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02-20-2004, 02:31 PM
Unedited log of my very first hunt today, which just ended about 4 min ago..

>climb stair

Confidently, you begin to climb up the stairs. Within a short time, you have reached the top.

[Thanatoph, Upper Landing]
Set before a massive stone stronghold is a landing shaped like a crescent moon. An enormous stone altar reigns over the landing, leaving very little room to maneuver. The wind tugs at you, forcing you to hold onto the altar to steady yourself. The landing below you appears small and forlorn, the ancient stone stairs their only lifeline. Behind the altar, a set of massive intricately carved ora double doors stand guard over the entrance to the stone stronghold.
Obvious paths: none
>go door
[Stronghold, Entry]
Tall stone walls enclose a courtyard, its floor composed of the same huge rock slabs. The ramparts circle the area and connect to the mountain's side, out of which a monstrous stronghold has been hewn. Dust drifts across the open space in clouds driven by gusts of wind. Its soft susurrus underlies an eerie stillness, which reigns over the ancient fortification. You also see some massive ora double doors and a stone arch leading into the fortification.
Obvious exits: none
>go arch
[Stronghold, Entry Hall]
The entry hall is immense, with walls reaching up into darkness high above. Fanned by an intermittent breeze, the air is markedly cooler than the courtyard outside. Passages lead off in two directions, both shrouded in an unnerving haze, which lends the shadows the appearance of movement. A stone lintel is placed over the huge arch leading outside. Its surface is covered with ancient glyphs, their meaning lost in antiquity. You also see a war mattock.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Stronghold, North Hall]
The hallway is impressively tall, its high ceiling giving it a narrow appearance although it is of spacious width. Large tiles cover the floor, their rich sienna surfaces incised with glyphs. On the stone walls, ora braziers are bolted at intervals. They are crafted in a blocky style, which is elegant in its simplicity. The light held in each fixture flickers to life as the shadow of movement passes before it. You also see the Respital disk.
Also here: Respital
Obvious exits: north, east, southwest
[Stronghold, Northwest Skew]
As the hallway narrows, the walls degrade into a broken surface distressed with the marks of chisel and pick. The ceiling draws down toward the floor, likewise pocked and unfinished. To the northwest, the passageway curves sharply, its route cloaked in hazy shadow.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
[Stronghold, Northwest Skew]
A jumble of boulders is piled against the far wall where the hallway dead-ends. The ceiling has dropped, its ragged surface little higher than a dwarf near the impasse. Light barely intrudes into the half-gloom, casting uneven designs on the walls. The air is still and dusty, lacking the currents which breathe a better atmosphere into the more finished hallways of the stone fortress.
Obvious exits: southeast
[Stronghold, Northwest Skew]
As the hallway narrows, the walls degrade into a broken surface distressed with the marks of chisel and pick. The ceiling draws down toward the floor, likewise pocked and unfinished. To the northwest, the passageway curves sharply, its route cloaked in hazy shadow.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
[Stronghold, North Hall]
The hallway is impressively tall, its high ceiling giving it a narrow appearance although it is of spacious width. Large tiles cover the floor, their rich sienna surfaces incised with glyphs. On the stone walls, ora braziers are bolted at intervals. They are crafted in a blocky style, which is elegant in its simplicity. The light held in each fixture flickers to life as the shadow of movement passes before it. You also see the Respital disk.
Also here: Respital
Obvious exits: north, east, southwest
[Stronghold, North Hall]
The hall runs in an east to west direction, its progress marked with ora braziers bolted to the stone walls. Clouds of dust float and dance down the nave in the twilight like cavorting spirits caught up in celebrating some revel of old. On the north wall, an immense ora door is bolted into the stone, its proportions as ponderous as the slabs that form the walls of the thoroughfare. You also see a stone giant.
Also here: Tierus
Obvious exits: east, west
[Stronghold, North Hall]
Deep shadows have collected where one of the braziers bolted to the slab walls of the hallway has fallen dim, creating a pocket of darkness upon the stone slabs of the floor. Overhead, the high ceiling is lost to view. The hallway stretches away to east and west, its expanse a hollow cavern that would dwarf a mammoth.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Stronghold, North Hall]
Deep piles of dust have drifted up against the lintels of a huge ora door on the southeast wall of the hallway. All around the sill, sigils have been carved into the stone wall in an interlocking pattern of blocky glyphs. The symbols are obscure and meaningless, however their design is handsome. The passageway skews to the north where light can be seen filling the adjoining room, making the gloom of the hallway more pronounced.
Obvious exits: north, west
[Stronghold, Illoke's Sanctum]
The sanctum is large, with walls constructed of immense stone slabs. Against the back wall stands an enormous statue, which guards the room wearing a stoic expression. The wide southern entrance admits light, enough to bathe the place in a hazy gloom animated with shifting shadows. They play over the colossus, giving it the appearance of movement every now and then. A crevice on the northwest wall gives access to an adjacent chamber.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
[Stronghold, Illoke's Sanctum]
Tall stone walls stretch up, becoming ragged granite fingers as they arch and meet at the apex of the lofty ceiling. The light is low, flickering from four large braziers, hewn from the rock floor and carved into the likeness of stocky figures. Each statue bears its burden of a brazier with head bowed, their posture one of supreme sorrow and resignation. A pattern of strange sigils crosses the floor, disappearing into the gloom of a massive arched doorway, which dominates the far wall. You also see a war mattock.
Obvious exits: southeast
>go door
[Stronghold, Illoke's Sanctum]
Huge round columns stand in a ring in the center of the cavernous chamber. The pillars, walls, ceiling and floor are all solid stone. The walls are built of such massive slabs, the placing of them defies the imagination. In the center of the ring of pillars rests an altar, its dark granite surface rough with deeply incised sigils. Light shines up through the carved glyphs, casting eerie shadows that flicker across the ceiling in an endless dance. You also see an enormous arched doorway.
Obvious exits: none
>go door
[Stronghold, Illoke's Sanctum]
Tall stone walls stretch up, becoming ragged granite fingers as they arch and meet at the apex of the lofty ceiling. The light is low, flickering from four large braziers, hewn from the rock floor and carved into the likeness of stocky figures. Each statue bears its burden of a brazier with head bowed, their posture one of supreme sorrow and resignation. A pattern of strange sigils crosses the floor, disappearing into the gloom of a massive arched doorway, which dominates the far wall. You also see a war mattock.
Obvious exits: southeast
[Stronghold, Illoke's Sanctum]
The sanctum is large, with walls constructed of immense stone slabs. Against the back wall stands an enormous statue, which guards the room wearing a stoic expression. The wide southern entrance admits light, enough to bathe the place in a hazy gloom animated with shifting shadows. They play over the colossus, giving it the appearance of movement every now and then. A crevice on the northwest wall gives access to an adjacent chamber.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
[Stronghold, North Hall]
Deep piles of dust have drifted up against the lintels of a huge ora door on the southeast wall of the hallway. All around the sill, sigils have been carved into the stone wall in an interlocking pattern of blocky glyphs. The symbols are obscure and meaningless, however their design is handsome. The passageway skews to the north where light can be seen filling the adjoining room, making the gloom of the hallway more pronounced.
Obvious exits: north, west
You can't go there.
[Stronghold, North Hall]
Deep shadows have collected where one of the braziers bolted to the slab walls of the hallway has fallen dim, creating a pocket of darkness upon the stone slabs of the floor. Overhead, the high ceiling is lost to view. The hallway stretches away to east and west, its expanse a hollow cavern that would dwarf a mammoth.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Stronghold, North Hall]
The hall runs in an east to west direction, its progress marked with ora braziers bolted to the stone walls. Clouds of dust float and dance down the nave in the twilight like cavorting spirits caught up in celebrating some revel of old. On the north wall, an immense ora door is bolted into the stone, its proportions as ponderous as the slabs that form the walls of the thoroughfare. You also see a stone giant that is lying down.
Also here: Tierus
Obvious exits: east, west
[Stronghold, North Hall]
The hallway is impressively tall, its high ceiling giving it a narrow appearance although it is of spacious width. Large tiles cover the floor, their rich sienna surfaces incised with glyphs. On the stone walls, ora braziers are bolted at intervals. They are crafted in a blocky style, which is elegant in its simplicity. The light held in each fixture flickers to life as the shadow of movement passes before it. You also see the Respital disk.
Also here: Respital
Obvious exits: north, east, southwest
[Stronghold, Entry Hall]
The entry hall is immense, with walls reaching up into darkness high above. Fanned by an intermittent breeze, the air is markedly cooler than the courtyard outside. Passages lead off in two directions, both shrouded in an unnerving haze, which lends the shadows the appearance of movement. A stone lintel is placed over the huge arch leading outside. Its surface is covered with ancient glyphs, their meaning lost in antiquity. You also see a war mattock.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Stronghold, South Hall]
The passageway widens into an expansive chamber, with branches in various directions and the beginning of a wide, winding stairway. To the north sits an alcove, its darker interior creating a gloomy maw at its entrance. The southern hallway is likewise shadowy, however braziers can be glimpsed on the walls, promising the possibility of illumination. You also see a war mattock, a war mattock, a war mattock and a stone stairway.
Obvious exits: east, south, northwest
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
Shadows huddle into dense pools within the recesses of the corridor, growing thicker as the hallway snakes to the southwest. Within their darkness, a dense covering of contorted runes is visible, skittering across the walls like a spidery army. No breezes intrude here, as if the air current is reluctant to pass the runic display.
Obvious exits: north, southwest
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
The tunnel narrows as the floor begins to exhibit deep fissures. Across the walls, the cracks reach up from the floor and spread their splayed fingers in long, running fractures. Deep piles of dust occupy corners produced by the ruptures, and a fine cloud of the stuff hangs in the air as if suspended in time.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
As the corridor snakes through the solid stone of the mountain, it grows more confined and chaotic. Large boulders are heaped to either side, protruding into the walkway here and there in stubborn feints. The walls are pocked and rough, giving little evidence of any pretense at conformity.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
The passageway relents to the pressure of the mountain on all sides, dwindling to an impassable jumble of rocks. Shadows are thick, adding the mystery of what lurks among the crevices within its folds. The air hangs so still, the dust suspended in its grasp hangs like a transparent shroud.
Obvious exits: northwest
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
As the corridor snakes through the solid stone of the mountain, it grows more confined and chaotic. Large boulders are heaped to either side, protruding into the walkway here and there in stubborn feints. The walls are pocked and rough, giving little evidence of any pretense at conformity.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
The tunnel narrows as the floor begins to exhibit deep fissures. Across the walls, the cracks reach up from the floor and spread their splayed fingers in long, running fractures. Deep piles of dust occupy corners produced by the ruptures, and a fine cloud of the stuff hangs in the air as if suspended in time.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Stronghold, Southwest Skew]
Shadows huddle into dense pools within the recesses of the corridor, growing thicker as the hallway snakes to the southwest. Within their darkness, a dense covering of contorted runes is visible, skittering across the walls like a spidery army. No breezes intrude here, as if the air current is reluctant to pass the runic display.
Obvious exits: north, southwest
[Stronghold, South Hall]
The passageway widens into an expansive chamber, with branches in various directions and the beginning of a wide, winding stairway. To the north sits an alcove, its darker interior creating a gloomy maw at its entrance. The southern hallway is likewise shadowy, however braziers can be glimpsed on the walls, promising the possibility of illumination. You also see a war mattock, a war mattock, a war mattock and a stone stairway.
Obvious exits: east, south, northwest
>[Stronghold, South Hall]
The cavernous hallway continues to the east and west, its tall stone walls interrupted on its southern expanse by the lintels of an immense ora door. Across from the door is an alcove, the entrance surrounded with a dense halo of carved sigils. Ora braziers are set into the rock to either side of the alcove. You also see an Illoke mystic, a war mattock and a blue spinel.
Obvious exits: east, west
>go door
[Stronghold, Barracks]
The barracks looks more like a mausoleum than a billet, with its double row of huge stone slabs marching down the cavernous chamber. Above, the ceiling arches into multiple peaks, each sending ribs of stone down the walls that take on a skeletal quality in the half-light. A deep layer of dust rises on each side of the center path through the rows of bier-like bunks. You also see a massive ora door.
Obvious exits: east
>go door
[Stronghold, South Hall]
The cavernous hallway continues to the east and west, its tall stone walls interrupted on its southern expanse by the lintels of an immense ora door. Across from the door is an alcove, the entrance surrounded with a dense halo of carved sigils. Ora braziers are set into the rock to either side of the alcove. You also see an Illoke mystic, a war mattock and a blue spinel.
Obvious exits: east, west
>prep 719
cast mystic
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at an Illoke mystic.
CS: +336 - TD: +257 + CvA: +25 + d100: +3 == +107
Warding failed!
... and hits for 10 points of damage!
An Illoke mystic is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
The heat wafts over the Illoke mystic with little effect.
The intense cold contacts the Illoke mystic's hot skin with a sharp hiss!
... 1 point of damage!
Tiny sparks around chest. Almost tickles.
... 40 points of damage!
Hard blow to abdomen looks painful!
The Illoke mystic is stunned!
You feel 1 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The Illoke mystic cries out in agony as his skin shatters!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
... 45 points of damage!
Massive blow to left hand crushing it to pulp!
The Illoke mystic rumbles in pain as his heavy stone arm falls to the ground!
>prep 719
cast mystic
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Dark Catalyst...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at an Illoke mystic.
CS: +336 - TD: +257 + CvA: +25 + d100: +70 == +174
Warding failed!
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
An Illoke mystic is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
The heat wafts over the Illoke mystic with little effect.
The intense cold contacts the Illoke mystic's hot skin with a sharp hiss!
... 1 point of damage!
Tiny sparks around left eye. The Illoke mystic blinks in surprise.
... 35 points of damage!
Strong blow to right hand breaks it!
You feel 2 mana surge into you!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The Illoke mystic cries out in agony as his skin shatters!
... 40 points of damage!
Hard strike to left leg breaking tendons and bone!
The Illoke mystic rumbles in agony as he teeters for a moment, then falls directly at you!
In a vain attempt, you leap to dodge the massive falling creature! The mystic strikes you squarely, crushing you beneath him and the ground!

... 45 points of damage!
Your neck has been removed!
Your head quickly falls to the ground.
You feel your extra strength departing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The air calms down around you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You feel less confident than before.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
You become solid again.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
Roundtime: 29 sec.
The Illoke mystic shudders one last time before lying still.
* Adredrin just bit the dust!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.


02-20-2004, 02:34 PM
They have to be lying down on the ground when you do the coupe de grace, what happened above will happen otherwise.

It's the stone grasp I hate in stronghold.

02-20-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
They have to be lying down on the ground when you do the coupe de grace, what happened above will happen otherwise.

It's the stone grasp I hate in stronghold.

Actually, I'd say a good 70-80% of the time, they don't fall twords me. And the 20% of the time they do, I dodge 90% of the time.


02-20-2004, 02:37 PM

02-20-2004, 02:39 PM
alas that and the damn boils there... as of late way to many people have died there... half my rescues have been from there..

02-20-2004, 02:40 PM
And you were giving me shit about dying?

Suck it, boy.

02-20-2004, 02:48 PM
second hunt first critter

Adredrin loses his footing and falls down!
You lose your footing and fall to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>kick giant
A stone giant throws his head back and roars, shaking off the stun!
A stone giant plunges his fist into the ground in front of Adredrin!
The ground beneath Adredrin begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to head reddens cheekbone.
He is stunned!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char forehead a crispy black.
The boiling ground shifts, erupting towards you in a burst of flame!
The ground then quickly cools.
class 3 head wound

02-20-2004, 03:13 PM
Bah, damnit.

02-20-2004, 03:18 PM
I beat you to it or you wanted that not to be known?

02-20-2004, 03:34 PM
They don't need to know ALL my faults damnit :P


PS. Hey Edine, after you left, I went hunting again and found this..

You ask the gem dealer to appraise an opal-inset copper alloy orb.
The gem dealer takes the copper alloy orb and inspects it carefully before saying, "I'll give you 23750 for it if you want to sell."

Has "many" charges of hurl boulder. Heh

02-20-2004, 03:47 PM
damn you.

02-20-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
damn you.

Heh, just found this in a box!

You ask the gem dealer to appraise a glyph-etched mithril ring.
The gem dealer takes the mithril ring and inspects it carefully before saying, "I'll give you 10206 for it if you want to sell."

You glance down to see a glyph-etched mithril ring in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Not magical, but kinda neat looking :P


02-20-2004, 03:58 PM
i hope you get killed by a illoke mystic again

02-21-2004, 02:17 PM
You gesture at a stone giant.
CS: +334 - TD: +229 + CvA: +25 + d100: +10 == +140
Warding failed!
The stone giant's right leg snaps in pain.
The stone giant rumbles in agony as she teeters for a moment, then falls directly at you!
In a vain attempt, you leap to dodge the massive falling creature! The giant strikes you squarely, crushing you beneath her and the ground!

... 60 points of damage!
Incredible smash destroys your stomach!
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
You become solid again.
You feel less confident than before.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The air calms down around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You feel your extra strength departing.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
Roundtime: 21 sec.
The stone giant is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

02-21-2004, 02:58 PM
A stone giant plunges her fist into the ground in front of you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to your left arm breaks it!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left leg. Gonna need lots of butter.
You are knocked to the ground!
... 50 points of damage!
A large patch of flesh is seared off your back.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to chest toasts skin nicely.

This is all Adredrin's fault. The one I wanted he killed......

02-21-2004, 03:58 PM
Hey, don't blame me for your unskilled huntin! I got enough problems of my own when it comes to hunting ;)

02-21-2004, 04:15 PM
How're you supposed to use an orb with Hurl Boulder? Unless it's a...WAVEable orb?

I can imagine you tapping it in the middle of the Stronghold and having a giant boulder drop on your head, and a stone giant laughing. That would be amusing.


02-21-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
How're you supposed to use an orb with Hurl Boulder? Unless it's a...WAVEable orb?

I can imagine you tapping it in the middle of the Stronghold and having a giant boulder drop on your head, and a stone giant laughing. That would be amusing.


The orb is not waveable..thats kinda what threw me off.

The only thing the orb does is hurl boulders at the person that taps it.

I assisted, and tried to speak to a GM about it, thinking the item is faulty, but a GH would not let me speak to a GM, saying that the orb has other properties I've not discovered yet. As to what, I have no clue..


02-21-2004, 06:34 PM
<<Has "many" charges of hurl boulder. Heh>>

Yay, you get to kill yourself with a boulder 21-30 times.

I'll pay you 200k to do so.

02-21-2004, 06:41 PM
Get a bard to sing to it!

I'll sing to it, if you want, I'm in the Landing.


02-21-2004, 06:49 PM
i know its extra mana but if you have the CS you can always 110 them first to avoid that if you find its happening alot.

02-21-2004, 08:58 PM
Pardon the roughness of my post... as I'm in a bad mood.. but jesus christ ewave, 110 and then kill them, or stop fucking whining when they fall on you.

02-21-2004, 09:44 PM
Who said I was whining? I thought it was rather amusing personally.

Ya wake up..get something to drink. Log onto GS. Spell up and wonder over to Stronghold. Take 2 min to find a critter. Kill it, and as its last responce..it chops your head off, ruining everything you did for the past 30 min. :lol:

02-22-2004, 01:55 AM
> ruining everything you did for the past 30 min.

You got fame.

02-22-2004, 12:43 PM
Adredrin, I had left Pinefar and went back to Landing to help someone that died. When spelling them up I got a whole bunch of extra defense spells. So figuring I'd have this great defense, I run back up to Pinefar, go straight to hunting, kill one creature before I get e-waved, tackled, call winded, and kicked and killed. It was like.... bs.

02-23-2004, 03:41 PM
Pierat searches an Illoke shaman.
An Illoke shaman crumbles into a mass of shiny rocks, leaving nothing behind.
>give ember
A stone giant roars, "Come, Stonekin! Let us rend the limbs from this weakling!"
The ground shakes as an enraged Illoke mystic stomps in!

The ground shakes as an enraged Illoke mystic stomps in!

The ground shakes as an enraged Illoke shaman stomps in!

The ground shakes as an enraged Illoke shaman stomps in!

The ground shakes as an enraged Illoke shaman stomps in!

The ground shakes as an enraged stone giant stomps in!

A stone giant sinks into the ground and tunnels east.
You offer your pothinir grass to Emberbrite, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
[Stronghold, South Hall]
The passageway widens into an expansive chamber, with branches in various directions and the beginning of a wide, winding stairway. To the north sits an alcove, its darker interior creating a gloomy maw at its entrance. The southern hallway is likewise shadowy, however braziers can be glimpsed on the walls, promising the possibility of illumination. You also see a stone giant, an Illoke shaman, an Illoke shaman, an Illoke shaman, an Illoke mystic, an Illoke mystic, a battered silver strongbox and a stone stairway.
Also here: Lord Pierat, Emberbrite
Obvious exits: east, south, northwest
>prep 220
Pierat says, "Whpah."
>You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Major Sanctuary spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A brilliant light bathes you as your surroundings blur for a moment...

A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Also here: Emberbrite, Lord Pierat
Obvious exits: out
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>"holy shit
You say, "Holy shit."
Pierat says, "Whoah even."
You cough.
Pierat starts chuckling at you!
Emberbrite put a glyph-etched eonake falchion fashioned with a carved gold wolf head pommel in her ebony silk cloak.
Emberbrite has accepted your offer and is now holding some pothinir grass.
>"no way in hell are we stayin in that
You say, "No way in hell are we stayin in that."
Emberbrite takes a bite of her pothinir grass.
Emberbrite's chest looks better.
The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Taazyr thinking, "at Varunur with the corpses should I die."
Pierat laughs!
You feel more refreshed.
Emberbrite says, "More."
Pierat exclaims, "Id wreck em up!"
Pierat snickers at you!
Emberbrite says, "Dying."
Pierat says, "Too bad divine wrath wont owrk on em."
>app em
You glance at Emberbrite and immediately realize she has 8 spirit levels out of a maximum of 8.
You also notice that she has a fractured and bleeding left arm, deep lacerations across her chest, and a fractured and bleeding right arm.
She has terrible, permanent mutilation of her chest muscles. She is bleeding from the right arm, slightly from the left arm, and badly from the chest.
>get grass
Pierat says, "Im outta grass."
Get what?
Emberbrite removes some acantha leaf from in her ebony silk cloak.
>hold em
Emberbrite takes a bite of her acantha leaf.
Emberbrite looks a little better.
But Emberbrite is already a member of your group!
A bright glow surrounds Emberbrite and she flickers out of sight...
A bright light surrounds you and your visions of sanctuary slowly fade...
[Stronghold, South Hall]
The passageway widens into an expansive chamber, with branches in various directions and the beginning of a wide, winding stairway. To the north sits an alcove, its darker interior creating a gloomy maw at its entrance. The southern hallway is likewise shadowy, however braziers can be glimpsed on the walls, promising the possibility of illumination. You also see an Illoke shaman, an Illoke shaman, a battered silver strongbox and a stone stairway.
Also here: Emberbrite
Obvious exits: east, south, northwest
Pierat suddenly appears in a flash of brilliant light.
>sym of return
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .

02-23-2004, 06:39 PM
um, cuz you're all dumb and don't carry (enough) herbs?