View Full Version : TWC
Jace Solo
03-31-2009, 10:56 PM
Viable? Worth it?
I've been playing around with the idea of a TWC Falchion/shortsword swinger.
What does it take to swing in 5 seconds?
Could it happen as a giant?
Would it need to be an elf?
How bad would it hurt my other training?
What advice do you guys have?
04-01-2009, 12:42 AM
I know Sabreon does TWC, but he is a Dark Elf with insane amount of experience. Not very helpful, eh?
04-01-2009, 01:12 AM
2x Edged + 1x TWC costs the same as 2x THWs, so if you kept the TWC down to 1x it would be much like a THW build I suppose.
Not sure if being 1x in TWC would hurt your defense though (as opposed to more than 1x).
The Ponzzz
04-01-2009, 01:13 AM
Just remember, the base build of a paladin is strongly encouraging a shield build.
I had a giant ranger TWC who was very playable. Your spell ranks may suffer a little. Consider what you hunt.
04-01-2009, 01:47 AM
TWC is also cheaper for Rangers :(.
04-01-2009, 11:00 PM
I'm going to try twc out this week. I will let you know how it goes!
04-01-2009, 11:23 PM
I had a TWC cleric for a while. He was pretty painful to play, so I jumped at the chance to convert him to a TWC paladin when the profession came out.
That was a little less painful, but not enough so to move him off the backburner.
Mind, if I hadn't insisted on using two scimitars for RP reasons, it probably would have sucked a whole lot less.
Jace Solo
04-02-2009, 09:58 AM
I've got one i've played to 5 so far...I have his MH waiting for him and was going to get a forged off hand eonake shortsword...and he's actually just a practice to see if I wanna make my main paladin swap from snb to the moment I'm leaning with probably not...
04-02-2009, 11:09 PM
"Training in TWC 1.5 times per level reduces the level of the guaranteed strike to like-level with the swinger, and training only once per level reduces the chances to 80% when swinging at a target that is the same level as the swinger. "
I'm not finding much success with TWC since I can't free up enough TPs to even 1.5x. You might to try something else out.
04-03-2009, 04:50 AM
TWC is interesting. I may do it.
04-03-2009, 10:41 AM
I do like twc more than ohb/shield, but it is basically the same as THW. THW just happens to be cheaper though. I'm getting use to melee combat and everything dies in 12 seconds or less now.
>ambush shrick
You swing an elegant eonake morning-star at a shrickhen!
AS: +425 vs DS: +274 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +13 = +193
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Left kneecap smashed into pulp.
The shrickhen is knocked to the ground!
The shrickhen is stunned!
You swing a walnut-hafted eonake crowbill at a shrickhen!
AS: +401 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +8 = +226
... and hit for 41 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
** Your eonake crowbill pulses with a burst of plasma energy! **
... 15 points of damage!
The shrickhen's hand blisters and bleeds from intense heat.
** Your eonake crowbill pulses with a burst of plasma energy! **
... 10 points of damage!
Plasma lashes the shrickhen's shield arm blistering flesh.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You feel recovered from your whirlwind flurry of strikes.
>mstrike shrick
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing an elegant eonake morning-star at a shrickhen!
AS: +425 vs DS: +181 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +71 = +344
... and hit for 135 points of damage!
Body pulped to a gooey mass.
Watch where you step!
You swing a walnut-hafted eonake crowbill at a shrickhen!
AS: +401 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +14 = +267
... and hit for 52 points of damage!
Internal organs bruised.
You swing an elegant eonake morning-star at a shrickhen!
AS: +425 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +88 = +370
... and hit for 106 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the shrickhen's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
A shrickhen's arms, legs and head separate from her torso as the dissimilar parts collapse in a heap.
A shrickhen glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a shrickhen.
The bright luminescence fades from around a shrickhen.
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Jace Solo
04-14-2009, 12:49 PM
Six seconds? Is that with two blunts as well? Not bad. How far along are you? Blunts cost even more doesn't it? Also, can you post your training plan?
I'd be looking at converting a 30ish pally over.
His other training path would take him to thw and snb sowhere around his late 50s.
But if twc and a shield would be fun too. Does twc end up hitting just as hard as thw?
I feel like I've always been told unless you can 2x oh and 2x twc, thw is far superior.
Thoughts from others?
04-14-2009, 03:58 PM
If you want to do TWC, wait until post 70.
You're always going to suck due to lack of TPs in either combat (not 2x) or defense (not enough spells).
04-16-2009, 12:41 AM
Six seconds? Is that with two blunts as well? Not bad. How far along are you? Blunts cost even more doesn't it? Also, can you post your training plan?
I'd be looking at converting a 30ish pally over.
His other training path would take him to thw and snb sowhere around his late 50s.
But if twc and a shield would be fun too. Does twc end up hitting just as hard as thw?
I feel like I've always been told unless you can 2x oh and 2x twc, thw is far superior.
Thoughts from others?
Two blunts and blunts costs the same as edge. You are right that THW is better unless you have the TPs to do 2x oh and 2x twc if you plan on uphunting. Even at 77 I still don't have the TPs free to do that. I just switched back to THW because of the TP issue.
Jace Solo
04-16-2009, 09:15 AM
Ya, I'm guessing for a Paladin to get any real use he would have to be in the 80's range, have some baller OHE/B and a pocket wizard. Otherwise it looks like a real pain in the ass. I like that I can up hunt by about 10-20 trains without issue...minus Ranger Thorns. They always seem to get me.
04-16-2009, 09:36 AM
Vivaldi (at level 76), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 250 150
Combat Maneuvers...................| 200 100
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 256 156
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10
Physical Fitness...................| 241 141
Dodging............................| 175 75
Arcane Symbols.....................| 105 25
Magic Item Use.....................| 114 28
Harness Power......................| 160 60
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 93 21
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 114 28
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 45 9
Perception.........................| 105 25
Climbing...........................| 128 34
Swimming...........................| 117 29
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 21
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 40
If I were to use a fixskills and do TWC/Blunt/Shield
Physical 18
Mental Training Points Mental 0
150 Train skill 6 / 0 234 Armor Use
78 Train skill 6 / 0 156 Shield Use
156 Train skill 156 Blunt Weapons
156 Train skill 156 Two Weapon Combat
118 Train skill 10 / 8 156 Combat Maneuvers
118 Train skill 6 / 0 156 Physical Training
60 Train skill 0 / 5 156 Harness Power
24 Train skill 0 / 6 78 Mana Control: Spiritual
20 Get this spell 0 / 27 156 Lesser Shroud
35 Get this spell 0 / 27 156 Divine Intervention
21 Train skill 0 / 7 156 Blessings
28 Train skill 0 / 7 156 Religion
9 Train skill 0 / 7 156 Spirit Summoning
34 Train skill 3 / 0 156 Climbing
29 Train skill 2 / 0 156 Swimming
05-08-2009, 03:28 PM
I use twc and brawl and was thinking of switch from fist-scythes to a pair of sai, or 1 fist-scythe one sai.
You get a defense bonus if the sai if in the off hand right? Or is that only for special "defender" weapons?
Was thinking of switching to katars think it would be possible to train 1.5x in edge&brawling and TWC? I don't really care if my spells suffer or lores for that matter.
Also my Paladin wears Hauberk and I was thinking of dropping to brig would that be viable?
Also I haven't played for about two years, but I'm thinking of coming back anyone have any good fist-scythe, sais, or katars they wanna sell/trade?
Coach Handbags (
05-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Be advised that sais hit like wet noodles on anything over leather armor, so it will likely limit your hunting options if you focus on them only.
I only use sais as an mstriking warrior and I have to pick my targets very carefully because of that (or just fu :))
05-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Be advised that sais hit like wet noodles on anything over leather armor, so it will likely limit your hunting options if you focus on them only.
I only use sais as an mstriking warrior and I have to pick my targets very carefully because of that (or just fu :))
Actually sais are pretty badass when they are aimed at the eye, but that works a lot better from hiding.
05-27-2009, 12:55 PM
I said I would not go back to TWC, but post CCF, I just could not resist. I finally had the points together post cap to pull it off and not suffer anywhere else. Having fun with the change.
05-27-2009, 12:56 PM
I said I would not go back to TWC, but post CCF, I just could not resist. I finally had the points together post cap to pull it off and not suffer anywhere else. Having fun with the change.
What kind of weapons are you rocking for it?
I wouldn't mind seeing the build you put together for it either.
05-27-2009, 02:06 PM
Primary weapon is a bonded 7x perfect vultite morning star, decently crit weighted, max-lightened, fully unlocked TWC scripts, and altered.
Secondary weapons vary: 7x plasma sancted crowbill, 4x perfect star, 4x hcw warmace, 1x vhcw star.
The build has some holes, but they will be filled ASAP and are not utterly critical and do not affect his overall combat effectiveness. The pain came in giving up 21 paladin spell ranks.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You swing a four-tined morning star at a giantman mugger!
AS: +622 vs DS: +274 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +49 = +437
... and hit for 120 points of damage!
Deft strike to abdomen penetrates several useful organs!
The giantman mugger rolls over and dies.
You swing a four-tined morning star at a human mugger!
AS: +622 vs DS: +372 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +27 = +317
... and hit for 73 points of damage!
Loud *crack* as the human mugger's sternum breaks!
The human mugger is stunned!
You swing a well-balanced enruned crowbill at a human mugger!
AS: +557 vs DS: +342 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +7 = +242
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the back.
** Your enruned crowbill pulses with a burst of plasma energy! **
... 15 points of damage!
Blistering bolt of energy causes the human mugger's eyelid to burn to a crisp!
You swing a four-tined morning star at a giantman mugger!
AS: +622 vs DS: +349 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +82 = +388
... and hit for 148 points of damage!
Left hip pulped, severing the leg.
The giantman mugger is knocked to the ground!
You swing a well-balanced enruned crowbill at a giantman mugger!
AS: +557 vs DS: +289 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +90 = +376
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Neck broken.
The giantman mugger twitches several times before dying.
The giantman mugger rolls over and dies.
A faint silvery glow fades from around a giantman mugger.
Your flurry of strikes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Valicar (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 250 150
Armor Use..........................| 310 210
Shield Use.........................| 217 117
Combat Maneuvers...................| 302 202
Edged Weapons......................| 10 2
Blunt Weapons......................| 302 202
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 180 80
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Dodging............................| 201 101
Harness Power......................| 200 100
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 45 9
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 114 28
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15
Climbing...........................| 128 34
Swimming...........................| 150 50
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 40
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 40
05-27-2009, 02:26 PM
I would've rocked out some 2x dodge for TWC personally.
05-27-2009, 02:27 PM
Yeah, whats with the shield? Just in case?
05-28-2009, 01:53 AM
The shield training? Good cheap redux skill and my character still primarily focuses on invasion effectiveness and static DS is a lifesaver in a swarm of 50. I will be getting it back to 2x along with a return to 1x spells.
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