View Full Version : LONG Psinet Log (unedited)

02-20-2004, 09:41 PM
Funny parts are bolded.

[OOC]-Kadumi"but she has boobies..."
[OOC]-You"So does every other chick."
[OOC]-Indica"Wait wait....did you mean Death to Britney, or Death to me?"
[OOC]-You"Death to you."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's tha next topic. Fake or real?"
[OOC]-Pierat"margette thatsher or barbara bush"
[OOC]-Kadumi"same size?"
[OOC]-Tayre"Mine are real"
[OOC]-Michiko"death? lol"
[OOC]-Imraith"part real, part fake"
[OOC]-Indica"Ah...well, I'd have to say Britney. At least I could think up some good parody lyrics."
[OOC]-Kadumi"real. I need the face slappage"
[OOC]-Reijin"You can't beat real tits."
[OOC]-Kasia"Weather mine are fake or real, or Britneys?"
[OOC]-Indica"And mine are all real."
[OOC]-You"Whichever is better."
[OOC]-Sinech"anyone who was stupid enough to marry into the Bush family is stupid" (WTF?)
[OOC]-Kadumi"actually I'm not that picky, just hand em over"
[OOC]-Lolleia"mine are real, but if i could afford it i'd get fake ones"
[OOC]-Reijin"It's a total waste, Lolleia."
[OOC]-Kasia"mine are real"
[OOC]-Reijin"No fake tits can ever compare ta tha real thing."
[OOC]-Rija"Drag queen or drag king?"
[OOC]-Sinech"more than a handful? or mouth size?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"not if you dont have real ones anyway!"
[OOC]-Indica"I wouldn't get fake boobs. Liposuction, maybe, but never implants."
[OOC]-Reijin"Drag kings are kinda hot... But maybe I'm just demented."
[OOC]-Michiko"Anything bigger than a handful is the risk of a sprained thumb."
[OOC]-Indica"I might wanna have more babies someday...gotta have my milk ducts intact."
[OOC]-Rija"I think drag queens are hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"More than a handful is a waste."
[OOC]-Rija"anyone got pictures of themselves in drag?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"yah, indica, that's an issure here to"
[OOC]-Pierat"no its not, good to rest your head on"
[OOC]-Indica"Although I know Pamela Anderson did it after multiple surgeries."
[OOC]-Tayre"Britney is so damn gorgeous"
[OOC]-Tayre"/watch video" (Bitch)
[OOC]-Michiko"I have pictures of my ex and his twin in drag. In my clothes. *stares*"
[OOC]-Indica"And there's a support group called BFAR, I think...Breastfeeding After Reduction"
[OOC]-Pierat"Wounds like Beefer!"
[OOC]-Rija"that's hysterical, Michiko"
[OOC]-Michiko"They stretched out my favorite shirts :("
[OOC]-Tayre"Stop dating fatties"
[OOC]-Rija"the bitches"
[OOC]-Michiko"Uhm... I'd be SURPRISED if they weigh 140"
[OOC]-You"<doesn't make the obvious comment that Michiko has small breasts>"
[OOC]-Reltov"girls are fucked up"
[OOC]-Reijin"I put on a purple velvet dress about 8 or so years ago... That was pretty funny. I was fuckin hot!"
[OOC]-Reltov"specially mine"
[OOC]-Michiko"36 B isn't small." (Wrong)
[OOC]-Rija"got a pic, Reijin?"
[OOC]-Michiko"it's... just right."
[OOC]-Reijin"Nope. No pics of that."
[OOC]-You"I prefer 44HH"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh...the room in a shirt for breasts != room for wide male shoulders."
[OOC]-Tayre"ROFL bob"
[OOC]-Rija"and weren't you 11 eight years ago?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"You wear a bra on your hand, Bob?"
[OOC]-Maliku"wrong... B's are small"
[OOC]-Lolleia"right, but a 32 A is, that's why i want implants"
[OOC]-Reijin"I was 12 8 years ago"
[OOC]-Indica"Have a baby. You'll get bigger."
[OOC]-Rija"sorry, that's not hot"
[OOC]-Sinech"that is precisely the reason why i DONT want kids.. i want a reduction!"
[OOC]-Indica"I was 36B before I got pregnant and now I'm a C nearly 2 years later."
[OOC]-Lolleia"i already did that! they shrank!"
[OOC]-Reijin"You wouldn't catch me dead in a purple dress now adays."
[OOC]-Wezas"Bob, you dumping that boob convo into AIM snippets, or should Tayre or I?"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so what color do ya prefer reirei?"
[OOC]-Indica"How old is the kid?"
[OOC]-Lolleia"I was a C when i was pregnant"
[OOC]-You"There was a 'boob convo'?"
[OOC]-Sergey"prove it indica"
[OOC]-Rija"still going on"
[OOC]-Reltov"great, game gonna go down fer stupid changes to weapons"
[OOC]-You"I'm certainly not posting it."
[OOC]-You"In fact, make a new thread for it."
[OOC]-Indica"chat How long did you nurse the kid?"
[OOC]-Rija"wait...you're going to post this somewhere?"
[OOC]-Rija"that's just cruel"
[OOC]-Indica"After the milk goes away it takes a year or three for the fatty tissue to build back up from where the ducts were."
[OOC]-Lolleia"only 2 months, he was a premie, and for his health reasons i had to stop"
[OOC]-You"You aren't even on the PC, Wezas."
[OOC]-Lolleia"your gonna post our tit talk?"
[OOC]-Pierat"sweet, tit talk"
[OOC]-Wezas"Sick Indica, you are turning me off to boobs, which is difficult"
[OOC]-Indica"Nonsense...unless it was a severe lactose intolerance, premies are the MOST needful of their mother's antibodies."
[OOC]-Kadumi"go to www.klaive.net/forums"
[OOC]-You"Wezas hurry up and post it so I can laugh."
[OOC]-Rija"the guys should tell us how long their wankers are....they'd all probably lie though"
[OOC]-Indica"Heh, sorry man, but that's what they're for."
[OOC]-Pierat"LOL Wezas, omg, I was flipping a year or two ago with in my college lounge with some friends, we all the sudden saw boobs! where like WHOAH, the mtv boobie special"
[OOC]-Tayre"Guys don't discuss that"
[OOC]-Lolleia"oh I pumped for another month, they had to tube feed him, and i was so stressed out, the well went dry"
[OOC]-Sergey"17 inches!"
[OOC]-You"<--- 10000 miles."
[OOC]-Kadumi"Wanker? Address him with respect!"
[OOC]-Lolleia"and Yes, that's what they're for"
[OOC]-Pierat"then all the sudden they started CUTTING into them for the implants and WHOAH were we turned off"
[OOC]-Rija"Sorry, SIR Wanker."
[OOC]-Pierat"damn funny"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh. And I don't <3 you anymore, Bob."
[OOC]-Sergey"do you love me?"
[OOC]-Reijin"Anything over 8 inches is a waste."
[OOC]-You"Your boobs are great! I didn't mean it!"
[OOC]-Kadumi"so says the little man"
[OOC]-Indica"Yeah, I can see where that could happen. My friend had her first baby at 5 1/2 months and she could only provide milk for a few months."
[OOC]-Rija"anything over 8 inches is plastic and needs batteries"
[OOC]-Pierat"crap, we now need a Maternity Channel on this"
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's one for tha women. Cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Reltov"i can prove you wrong if you gimme your email, and look at my pic"
[OOC]-Indica"But this child is one of the smartest 5-year-olds you ever met."
[OOC]-Michiko"Doesn't matter."
[OOC]-Indica"Cut for sucking, uncut for my babies."
[OOC]-Rija"that should be a poll, actually"
[OOC]-Rija"boys, cut or uncut?"
[OOC]-Chadj"my favourite boob size is 36 B:)"
[OOC]-Maliku"fucking sick... you just included oral sex and your own kids in the same sentence."
[OOC]-Reltov"uncut is fucked up, cut is the way to go"
[OOC]-Indica"Although if they're cleaned properly, uncut is just fine."
[OOC]-Tayre"Anyone else dying laughing"
[OOC]-Darwar"bobbit or non-bobbit"
[OOC]-Lolleia"It kinda depends on the size to"
[OOC]-Indica"There's nothing sick about that."
[OOC]-Chadj"Cut :)"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Uncut guys tend to be... icky."
[OOC]-Reijin"I am, Tayre."
[OOC]-Pierat"Agreed Maliku"
[OOC]-Maliku"there's plenty sick about that."
[OOC]-Lolleia"and yes alahnna, they have to be clean about it"
[OOC]-Rija"nothing sick about it....didn't you take sex ed?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Even so, that skin is so annoying during Oral."
[OOC]-Maliku"Sure I did. And my children were not in there."
[OOC]-Rija"even cut, they have to be clean"
[OOC]-Indica"I'm not sucking on anything with cheese under it, but I'm not letting anybody go cutting off my sons' body parts just for the hell of it either."
[OOC]-Darwar"next subject, please"
[OOC]-Pierat"Im so going to be the dad with the shotgun on his daughters first date, hell im tempted to do it for my cousins daughter now"
[OOC]-You"All women stfu unless you're talking about your breasts. All men stfu unless you're laughing."
[OOC]-Rija"nothing like a guy scratching his nuts to turn you off"
[OOC]-Maliku""For the hell of it""
[OOC]-Reltov"this is sick now, lets shut up"
[OOC]-Tayre"I agree. Next subject."
[OOC]-Alahnna"Shmegma, Indica?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Oh god."
[OOC]-Sergey"wheres emislity shes an expert, so Tayre tells me"
[OOC]-Reltov"anyone else think that more critters that use sorc spells should be able to implode?"
[OOC]-Michiko"Did you even HAVE to mention that word?"
[OOC]-You"Besides, my cock pwnz j00."
[OOC]-Reltov"not just vaespilon"
[OOC]-Tayre"Bob you're 13. No it doesn't."
[OOC]-Reijin"Here's an easy one, for everyone. Thong, or granny-panties?"
[OOC]-Alahnna"What is the exact definition of it? "The cottage cheese like substance..." etc?"
[OOC]-Darwar"yeah...but all critter implodes should be weaker than ours...not stronger"
[OOC]-Tayre"Thong = hot"
[OOC]-Sergey"neither Reijin"
[OOC]-Alahnna"thong = more comfortable if its a good one."
[OOC]-Rija"thong on Tayre = hot"
[OOC]-Reijin"Ahhh! Sergey answers correctly."
[OOC]-You"Sergey's right."
[OOC]-Indica"Actually, it's spelled without the H but I won't repeat it for the more squeamish of us."
[OOC]-Pierat"Ugh, I had to learn about "Female Genital Mucas" in a female studys health class in college that I had to take cause the others were "full""
[OOC]-Darwar"doesn't make sense that there implode isn't balanced with their cast stength"
[OOC]-Pierat"I was the only guy! it was torture..... my girlfriend was in the class too so I couldnt even pick up girls"
[OOC]-Alahnna"On guys, boxers. Nothing sicker than a hairy ass walking down the beach."
[OOC]-Michiko"Suuure that's why you took it"
[OOC]-Darwar"their implode, even"
[OOC]-Rija"boxers or briefs?"
[OOC]-Maliku"boxers plz"
[OOC]-Michiko"Boxers, or those cute Calvin Klein boxer-briefs"
[OOC]-Reijin"Sergey answers incorrectly."
[OOC]-Granalf"wooohooo I just hit 10 trains."
[OOC]-Pierat"yah boxer briefs own"
[OOC]-Maliku"football, baseball, or basketball?"
[OOC]-Indica"I used to like it best when men wore boxers, but my bf doesn't so I've adapted."
[OOC]-Indica"As for thongs, those things are utterly useless."
[OOC]-Sergey"football to watch, baseball for fantasy"
[OOC]-Maliku"not to play, to watch."
[OOC]-Pierat"thongs are NOT useless"
[OOC]-Tayre"thongs = hot"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"i love my man going commando personally :)"
[OOC]-Siamer"hockey,,every othe game is for wusses"
[OOC]-Maliku"Dental floss, Indica."
[OOC]-You"Sergey has baseball fantasies."
[OOC]-Rija"thongs mean no panty line"
[OOC]-Beramun"Anyone know why sometimes I have to put the showwindow on then back off again for the window to disappear?"
[OOC]-Indica"Not if they're the kind you wear on your feet."
[OOC]-Pierat"Thongs make any girl instantly get 2 extra points on the 1 to 10 scale, LOL"
[OOC]-Alahnna"Haha, I took my BF skiing once while he was wearing boxers. He spent like half the night with his hand down the back of his pants trying to pull out a massive wedgie."
[OOC]-Tayre"Michiko needs thongs"
[OOC]-Sergey"you should see my team!"
[OOC]-Eiderfleur"sorry for delay.. was just thinking of him with neither .. hehe"
[OOC]-Tayre"/look at picture"

[Edited on 2-21-2004 by Bobmuhthol]

02-20-2004, 09:45 PM
Moving it to Off Topic since this has nothing to do with Gemstone. Just cause you guys yapped in chat with it doesn't make it GS related. <pokes Bob>

02-20-2004, 10:13 PM
This just in:

[OOC]-Maliku: "Then again, you worry about you, I'll worry about me."
[OOC]-You: "And I'll worry about how cool I am."
[OOC]-Indica: "Right on."
[OOC]-Maliku: "I've never met a "cool" 13 year old, Bob"
[OOC]-You: "wtf i hate j00"
[OOC]-Indica: "When I was 10 I knew some cool 13-year-olds."
[OOC]-Maliku: "<3"
[OOC]-Kadumi: "I was a cool 13 year old"
[OOC]-Tayre: "I wasn't."
[OOC]-You: "You're not cool now."
[OOC]-Tayre: "Yes, I am."
[OOC]-Tayre: "Haha"
[OOC]-Falgrin: "heh"
[OOC]-Indica: "Now that's cool."

02-20-2004, 10:53 PM
Real boobs > fake boobs

I've gotten to squeeze a few in my lifetime. :)

02-20-2004, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Real boobs > fake boobs

I've gotten to squeeze a few in my lifetime. :)

Proof, please.

02-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

Originally posted by Lalana
Real boobs > fake boobs

I've gotten to squeeze a few in my lifetime. :)

Proof, please.

Heh, I'm at work, but I'll try to see if I can dig up some titty lickin' picks. ;) If I can't find them, then sorry for ya! :bleh:

02-21-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
Heh, I'm at work, but I'll try to see if I can dig up some titty lickin' picks. ;) If I can't find them, then sorry for ya! :bleh:

Too good to pass up.

02-21-2004, 02:06 PM
real intelligent conversation on that PSI net...

02-21-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Meos
real intelligent conversation on that PSI net...

I knew there was a reason I didn't download that. Thanks for reinforcing my decision not to Bob.


02-21-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Vesi
I knew there was a reason I didn't download that. Thanks for reinforcing my decision not to Bob.


You can use it but not tune to one of the chat channels. It's actually quite helpful... especially for casters and empaths, with typohelp and healhelp.

02-21-2004, 06:25 PM
I still can't install it, because I moved or deleted the original the first time. It wouldn't work, so I got rid of it. Now I'm SOL :'(