View Full Version : Non-elaborate non-broken fletching script please?
05-11-2009, 09:33 PM
I hate to post and ask for this because there are several posted and I know I'll get a lot of replies telling me to search but here's my problem:
1. The ones posted are elaborate "walk and get your supplies" type scripts based in the Landing, I'm not in the landing.
2. There are scripts posted that are "fletch shafts only" - I'd like to use my arrows.
3. The ones posted that seem to not be overly elaborate and what I'm looking for simply don't work.
The closest I've found is the "fletchmaster.txt" and the one Stretch posted in another thread and both of those just stop after carving the first shaft. If anyone has a BASIC fletching script. In other words one that assumes I've bought all my supplies that I need and just want to sit and fletch without typing nonstop - I would GREATLY appreciate it being shared!
05-11-2009, 09:37 PM
#sfletch -
echo The Super Fletching Script - Arrows version
echo copywrite 2005 Keelty k'Adair
echo Make sure all your supplies, with the exception of paintsicks for banding, are in one container
echo If banding with paintsticks, put the paintsticks in your second container
echo Check the flipping section to set your style preference
echo Check the measure section so that the Bow and Bow Container are correct for your equipment
echo enter 'Yes' when you're set
waitfor A good positive attitude never hurts.
if_1 goto toolok
if_2 goto suppok
if_3 goto storeok
if_4 goto paintok
if_5 goto stickok
if_6 goto headok
if_7 goto checkshaft
echo Usage is sfletcharr {cutting tool} {supplies container} {container for finished arrows} {paint? yes/no} {banding? yes/no} {Drilling and adding a head? yes/no} (scribe? yes/no}
echo example sfletch dagger bag cloak no yes yes no
#Check supplies
put tap sha in my %2
match noshaft What were
match checkglue You tap
pause 2
put tap glue in my %2
match noglue What were
match checkfletching You tap
pause 2
put tap fle in my %2
match nofletching What were
match check4%4 You tap
pause 2
put tap paint in my %2
match nopaint What were
match check5%5 You tap
goto check5%5
pause 2
put tap paints in my %3
match nopaintstick What were
match check6%6 You tap
goto check6%6
pause 2
put tap drill in my %2
match nodrill What were
match checkhead you tap
pause 2
put tap arrowhead in my %2
match nohead What were
match check7%7 You tap
goto check7%7
pause 2
put tap scribe in my %2
match noscribe What were
match start You tap
#Pare the raw shaft
pause 2
put get my %1 from my %2
match checkknife Get what
match getshaft You remove
pause 2
put glance
match getshaft down to see
match noknife empty hands
pause 2
put get 1 shaft from my %2
pause 2
put cut my shaft with my %1
match badarrow You begin to pare
match paint%4 You pare away
#Paint the shaft
pause 2
put put my %1 in my %2
pause 2
put get my paint from my %2
pause 2
put paint my shaft
pause 2
put put my paint in my %2
pause 2
goto band%5
goto band%5
#Band the shaft
put get my paintstick from my %3
put paint my shaft
match waitpaints You should let the first coat of paint finish drying first
match goodband You carefully apply a band
pause 2
put put my paintstick in my %3
goto nockcheck
waitfor The paint on your arrow shaft has dried
goto bandcont
goto nockcheck
#Cut a nock
pause 2
put get my %1 from my %2
pause 2
goto nock%4%5
put cut nocks in my shaft with my %1
match waitpaint You'd better wait 'til that paint dries
match okay should paint or crest
pause 2
put cut nocks in my shaft with my %1
match waitpaint You'd better wait 'til that paint dries
match measure You carefully cut
match badarrow You begin cutting
waitfor The paint on your arrow shaft has dried
goto nock%4%5
#Measure and cut the shaft
pause 2
put put my %1 in my %2
pause 2
put remove my longbow
waitfor You sling
put swap
put measure my shaft with my longbow
match switch Try holding the arrow shaft in your right hand
match measgood Nocking the arrow shaft
pause 2
put wear my longbow
pause 2
put get my %1 from my %2
waitfor You remove
pause 2
put cut my sha with my %1
waitfor Using your previous mark
pause 2
put put my %1 in my %2
waitfor you put
#Fletch the shaft
pause 2
put get glue from my %2
pause 2
put put glue on my shaft
waitfor You carefully smea
pause 2
put put glue in my %2
pause 2
put get fletching from my %2
pause 2
pause 2
put put fletching on my shaft
match goodfletch You attach your
match tryagain are able to salvage the shaft
match badfletch discard the fletchings and shaft
put put my fletching in my %2
goto feather
put put my fletching in my %2
#Flip the shaft
pause 2
put flip my sha
match head%6 shaft color, followed by its material, followed by its projectile
match flip material, followed by its projectile style, followed by its shaft color
match flip material, followed by its shaft color, followed by its projectile
match flip shaft color, followed by its projectile style, followed by its material
#Carve a tip
pause 2
put get my %1 from my %2
waitfor you remove
pause 2
put cut my shaft with my %1
put cut my shaft with my %1
match goodcut With a few quick cuts
match badarrow Working a bit too hastily
match wait You'd better wait
waitfor The glue on your arrow shaft has dried.
goto cutpoint
pause 2
put put my %1 in my %2
pause 2
goto scribe%7
#Add a metal arrowhead
pause 2
put get drill from my %2
waitfor You remove
put turn drill
waitfor Setting the ti
pause 2
put put dril in my %2
pause 2
put get arrowh from %2
waitfor You remove
put turn arrowh
match goodarrow As you turn
match badhead As you go to turn
pause 2
goto scribe%7
#Scribe your symbol
pause 2
put get scri from %2
pause 2
put rub scri on my arr
waitfor Using your scriber
put put scri in my %2
pause 2
echo Success, you now have a usable arrow. If you can only HIT something with it.
put put arr in my %3
pause 2
goto checkshaft
pause 2
put put fle in my %2
echo Bad fletching, start over
goto checkshaft
pause 2
put put %1 in my %2
echo Bad arrow, start over
goto checkshaft
pause 2
put put %1 in my %2
put put arrowh in my %2
echo Bad arrow, start over
goto checkshaft
pause 2
echo Out of shafts, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo Out of glue, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo Out of fletchings, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo Out of paint vials, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo Out of paintsitcks, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo You asked to put on arrowheads, where's your drill?
goto endit
pause 2
echo Out of arrowheads, need to get more
goto endit
pause 2
echo You wanted to scribe your arrows, where's your scribe?
goto endit
05-11-2009, 09:39 PM
I'd suggest tinkering with that one a little and it's best to do it in a private place since you'll 'tap' everything you need to use before each arrow.
05-11-2009, 11:01 PM
Thank you!
Did you write this? I'm getting errors on this one too which makes me wonder if it's me doing something wrong. It starts out well enough and then I get this with the first paring down part:
s>cut my shaft with my dagger
You pare away the excess wood, taking care to keep the shaft straight. Pretty decent work, all told. A few rough spots might drag in the wind a bit, but this would probably survive a few shots through plate mail.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
sR>get my dagger from my jacket
Get what?
Script error[goto label (nockno5) not found.] near line 144
[script aborted]
Any idea what's going on there?
05-11-2009, 11:11 PM
I didn't write it so I can't tell you what's wrong with it. Maybe some of the more script friendly posters can look it through and point out what's going wrong.
I do know what works for me to make banded arrows that have fletchings is 'yes no no no' at the start when it's asking you what you'd like to do and then customize your containers using that. Hope it helps somewhat.
05-11-2009, 11:28 PM
here is a quick one i wrote for you.
put get 1 shaft from my backpack
put get dagger from my boots
put cut my shaft with my dagger
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put dagger in my boots
put get my glossy paint
pause 1
put paint my shaft
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put paint in my backpack
waitfor dried.
put get paintstick
put paint my shaft
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put paintstick in my backpack
waitfor dried.
put get my dagger from my boots
put cut nock in my shaft with my dagger
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put dagger in my boots
put remove bow
put measure my shaft
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put wear my bow
put get my dagger from my boots
put cut my shaft with my dagger
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put dagger in my boots
put get my glue
put put glue on my shaft
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put glue in my backpack
put get 3 fletch from my backpack
put put fletch on my shaft
waitfor dried.
put get my dagger from my boots
put cut my shaft with my dagger
put cut my shaft with my dagger
waitfor roundtime
pause 1
put put arrow in arrow in quiv
goto main
05-11-2009, 11:43 PM
deadly this one seems to have the most potential, but after "waitfor dried" it's attempting to paint the shaft again, any idea how to fix that part? it seems like it may work after that!
thank you both!!
05-11-2009, 11:52 PM
Okay the painting part was in there twice, I just figured that out. Der.
It works! It's perfect, exactly what I wanted! thank you thank you thank you thank you! A million thank you's!
05-12-2009, 12:32 AM
well it paints it twice cause i paint mine black and put a red band on them. if you dont want that in there then just remove that part.
05-12-2009, 12:32 AM
glad i helped. now you gotta buy me a beer and a lapdance when i come out to vegas next month.
05-12-2009, 12:34 AM
I have one that Durfin gave me, it fletches till you fry, then rests till clear and repeats. Doesnt matter where you are at cause you have to have the stuff on you and repeats until you run out of supplies. Let me know if you want it or if you are using one of these.
05-12-2009, 03:19 AM
Thank you!
Did you write this? I'm getting errors on this one too which makes me wonder if it's me doing something wrong. It starts out well enough and then I get this with the first paring down part:
s>cut my shaft with my dagger
You pare away the excess wood, taking care to keep the shaft straight. Pretty decent work, all told. A few rough spots might drag in the wind a bit, but this would probably survive a few shots through plate mail.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
sR>get my dagger from my jacket
Get what?
Script error[goto label (nockno5) not found.] near line 144
[script aborted]
Any idea what's going on there?
Just so we have an idea WHERE it's happening:
pause 2
put get my %1 from my %2
pause 2
goto nock%4%5
put cut nocks in my shaft with my %1
match waitpaint You'd better wait 'til that paint dries
match okay should paint or crest
Different FEs may interpret variable denoting characters differently. My guess is that (i) you don't have %5 set or (ii) whatever FE you're using interprets nock%4%5 as 'nock'%4'5' if you don't mind me mixing syntaxes.
You could try experimenting with using an additional % character, escaping the % character leading the 5, adding quotations between them, things like that. I've never conjoined variables like that so I'm not sure how the interpreters deal with them.
You could just hard-code the options you like by replacing %4 and %5 by yes or no depending upon your desired options. It's not like you're sacrificing functionality here because currently the script doesn't function for you.
05-12-2009, 11:51 AM
Thanks DaCapn, this one from deadly is exactly what I wanted. It works well without a lot of bells and whistles to start mucking things up and causing errors.
One more quick question, if anyone is still reading here, at the end of the script you had it put arrow in arrow in quiver, is that a newfangled way to add to a bundle of arrows? It isn't working for me, so right now I just have a huge stack of single arrows building in my satchel that I figure I'll go back and bundle later.
Is there a more efficient way?
05-12-2009, 11:52 AM
Oh and Deadly, you bet! Lapdance and beer - on me, got it.. :P
06-30-2009, 02:40 AM
None of the scripts presented here deal with making the rough shafts. Is there a place to buy these from? I didn't see them in the WL fletcher list. Are the shafts made outside of the script for some reason?
06-30-2009, 03:36 AM
For arrows
For heavy bolts
For light bolts
You can buy limbs and branches (same as LOGs) and what not from the fletcher shop. You'll need a handaxe to cut them into shafts.
07-04-2009, 02:42 PM
Thanks DaCapn, this one from deadly is exactly what I wanted. It works well without a lot of bells and whistles to start mucking things up and causing errors.
One more quick question, if anyone is still reading here, at the end of the script you had it put arrow in arrow in quiver, is that a newfangled way to add to a bundle of arrows? It isn't working for me, so right now I just have a huge stack of single arrows building in my satchel that I figure I'll go back and bundle later.
Is there a more efficient way?
I assume you mean this command:
put put arrow in arrow in quiv
This works if you have a bundle of similar arrows in a quiver. Also the arrow in your hand has to exactly match the arrows in that bundle. So create a bundle of arrows and put it in a container (quiver in the code above). Then when you create the new arrow it will automatically add it to that bundle.
08-10-2009, 05:42 PM
a friend needed me to post this here for him
put get my drake dagger
pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my bag
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match pass1 You pare away the excess wood
pause 2
put get my drake dagger
pause 1
put get 1 shaft from my bag
match noarrows what?
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail1 you discard the rough arrow shaft.
match pass1 You pare away the excess wood
pause 2
put cut nocks in my shaft with my drake dagger
put cut nocks in my shaft with my drake dagger
match fail2 might as well toss it.
match pass2 You carefully cut a nock into
pause 1
put put my drake dagger in my bag
put remove my bow
pause 1
put swap
put measure my shaft
pause 5
put wear bow
pause 1
put get my drake dagger
pause 1
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
pause 1
goto next
waitfor has dried.
put put my fletch in my bag
put get my drake dagger
pause 1
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
put cut my shaft with my drake dagger
match done you whittle the end
match fail4 so you discard it.
pause 2
echo One arrow done!
put put my arrow in my bag
goto start
pause 2
put put my drake dagger in my bag
goto glue
pause 2
put get my glue
match gotglue fletching glue
match noglue get what?
pause 2
put put glue on my shaft
pause 1
put put my glue in my bag
pause 1
goto fletch
put get my fletch
match newfletch get what?
match nofletch3 a single fletching
match gotfletch you remove a bundle of fletch
pause 2
put put my fletch on my shaft
match nofletch You don't have enough fletchings
match oops you are able to salvage the shaft
match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
match pass3 securely glued.
goto start
goto start
put put fletch in my bag
goto start
put swap
goto start
put drop fletch
put get my fletching
match nofletch2 get what?
put put my fletch on my shaft
match fail3 the glue is now too dry to remove them
match pass3 securely glued.
put drop my fletch
goto fletch
put put my arrow in my bag
put swap
goto start
put put drake dagger in my bag
goto buyarrows
put put my fletch in my bag
goto next
put drop my shaft
goto buyglue
put my shaft in my bag
pause 1
put my dagger in my bag
pause 1
put my axe in my bag
pause 1
move out
move s
move out
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 15
pause 1
put buy
put put glue in bag
pause 1
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
goto start
put my shaft in my bag
pause 1
put my dagger in my bag
pause 1
put my axe in my bag
pause 1
move out
move s
move o
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 9 of 40
pause 1
put buy
pause 1
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
pause 1
put open package
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put get wood from pack
pause 1
put put wood in bag
pause 1
put drop pack
put get axe
pause 1
put get wood from my bag
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put get wood from my bag
pause 1
put cut arrows from my wood
pause 2
put put my shafts in my bag
put put my axe in my bag
pause 1
goto start
put my shaft in my bag
pause 1
put my dagger in my bag
pause 1
put my axe in my bag
pause 1
move out
move s
move o
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
put go door
put order 9 of 16
pause 1
put buy
put open package
put get fletch from pack
pause 1
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
pause 1
put get fletch from pack
put put fletch in bag
put drop pack
move out
move s
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go inn
move n
put go table
goto start
08-11-2009, 03:01 PM
Thank you!
Did you write this? I'm getting errors on this one too which makes me wonder if it's me doing something wrong. It starts out well enough and then I get this with the first paring down part:
s>cut my shaft with my dagger
You pare away the excess wood, taking care to keep the shaft straight. Pretty decent work, all told. A few rough spots might drag in the wind a bit, but this would probably survive a few shots through plate mail.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
sR>get my dagger from my jacket
Get what?
Script error[goto label (nockno5) not found.] near line 144
[script aborted]
Any idea what's going on there?
that looks like a lich script. might be wrong but looks a hell of a lot like ruby language
08-11-2009, 03:19 PM
1) Install Lich
2) ;repo download ultrafletch
3) ????
4) Profit!
08-29-2009, 08:38 AM
that looks like a lich script. might be wrong but looks a hell of a lot like ruby language
Actually no, it was the script that was posted 2 above it by Praefection. Which isn't Ruby at all.
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