View Full Version : Fucking 714

04-17-2009, 05:33 AM
You remove a stained thanot rune brush from in your spidersilk backpack.
>get ink
You remove a glaes vial of rune ink from in your spidersilk backpack.
>dip brush in ink
You dip your brush in a glaes vial of rune ink, covering its tip in white ink.
>put ink in cloak
You put a glaes vial of rune ink in your dark leather cloak.
>get rune
You remove a polished obsidian runestone from in your spidersilk backpack.
>draw quiss on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw quiss'fynn on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw quiss'fyn on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>rune common

Common Runes:

- ag'loenar - beiron'fyn - erikar'fyn
- grik'tyr - ikar'fyn - lorae'tyr
- odeir'cos - quiss'fyn - shien'tyr
- vakra - wy'zio

>draw quissfyn on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw quiss'fyn on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw ericar'fyn on my rune with my brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw ericar'fyn on runes
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw ericar'fyn on runes with ym brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
>draw ericar'fyn on runes with brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
You swap a stained thanot rune brush to your left hand and a polished obsidian runestone to your right hand.
>draw ericar'fyn on runes with brush
Which rune did you want to draw?
You glance down to see a polished obsidian runestone in your right hand and a stained thanot rune brush in your left hand.


04-17-2009, 06:54 AM

04-17-2009, 07:45 AM
lol that's what happens if you follow shit sorc guides to syntax by Syberus instead of play.net.

04-21-2009, 07:49 PM
>draw ericar'fyn on runes with brush

Should of been Erikar'fyn not Ericar'fyn. Syntax and spelling in this case.

>Draw Ericar'Fyn rune on runestone with brush

04-21-2009, 07:54 PM
After the amount of shit it took to load up a scroll with 5 spells on it, when I just wanted one of the spells, I just 705'd the idea of doing it again.

I just can't be fucked with it along with alchemy and animation crystals.
Thanks though. :)

04-21-2009, 08:10 PM
IMO with 714 you get the biggest bang for your buck with the components. Some of us can cast just about every spell in the game, many for an almost unlimited amount of times

04-21-2009, 08:33 PM
Yeah it's great, I get it.
Still too tiresome to involve what time I get to play, with it.
They can nerf our spells all day, whatever. It comes nowhere near to pissing me off as much as components and long finicky processes. I've probably got some form of ADD heh.
Maybe one day.

04-22-2009, 08:54 AM
I'm just as fed up as you, believe me.

But 714 is actually worth it, I have to agree.

Try approaching it this way: take the time to do a bunch of scrolls at once. Have extra stones, potions, ink and cups and if possible a mana battery or two. Clench your teeth and just do it. Finesse them so the spell you want has minimally 10 charges, preferably 20. Then use every spell in the freaking game (well, almost)! Carry an odeir'cos around with you, so you can check frequently used ones for charge levels, and an ag'loenar so you can just bam, charge em up. When they run out and lock, tube em. They're useless and valueless.

Yea, it's a colossal PITA and I totally and completely understand why you might not want to be bothered. But I really like having the option to cast sanctuary, or uncurse someone (or not, depending on my mood), etc.

04-22-2009, 09:15 AM
You know what, I'm gonna try again.
But I'm dropping everything else to do it. I'm not making crystals, completing guild work or messing with alchemy. I kinda guessed I'd have to pick one PITA and weigh it up against the others to see which one.

Any more than that and the game is not fun, it's just head bleeding.

04-22-2009, 09:37 AM
You know what, I'm gonna try again.
But I'm dropping everything else to do it. I'm not making crystals, completing guild work or messing with alchemy. I kinda guessed I'd have to pick one PITA and weigh it up against the others to see which one.

Any more than that and the game is not fun, it's just head bleeding.

Oh yea. One mind-numbing, stupid ass component heavy brain leaking out your nose time sink at a time, sir. One at a time.

Additional advice: keep all but the odeir'cos and ag'leonar in a specific container in your locker. No need to juggle that shit around all the time. Once you get your core collection charged up and ready to go, you won't need that bag o' brain leak except when you find a new scroll. And even then, I let them stack up till I have a few to do.

Also: you know about rummage, right?

rumm satch runestone od'eircos
rumm satch spell 611
rumm cloak ingredient smooth stone (works with jars, too)

04-22-2009, 10:01 AM
Thanks for that advice it's helping.
Also no I didn't know rummage specifics.
I might bother you for more advice as I need it. Thanks again.

04-22-2009, 10:05 AM
Fire away as needed, no prob.

04-22-2009, 10:13 AM
the aish'vrak potion recipe is only 7 ranks of alchemy to to able to make, if you get into scroll infusion, 7 ranks is easy peasy and worth the savings. however, I highly recommend having access to a forager, foraging + ayana leaf + sorcerer = hair pulling frustration. my level 42 empath pulls them up with a 50-60s roll now

04-22-2009, 11:48 AM
I consider 714 a fantastic trick of a spell. Given the limited cost of components & the near limitless boon you can choke out of it. Srsly, at 40 with 714 and a small collection of well selected scrolls I was able to push my char's DS up to the 500-600 range consistently. I will grant however that attempting to maintain that level of output from scrolls is both time consuming and taxing on ones patience/nerves/silver. But there is something about being able to walk a middled char through a near-capped invasion and poke at the various critters with impunity that is, well, amusing.

In short, given correct usage of the spell. One can easily garner an extra 50 to 100 pts to ones DS, as well as have a host of other "fun" spells on stand by. A neat trick indeed. Though I'll continue to view the spell as a trick none the less.

I will ever and always view 714 as one of those things that would of been better implemented as a guild skill for the various pure classes. MnE, MjE, Wiz spells infused by wizards, MnS, MjS, Empath spells infused by Empaths, etc. And a good guild skill to have at that.