View Full Version : Shop is now OPEN

05-14-2009, 12:17 AM
My shop is now open to the public. Mind you, this took a while to get ready lol! I sympathize with those of you who have been doing this since the beginning.. WOW! Not easy.

Location is Landing merchant room 17 (atlas 1799) - a quaint red-brick building

Custom forging always available.. and while the prices on the items are fairly solid, I'm not adverse to interesting trades.

If you have any questions or requests, you can leave a message here, PM me, or reach me on PsiNet as Iashara.. thanks for looking!
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________

CENTER ROOM - Counter (blunts)
a long-handled vultite war hammer +20 4x/4x defender
an iron mesh bag of scrap metal (warhammer base) +18 blessable
a translucent glaes-flanged mace +15 vibe flares
a glaes-hafted shimmering ora warmace +22 decently crit weighted sanctified
a viciously spiked rolaren mace +20 somewhat crit weighted
a drakar-spiked eonake morning star +20 fire flares sanctified
a pure white zorchar-studded ball and chain +20 lightning flares
********** CONTAINERS *****************
a heavy leather backscabbard TURNable hurl harness (holds 10 of an item)
a black leather belt belt worn 2 weapon displayer
a tightly woven spidersilk sack belt worn LA amount
a veniom threaded harness shoulder worn LA
an imflass threaded war harness shoulder worn MA
a berry-stained harvest sack back worn VLA
a silver-threaded gempouch belt worn SA

CENTER ROOM - Rack (two-handers)
a white ora bastard sword +10 sanctified
a flint hilted eahnor flamberge +18 lightning flares
a silver hilted vultite flamberge +20 ice flares
a coal black vultite maul +20 blessable
a fearsome white ora sledgehammer +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
a dual-bladed vultite battle axe +20 somewhat damage weighted
an onyx-hilted invar claidhmore +2 normal claid weighting
a razor sharp skull-pommelled claidhmore +0, stunning skull (long stuns)
******* CLOTHING********
a gold-tartan spidersilk kilt leg worn no pockets

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WEST ROOM - Table (poles)
a carved ivory white alloy glaive +5 acid flares
a glaes-spiked imflass-hafted spear +15 heavily damage weighted
a sea-green glaes trident +15 ice flares
a drakar-tipped mithglin lance +15 fire flares
a mechanized cavalry lance +15 flawless mechanical flares
an emerald hafted rolaren brandestoc (lance) +20 blessable
a fel-shafted vultite Hammer of Kai +20 blessable
a grey brushed eonake glaive +20 sanctified
a gleaming eonake sarissa +20 lightning flares & sanctified
a gleaming white ora awl-pike +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
a silk-trailing white ora pike +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
a gleaming white ora pike +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
an ivory hafted polished silver awl-pike +20 vacuum flares
an ora-tipped eahnor lance with an affixed rolled white silk standard +18 blessed (standard can be altered)
an icy blue vultite lance - +25 blessable
a barbed rolaren awl pike +20 heavily crit weighted
a perfect maoral-shafted vultite awl-pike +30 perfect forge
a drakar-veined eonake lance +30 fire flares sanctified
a deep violet steel lance +35 blessable
a shimmering white glaes awl-pike with a blue tanik shaft +35 ice flares

WEST ROOM - Cabinet (poles)
a perfect maoral-shafted steel spear +20 perfect forge
a well-forged dwarven mithril spear +5 heavily damage weighted
a well-forged dwarven mithril spear +5 heavily damage weighted
an enruned eahnor-tipped spear +18 blessable
an ora-tipped eahnor lance +18 blessable

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EAST ROOM - Cabinet (ohe & brawl)
a razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade with braided grey horsehair wound about its hilt +20 blessable
a translucent white broadsword +20 somewhat crit weighted
a jagged orcish vultite cutlass +20 heavily damage weighted
a well balanced woodsman's hatchet +15 somewhat crit weighted
a wickedly sharp engraved handaxe +20 decently damage weighted
*The blade is etched with the image of an elf standing triumphant over a heap of dead troll kings. Below the image etched in fluid lettering is the word "Honor"*
a cross-hilted rolaren main gauche +20 blessable
a chisel-edged grey glaes dagger +15 somewhat crit weighted
a razor-sharp rolaren main gauche +25 somewhat damage weighted
a wickedly curved faenor waraxe +8 very heavily crit weighted
an ash-hafted midnight black waraxe +20 heavily crit weighted (altered dir-hafter)
*Well-balanced and honed to a razor's edge, this midnight black waraxe is etched upon both of its twin crescent-shaped blades with flowing elven runes. The axe's haft is crafted from smokey grey ash wood and is tapered along its length to resemble a dragon's claw*
a wickedly curved falchion +20 heavily crit weighted stunning skull
a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword +20 blessable
a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe +20 blessable
a viciously serrated glaes yierka-spur +15 somewhat damage weighted

EAST ROOM - Table (Sanctified ohe & brawl)
a double-bladed vultite broad axe +20 somewhat damage weighted sanctified
a bone-gripped white ora chakram +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
an ivory-gripped white ora quoit +25 Iasha weapon (unlocked)
a nephrite pommeled eonake longsword +20 fire flares sanctified
an eonake-edged drakar crescent axe etched with a stylized vruul +20 fire flares sanctified
a jagged-edged black eonake scimitar with a crimson eahnor hilt +20 sanctified
a jagged-edged crimson eonake scimitar +20 somewhat crit weighted sanctified
a white ora katar +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)
a white ora troll-claw +20 Iasha weapon (not unlocked)


On a glass-topped mistwood counter...
a silver-threaded gempouch: 500000 (1)
a berry-stained harvest sack: 1500000 (1)
an imflass threaded war harness: 1000000 (1)
a veniom threaded harness: 2000000 (1)
a veniom threaded harness: 2000000 (1)
a tightly woven spidersilk sack: 3000000 (1)
a black leather belt: 4000000 (1)
a heavy leather backscabbard: 4000000 (1)
a pure white zorchar-studded ball and chain: 1500000 (1)
a drakar-spiked eonake morning star: 2500000 (1)
a viciously spiked rolaren mace: 2500000 (1)
a glaes-hafted shimmering ora warmace: 3000000 (1)
a translucent glaes-flanged mace: 800000 (1)
an iron mesh bag of scrap metal: 800000 (1)
a long-handled vultite war hammer: 20000000 (1)
On a bamboo rack...
a gold-tartan spidersilk kilt: 500000 (1)
a fearsome white ora sledgehammer: 1500000 (1)
a razor sharp skull-pommelled claidhmore: 3000000 (1)
an onyx-hilted invar claidhmore: 3000000 (1)
a dual-bladed vultite battle axe: 3000000 (1)
a coal black vultite maul: 600000 (1)
a silver hilted vultite flamberge: 750000 (1)
a white ora bastard sword: 500000 (1)
a flint hilted eahnor flamberge: 750000 (1)

Total number of items: 24

Inventory for Iashara's Weaponry

On a gilded maple table...
a white ora troll-claw: 1250000 (1)
a white ora katar: 1500000 (1)
a jagged-edged crimson eonake scimitar with a black ora hilt: 3000000 (1)
a jagged-edged black eonake scimitar with a crimson eahnor hilt: 2000000 (1)
an eonake-edged drakar crescent axe etched with a stylized vruul: 2500000 (1)
a nephrite pommeled eonake longsword: 2500000 (1)
an ivory-gripped white ora quoit: 3500000 (1)
a bone-gripped white ora chakram: 2000000 (1)
a double-bladed vultite broad axe: 2000000 (1)
a double-bladed vultite broad axe: 2000000 (1)
In a gold-leafed mistwood cabinet...
a viciously serrated glaes yierka-spur: 1750000 (1)
a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe: 1000000 (1)
a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword: 1000000 (1)
a wickedly curved falchion: 9000000 (1)
an ash-hafted midnight black waraxe: 8000000 (1)
a wickedly curved faenor waraxe: 8000000 (1)
a razor-sharp rolaren main gauche: 2000000 (1)
a chisel-edged grey glaes dagger: 1500000 (1)
a chisel-edged grey glaes dagger: 1500000 (1)
a cross-hilted rolaren main gauche: 1000000 (1)
a wickedly sharp engraved handaxe: 2000000 (1)
a well balanced woodsman's hatchet: 1500000 (1)
a jagged orcish vultite cutlass: 3000000 (1)
a translucent white broadsword: 2000000 (1)
a razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade with braided grey horsehair wound about its hilt: 1250000 (1)

Total number of items: 25

Inventory for Iashara's Weaponry

On a vine-carved mahogany table...
a silk-trailing white ora pike: 2000000 (1)
a glaes-spiked imflass-hafted spear: 2500000 (1)
an ora-tipped eahnor lance with an affixed unfurled white silk standard: 5000000 (1)
an ivory hafted polished silver awl-pike: 10000000 (1)
an icy blue vultite lance: 1000000 (1)
a barbed rolaren awl pike: 10000000 (1)
a shimmering white glaes awl-pike with a blue tanik shaft: 15000000 (1)
a sea-green glaes trident: 1000000 (1)
a gleaming white ora pike: 2000000 (1)
a drakar-tipped mithglin lance: 1500000 (1)
a deep violet steel lance: 15000000 (1)
an emerald hafted rolaren brandestoc: 1000000 (1)
a carved ivory white alloy glaive: 500000 (1)
a fel-shafted vultite Hammer of Kai: 500000 (1)
a gleaming white ora awl-pike: 2000000 (1)
a grey brushed eonake glaive: 2000000 (1)
a perfect maoral-shafted vultite awl-pike: 10000000 (1)
a drakar-veined eonake lance: 15000000 (1)
a gleaming eonake sarissa: 5000000 (1)
a mechanized cavalry lance: 1500000 (1)
In a gilded maple cabinet...
a perfect maoral-shafted steel spear: 2500000 (1)
a well-forged dwarven mithril spear: 1000000 (1)
a well-forged dwarven mithril spear: 1000000 (1)
an enruned eahnor-tipped spear: 1000000 (1)
an ora-tipped eahnor lance: 1200000 (1)

Total number of items: 25
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________

05-14-2009, 12:19 AM
nice selection!

05-14-2009, 12:23 AM
Nice job. One potential typo though.

a glaes-hafted shimmering ora warmace

Unless you had it worked on, this item is somewhat crit weighted.

The Ponzzz
05-14-2009, 01:00 AM
Lot of old goodies in there!

05-15-2009, 10:28 AM
Ok.. I gotta ask... anyone who's finally decided to sell equipment they've held onto for ages... ?

When it started selling, did you feel an involuntary moment of panic? Probably not for you.. but most of these items were my core equipment for a lot of characters.. and it all has sentimental value to it.. so seeing it start to sell makes me fidget & twitch lol

05-15-2009, 10:31 AM
Part of the reason why I have so many mules is I never want to sell gear.

05-15-2009, 10:39 AM
I price my items high for the same reason. If they don't sell, I can continue to use them as I wish. If they do, hey, I got a great price for them. Either way I win. Only thing is, I've found that sooner or later, everything sells. So if there's something I absolutely don't want to part with, I don't put it in the shop at any price, no matter how unreasonably high it may seem at the time. You're getting good compensation for your items in my opinion. The only item you may have been able to get more for was the altered dir hafter, evidenced by how quickly it sold. Congrats on the sale regardless, and on the shop in general. You've got some really cool things.

05-15-2009, 11:33 AM
Thanks... I've had all that stuff a loooong time. Once enough of it sells, I'll re-organize and put up armor, shields & magic items/embeddibles :)

I think I've a locker full of various coins, and another full of siege pieces too

I price my items high for the same reason. If they don't sell, I can continue to use them as I wish. If they do, hey, I got a great price for them. Either way I win. Only thing is, I've found that sooner or later, everything sells. So if there's something I absolutely don't want to part with, I don't put it in the shop at any price, no matter how unreasonably high it may seem at the time. You're getting good compensation for your items in my opinion. The only item you may have been able to get more for was the altered dir hafter, evidenced by how quickly it sold. Congrats on the sale regardless, and on the shop in general. You've got some really cool things.