View Full Version : Cleric Guildmasters
05-13-2009, 05:15 PM
Anyone know how Xeldria managed to be a 186 rank Guildmaster of the Cleric Guild without any nominations from the first six guildmasters?
Three of us who were in the original group are absolutely certain that we didn't nominate her. But apparently she is "amused." And it has been confirmed by Talisker that she's a guildmaster.
[Voln-Xeldria]"I hear there's a hooplah about my existance or some such. Amusing."
Anyone know of a way to become a guildmaster apparently without help?
And for the record, this isn't directed at the person or player of Xeldria, I'm just trying to understand the situation.
05-13-2009, 05:56 PM
well in the warrior guilds case, the first few guildmasters didnt need anyone to nominate them, since there were no guildmasters, course that was seemingly ages ago.
05-13-2009, 05:57 PM
well in the warrior guilds case, the first few guildmasters didnt need anyone to nominate them, since there were no guildmasters, course that was seemingly ages ago.
they nominated each other. they still needed six total
The Ponzzz
05-13-2009, 05:58 PM
So how does the first person become a guildmaster then?
05-13-2009, 06:01 PM
So how does the first person become a guildmaster then?
everyone else who is qualified nominates him/her. if you have the qualifications you can still nominate without being an actual master
05-13-2009, 06:43 PM
As Allereli pointed out, it takes 6 people with 125 ranks total to get your first six Guildmasters. I don't know about the Warriors, but I know its how the Rogues, Sorcerers, Wizards, and Clerics all done it.
I also know that I have spoken with 3 of the original 6 Cleric Guildmasters, and absolutely NONE of us nominated her.
Further, I know she logged in today to gloat after reading the thread in teh landing folder: [Voln - Xeldria] "I hear there's a hooplah about my existence or some such. Amusing."
She intentionally signed her name to the guildmaster plaque in the landing cleric guild. Otherwise we never would have even known she was a guildmaster. I firmly believe it was a deliberate slap in the face.
I'm waiting on an official word from someone (which I doubt will ever happen), before proceeding any further.
My suspicions is this is a GM's PC. There is no other way than GM action, or a bug, that she attained Guildmastery. Period.
DId I mention she's mastered in all 3 skills also? Yet no one ever saw her working on anything, let alone buying, selling, trading thousands of fires, hairs, stones, etc?
05-13-2009, 07:07 PM
I had to go make some popcorn while I was reading the thread on the officials. When someone finds out, make sure to post here. This is interesting.
05-13-2009, 07:23 PM
I've removed the last few posts in this thread from view. However, I'm also forwarding the "posted about" issue to the appropriate folks for additional review.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
05-13-2009, 07:26 PM
Just friggin ugh.
Mine hasn't come to my email yet as pulled. Allereli, you got three pulled your last week? I got a TAC the other day, and one other pulled for "counterproductivity" or some crap. This one, I'll tie you and I've got three days left.
Did it get pulled from the cleric folder too, M?
05-13-2009, 07:28 PM
Allereli, you got three pulled your last week?
yeah, in one I told Em that he failed.
05-13-2009, 07:29 PM
He posted this in the cleric folder:
I've forwarded the issue to the appropriate folks for additional review.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
He didn't remove anything because there was nothing to remove from the cleric folder. I think his "justification" for removing the Landing posts will be that Xeldria's name was used, but then again, TALISKER was the one who posted her name (I know better). And..She SIGNED THE GUILDMASTER PLAQUE IN THE LANDING..But it gets even better...SHE LOGGED IN TO GLOAT AFTER SHE READ THE THREAD. OMG.
05-13-2009, 07:30 PM
Heh, yea.
Me suggesting they needed to get Oscuro and Estild under control got me the TAC. They really can circle them wagons, can't they.
Liberi Fatali
05-13-2009, 07:34 PM
I'm pretty positive Xeldria is a GM's character. It's probably Zyllah, lol.
But seriously, I'm almost certain she is.
05-13-2009, 07:36 PM
I assumed as much, JD. That still doesn't mean its not total bullshit.
Fuck that.
05-13-2009, 07:38 PM
Is this really a big issue?
05-13-2009, 07:39 PM
Yea, she probably grabbed that when there was no such thing as a clerics guild and it didn't matter.
It matters now.
However, the gloating doesn't seem very Zyllah-like and I think Zyllah is a wee bit more intuned to how tightly wound the alchemy crowd is due to insanity and what not.
So I'd go with yea to the GM character, but I doubt it's Zyllah's.
Although Zyllah does have a cleric......
05-13-2009, 07:40 PM
Is this really a big issue?
someone comes out of nowhere to suddenly have ranks and status, I would say it could be.
05-13-2009, 07:41 PM
Yea, she probably grabbed that when there was no such thing as a clerics guild and it didn't matter.
It matters now.
However, the gloating doesn't seem very Zyllah-like and I think Zyllah is a wee bit more intuned to how tightly wound the alchemy crowd is due to insanity and what not.
So I'd go with yea to the GM character, but I doubt it's Zyllah's.
Although Zyllah does have a cleric......
It's not Zyllah
Liberi Fatali
05-13-2009, 07:44 PM
It's not Zyllah
Oh, I didn't mean to say it was. I was just amusing myself.
It looks like GM-Aize to me. But I can't remember. I don't have my computer with the GM/GM Characters on it hooked up at the moment, but I know she's on my list.
Look at her Simucon pictures, maybe someone put her GM name on one of them.
05-13-2009, 07:49 PM
Heh, yea.
Me suggesting they needed to get Oscuro and Estild under control got me the TAC. They really can circle them wagons, can't they.
Yep. It's frickin' annoying. Then you get referred to Feedback and have to deal with the even more useless Samcras asshat.
05-13-2009, 07:56 PM
Emerdingy must not be sending his emails on the Towns folder, because I just got one pulled from the sorcerer folders and did get an email on that one.
Out of context, so sorta half ass, but that's three. lol.
05-13-2009, 08:09 PM
Perhaps because he's just trying to bury the whole topic in the town folder, so it's not really your "fault", where as in the sorcerer folder i'm guessing was pulled for a different reason.
05-13-2009, 08:31 PM
this is the kind of rediculous ass-hattery you'd expect from 1993...
it would be soooo nice if simu would pretend they were a real company once and a while
05-13-2009, 09:56 PM
Looks like there really was something stupid going on with that plaque in the Landing guild. Should be okay now, though.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
05-13-2009, 10:02 PM
05-13-2009, 10:14 PM
Re: A Seventh Guildmaster? How? · on 5/13/2009 9:23:48 PM 292
Since it seems the original post was deleted, I'm curious as to what the issue was. By the thread title, I assume that there are only six cleric guild masters (who presumably all know each other), and a seventh name showed on the plaque?
There's a very simple explanation: it's a GM character that showed up on the plaque when he or she shouldn't have. GMs do test things in the live game, you know. For example, there are sometimes GM characters that will silently join a house to test something (which can be somewhat confusing for those of us who keep detailed records). I'd be surprised if there were not several GM characters out there part of any given organization without "doing the work."
uh huh
05-13-2009, 10:20 PM
Your post was hidden from the GemStone IV Forum.
The error with the plaque was acknowledged and corrected. Your post, however, perpetuates allegations that are both unwarranted and unfounded. There are no black helicopters, and there is no conspiracy. It was an error - nothing more, nothing less. If you want to further pursue a pointless set of unwarranted allegations, you can do so via email to the office staff.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
A copy of your post is included below for your reference.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94 ==== BEGIN COPY OF POST ====
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Clerics
Topic: Cleric Guild Discussions
Msg#: 291
Subject: Re: A Seventh Guildmaster? How?
Emeradan, you know that no one is asking for GSL, and you also know that your explanation is not sufficient to explain off an egregious slight of game mechanics.
Someone was allowed to completely surpass game mechanics and become a guild master without doing the work, and I suspect has probably "resigned."
Do you honestly expect an "oops" to explain that away?
==== END COPY OF POST ====
05-13-2009, 10:20 PM
Re: A Seventh Guildmaster? How? [THREAD CLOSED] · on 5/13/2009 9:27:19 PM 295
Folks, once again, the error has been corrected. Posting unfounded accusations leaning towards "conspiracy theories" and "black helicopters" on the Forums is unwarranted. If you have any further comments on the matter, you can do so via email to Feedback.
We appreciate that someone noticed an error with the plaques, and we're grateful that it was an easy fix.
Since the issue has been resolved, further discussion is closed.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
Right on cue
05-13-2009, 10:22 PM
You know...I'm going to say what's probobally been said countless times before...
It's a shame that this game has never become what it truly could become. If this company ( at least the text game portion of it ) was managed well, and the staff, customers were treated better. This game would have 50,000 people running through it at any given time.
05-13-2009, 10:22 PM
Before he locked the thread:
Dear KHARIZ555,
Your post was hidden from the GemStone IV Forum.
The error with the plaque was acknowledged and corrected. Your post, however, perpetuates allegations that are both unwarranted and unfounded. There are no black helicopters, and there is no conspiracy. It was an error - nothing more, nothing less. If you want to further pursue a pointless set of unwarranted allegations, you can do so via email to the office staff.
To date, this is your 5th hidden post for Disruptive Behavior.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
A copy of your post is included below for your reference.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Clerics
Topic: Cleric Guild Discussions
Msg#: 290
Subject: Re: A Seventh Guildmaster? How?
Turns out that the other guildmaster resigned from her postion as a guildmaster. Interesting.
==== END COPY OF POST ====
05-13-2009, 10:25 PM
Heh. You know that provoking Emeradan into hiding posts is hardly sporting, right? It's pretty much like shooting fish in a barrel. If you were really internet forum badasses, you would compete to see who can be the most critical of Simu without your posts being pulled. That I'd like to see.
05-13-2009, 10:27 PM
Em hiding the post is entirely NOT the point, Droit.
05-13-2009, 10:30 PM
yeah, my point was actually that I was NOT being disruptive.
The entirety of my post was: The other cleric resigned. Interesting.
That's so disruptive!
05-13-2009, 10:32 PM
I'm reposting because it's apparent that I need to change the message of my post. Here goes nothin'...
Folks, there is NOT a conspiracy lying in wait around every corner of this game. Nobody's trying to undermine anyone's hard work by taking advantage of game mechanics. In fact, the only thing that's supplanting that hard work right now is the fact that, regardless of having been told that someone made a simple mistake, some of you still refuse to believe that it's that easy... there simply must be a conspiracy... someone must have taken advantage of something somewhere! Call it out, put it in the light, quick!
That's just not the case. It was a goof-up... nothing more, nothing less. It's been fixed. We can move on (well, I can, anyway... I dunno about the theorists in the room). I'm glad someone noticed it, and I'm glad it was an easy fix. If it wasn't for players noticing things like that, we'd be more bug-ridden than we already are.
Now, since the issue's been resolved, further discussion is moot. My previous post closed the thread, but if you guys seriously insist on seeing something that's just not there, then by all means... keep wasting your time and posting about it. But don't keep on with unfounded accusations of "GMs Behaving Badly"... those belong to Feedback.
GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
05-13-2009, 10:35 PM
I know, I know. Farmer just seems to be getting off on it lately, that's all. I'm on to you, turnip-head!
And Khariz, I didn't even see your post before I wrote mine. I agree that that was an absurd pull on Em's part.
05-13-2009, 11:24 PM
Em being a toolbox? what are the oods?
oh right...very high.
05-14-2009, 12:59 AM
I know, I know. Farmer just seems to be getting off on it lately, that's all. I'm on to you, turnip-head!
Er, wuh?
05-14-2009, 01:05 AM
Emeradan, you know that no one is asking for GSL,
I just got one hidden for saying the same thing.
Claiming they have to post omg l337 secret internal coding language to adequately explain the alleged bug is both asinine and insulting.
Em is very bad at his job :(
05-14-2009, 01:08 AM
This whole thing makes me lulz more and more. Like I said on the Officials (before it was pulled), there's a reason why the PC community has grown considerably while the officials have next to no one posting anymore except a vocal few.
I don't know all my warnings to date but I know I was locked out of the officials for 30 days.
05-14-2009, 01:12 AM
This whole thing makes me lulz more and more. Like I said on the Officials (before it was pulled), there's a reason why the PC community has grown considerably while the officials have next to no one posting anymore except a vocal few.
I don't know all my warnings to date but I know I was locked out of the officials for 30 days.
They never really address any issues there, it's pointless.
It's better to just post here and vent then try to get any sort of useful dialogue there. Which is hilarious given the comparatively small size of the community to other games.
Another thing i said in my now hidden post, is that them not addressing the issue at all other than the "nothing to see here, it was a bug we can't tell you about because it would require posting TRADE SECREKTZ" just spurs the same disinformation they are claiming is ridiculous. They give their opposition legitimacy by failing to speak to their community like adults.
Em's constant spewing of logical fallacies in his posts on the matter do the same.
Once more...em is very bad at his job :(
Absolutely funny as hell.
05-14-2009, 01:48 AM
I guess I'm not the only one that can't stand Zyllah?
05-14-2009, 03:48 AM
I guess I'm not the only one that can't stand Zyllah?
You do not stand alone, sir!
05-14-2009, 08:03 AM
lol--just catching up on this...
So what is the general idea of what happened? How were her guild ranks confirmed? Is that information shared on the public plaque or whatever? I mean--if that was a GM character playing around and she actually sent that Voln thought then that is pretty sad. If it was just an actual PC exploiting a bug it's a little less sad.
General consensus?
05-14-2009, 08:49 AM
Yeah, if it was a GM character, it would be in bad taste to go public about it, instead of popping off and logging on as the GM to correct the issue...
05-14-2009, 08:55 AM
From the cleric folder:
As I told Emeradan last night, this was an error which has been corrected. It seems Emeradan misunderstood that as "bug" which is actually not the case.
Regardless though, it's resolved now, and we won't be sharing additional details of the error. There's no need to rake the person who made the error over the coals - I think all the posts here and elsewhere have done a more than adequate job of making that person feel bad enough.
The situation is rectified, and that's the end of the story.
Ugh so it kinda sounds like it was actually a GM by the way Sirina is backing it up. Someone should post that the character made that Voln thought--that's so classless.
05-14-2009, 10:18 AM
From the cleric folder:
Ugh so it kinda sounds like it was actually a GM by the way Sirina is backing it up. Someone should post that the character made that Voln thought--that's so classless.
This makes Emeradan posting all that drivel about not posting GSL so much more ROFLCOPTER.
05-14-2009, 10:24 AM
Wow. I'm seriously behind the curve in terms of TAC warnings and Cautions when compared to you guys.
05-14-2009, 10:29 AM
By the elsewhere mentioned in Sirina's post, I assume she means here, and I expect that means she read about the Voln thought already. I'd guess a GM got reprimanded about it, reading between the lines.
05-14-2009, 11:00 AM
You do not stand alone, sir!
My favorite was the time she went holier-than-thou off when someone called their character a "toon" and all her little nuthugger followers came in and followed suit.
From the cleric folder:
Ugh so it kinda sounds like it was actually a GM by the way Sirina is backing it up. Someone should post that the character made that Voln thought--that's so classless.
Damn... that just makes it even funnier. WTG.
05-14-2009, 12:39 PM
Oh, it gets even better. In addition to Dickhead (read: Emeradan)'s insistence that we were just a bunch of nutjob conspiracy theorists, and Sirina's later insistence he was just "confused,"
It was posted on the officials (and promptly pulled of course), a log involving another cleric who went to Hearthstone to SPEAK to Xeldria. She specifically asked Xeldria if she was a guildmaster. Xeldria specifically said yes. This cleric then specifically asked how she done that, and she whispered "There are ways," chuckled, and waved goodbye. She even offered to help nominate folks for guildmastery! GLD RANK ALL showed her as a Master of General Alchemy, a Master of Alchemic Trinkets, and a Master of Alchemic potions. AND a Guildmaster. OMG, what a crock of shit.
Not only was this a GM PC whom I'm SURE never done a single rank of the 186 ranks in Alchemy that she had, she LOGGED IN THE GAME just to rub it in. Then logged back in to RESIGN in front of the same cleric that she was gloating to earlier. Unbelieveable. What pisses me off more than the fact that she done it was the fact that Emeradan called us a bunch of conspiracy theorists. What the fuck do they expect when they flat out deny things that we KNOW for a fact is true? Why not just say "Someone screwed up, we fixed it, and we apologize" instead of lying about it? And then to have Em call reputable folks liars just adds fuel to the fire.
05-14-2009, 01:22 PM
The thing is, it wasn't a conspiracy until they started trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.
Up until that point, it was just one gm being a douche.
05-14-2009, 03:51 PM
The thing is, it wasn't a conspiracy until they started trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.
Up until that point, it was just one gm being a douche.
05-14-2009, 09:25 PM
lol, check out this anonymous 'rep comment'...
go fucking kill yourself. why not discuss why? don't GMs play their characters by the rules in the game? If they want superpowers they make an NPC, and they certainly don't gloat for having those powers to those who put in the hours to get the ranks honestly.hope he was fired
1) That's randomly extreme. Aside from that first part, you actually had reply worthy material too.
2) Why don't I want to discuss why? ..because I have no clue why she did it and that wasn't the point of my post anyways. I'm neither attacking or defending her actions.
Now, if you excuse me, I need to go slit my wrists because someone's pissed off their elite '1 of 6' status was threatened.
05-14-2009, 09:38 PM
I wondered how long until someone came along to try and stir up shit. Heh. Took longer than I expected!
Otherwise, that post is just too stupid to even quantify its content with a real response.
05-14-2009, 09:59 PM
This is Arianiss, Mikalmas. Still think I don't have a valid interest in this topic? Still think I'm just an alt account? Posting my thoughts and being randomly told "go fucking kill yourself" is the reason you've never seen me here before (that's the reputation attached to Player's Corner).
What 'exactly' is stupid about my post?
That I confirmed (like a few others) that Xeldria is a GM's character?
That I made sure Zyllah wasn't being blasted for something that wasn't her?
That I stated that, being a GM character, I can see HOW Xeldria might be a guild master without people being aware of it?
Or maybe it was me explaining that Xeldria isn't some random newbie cleric?
So again I ask, what exactly was stupid about my post Mikalmas that I deserved a "go fucking kill yourself" response coupled with yours? :)
So basically you added absolutely nothing to the thread. Am I wrong?
05-14-2009, 10:01 PM
First of all, I don't care who you are, Arianiss. And I think I speak for most people on the PC when I say we could care less what the "reputation" of the PC is. At least I can speak here without being silence by some dumbshit on a powetrip.
I don't recall you mastering the Cleric Guild, so I would say yes, your interest is less than those of us who busted our ass and done the work for the title.
I think I, and anyone else with half a brain, knew Xeldria was a GM alt the minute she signed the guildmaster plaque, considering there were only 6 guildmasters and we sure as hell didn't nominate her. And as for Zyllah, I don't think anyone cares whether it was Zyllah or not. And you know very well I've been around long enough to know Xeldria wasn't a new character. That's beside the point, though.
And I don't think anyone gives a flying fuck how long she's been around, or the fact that she's a GM PC. That does NOT give her any special right to circumvent normal game mechanics with her PC the last time I checked. If it does, let me know and I'll check out tomorrow. I don't know if you just really think everyone else is that stupid and you can look down your nose at them, or if you really don't get the fact that everyone, including myself, knew the only way Xeldria "mastered" the guild (and all 3 alchemy skills) was by GM assistance. That sure as hell doesn't make it right, or ok. GMs have been fired over such things.
I don't know anything about the "go fuck yourself" comment. If your skin is that thin you probably SHOULDN'T be here. And I stand by my original post.
This is Arianiss, Mikalmas. Still think I don't have a valid interest in this topic? Still think I'm just an alt account? Posting my thoughts and being randomly told "go fucking kill yourself" is the reason you've never seen me here before (that's the reputation attached to Player's Corner).
What 'exactly' is stupid about my post?
That I confirmed (like a few others) that Xeldria is a GM's character?
That I made sure Zyllah wasn't being blasted for something that wasn't her?
That I stated that, being a GM character, I can see HOW Xeldria might be a guild master without people being aware of it?
Or maybe it was me explaining that Xeldria isn't some random newbie cleric?
So again I ask, what exactly was stupid about my post Mikalmas that I deserved a "go fucking kill yourself" response coupled with yours? :)
05-14-2009, 10:02 PM
I really never would have expected this from you Mikalmas. Sorry man, you lost all my respect.
05-14-2009, 10:04 PM
I really never would have expected this from you Mikalmas. Sorry man, you lost all my respect.
Oh. For insisting GMs live by the same rules the rest of us do? For thinking its bullshit that Emeradan and Sirina won't even let people discuss the issue on the officials? For being pissed off that the six of us busted our ass for some GM's PC to come along and slap us in the face by insta-mastering herself?
I lost your respect? How will I ever sleep at night?
05-14-2009, 10:11 PM
For insisting GMs live by the same rules the rest of us do? For thinking its bullshit that Emeradan and Sirina won't even let people discuss the issue on the officials? For being pissed off that the six of us busted our ass for some GM's PC to come along and slap us in the face by insta-mastering herself?No, because I actually considered you as one of my friends.
I wasn't trying to drop my name like it's something important.. I honestly thought you would remember me/him and would make you rethink just how casually you blasted me there *shrugs*
My mistake.
05-14-2009, 10:29 PM
OK NOW this thread is starting to get good...
Popcorn please!
05-14-2009, 10:30 PM
No, because I actually considered you as one of my friends.
I wasn't trying to drop my name like it's something important.. I honestly thought you would remember me/him and would make you rethink just how casually you blasted me there *shrugs*
My mistake.
Yes, I remember Arianiss. Well, Mikalmas does. I don't recall myself as a player and you as a player having any real communciation, but our characters knew each other many years ago (most notably through Rawen, if my memory serves me correctly).
Here was my biggest issue:
Now, if you excuse me, I need to go slit my wrists because someone's pissed off their elite '1 of 6' status was threatened.
That was personal. You threw the first punch. As far as I can tell, I am the only cleric Guildmaster who posted here, and I'm certainly the one who started the thread, so that was a direct affront on ME. You can say it wasn't, but there's no other cleric guildmasters here, so what would you think?
Secondly, I've been actively trying to help promote Kaedra, the only other cleric I know of with the requisite 125 ranks in alchemy skills to be nominated for guildmaster. I would have also been more than happy to help Xeldria with her promotion if she had done it the right way. As I've discussed with others, I seriously doubt anyone would have even asked any questions if she had not signed the guildmaster plaque in the landing and then proceed to log on and send a Voln thought to gloat about the fact that she done it. She also confirmed to another cleric that she was a guildmaster and when asked how she done it, as I've outlined before, she replied "There are ways" and proceeded to chuckle it off.
This has everything to do with the fact that GMs are specifically forbidden from using GM tools to do things like this. You came with comments like the PC's "reputation," and it was very condescending.
05-14-2009, 10:31 PM
OK NOW this thread is starting to get good...
Popcorn please!
:popcorn2: There you go. though I must say its probably too late. The drama is over (I hope). ;)
05-14-2009, 10:39 PM
I think you've a very valid point, M. GMs should not be handing their PCs guild ranks. There is just no reason for it.
05-14-2009, 10:46 PM
As far as I can tell, I am the only cleric Guildmaster who posted here, and I'm certainly the one who started the thread, so that was a direct affront on ME.
You came with comments like the PC's "reputation," and it was very condescending.I wasn't thinking about you when I added the '1 in 6' comment. I was thinking about the tone of another poster on the official boards and the apparent passion of someone telling me to "go fucking kill myself" over my attempted neutral post. That comment was directed at the situation.
As for commenting on PC's reputation.. you called me an alt, and I can see how that may look the case, but my response was to explain why you've never (and also rarely still at this point) seen me here before. I have a plenty thick skin. I LOVE the concept of Player's Corner. I really do not enjoy having to wade through shit to get the occasional gems.
(and no, player to player there's been no interactions, but we've both been around a really long time and interacted plenty in the game to develop what I considered a friendship)
..and now, whoever left the anonymous comment, you see why I didn't want to discuss the WHY's about the situation ;)
05-14-2009, 10:50 PM
I think you've a very valid point, M. GMs should not be handing their PCs guild ranks. There is just no reason for it.To the best of my understanding, I think GM's get accelerated training on their main characters (a perk of being a GM). I'm pretty sure they get accelerated XP absorption, not sure about guild skills.
..and again let me re-clarify some more..
I don't know if Xeldria handed out ranks or not.. I'm just saying I could see her using GM powers to self-promote herself to guild master once she achieved that position, instead of trying to find the other guild masters. I personally do not think that's a bad thing AS LONG AS NO ONE FINDS OUT ABOUT IT.
05-14-2009, 10:54 PM
Giving themselves RPA's, sure. Guildmastery for their PC? No. I don't think that is acceptable. If they think it is too long and tedious, maybe they can fix the damned system.
Messianic Manic
05-14-2009, 10:57 PM
Maybe it was something a GM char was allowed to do, like how they can supposedly give their PCs items but never sell the item, and once they realized the (warranted) uproar in the player community they backed off of allowing it? Just a guess.
05-14-2009, 10:58 PM
I wasn't thinking about you when I added the '1 in 6' comment. I was thinking about the tone of another poster on the official boards and the apparent passion of someone telling me to "go fucking kill myself" over my attempted neutral post. That comment was directed at the situation.
As for commenting on PC's reputation.. you called me an alt, and I can see how that may look the case, but my response was to explain why you've never (and also rarely still at this point) seen me here before. I have a plenty thick skin. I LOVE the concept of Player's Corner. I really do not enjoy having to wade through shit to get the occasional gems.
(and no, player to player there's been no interactions, but we've both been around a really long time and interacted plenty in the game to develop what I considered a friendship)
..and now, whoever left the anonymous comment, you see why I didn't want to discuss the WHY's about the situation ;)
I did originally call you an alt, but shortly after when I looked at the join date and searched for other posts by you I did edit my post to remove the reference to an alt. I guess you read the message in the 2 minutes the part about an alt was in it. I kind of figured out who you were in the interim.
Like I said, my reaction was the result of a perceived affront. People can be rather opinionated around here, and some people just say stupid stuff (like the negative rep comments), but I'll that that bullshit any day over the bullshit on the officials (being hushed every time something remotely negative comes up).
05-14-2009, 11:07 PM
(that's the reputation attached to Player's Corner).
So then why the fuck did you make an account here? If we suck so much (and by that I mean your skin's too thin and your vagina too sandy), go back to the circle-jerk of the officials.
05-14-2009, 11:10 PM
I saw the edit, after my reply, but couldn't figure out what was missing. Doh.
..and no, I've actually thought positive things about your involvement in this situation (compared to other comments I've seen). I was expecting you to go "Ari, ahh, my bad.. okay.. here's why I think your post is wrong" so yeah.. ruffled my feathers a bit more ;)
05-14-2009, 11:14 PM
..because every once in a while, your dick ravaged ass says something useful.
Now shut the fuck up and stop trying to +1 your post count against me.
Welcome to the PC! Guess you aren't so above us, huh? ;)
edit: lololol at the delete. TOO SLOW.
05-14-2009, 11:14 PM
..because every once in a while, your dick ravaged ass says something useful.
Now shut the fuck up and stop trying to +1 your post count against me.
05-14-2009, 11:15 PM
damn it!
05-14-2009, 11:17 PM
Hmm. Odd. I thought you had deleted your post so I went back and deleted mine.
Thanks for saving me having to repost it :D
..and I never said I was above it.. just that I hate wading through it ;)
Uh huh, i'm sure that's why you deleted it.
Are you Neff? If not, did you go to his school of backpedaling?
damn it!
05-14-2009, 11:18 PM
backpedal fail.
<---spelling fail
05-14-2009, 11:18 PM
Hmm. Odd. I thought you had deleted your post so I went back and deleted mine.
Thanks for saving me having to repost it :D
..and I never said I was above it.. just that I hate wading through it ;)
Hey, that was my first PC-fight. Until it got all involved with other people.
Now I'm just confused. :(
05-14-2009, 11:22 PM
05-14-2009, 11:29 PM
No, it wasn't a backpedal diethx. I honestly thought your post had been deleted. I'm not sure how I missed it (giant suicide cat and all) or what happened.
..and in fact, it wasn't even me thinking YOU had deleted it that had me go back to delete mine. I figured there was actually some moderation going on and so I went back to get rid of it on my own.
I have no hesitation of treating you like everyone else does.
05-14-2009, 11:44 PM
Worst. Backpedal. Ever.
05-14-2009, 11:46 PM
05-14-2009, 11:47 PM
Worst. Backpedal. Ever.
It's gotta be the yeast infection.
05-14-2009, 11:56 PM
I just wanted to post to let you know that you can have the last word diethx :D
Please come up with something REALLY good. I know you have it in you :)
It can't involve women though.. on three separate occasions you've insinuated I am one.. don't ruin your welcome on that avenue of attack (makes you look desperate too).
Where the hell did I insinuate you were a woman?
...more backpedaling in 3... 2...
05-15-2009, 12:04 AM
I just wanted to post to let you know that you can have the last word diethx :D
Please come up with something REALLY good. I know you have it in you :)
It can't involve women though.. on three separate occasions you've insinuated I am one.. don't ruin your welcome on that avenue of attack (makes you look desperate too).
Posting insulting messages after complaining about the PC for it being "known for" posting of insulting messages...
Making a post conceding the "last word" while trying to get in one more quip to make yourself feel better...
Me thinks you need to come to terms with the fact that the type of person you think you are, and the type of person you actually are, are not one in the same.
Furthermore, your mother is a smelly pirate hooker.
05-15-2009, 12:24 AM
A lot of asshats from the Officials attempt to pull off the "holier than thou" act. Push comes to shove, and you get Arianiss.
05-15-2009, 12:28 AM
A lot of asshats from the Officials attempt to pull off the "holier than thou" act. Push comes to shove, and you get Asarious.
05-15-2009, 12:38 AM
It's threads like these that make me <3 the PC.
05-15-2009, 01:29 AM
A lot of asshats from the Officials attempt to pull off the "holier than thou" act. Push comes to shove, and you get Asarious.
I don't get it :(
05-15-2009, 01:30 AM
I don't get it :(
You don't get what?
05-15-2009, 01:32 AM
You don't get I grabbed the wrong name. Gotcha. Sorry Asarious! I'm sure you're one swell fucking guy.
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