View Full Version : Pulled post!!!

05-07-2009, 09:25 PM
lets see all the posts EM has pulled this week here are 2 of mine.
Your message copied below has been removed from the The Bad, and the Ugly (general complaints) topic for flaming. The GemStone IV Forum has a family oriented atmosphere where people can exchange ideas and information without fear of being harassed or intimidated. Relevant text from your message:

>>It seems that the dev team sits back and TRIES to find way to upset the players. Try to make them quit. I can not see any other reason for some of the nerfage.

Unfounded accusations against staff have no place on the Forums. Insinuating that staff is intentionally changing the game to force players to quit is inappropriate for the Forums. If you have specific complaints, you're welcome to make those on the Forums in a constructive manner. However, these types of unfounded generic accusations have no point other than to enflame other posters and foster ill will between players and members of staff.

It's important to us that you understand why this kind of posting is not acceptable. If you feel unclear about the guidelines for posting, please click the Forum Policies link in the upper right corner of the Forums pages. Our guidelines specifically request that members count to 10 and be kind when posting.

If you have any questions about my action in removing your message, please don't hesitate to email me so we can clarify the issue to your satisfaction.


GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Discussions with Simutronics
Topic: The Bad, and the Ugly (general complaints)
Msg#: 43934
Subject: Re: The Latest Update To Enhancive Items

Really I am done reading the prime boards. It seems to be one nerf after another. The nerfage for me started with GPII. Caused my sorceress not to be able to hunt anymore.

It seems that the dev team sits back and TRIES to find way to upset the players. Try to make them quit. I can not see any other reason for some of the nerfage.

What we need is 2 years of DEV changes that NOTHING is considered a nerf. To make up for all the heart ache and grief thats taken place since nerfage started.

prep spell 675

wish I wish for a game free of head aches and heart ache and wish for gemstone just to be fun again like it was back when it was on prodigy.

>gemstone just bit the dust*****

>Dianii just bit the dust****** GP2
>Junsea just bit the dust**** Lack of hunting at age 73

05-07-2009, 09:26 PM
second post

Your message copied below has been removed from the Items and Inventory topic for flaming. The GemStone IV Forum has a family oriented atmosphere where people can exchange ideas and information without fear of being harassed or intimidated. Relevant text from your message:

>>I love loop holes almost as much as i like the fruit loops that NERF the game!

If you have an opinion that you'd like to share, you should do so in a constructive manner. Referring to game staff as "fruit loops" does nothing to further your point of view.

It's important to us that you understand why this kind of posting is not acceptable. If you feel unclear about the guidelines for posting, please click the Forum Policies link in the upper right corner of the Forums pages. Our guidelines specifically request that members count to 10 and be kind when posting.

If you have any questions about my action in removing your message, please don't hesitate to email me so we can clarify the issue to your satisfaction.


GM Emeradan
Forums Manager
Bugs Manager
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
"Master of the Black Helicopters." -- BROWNA94
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Items and Inventory
Msg#: 1878
Subject: Re: Enhancive Update

SOOO incant vigor
stop vigor

Since I am NOT hurting myself to get healed should not be bad.. LOOP HOLE!!!!!

I love loop holes almost as much as i like the fruit loops that NERF the game!

Junsea is dead cause rangers been nerfed again.

PS this is the third time starting over because of nerfage. Will it ever stop?

==== END COPY OF POST ====

05-07-2009, 09:30 PM
I think your posts were appropriately pulled. The second one at least.

05-07-2009, 09:33 PM
srsly. whatd you expect? gm's already several times said they were pulling posts asking people to keep things constructive. at that point you have to know good and goddam well if you post something like "dev team is trying to piss people off and ruin the game" that its going get pulled.

sorry but all i see from a post like this is you trying to waste GM's time moderating posts that they've already said they don't want.

05-07-2009, 09:43 PM
Yah. He pulled one of mine where I told him he was invoking mindless relativism in his responses.

05-07-2009, 10:00 PM
>Junsea just bit the dust**** Lack of hunting at age 73

Really? Gemstone is a pretty easy game.

05-07-2009, 10:26 PM
Yeah and didn't you know sorcery is GS on easy mode regarding your GPII complaint.

05-07-2009, 10:27 PM
my favorite from 5/5

Re: Enhancive enchanting potion NO WORKIE.

What did I say about QC? Oh yeah, what QC?

05-07-2009, 10:50 PM
Yeah and didn't you know sorcery is GS on easy mode regarding your GPII complaint.

Easy doesn't necessarily equal exciting. You know what you have to do to hunt... it's just drier than hell.

05-07-2009, 11:19 PM
Sorry WB, I was being sarcastic.
It's strayrogues favourite saying.

05-07-2009, 11:26 PM
I end every correspondence with em with "You are very bad at your job :("

seems to get his goat. It was funniest the time he tried to say he wasn't a mod, i lawled.

05-08-2009, 06:14 AM
most the time i know its goin to get pulled just dont care. I have been playing since the free days on prodigy and i do not like what they are doing to the game.

Lord Orbstar
05-08-2009, 10:06 AM
i would have pulled them too

05-08-2009, 10:30 AM
I'm going to have to agree with everybody else here. If you're gonna complain about the nerfs....try doing it without sounding like a complete child. Carefully choose your words and write your post in a.....for a lack of a better word...professional manner.

P.S. Stop bitching about sorc nerfs kthx


05-08-2009, 10:56 AM
Someone about oh 12 years ago decided they hated sorcerers. The way they nerfed sorcerers and the way they changed them is a joke.

It's the reason why my first character is only 45, sorcerer and my empath and my wizard are post-cap.

05-08-2009, 11:00 AM
You talking about 702? That needed to be changed.

05-08-2009, 12:33 PM
I'm going to have to agree with everybody else here. If you're gonna complain about the nerfs....try doing it without sounding like a complete child. Carefully choose your words and write your post in a.....for a lack of a better word...professional manner.

P.S. Stop bitching about sorc nerfs kthx


Players get frustrated, and angry at changes. They aren't always going to have the ability to express everything in a 100% civil manner. Some of these posts probably should have been pulled, some absolutely did not.

If you can't deal with your playerbase without hiding anything with the slightest bit of discontent in it, you should not be in the business of running a community for an online game.

Simu's policy is a large reason why a great many people don't play anymore. Hiding posts like this doesn't make it better, and it doesn't suppress the opinions spreading through places like the PC, or talking in game, on AIM, etc.

All it does is make them look like they don't care.

05-08-2009, 12:57 PM
Players get frustrated, and angry at changes. They aren't always going to have the ability to express everything in a 100% civil manner. Some of these posts probably should have been pulled, some absolutely did not.

If you can't deal with your playerbase without hiding anything with the slightest bit of discontent in it, you should not be in the business of running a community for an online game.

There is a LOT of discontent posted on the officials that doesn't get pulled. It's all in how you voice that discontent. If you choose to voice yours in an insulting exaggerated manner and give no constructive suggestions as to how to pacify you, then your post is serving no positive purpose for them. And since it is their company space you're posting your opinion on, of course their going to do what's best for them.

The real problem is that some people seem to forget that even though this is the internet and you're safe and snugly behind your monitor without having to look someone in the eye, you still need to know how to communicate as an adult when necessary.

Let me put it this way, if you're an electrician, and you accidentally kill your customer's stupid cat while backing out of the driveway, and the customer then paints ANIMAL KILLER!! across the front of your house, would you leave it up or paint over it? Does the fact that you're guilty and the customer is rightfully upset really affect your decision?

05-08-2009, 01:13 PM

05-08-2009, 01:14 PM
There is a LOT of discontent posted on the officials that doesn't get pulled. It's all in how you voice that discontent. If you choose to voice yours in an insulting exaggerated manner and give no constructive suggestions as to how to pacify you, then your post is serving no positive purpose for them. And since it is their company space you're posting your opinion on, of course their going to do what's best for them.

The real problem is that some people seem to forget that even though this is the internet and you're safe and snugly behind your monitor without having to look someone in the eye, you still need to know how to communicate as an adult when necessary.

Let me put it this way, if you're an electrician, and you accidentally kill your customer's stupid cat while backing out of the driveway, and the customer then paints ANIMAL KILLER!! across the front of your house, would you leave it up or paint over it? Does the fact that you're guilty and the customer is rightfully upset really affect your decision?

Awful analogy. Killing the cat was an accident, not a purposeful change of policy or business conduct. Painting the house involves destruction of personal property, and is not voiced specifically in a forum designed for customer feedback and concerns. Among other inconsistencies.

Like i said...a lot of posts need to get pulled. A LOT don't. ANYTHING even remotely borderline is hidden without even trying to deal with the situation. Horrible customer service.

Here's a good example...

my favorite from 5/5

Re: Enhancive enchanting potion NO WORKIE.

What did I say about QC? Oh yeah, what QC?

There is no way that post deserves to get pulled. None. That is a VERY valid complaint. Slightly snide and backhanded? Sure. Pullworthy? Absolutely not.

edit: also, because of this horrible policy, and as voiced earlier in this thread by others...people know that their post will be hidden for little to no reason, the thread closed abruptly, or dissected into 3 or 4 different threads and scatted across different infrequently used topics for no reason...so they just don't care and post with no filter whatsoever. In a perfect world they wouldn't do that, but Simu is working in an imperfect world and they need to deal with that.

05-08-2009, 01:43 PM
Forgot to mention as well...you would also answer any personal complaints about the cat with silence, saying you've forwarded the complaint on to the proper managers, that the truck is working as intended, or that you were supposed to be previously running over cats but there was a bug which you fixed that prevented the truck from doing so before :)

05-08-2009, 02:14 PM
Players get frustrated, and angry at changes. They aren't always going to have the ability to express everything in a 100% civil manner. Some of these posts probably should have been pulled, some absolutely did not.

If you can't deal with your playerbase without hiding anything with the slightest bit of discontent in it, you should not be in the business of running a community for an online game.

Simu's policy is a large reason why a great many people don't play anymore. Hiding posts like this doesn't make it better, and it doesn't suppress the opinions spreading through places like the PC, or talking in game, on AIM, etc.

All it does is make them look like they don't care.

I am going to have to say this is the most accurate post on the subject, there are ways to express discontent with the game that they will let stick but they also need to understand that sometimes people are pissed off about things or maybe just had a bad day and now their get-a-way place just got nuked so now they are extra pissed.

But they can be worked with if you have the patience to weed through the crappy staff members like Em.

05-08-2009, 02:50 PM
Let me put it this way, if you're an electrician, and you accidentally kill your customer's stupid cat while backing out of the driveway, and the customer then paints ANIMAL KILLER!! across the front of your house, would you leave it up or paint over it? Does the fact that you're guilty and the customer is rightfully upset really affect your decision?


05-08-2009, 02:54 PM
Forgot to mention as well...you would also answer any personal complaints about the cat with silence, saying you've forwarded the complaint on to the proper managers, that the truck is working as intended, or that you were supposed to be previously running over cats but there was a bug which you fixed that prevented the truck from doing so before :)
