View Full Version : Customer Service

05-03-2009, 05:32 PM
Battery now included! (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/04/29/national/a052906D38.DTL&tsp=1)

(04-29) 12:16 PDT Eau Claire, Wis. (AP) --

A Radio Shack employee faces disorderly conduct and battery charges for punching a customer. Police said the customer was trying to return an item Sunday, but the employee wouldn't let him. The customer then asked to talk to a manager.

That's when the 52-year-old male employee began punching the man. A bystander called 911.

The employee is due in court May 19.

Having worked almost solely in customer service I'm surprised this doesn't happen with far more frequency. I often daydream about customer-related violence.

05-03-2009, 05:43 PM

05-03-2009, 06:00 PM
also agreed.

05-03-2009, 06:47 PM
As a former employee and Manager of a Corporate Radio Shack brand store...
This was totally justified. Punching a customer in the mouth for trying to make a return is completely worth it.
For example:
CustomerX has been inquiring about GPS navigation for quite a long while, and finally decided to make the purchase. Well whoopee! Sales associates don't make commission off of those POS, but with some fast talking and "qualifying" his customer Sales Associate Billy managed to make some comission off the warranty plan.
29 days later CustomerX returns said GPS to a Radioshack across town for a full refund. Then next day you see CustomerX again purchasing the SAME GPS at your store from Sales Associate Mandy.
29 days later.... it happens all over again. People are loosing money, and the store looses product to sell to someone that really wants it.
So ManagerA tells CustomerX that his business is no longer welcome at his store. Then proceeds to put CustomerX in a headlock and "escort" CustomerX right out the door, informing him that the whole matter was on videocamera and he will be hearing from the police.
The END.

Moral of the story: THEY WORK OFF COMMISSION! Don't waste our fucking time with your BS and trying to return stuff for no good reason. We know where you live!

Winter's Kiss
05-03-2009, 06:49 PM
Heh.. I remember quite a few customers like that coming into our store. You've "escorted" a couple people out because of stupid shit like this.

05-03-2009, 06:58 PM
Hahahahahahahah. That's awesome. I grew up in Eau Claire!

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 05:34 AM
Welcome to Pop Copy bitch now what can I do for your punk ass?

05-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Hahahahahahahah. That's awesome. I grew up in Eau Claire!

Fuck yeah! Heckel's.

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 07:03 AM
FUCK YEAH Wisconsin! Just a bit taller than Michigan!

(that makes and drinks many a beer!)

There was a bagel/breakfast shop on Tennessee ave in Tallahassee that served all you could drink beer at the table via tap in each booth. I doubt they're still in business. Who knows however it's a college town /shrug.

Random thought came up because of states and beers. And that's a lot of states and beers.

05-04-2009, 07:08 AM
I was born in Wisconsin. Reedsburg. 'Butter Capital of the World.'

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 07:11 AM
How'd you end up in louweezianna?

*just curious

**and also would like to say that everyplace I've lived was damned beautiful. Boise. Cascades. Upstate NY. Parris Island and basically both of the Carolinas. Knoxville TN and the gulf coast of Florida. Louweezianna is on my list however as is TX.

California can kiss my ass and fall off the map however. East coast represent.

05-04-2009, 07:27 AM
Long strange trip. Born in Wisconsin... parents had a college teaching job there. Then Montana where they had another job. Then Virginia for a long time until college... and back to Wisconsin. Hungary for my junior year of college. After college got married and moved to North Carolina (she had family there and VA isn't far). Then home to Virginia to take care of my Mom and then Louisiana for law school because they have the civil law (like Hungary, where my business goals are) and they gave me scholarship money.

It also gets me to the opposite side of the country from the ex, conveniently enough. She's not a big fan of the South.

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 07:33 AM
Wow so where is your legal residence at? I really wanted to move but there is no way I'm putting off finishing school for a year to establish residency to avoid out of state tuition fees.

Damn we're good at derailing threads.

And to be on topic on both subjects I did deliver pizza in college and just a tip be nice to the delivery boys or you'll regret it.

05-04-2009, 08:18 AM
Sheboygan, WI -> MN -> NYC -> Israel -> NYC (in a month, god I need to get ouf of Israel).

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 08:37 AM
(in a month, god I need to get ouf of Israel).

You along with all the Jews...

05-04-2009, 08:39 AM
Wow so where is your legal residence at? I really wanted to move but there is no way I'm putting off finishing school for a year to establish residency to avoid out of state tuition fees.

Damn we're good at derailing threads.

And to be on topic on both subjects I did deliver pizza in college and just a tip be nice to the delivery boys or you'll regret it.

VA unfortunately. The scholarship/tuition's still good.

What're you in school for?

I think my best somewhat recent customer service story was the woman who came out of one of our movie theaters yelling that, 'We'd put commercials before the movies! That was terrible! We didn't want her business!'

I told her that it wasn't by choice and if she wanted to fight the man she could show up late to every movie. I even gave her the approximate lead times so she'd catch the previews. Ah, Chapel Hill residents.

(aw snap... that was me making fun of liberals)

05-04-2009, 08:48 AM
Hahahahahahahah. That's awesome. I grew up in Eau Claire!

You poor bastard...

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 09:08 AM
Currently I'm taking a few classes beginning in June to change my original educational (socialology mostly) A.A. path (required to transfer to a state university here in FL and at the time the college was a jc SPJC but has since become a Baccalaureate) to an A.S. into an OSMGT so I can fucking job whilst finishing the BA which the goal for today is most likely secondary education in socialogy/history type of shit.

I'm sure that a shocker to a lot of you lolz but I did sub a lot for cash on the AA as well as tutor and mentor (for free). I also worked for America Reads at elementary schools for awhile (thank you Clinton) to pay for school as well and get experience.

It's at that point I decided I don't like other peoples children and stuck to IT jobs and ended up an operations manager/IT director for a company with about 140 employees that I ended up mainly golfing with the owner during work days.

I can't decide if want to join the shit world of teachers yet or not.

I've got a shit ton of credit hours more than needed for a bunch of paths. I took about every history/humanities/oceanography/marine biology course available just out of interest. I wanted to be an anthropologist before I found out there really is much of a job market.

Hell I volunteered on artificial reef projects for awhile before I could no longer scuba because of my sinus fucking problem.

Basically I have no fucking clue. Shit I'll be a career student van wilder style if I have to as long as the govt gives me student loans that I'm never going to pay back.

There are many layers to Sean2 I normally just share the train wreck part of it here.

And back on the customer service I've worked as a barback, bartender, bouncer, line cook, manager at a hot dog franchise at the mall and worked at Kohl's deptmartment stores so I've had to deal with all sorts of people in all sorts of situations.

I've got to say that delivering pizza and the hot dog job were the most interesting to say the least. Add line cook to that list as well.

Pizza business stories can go on endlessly but at the hot dog job I met some german tourists here on vacation with a smoking hot daughter. I to this day think I missed out on the "one" with her.

They (the parents and her daughter) invited me back to their hotel on the beach and I was 18 (senior year) and she was 17. They bought us a bottle of vodka and well I'll leave the rest out.

Good times dealing with people either with their insanity or kindness.

*holy shit wall of text. Sorry.

05-04-2009, 09:30 AM
I always liked all my teachers that were former military. Take from that what you will.

05-04-2009, 09:34 AM
I can see wanting to punch a customer in the face. It's way more fun to kill them with kindness and still refuse their request though. When you're still calm, quiet, and saying yes sir/ma'am and they're screaming at the top of their lungs making trying to make a scene...you win.

Sean of the Thread
05-04-2009, 09:36 AM
Don't leave out giving them a shit eating grin throughout the process.

05-04-2009, 11:31 PM

Yeah as a manager for dollar general I pretty much want to punch people in the face all day..and their fucktard kids that run rampant... I was in line behind a lady at wal mart the other day..she was buying a bunch of shit and a stool..that had no barcode..so they sent someone back to find one with a barcode..and the customer is complaining that she wouldn't be able to return it without a barcode on it...WHAT THE FUCK... WHY ARE YOU BUYING IT IF YOU'RE ALREADY WORRIED ABOUT RETURNING IT... I should have punched her in the back of the head for some dumb shit like that...

05-04-2009, 11:39 PM
I can see wanting to punch a customer in the face. It's way more fun to kill them with kindness and still refuse their request though. When you're still calm, quiet, and saying yes sir/ma'am and they're screaming at the top of their lungs making trying to make a scene...you win.


I was with Office Depot and dealt with assholes constantly. OD is not a place to barter, yet I was arguing with people all the time. During a management change, I was running a store and I had a foreign guy come up to me and try to barter. I was being very kind and nice, but after the third attempt to explain it, I raised the price on the item. Everytime he'd try to barter, I told him I'd raise the price. The item he wanted was 99 bucks, he offered me 50 and I told him I'd take 179 for it. He took his fez off and started swearing as I just started going 180...181...182...before he yelled "Fine! ~insert foreign swearing~" and went to go pay 99 bucks.

How much of an asshole am I? It was actually 69 bucks in the system, so he was even more furious when walking out.

05-04-2009, 11:56 PM
I was with Office Depot and dealt with assholes constantly. OD is not a place to barter, yet I was arguing with people all the time. During a management change, I was running a store and I had a foreign guy come up to me and try to barter. I was being very kind and nice, but after the third attempt to explain it, I raised the price on the item. Everytime he'd try to barter, I told him I'd raise the price. The item he wanted was 99 bucks, he offered me 50 and I told him I'd take 179 for it. He took his fez off and started swearing as I just started going 180...181...182...before he yelled "Fine! ~insert foreign swearing~" and went to go pay 99 bucks.

This is a problem EVERYWHERE! I had a customer that would come into my Lexington store. Everyday he would ask(or state, I'm not sure which) "You can price match this, yes?"
To which, I would reply: "No."
This went on for two months...
I transferred stores to the Dutch Square Mall Radioshack.
And who do you think showed up????
Punching him in the jaw would have been the least of his worries. He was pulling this with all the Radioshack managers in the area. As soon as he saw that I was the new manager of that store he turned around and left. Never came back. True Story.
*swigs his beer*

05-05-2009, 01:01 AM
This is a problem EVERYWHERE! I had a customer that would come into my Lexington store. Everyday he would ask(or state, I'm not sure which) "You can price match this, yes?"
To which, I would reply: "No."
This went on for two months...
I transferred stores to the Dutch Square Mall Radioshack.
And who do you think showed up????
Punching him in the jaw would have been the least of his worries. He was pulling this with all the Radioshack managers in the area. As soon as he saw that I was the new manager of that store he turned around and left. Never came back. True Story.
*swigs his beer*

Dutch Square mall blows

05-05-2009, 01:14 AM
Dutch Square mall blows

Agreed. Never go there without a easily concealed firearm. It's safer that way.