View Full Version : Just because I'm an empath...
02-18-2004, 05:53 PM
02-18-2004, 05:55 PM
Theradose just arrived.
Theradose nods to you in greeting.
You feel more refreshed.
Theradose asks, "What're you doing here?"
[Leaving rest mode.]
Theradose peers quizzically at you.
Your action interrupts your meditation.
You say, "Hunting? Heh."
Theradose pokes Jemiquist in the ribs.
Level: 48 Deeds: 35
Experience: 2407513 Deaths this level: 0
Exp. until next: 64987 Death Recovery: 0
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 2842508
Physical TPs: 73 Mana: 206/206 max
(778 Phy converted to Mnt)
Your mind is becoming numbed.
You say, "He's napping."
Theradose says, "I thought you were way older than me."
You ask, "Me or him?"
Theradose says, "You."
You say, "Oh. No."
You ask, "I give off that illusion pretty well though don't i?"
You grin.
[Bonespear Tower, Vault]
Curiously, unlike every other area in the keep, bone was not used to build this room. The walls and ceilings are made of thick wooden planks, and have been further fortified by wide bands of iron. Whatever valuables that might have been stored here were plundered from this vault long ago however. You also see the Jemiquist disk, a white flask and a long tanik table with a dented steel trunk on it.
Also here: Great Lord Theradose who is sitting, Jemiquist who is sitting
Obvious exits: south
Theradose asks, "Since were not at the boulder...can I ask you for healing here?"
You feel more refreshed.
Theradose says, "When I need it."
You say, "No."
You say, "I told you I don't heal."
Theradose asks, "Whats your deal with that?"
Jemiquist quickly says, "He never did."
Great Lord Whirlin just arrived.
Theradose says, "Why the hell are you an empath."
You say, "I hunt for my learning now."
* Blinzic just bit the dust!
Jemiquist quickly says, "Cause empaths are neat."
You say, "Because I heal when there's need."
Theradose works his way out of some dark krodera-studded brigandine with a silvery abstract design etched on the left breast.
You say, "I heal my hunting partners and myself."
You feel more refreshed.
You say, "I'm not a fat lazy sit-in-town empath."
Theradose says, "Not as neat a should see Xenosphere...hes awesome."
Jemiquist quickly says, "Heh."
You say, "I don't heal on request."
Theradose gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Theradose gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Theradose.
Jemiquist quickly says, "Sleepin a sec.."
Theradose gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Theradose gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Theradose.
Jemiquist suddenly looks like he wishes he were somewhere else.
You say, "Sleeping a while."
You begin to meditate on your lot in life.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
I thought bhambi told you who and when to heal?
on a serious note, i get the same thing as a cleric who doesn't raise people he doesn't know, and if if he does know you theres a chance he wont.
[Edited on 2-18-2004 by Tijay]
02-18-2004, 05:57 PM
And I told her I was no ones bitch, didn't I?
Originally posted by Tayre
And I told her I was no ones bitch, didn't I?
yep :)
02-18-2004, 05:59 PM
There was a thread about this same situation somewhere else, two empaths fighting because one said empaths are supposed to heal and the other said it was a choice. I'll look later to see if I can find it.
Originally posted by Tayre
Its very rude of people to expect healing just because you're an empath, but being that Celeri is one of those uber nice empaths, I field heal other people -all- the time. I'm often thinking, "Get yourself some damn herbs lazy ass!"
02-18-2004, 06:06 PM
Hi my name is Theradose and I can't take hints.
Great Lord Theradose just arrived.
* Sirek just bit the dust!
[Leaving rest mode.]
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
Theradose says, "Can you do me a huge favor."
You continue to meditate on recent events.
Theradose says, "Can you heal my hand so I can cast and undisease myself."
02-18-2004, 06:30 PM
Dense as a brick it seems
02-18-2004, 06:33 PM
I called Tijay a slave once for some reason and he left me to rot :(
Tayre's secretly an exp whore.
02-18-2004, 06:58 PM
It's not really a hint if you flat out say "No" is it? But yeah, sharp as a day-old bowl of Cheerios.
Just because I'm an empath doesn't mean I have to be a whiney bitch!
02-18-2004, 07:21 PM
I could care less who it was and I allready forgot, but I had a time and half going off on someone who was giving a empath a hard time about not healing "fast" enough yesterday at voln and it turned into the empath not wanting to heal em after that and the same argument, I swear I was about to keep him bound bleeding ::mutter::
02-18-2004, 08:00 PM
I don't think it's all that odd to ask an empath if they would heal. If you don't heal as an are different, right?
Why the attitude? I don't understand.
02-18-2004, 08:02 PM
It's not so much being asked, it's them getting offended/pushy when I say no. They think because I am an empath I HAVE to heal. And they won't just let it go and move on, they'll push and push until I end up having to kill them. :(
02-18-2004, 08:03 PM
Just turn off your title and whisper to them you're actually a savant.
02-18-2004, 08:13 PM
>profile tayre
Name: Tayre
Race: Sylvankind Gender: Male
Quote: "..."
I never wear any title. They know from either my reputation, they see me healing myself, or all my scars.
02-18-2004, 09:43 PM
I have an empath who refuses to heal (coincidentally, he uses a claid to hunt). Not only that, but he calls people who ask for healing weak, and goes off on how "true empathy", to him, is not healing anyone, so as to make them stronger, and more self-efficient. If you ask, though, he's always willing to teach you the herbs used to heal the wounds - as long as you remember, and don't ask again. Bad memories are also weak.
Then when people ask him why he heals himself, he spouts off how he's only relying on himself, not anyone else. Heh.
02-18-2004, 09:50 PM
I saw Tayre ambush healing Vif the other day. Exp whore.
02-18-2004, 09:50 PM
You healed my rogue and you don't know him. Two faced empath!! And it was in TSC no less!
02-18-2004, 10:42 PM
Snapp you lying whore.
And If I'm in TSC for whatever reason and someone whispers for healing, I'll either ignore them completely, tell them no, or heal them then get out of TSC depending on my mood.
Tayre doesn't not heal because he can't, he doesn't do it because he doesn't like to because people expect it from him if he does.
I don't heal others often only because I HATE HEALING DOWN SCARS. It takes forever and uses mana I could use to spell myself up for hunting. I will heal friends in resting areas between hunts however. Yeah, I am wishy washy.
02-19-2004, 05:58 AM
That's all well and good Tayre, but don't be surprised when they leave your ass to decay, just because you wouldn't heal his hand.
And no I'm not going to come rescue you next time you yell out on Psinet that you're dead in Bonespear and your runestaff got disarmed, and I hope others don't either :rolleyes:
Just don't burn your bridges too fast, because you won't survive by yourself.
02-19-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
And no I'm not going to blah blah blah
Yes you are.
02-19-2004, 10:03 AM
House Sovyn aside, I heal when I want to. Usually I don't heal unless I'm in the mood or if I'm the only empath around. I have refused healing before, but usually only to people that are rude or friends (as a joke). I was a warpath for a while, but for the last few years I've just slacked off and done nothing except heal occasionally. Looking to start hunting again once I get rid of these useless pickpocket ranks.
TheE, does your empath use the help of a cleric when/if he's raised?
02-19-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
That's all well and good Tayre, but don't be surprised when they leave your ass to decay, just because you wouldn't heal his hand.Anyone who does that doesn't deserve to be healed.
02-19-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Ambrosia
There was a thread about this same situation somewhere else, two empaths fighting because one said empaths are supposed to heal and the other said it was a choice. I'll look later to see if I can find it.
Some fuckwad tells me I got to raise him because I'm a cleric and we're supposed to raise people, I'll tell him to rip off his own pud and swallow it because he's a dickhead, and he has to have his dick in his mouth for that.
tell em to fuck off if they get all pushy about not healing em.... thats why i love the verb "depart confirm". solves alot of problems.
02-19-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Originally posted by Nakiro
That's all well and good Tayre, but don't be surprised when they leave your ass to decay, just because you wouldn't heal his hand.Anyone who does that doesn't deserve to be healed.
Its a ping pong mentality. If you're not willing to help someone, they're less willing to help you, and etc, etc.
Yes, I wouldn't heal someone who passed up my corpse if we commonly hunted in the same area.
No, I wouldn't drag a dead empath around if they refused to help me the slightest either.
02-19-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
Its a ping pong mentality. If you're not willing to help someone, they're less willing to help you, and etc, etc.
Yes, I wouldn't heal someone who passed up my corpse if we commonly hunted in the same area.
No, I wouldn't drag a dead empath around if they refused to help me the slightest either.
He wasn't dead. If he had been dead, I would have helped him. Fog/drag him in, whatever.
Whether or not I heal him would still be up for debate.
[Edited because i suck at life]
[Edited on 2-19-2004 by Tayre]
02-19-2004, 12:49 PM
Way to blow the quote, Tayre. Kill yourself. I play hockey.
And yeah, the whole "You step on my toe I punch you in the face" thing, I get it. However, in my experience only jerks think like that (all the time). Besides which, one should have herbs with them if they want to continously hunt. One cannot expect that a) an empath will be in your hunting grounds and b) that he, she, or it will heal you.
edited to put an awesome tag in.
[Edited on 2-19-2004 by Latrinsorm]
02-19-2004, 12:56 PM
you heal me when i asked you too. but thats before you left and came back...
Miss X
02-19-2004, 01:05 PM
I actually think a lot of empaths are less inclined to heal these days since we got bone shatter and can actually hunt pretty well.
I don't really refuse to heal anyone unless I am about to hunt and they arn't bleeding to death, but I do feel that healing is more of a hassle now because I can hunt.
Its not like there is a shortage of empaths sitting around TSC etc, there will always be pure healers, its not a big effort to walk there and get healed. Also, if you arnt carrying at least a few herbs then you are an idiot, I very rarely ask for an empath to heal my other charecters, I'd much rather use herbs and be self sufficiant.
02-19-2004, 01:10 PM
Why didnt he just ask you to undisease him...whata dip shit...
02-19-2004, 01:17 PM
Tayre once healed Falgrin when asked.
Tayre = Falgrin's bitch. :)
Theradose says, "Not as neat a should see Xenosphere...hes awesome."
Get off his dick. Theradose is such a little punk. I saw him following Xenosphere the other day, running his mouth the whole time during some sort of ongoing conflict, while Xenosphere was singing song of noise/peace, and lullabying his enemies for him.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-19-2004, 01:27 PM
Falgrin = Pwned by Idiothm
02-22-2004, 12:32 AM
You know, I think it's like that for EVERY profession. People get so butthurt when you don't do things that you are supposedly SUPPOSED to do as a bard/empath/wizard/cleric,etc.
Just because a person has certain abilities/skills does not mean they are OBLIGATED to help people out.
I respect the fact that when someone means no, they mean no. The only time I ask for a healing is in TSC because, well..that's what they do there. I hate being in TSC with a room full of empaths, and politely asking for healing assitance like 10 FUCKING TIMES and I'm ignored. Only when I announce over the amunet for help do they perk up and start healing :?:
Anyway, back to my point. When I was a wizard and would decline people spells they would get so pissed! It's not my fucking JOB to give you blurs, strength, etc. Just because I have the ability to cast them does not mean I throw them around at the drop of a hat.
People like Theradosewhateverhisnameis, should be slapped.
Originally posted by Kia
Its very rude of people to expect healing just because you're an empath, but being that Celeri is one of those uber nice empaths, I field heal other people -all- the time. I'm often thinking, "Get yourself some damn herbs lazy ass!"
I never ask for healing in the field. I carry bleeder herbs. I would hate to think if I had to resort to asking an empath for help, they would think I was lazy or some such. Not everyone marches to the same beat...
Celeri is just a mean bitch.
I shall now run for my life.
02-23-2004, 12:11 PM
Been in Illistim too long, and the few empaths that are there are frigging out to lunch most of the time. I just carry all the herbs I need and I don't worry about it. Costs a little silver, no biggie.
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