View Full Version : Wow accounts for sale: 80DK and 4 other 70+

04-20-2009, 02:56 PM
Hey all,

Odds are I will not be playing wow again so I'm putting my characters up for sale. The accounts are inactive for now, but I'll reactivate if there's interest. All are on the horde side. There is probably around 1-2k gold on the Spirestone characters, and a few hundred on the others.

Spirestone (Transfer available for all characters)

80DK - Full blue PVP. Titansteel 2hander. WG PVP epics & Trinkets. Handful of other Heroic epics. Northrend Flying w/ DK flying mount and Red Drake and PVP Bear mount. Skinning & Mining both close to cap, if not capped.

70+ Hunter (72 I believe) - Mostly S1 PVP gear, with some S2. Also has full MC, BWL , and AQ40 sets (useless at this point, really). PVP kodo mount. Champion title. non-epic flyer from BC. Mining and Engineering. Ton of old school wow stuff in the bank.

I forget the server(PVE I believe):
70+ (72?) Paladin. Epic riding. Herbalism. Mostly BC gear with mix of intro quest gear from WOTLK.

Stormscale (pvp):
70+ Warrior (72 ?) - S1 2hander. All s1-3 PVP Gear. Epic riding w/ mount. Mining + JC. Currently specced Fury for lvling.

On the second account:
70+ Shaman - Has full T1 and some T2 like the hunter. Currently enhancement spec with mostly BC greens. AV mount. 350+ Herbalism and Alchemy (elixir).

I'm taking cash/GS silver offers.

04-24-2009, 03:36 PM
Eh, one bump before I sell this to IGE.

Epic gold farmers coming to a server near you!

04-24-2009, 07:09 PM
whats IGE pay for something like this?

also how does a place like ige stay up and running with blizzard supposedly banning everyone who does sales, and whatnot? wouldnt blizz have had them in a big lawsuit a long time ago and shut down?

04-24-2009, 07:56 PM
For that IGE would probably pay under $100.

04-24-2009, 07:58 PM
Actually I couldn't see an account selling link on IGE, I saw the accounts.com link which is supposed to buy accounts, but they say they are overstock and not buying atm, but their stock seems in very short supply.

04-24-2009, 08:31 PM
Oh well, I'll probably check a few other sites. If not, I'll just let them sit. I should have sold it when I had the AQ40 gear on the hunter pre-naxx =/

04-24-2009, 11:45 PM
Markeedragon is a place that I think has the highest amount of sales besides maybe playerauctions.com its at http://www.markeedragon.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/forums/73/1/WoW_USA_Accounts_Auctions_Buy_

04-24-2009, 11:58 PM
Careful with Markeedragon a lot of scammers there, make sure you use a well known middle man.