View Full Version : chrism talk
04-30-2009, 05:53 AM
Ok, so i have this problem with chrisms dissapearing because when someone asks for one and i use one then they don't return it and i find max 1-2 chrisms a day and raise at least 20 people in a day is it just me or should you return the chrism back after you clearly ask for one, i mean if i ran around all day casting 325 at gems and get 1-2 per day it's not even worth raising... i think it should be good karma to return a chrism, i don't know what to do it's frustrating dealing with noobs all the time. I am at the point where i'll only use chrisms on friends cause they ALWAYS return chrisms... input on this would be grand thx!
04-30-2009, 05:55 AM
Learn English.
Then ask them to replace the chrism.
04-30-2009, 07:12 AM
I think that maybe you should find a bard . . . one that can purify well . . . I think you should do this because you'll meet new friends! . . . and possibly get a chance to rp!!!! . . . but then I'm not sure . . . you might not really want to RP . . . maybe you don't even RP when you raise others . . . I just don't know! . . . But if found a bard then they could possibly orb gems you find while hunting . . . or maybe even gems people give to you . . . you can then take the orb gems and make chrisms! . . . it's very easy to do and any bard proficient with 1004 should be able to help you! . . . you could probably get at least 10-20 more chrism a day that way . . . I know I personally have sung to over two thousand gems for Kaedra!
04-30-2009, 08:59 AM
You don't have to use a chrism gem on all corpses that are raised. If they demand one is used, walk away - it's not a full service carwash.
04-30-2009, 09:26 AM
Unless you're Kaedra (and you're not), why are you raising 20 bodies a day?? I'd stick myself in the eye with a pen if I raised 20 bodies a day, especially if any of those bodies were not my friends and asked for a chrism raise without also saying, "I'll replace the gem." Go hunt!
After you're done hunting, cast 325 at any nice gems you found that the gemshop will give you more than 3k for. If they're orbs make chrisms. Soon you will have about 15 chrisms and you will maybe lose one a day if your friend dies or if a bardess dies and you really want to be nice to her so she'll loresing to stuff for you (or even make more chrisms for you). She's probably actually a dude, but it's all the same when it comes to loresinging.
04-30-2009, 10:43 AM
You don't have to use a chrism gem on all corpses that are raised. If they demand one is used, walk away - it's not a full service carwash.
I have to agree, I rarely use chrism. My cleric rarely raises, she only uses Chrism if she has one on hand or someone else offers one. Otherwise? Tough shit, if they request one and there is not one immediately had, they can find someone else to raise them if they demand it.
Sean of the Thread
04-30-2009, 10:57 AM
You don't have to use a chrism gem on all corpses that are raised. If they demand one is used, walk away - it's not a full service carwash.
lol reminded me of the insurance commercial carwash.
"if you go down anyone of these streets as fast as you can go the stuff will like just fly off /shrug"
Too lazy to read the whole thread from work right now, so I apologize if this has been discussed already.
What is the minimum value in silvers for a gem to be of the "best quality" for a chrism gem? I only bother keeping diamonds and emeralds at this point, but I know if I find one that's naturally an orb, or that I orb on the first cast, it may not be worth enough to be "top tier".
I try to only keep 8k+ orbs for chrisms, but I'm not sure if that's too much or too little. Anyone know definitively?
05-04-2009, 01:09 PM
I usually hand clerics like 20k and random uncut emeralds/diamonds if they offer to chrism me. Most decline the gem.
Is that sufficent or should I force the gem on them too? I'm a notorious over tipper everywhere else, just makin' sure i'm tipping semi-fairly here too =).
05-04-2009, 01:20 PM
I don't play anymore but if someone asked for a chrism I would expect a decent gem (5k+) in return. I do not consider it a tip and hardly ever accepted tips in general (had my flag set to refuse silvers).
A lot depended on the attitude of the client. Sometimes I'd decline the return gem offer for nice people and sometimes I'd just drag/fog em to a rez spot and leave em (with LK) for annoying people.
Edit: some people I regularly ran across in OTF I'd chrism without them asking for it. If they offered a gem in return I accepted but I didn't expect it as much. It was more of the family of OTF and the spirit of cooperation thing (read: come get my ass if I die please).
05-04-2009, 02:57 PM
I try to only keep 8k+ orbs for chrisms, but I'm not sure if that's too much or too little. Anyone know definitively?
I think 8k+ orbs are pretty top-tier, I have only had a few around there and for me they usually became one of the top 2 tiers (in the LOOK description).
That said, for chrism purposes the quality of the orb is a lot less important than your SL:B ranks, only the SL:B ranks affect the exp retention--the quality of the gem mitigates CON loss from that particular raise (so the quality of gem really only comes into play if your raisee dies a lot and is going to get hit with the 'recent deaths' -5 CON penalty). Gem quality also affects the temp stat loss, but as this is just time I think this only comes into play during invasions or is just a small nicety.
Super high quality gems should be used to make awesome nexus gems!
I think 8k+ orbs are pretty top-tier, I have only had a few around there and for me they usually became one of the top 2 tiers (in the LOOK description).
That said, for chrism purposes the quality of the orb is a lot less important than your SL:B ranks, only the SL:B ranks affect the exp retention--the quality of the gem mitigates CON loss from that particular raise (so the quality of gem really only comes into play if your raisee dies a lot and is going to get hit with the 'recent deaths' -5 CON penalty). Gem quality also affects the temp stat loss, but as this is just time I think this only comes into play during invasions or is just a small nicety.
Super high quality gems should be used to make awesome nexus gems!
So, with enough Blessings lore, a cleric could make a 100% experience retention chrism out of, say, a clear zircon?
And what's the benefit to Nexus blessings? Is it required for cross-realms teleporting or somesuch?
05-04-2009, 05:15 PM
I believe a chrism gem has to be worth at least 3001 silver, at least according to the website. After that, I don't think the actual quality matters, its all lores and such then.
05-04-2009, 11:54 PM
Pretty much what Ryvicke said was proven by a few people on the cleric board of the Official forum. I never copied it down, but the different quality of chrism gems that can help to mitigate different severities of Con loss. Chrism gems quality can also be observed by looking at it, and it will give a rough indication of the starting value of said gem. It'll have different physical characteristics depending on the quality of the gem.
As for nexus gems - the greater the value, the better. Before the cross realms change, the greater value indicated less of a chance for failure. Each successive usage of the nexus gem decreases it's overall remaining power, and increases subsequent chances of failure upon usage. It's also helpful, because you'll get a better gauge on when to cut your losses with a given gem and sell it to the pawnshop before it disappears in the event of a failure (I usually sold a nexus gem off when assessing the gem and it indicated a so-so chance of success.)
Drunken Durfin
05-04-2009, 11:58 PM
When the changes to chrism gems went into effect I sat down with a cleric buddy and had them make me 250 100%'ers for my younger cleric to use.
I am down to 41 of them. I don't take tips and I don't accept replacements for the ones I use.
Just me.
05-05-2009, 12:23 AM
I don't take cash tips, but I'll accept high quality gems. If they aren't orbs, then I'll give them back.
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