mine are real"
[OOC]-Reijin"No fake tits can ever compare ta tha real thing."
[OOC]-Rija"Drag queen or drag king?"
[OOC]-Sinech"more than a handful? or mouth size?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"not if you dont have real ones anyway!"
[OOC]-Indica"I wouldn't get fake boobs. Liposuction, maybe, but never implants."
[OOC]-Reijin"Drag kings are kinda hot... But maybe I'm just demented."
[OOC]-Michiko"Anything bigger than a handful is the risk of a sprained thumb."
[OOC]-Indica"I might wanna have more babies someday...gotta have my milk ducts intact."
[OOC]-Rija"I think drag queens are hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"More than a handful is a waste."
[OOC]-Rija"anyone got pictures of themselves in drag?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"yah, indica, that's an issure here to"
[OOC]-Pierat"no its not, good to rest your head on"
[OOC]-Indica"Although I know Pamela Anderson did it after multiple surgeries."
[OOC]-Tayre"Britney is so damn gorgeous"
[OOC]-Tayre"/watch video" (Bitch)
[OOC]-Michiko"I have pictures of my ex and his twin in drag. In my clothes. *stares*"
[OOC]-Indica"And there's a support group called BFAR, I think...Breastfeeding After Reduction"
[OOC]-Pierat"Wounds like Beefer!"
[OOC]-Rija"that's hysterical, Michiko"
[OOC]-Michiko"They stretched out my favorite shirts :("
[OOC]-Tayre"Stop dating fatties"
[OOC]-Rija"the bitches"
[OOC]-Michiko"Uhm... I'd be SURPRISED if they weigh 140"
[OOC]-You"<doesn't make the obvious comment that Michiko has small breasts>"
[OOC]-Reltov"girls are fucked up"
[OOC]-Reijin"I put on a purple velvet dress about 8 or so years ago... That was pretty funny. I was fuckin hot!"
[OOC]-Reltov"specially mine"
[OOC]-Michiko"36 B isn't small." (Wrong)
[OOC]-Rija"got a pic, Reijin?"
[OOC]-Michiko"it's... just right."
[OOC]-Reijin"Nope. No pics of that."
[OOC]-You"I prefer 44HH"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh...the room in a shirt for breasts != room for wide male shoulders."
[OOC]-Tayre"ROFL bob"
[OOC]-Rija"and weren't you 11 eight years ago?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"You wear a bra on your hand, Bob?"
[OOC]-Maliku"wrong... B's are small"
[OOC]-Lolleia"right, but a 32 A is, that's why i want implants"
[OOC]-Reijin"I was 12 8 years ago"
[OOC]-Indica"Have a baby. You'll get bigger."
[OOC]-Rija"sorry, that's not hot"
[OOC]-Sinech"that is precisely the reason why i DONT want kids.. i want a reduction!"
[OOC]-Indica"I was 36B before I got pregnant and now I'm a C nearly 2 years later."
[OOC]-Lolleia"i already did that! they shrank!"
[OOC]-Reijin"You wouldn't catch me dead in a purple dress now adays."
[OOC]-Wezas"Bob, you dumping that boob convo into AIM snippets, or should Tayre or I?"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so what color do ya prefer reirei?"
[OOC]-Indica"How old is the kid?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"I was a C when i was pregnant"
[OOC]-You"There was a 'boob convo'?"
[OOC]-Sergey"prove it indica"
[OOC]-Rija"still going on"
[OOC]-Reltov"great, game gonna go down fer stupid changes to weapons"
[OOC]-You"I'm certainly not posting it."
[OOC]-You"In fact, make a new thread for it."
[OOC]-Indica"chat How long did you nurse the kid?"
[OOC]-Rija"'re going to post this somewhere?"
[OOC]-Rija"that's just cruel"
[OOC]-Indica"After the milk goes away it takes a year or three for the fatty tissue to build back up from where the ducts were."
[OOC]-Lolleia"only 2 months, he was a premie, and for his health reasons i had to stop"
[OOC]-You"You aren't even on the PC, Wezas."
[OOC]-Lolleia"your gonna post our tit talk?"
[OOC]-Pierat"sweet, tit talk"
[OOC]-Wezas"Sick Indica, you are turning me off to boobs, which is difficult"
[OOC]-Indica"Nonsense...unless it was a severe lactose intolerance, premies are the MOST needful of their mother's antibodies."
[OOC]-Kadumi"go to"
[OOC]-You"Wezas hurry up and post it so I can laugh."
[OOC]-Rija"the guys should tell us how long their wankers are....they'd all probably lie though"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh, sorry man, but that's what they're for."
[OOC]-Pierat"LOL Wezas, omg, I was flipping a year or two ago with in my college lounge with some friends, we all the sudden saw boobs! where like WHOAH, the mtv boobie special"
[OOC]-Tayre"Guys don't discuss that"
[OOC]-Lolleia"oh I pumped for another month, they had to tube feed him, and i was so stressed out, the well went dry"
[OOC]-Sergey"17 inches!"
[OOC]-You"<--- 10000 miles."
[OOC]-Kadumi"Wanker? Address him with respect!"
[OOC]-Lolleia"and Yes, that's what they're for"
[OOC]-Pierat"then all the sudden they started CUTTING into them for the implants and WHOAH were we turned off"
[OOC]-Rija"Sorry, SIR Wanker."
[OOC]-Pierat"damn funny"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh. And I don't <3 you anymore, Bob."
[OOC]-Sergey"do you love me?"
[OOC]-Reijin"Anything over 8 inches is a waste."
[OOC]-You"Your boobs are great! I didn't mean it!"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so says the little man"
[OOC]-Indica"Yeah, I can see where that could happen. My friend had her first baby at 5 1/2 months and she could only provide milk for a few months."
[OOC]-Rija"anything over 8 inches is plastic and needs batteries"
[OOC]-Pierat"crap, we now need a Maternity Channel on this"
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's one for tha women. Cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Reltov"i can prove you wrong if you gimme your email, and look at my pic"
[OOC]-Indica"But this child is one of the smartest 5-year-olds you ever met."
[OOC]-Michiko"Doesn't matter."
[OOC]-Indica"Cut for sucking, uncut for my babies."
[OOC]-Rija"that should be a poll, actually"
[OOC]-Rija"boys, cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Chadj"my favourite boob size is 36 B:)"
[OOC]-Maliku"fucking sick... you just included oral sex and your own kids in the same sentence."
[OOC]-Reltov"uncut is fucked up, cut is the way to go"
[OOC]-Indica"Although if they're cleaned properly, uncut is just fine."
[OOC]-Tayre"Anyone else dying laughing"
[OOC]-Darwar"bobbit or non-bobbit"
[OOC]-Lolleia"It kinda depends on the size to"
[OOC]-Indica"There's nothing sick about that."
[OOC]-Chadj"Cut :)"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Uncut guys tend to be... icky."
[OOC]-Reijin"I am, Tayre."
[OOC]-Pierat"Agreed Maliku"
[OOC]-Maliku"there's plenty sick about that."
[OOC]-Lolleia"and yes alahnna, they have to be clean about it"
[OOC]-Rija"nothing sick about it....didn't you take sex ed?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Even so, that skin is so annoying during Oral."
[OOC]-Maliku"Sure I did. And my children were not in there."
[OOC]-Rija"even cut, they have to be clean"
[OOC]-Indica"I'm not sucking on anything with cheese under it, but I'm not letting anybody go cutting off my sons' body parts just for the hell of it either."
[OOC]-Darwar"next subject, please"
[OOC]-Pierat"Im so going to be the dad with the shotgun on his daughters first date, hell im tempted to do it for my cousins daughter now"
[OOC]-You"All women stfu unless you're talking about your breasts. All men stfu unless you're laughing."
[OOC]-Rija"nothing like a guy scratching his nuts to turn you off"
[OOC]-Maliku""For the hell of it""
[OOC]-Reltov"this is sick now, lets shut up"
[OOC]-Tayre"I agree. Next subject."
[OOC]-Alahnna"Shmegma, Indica?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh god."
[OOC]-Sergey"wheres emislity shes an expert, so Tayre tells me"
[OOC]-Reltov"anyone else think that more critters that use sorc spells should be able to implode?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Did you even HAVE to mention that word?"
[OOC]-You"Besides, my cock pwnz j00."
[OOC]-Reltov"not just vaespilon"
[OOC]-Tayre"Bob you're 13. No it doesn't."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's an easy one, for everyone. Thong, or granny-panties?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"What is the exact definition of it? "The cottage cheese like substance..." etc?"
[OOC]-Darwar"yeah...but all critter implodes should be weaker than ours...not stronger"
[OOC]-Tayre"Thong = hot"
[OOC]-Sergey"neither Reijin"
[OOC]-Alahnna"thong = more comfortable if its a good one."
[OOC]-Rija"thong on Tayre = hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"Ahhh! Sergey answers correctly."
[OOC]-You"Sergey's right."
[OOC]-Indica"Actually, it's spelled without the H but I won't repeat it for the more squeamish of us."
[OOC]-Pierat"Ugh, I had to learn about "Female Genital Mucas" in a female studys health class in college that I had to take cause the others were "full""
[OOC]-Darwar"doesn't make sense that there implode isn't balanced with their cast stength"
[OOC]-Pierat"I was the only guy! it was torture..... my girlfriend was in the class too so I couldnt even pick up girls"
[OOC]-Alahnna"On guys, boxers. Nothing sicker than a hairy ass walking down the beach."
[OOC]-Michiko"Suuure that's why you took it"
[OOC]-Darwar"their implode, even"
[OOC]-Rija"boxers or briefs?"
[OOC]-Maliku"boxers plz"
[OOC]-Michiko"Boxers, or those cute Calvin Klein boxer-briefs"
[OOC]-Reijin"Sergey answers incorrectly."
[OOC]-Granalf"wooohooo I just hit 10 trains."
[OOC]-Pierat"yah boxer briefs own"
[OOC]-Maliku"football, baseball, or basketball?"
[OOC]-Indica"I used to like it best when men wore boxers, but my bf doesn't so I've adapted."
[OOC]-Indica"As for thongs, those things are utterly useless."
[OOC]-Sergey"football to watch, baseball for fantasy"
[OOC]-Maliku"not to play, to watch."
[OOC]-Pierat"thongs are NOT useless"
[OOC]-Tayre"thongs = hot"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"i love my man going commando personally :)"
[OOC]-Siamer"hockey,,every othe game is for wusses"
[OOC]-Maliku"Dental floss, Indica."
[OOC]-You"Sergey has baseball fantasies."
[OOC]-Rija"thongs mean no panty line"
[OOC]-Beramun"Anyone know why sometimes I have to put the showwindow on then back off again for the window to disappear?"
[OOC]-Indica"Not if they're the kind you wear on your feet."
[OOC]-Pierat"Thongs make any girl instantly get 2 extra points on the 1 to 10 scale, LOL"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Haha, I took my BF skiing once while he was wearing boxers. He spent like half the night with his hand down the back of his pants trying to pull out a massive wedgie."
[OOC]-Tayre"Michiko needs thongs"
[OOC]-Sergey"you should see my team!"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"sorry for delay.. was just thinking of him with neither .. hehe"
[OOC]-Tayre"/look at picture"
[Edited on 2-21-2004 by Bobmuhthol]
[OOC]-Kadumi"but she has boobies..."
[OOC]-You"So does every other chick."
[OOC]-Indica"Wait wait....did you mean Death to Britney, or Death to me?"
[OOC]-You"Death to you."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's tha next topic. Fake or real?"
[OOC]-Pierat"margette thatsher or barbara bush"
[OOC]-Kadumi"same size?"
[OOC]-Tayre"Mine are real"
[OOC]-Michiko"death? lol"
[OOC]-Imraith"part real, part fake"
[OOC]-Indica"Ah...well, I'd have to say Britney. At least I could think up some good parody lyrics."
[OOC]-Kadumi"real. I need the face slappage"
[OOC]-Reijin"You can't beat real tits."
[OOC]-Kasia"Weather mine are fake or real, or Britneys?"
[OOC]-Indica"And mine are all real."
[OOC]-You"Whichever is better."
[OOC]-Sinech"anyone who was stupid enough to marry into the Bush family is stupid" (WTF?)
[OOC]-Kadumi"actually I'm not that picky, just hand em over"
[OOC]-Lolleia"mine are real, but if i could afford it i'd get fake ones"
[OOC]-Reijin"It's a total waste, Lolleia."
[OOC]-Kasia"mine are real"
[OOC]-Reijin"No fake tits can ever compare ta tha real thing."
[OOC]-Rija"Drag queen or drag king?"
[OOC]-Sinech"more than a handful? or mouth size?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"not if you dont have real ones anyway!"
[OOC]-Indica"I wouldn't get fake boobs. Liposuction, maybe, but never implants."
[OOC]-Reijin"Drag kings are kinda hot... But maybe I'm just demented."
[OOC]-Michiko"Anything bigger than a handful is the risk of a sprained thumb."
[OOC]-Indica"I might wanna have more babies someday...gotta have my milk ducts intact."
[OOC]-Rija"I think drag queens are hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"More than a handful is a waste."
[OOC]-Rija"anyone got pictures of themselves in drag?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"yah, indica, that's an issure here to"
[OOC]-Pierat"no its not, good to rest your head on"
[OOC]-Indica"Although I know Pamela Anderson did it after multiple surgeries."
[OOC]-Tayre"Britney is so damn gorgeous"
[OOC]-Tayre"/watch video" (Bitch)
[OOC]-Michiko"I have pictures of my ex and his twin in drag. In my clothes. *stares*"
[OOC]-Indica"And there's a support group called BFAR, I think...Breastfeeding After Reduction"
[OOC]-Pierat"Wounds like Beefer!"
[OOC]-Rija"that's hysterical, Michiko"
[OOC]-Michiko"They stretched out my favorite shirts :("
[OOC]-Tayre"Stop dating fatties"
[OOC]-Rija"the bitches"
[OOC]-Michiko"Uhm... I'd be SURPRISED if they weigh 140"
[OOC]-You"<doesn't make the obvious comment that Michiko has small breasts>"
[OOC]-Reltov"girls are fucked up"
[OOC]-Reijin"I put on a purple velvet dress about 8 or so years ago... That was pretty funny. I was fuckin hot!"
[OOC]-Reltov"specially mine"
[OOC]-Michiko"36 B isn't small." (Wrong)
[OOC]-Rija"got a pic, Reijin?"
[OOC]-Michiko"it's... just right."
[OOC]-Reijin"Nope. No pics of that."
[OOC]-You"I prefer 44HH"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh...the room in a shirt for breasts != room for wide male shoulders."
[OOC]-Tayre"ROFL bob"
[OOC]-Rija"and weren't you 11 eight years ago?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"You wear a bra on your hand, Bob?"
[OOC]-Maliku"wrong... B's are small"
[OOC]-Lolleia"right, but a 32 A is, that's why i want implants"
[OOC]-Reijin"I was 12 8 years ago"
[OOC]-Indica"Have a baby. You'll get bigger."
[OOC]-Rija"sorry, that's not hot"
[OOC]-Sinech"that is precisely the reason why i DONT want kids.. i want a reduction!"
[OOC]-Indica"I was 36B before I got pregnant and now I'm a C nearly 2 years later."
[OOC]-Lolleia"i already did that! they shrank!"
[OOC]-Reijin"You wouldn't catch me dead in a purple dress now adays."
[OOC]-Wezas"Bob, you dumping that boob convo into AIM snippets, or should Tayre or I?"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so what color do ya prefer reirei?"
[OOC]-Indica"How old is the kid?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"I was a C when i was pregnant"
[OOC]-You"There was a 'boob convo'?"
[OOC]-Sergey"prove it indica"
[OOC]-Rija"still going on"
[OOC]-Reltov"great, game gonna go down fer stupid changes to weapons"
[OOC]-You"I'm certainly not posting it."
[OOC]-You"In fact, make a new thread for it."
[OOC]-Indica"chat How long did you nurse the kid?"
[OOC]-Rija"'re going to post this somewhere?"
[OOC]-Rija"that's just cruel"
[OOC]-Indica"After the milk goes away it takes a year or three for the fatty tissue to build back up from where the ducts were."
[OOC]-Lolleia"only 2 months, he was a premie, and for his health reasons i had to stop"
[OOC]-You"You aren't even on the PC, Wezas."
[OOC]-Lolleia"your gonna post our tit talk?"
[OOC]-Pierat"sweet, tit talk"
[OOC]-Wezas"Sick Indica, you are turning me off to boobs, which is difficult"
[OOC]-Indica"Nonsense...unless it was a severe lactose intolerance, premies are the MOST needful of their mother's antibodies."
[OOC]-Kadumi"go to"
[OOC]-You"Wezas hurry up and post it so I can laugh."
[OOC]-Rija"the guys should tell us how long their wankers are....they'd all probably lie though"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh, sorry man, but that's what they're for."
[OOC]-Pierat"LOL Wezas, omg, I was flipping a year or two ago with in my college lounge with some friends, we all the sudden saw boobs! where like WHOAH, the mtv boobie special"
[OOC]-Tayre"Guys don't discuss that"
[OOC]-Lolleia"oh I pumped for another month, they had to tube feed him, and i was so stressed out, the well went dry"
[OOC]-Sergey"17 inches!"
[OOC]-You"<--- 10000 miles."
[OOC]-Kadumi"Wanker? Address him with respect!"
[OOC]-Lolleia"and Yes, that's what they're for"
[OOC]-Pierat"then all the sudden they started CUTTING into them for the implants and WHOAH were we turned off"
[OOC]-Rija"Sorry, SIR Wanker."
[OOC]-Pierat"damn funny"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh. And I don't <3 you anymore, Bob."
[OOC]-Sergey"do you love me?"
[OOC]-Reijin"Anything over 8 inches is a waste."
[OOC]-You"Your boobs are great! I didn't mean it!"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so says the little man"
[OOC]-Indica"Yeah, I can see where that could happen. My friend had her first baby at 5 1/2 months and she could only provide milk for a few months."
[OOC]-Rija"anything over 8 inches is plastic and needs batteries"
[OOC]-Pierat"crap, we now need a Maternity Channel on this"
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's one for tha women. Cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Reltov"i can prove you wrong if you gimme your email, and look at my pic"
[OOC]-Indica"But this child is one of the smartest 5-year-olds you ever met."
[OOC]-Michiko"Doesn't matter."
[OOC]-Indica"Cut for sucking, uncut for my babies."
[OOC]-Rija"that should be a poll, actually"
[OOC]-Rija"boys, cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Chadj"my favourite boob size is 36 B:)"
[OOC]-Maliku"fucking sick... you just included oral sex and your own kids in the same sentence."
[OOC]-Reltov"uncut is fucked up, cut is the way to go"
[OOC]-Indica"Although if they're cleaned properly, uncut is just fine."
[OOC]-Tayre"Anyone else dying laughing"
[OOC]-Darwar"bobbit or non-bobbit"
[OOC]-Lolleia"It kinda depends on the size to"
[OOC]-Indica"There's nothing sick about that."
[OOC]-Chadj"Cut :)"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Uncut guys tend to be... icky."
[OOC]-Reijin"I am, Tayre."
[OOC]-Pierat"Agreed Maliku"
[OOC]-Maliku"there's plenty sick about that."
[OOC]-Lolleia"and yes alahnna, they have to be clean about it"
[OOC]-Rija"nothing sick about it....didn't you take sex ed?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Even so, that skin is so annoying during Oral."
[OOC]-Maliku"Sure I did. And my children were not in there."
[OOC]-Rija"even cut, they have to be clean"
[OOC]-Indica"I'm not sucking on anything with cheese under it, but I'm not letting anybody go cutting off my sons' body parts just for the hell of it either."
[OOC]-Darwar"next subject, please"
[OOC]-Pierat"Im so going to be the dad with the shotgun on his daughters first date, hell im tempted to do it for my cousins daughter now"
[OOC]-You"All women stfu unless you're talking about your breasts. All men stfu unless you're laughing."
[OOC]-Rija"nothing like a guy scratching his nuts to turn you off"
[OOC]-Maliku""For the hell of it""
[OOC]-Reltov"this is sick now, lets shut up"
[OOC]-Tayre"I agree. Next subject."
[OOC]-Alahnna"Shmegma, Indica?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh god."
[OOC]-Sergey"wheres emislity shes an expert, so Tayre tells me"
[OOC]-Reltov"anyone else think that more critters that use sorc spells should be able to implode?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Did you even HAVE to mention that word?"
[OOC]-You"Besides, my cock pwnz j00."
[OOC]-Reltov"not just vaespilon"
[OOC]-Tayre"Bob you're 13. No it doesn't."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's an easy one, for everyone. Thong, or granny-panties?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"What is the exact definition of it? "The cottage cheese like substance..." etc?"
[OOC]-Darwar"yeah...but all critter implodes should be weaker than ours...not stronger"
[OOC]-Tayre"Thong = hot"
[OOC]-Sergey"neither Reijin"
[OOC]-Alahnna"thong = more comfortable if its a good one."
[OOC]-Rija"thong on Tayre = hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"Ahhh! Sergey answers correctly."
[OOC]-You"Sergey's right."
[OOC]-Indica"Actually, it's spelled without the H but I won't repeat it for the more squeamish of us."
[OOC]-Pierat"Ugh, I had to learn about "Female Genital Mucas" in a female studys health class in college that I had to take cause the others were "full""
[OOC]-Darwar"doesn't make sense that there implode isn't balanced with their cast stength"
[OOC]-Pierat"I was the only guy! it was torture..... my girlfriend was in the class too so I couldnt even pick up girls"
[OOC]-Alahnna"On guys, boxers. Nothing sicker than a hairy ass walking down the beach."
[OOC]-Michiko"Suuure that's why you took it"
[OOC]-Darwar"their implode, even"
[OOC]-Rija"boxers or briefs?"
[OOC]-Maliku"boxers plz"
[OOC]-Michiko"Boxers, or those cute Calvin Klein boxer-briefs"
[OOC]-Reijin"Sergey answers incorrectly."
[OOC]-Granalf"wooohooo I just hit 10 trains."
[OOC]-Pierat"yah boxer briefs own"
[OOC]-Maliku"football, baseball, or basketball?"
[OOC]-Indica"I used to like it best when men wore boxers, but my bf doesn't so I've adapted."
[OOC]-Indica"As for thongs, those things are utterly useless."
[OOC]-Sergey"football to watch, baseball for fantasy"
[OOC]-Maliku"not to play, to watch."
[OOC]-Pierat"thongs are NOT useless"
[OOC]-Tayre"thongs = hot"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"i love my man going commando personally :)"
[OOC]-Siamer"hockey,,every othe game is for wusses"
[OOC]-Maliku"Dental floss, Indica."
[OOC]-You"Sergey has baseball fantasies."
[OOC]-Rija"thongs mean no panty line"
[OOC]-Beramun"Anyone know why sometimes I have to put the showwindow on then back off again for the window to disappear?"
[OOC]-Indica"Not if they're the kind you wear on your feet."
[OOC]-Pierat"Thongs make any girl instantly get 2 extra points on the 1 to 10 scale, LOL"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Haha, I took my BF skiing once while he was wearing boxers. He spent like half the night with his hand down the back of his pants trying to pull out a massive wedgie."
[OOC]-Tayre"Michiko needs thongs"
[OOC]-Sergey"you should see my team!"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"sorry for delay.. was just thinking of him with neither .. hehe"
[OOC]-Tayre"/look at picture"
[Edited on 2-21-2004 by Bobmuhthol]