View Full Version : Anyone want a Cat in the Phoenix area?

04-16-2009, 12:51 AM
Well to make a long story short, A dead-beat roomie that was kicked out of the house I'm at left without taking their cat with them. his name is Tingo(the cat not the roomie), he's a 2-3yr old black cat and really nice. And since I already have my own demonic fur covered bundle of joy as do my other roomies, we need to find a home for him.

So anyone in the area want him? If not we'll have to take him to a shelter and we would rather not do that to him(he really is nice, if not retardedly timid). If interested I can send some pics, if not, anyone know a good shelter we can take him to that won't put him down and sell his carcase for pharmacon research?

04-16-2009, 01:10 AM
Well to make a long story short, A dead-beat roomie that was kicked out of the house I'm at left without taking their cat with them. his name is Tingo(the cat not the roomie), he's a 2-3yr old black cat and really nice. And since I already have my own demonic fur covered bundle of joy as do my other roomies, we need to find a home for him.

So anyone in the area want him? If not we'll have to take him to a shelter and we would rather not do that to him(he really is nice, if not retardedly timid). If interested I can send some pics, if not, anyone know a good shelter we can take him to that won't put him down and sell his carcase for pharmacon research?

Put him up on Petfinder.com then? You can search out shelters/fosters in your area through them too.

The Ponzzz
04-16-2009, 01:15 AM
Does the cat not get along with the others? I mean, I understand not wanting another cat, but if everyone else has a cat, why not just leave it as the resident house cat?

04-16-2009, 01:19 AM
I have a 20 lbs mane coon, one roomie has a cat & a boxer-rot mix, and the other has a cat and a chihuahua. He does get along with all the others(mostly runs and hides under a couch though). But as for another animal around, what have more then enough.

Defenantly going to look into that petfinder bit in the morning though.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-16-2009, 05:38 AM
Well to make a long story short, A dead-beat roomie that was kicked out of the house I'm at left without taking their cat with them. his name is Tingo(the cat not the roomie), he's a 2-3yr old black cat and really nice. And since I already have my own demonic fur covered bundle of joy as do my other roomies, we need to find a home for him.

So anyone in the area want him? If not we'll have to take him to a shelter and we would rather not do that to him(he really is nice, if not retardedly timid). If interested I can send some pics, if not, anyone know a good shelter we can take him to that won't put him down and sell his carcase for pharmacon research?

If you have to take him to a shelter, please take him to a no-kill shelter.. or else chances are, as an adult, they'll euthanize him almost immediately :(

I'd also like to beat your ex roomie around the face with a bag of oranges until he bleeds.

Killer Kitten
04-16-2009, 11:57 AM
If you have Craigslist in your area, post him there. Also be sure to include a good picture in your post, and tell his story. Charge a small re-homing fee to weed out people looking to re-sell to a laboratory or hunting pit bull bait. We do a lot of adoptions through Craigslist. If you have a Freecycle group in your area post him there as well.

If you take him to a shelter he will be put down. True no-kill shelters will charge you a surrender fee, usually $100 to $200. Since they may be stuck with the cat for months or even years this fee is worth paying and they will probably lose money on the deal.

If you can bear the presence of one more cat, I would try to hold on to him until late fall or winter. Right now we are entering kitten season and very few shelters have a spare cage or any space for an adult. That will change when kitten season is over. In the meantime, is a little extra kibble in the bowl and a few more turds in the litter box that big a deal?

I'll make him a space at my shelter if you feel like traveling to Ohio.

04-16-2009, 12:12 PM
I love kittens. I'll be going to KK's site just to spot kitten pics.

unfortunately, I'm giving my newly spayed kitten to my brother while I am working out of state. :(


04-16-2009, 12:20 PM
I might know someone in the region who could take the cat in for awhile.

She has two dogs (Carolina & a Golden Retriever) as well as 2 cats.. she's used to fostering animals as well..

PM me with contact info and I'll pass it along to her.

04-16-2009, 02:50 PM
I have a cousin in Scottsdale wants the cat but can't pick it up for a few weeks.

04-16-2009, 03:32 PM
I'd also like to beat your ex roomie around the face with a bag of oranges until he bleeds.

They where a she. And yeah, the feeling is mutual. especially since I'm sure she use to miss treat the poor guy. I'm not kidding when I say he is so timid a gerbil could probably bully him around. But once he calms down he'll be all rubbing up on you and trying to sit in your lap(though I've yet to hear him pur). I'll try to post some pics of him today.

I can't promise to hold out Methais, like I said I'm moving to Pelahatchie MS, from Phoenix at the end of May and he needs to find a home by the time I leave. But if no one takes him when they can get around to picking him up, he's all theirs.

Oh, he's an indoor cat for the most part & doesn't have any issues with using the box with all the other cats & I'm not all that sure on how he is for shots and what not.

In the meantime, is a little extra kibble in the bowl and a few more turds in the litter box that big a deal?

Normally no, and I wouldn't have a problem with keeping him. But since I was laid off three months ago and am barely making ends meet until I ship out w/ the Coast Guard, I really don't have the means to hold on to him any longer then the end of may. Taking care of my cat "Kitty the Hut" is hard enough(but I don't mind since he is my cat and my responsibility & I <3 the fury bastard). Tingo however isn't mine so he's going to have to go some where that can and won't mind taking care of him.

Sean of the Thread
04-16-2009, 03:37 PM
I'm sure there is a quick buck to be made at a local Phoenix chinese take out place?

Or trade it to a bum for a quart of beer.

04-16-2009, 03:55 PM
I drink Jonny Walker, not beer. :puke:

Edit: Unless its an import, I can't stand domestics. Exception being Sammy, Moose Drool, and Arrogant/Bitter Bastard Beer.

04-16-2009, 04:20 PM
I can't promise to hold out Methais, like I said I'm moving to Pelahatchie MS, from Phoenix at the end of May and he needs to find a home by the time I leave.

That's fine, it will be before then unless something unexpected happens.

04-16-2009, 07:57 PM
And here is Tingo.


Edit: He was spooked by the flash, so when I find him again I'll get a few more.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-16-2009, 08:47 PM
Please keep us updated on his situation as the time for you to leave draws near!

04-16-2009, 09:55 PM
I know this is going to sound silly but I give you massive kudos for taking the time to try and find a home for this guy. Massive kudos. Most people would be like, "fuck it" and toss him out the door.

I live in the Phoenix area and I'll make a note to people I know about a kitty to a good home. My husband hates cats or else I'd take him. :(

But yeah, keep us updated and I totally dig the idea of beating your old roommate in the face with a bag of oranges.

04-17-2009, 12:01 AM
Aw, he's adorable. And yeah, I agree with Shari. While I couldn't imagine just tossing the cat out to be eaten or run over, lots of people wouldn't think twice about it. It's a great thing you're doing.