View Full Version : Whats your name???

02-17-2004, 12:35 PM
I know this was discussed on another thread but I cant find it and anyhow the other thread just had this "brought up" on it, so now it has its own.

Not knowing someones name. People were saying it bugs them when someone addresses them and automaticaly "knows" their name....

Now mind you this is a fairly new thing for me, in all my years ive never really heard anyone complain about this.
But I thought about it and it does seem right.

HOWEVER...... This bugged me.
Some snert was going off on me and got into a argument with me.
I used their name, and no we were introduced.
So, thinking hes got the upperhand on me he pulls the "Oh and I never told you my name BS line" on me to try to win the argument by underhanded methods.
However of cource I nailed him cause he had been talking to his friend before me and his friend used his name.
Yes thats right, dont pull a low blow string card like that unless your damn sure of yourself. LOL

Anyhow, come on, arent people taking this a "little" far to complain to people in game about the name thing? Dont we have enough other IC OOC problems to worry about without trying to bug me about knowing your name?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-17-2004, 12:38 PM
Simple solution. Their reputation (good or bad) precedes them.

02-17-2004, 12:42 PM
I try to remember to introduce myself and ask their name but if we forget it doesn't bug me and I don't get pissy. I just add rp, didn't we run into eachother once? Or, I've heard of you.

02-17-2004, 12:43 PM
My empath knows everyone's name when she's getting their attention. Too much crap to say "you there! Bleeding one! Shall I heal you?"
Same with clerics, IMO. "Would you like life, body 3 of 5?"

If it's just a social situation I will RP it out.

Miss X
02-17-2004, 12:47 PM
Thats something that makes me laugh out loud. If I use someones name and they pull that line with me I put them on my 'too petty and pathetic to even bother with' list.
I have to much RL stuff to worry about and deal with, being petty in GS is something I steer well clear of.

I know people say there is no way to RP knowing someones name when you have never met them, but hell GS is not reality and I refuse to get caught up in the elite or is that 1337 ness. hehe.

02-17-2004, 12:48 PM
My name is Bobmuhthol, Pierat.


02-17-2004, 01:05 PM
There's no real way to get around it. I make it a point to ask people their names, but there are situations it's not really appropriate -- like when someone attacks you or what have you.

02-17-2004, 01:30 PM
I will criticize someone if they somehow "Know" my character's name before I have told them or have been introduced. This holds especially true if I am new to the town or area.

Use the situation to your advantage...

"I see you know of me already. However, I will insist you address me as Lord Darkbeam or simply m'lord when next we speak."

02-17-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I will criticize someone if they somehow "Know" my character's name before I have told them or have been introduced. This holds especially true if I am new to the town or area.

Use the situation to your advantage...

"I see you know of me already. However, I will insist you address me as Lord Darkbeam or simply m'lord when next we speak."

I would laugh in your face, call you a damned fool, and continue to call you "Muffin"

02-17-2004, 01:40 PM
it doesn't bother me when people use my name when we haven't been introduced. i just take it as my legendary status preceeds me. as far as titles go, i can't stand being called sir, lord, miLord or what have you. i've stunned people for that.

02-17-2004, 01:44 PM
I would laugh in your face, call you a damned fool, and continue to call you "Muffin" >>


I wouldnt lower myself to speaking with a stick wielding freakwizard like your character, Anticore, so no worries. (insert disarming smiley face here)

02-17-2004, 01:52 PM
I think there is a perfectly good explanation.

Everyone in Gemstone is a "somebody", while NPC's and other REAL peons (the everyday people which are not a regular part of Gemstone) are not visible. Hence everyone in game can be associated with someone famous in which his or her name is widely known. Warren Sapp, Michael Jordan, Ben Affleck. Everyone in Gemstone can be attributed to someone of like stature. Thus it's sort of like Hollywood in that everyone is a step above your average Elanthian resident.

[Edited on 2-17-2004 by Soulpieced]

02-17-2004, 02:41 PM
I have never bothered with the pettiness as Miss X put it of name juggling. Does'nt bother me.

02-17-2004, 02:51 PM
I wear a nametag

02-17-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
I wear a nametag

Can't see it in all that inky black blackness you wear ;)

02-17-2004, 03:40 PM
I find "Names" professions and titles OOC. I only find about 10% of Elanthia actively roleplaying however, so it doesn't bother me too badly.

02-17-2004, 03:54 PM
I think one reason it is so hard to roleplay titles is because at level 20 you still dont have all that much power.

Think of it this way, would you have it like other games where once you achieve a certain title the GM's would inforce respect to those players? They are considered a class above everyone else, and are free to kill you for simply looking at them the wrong way.

I tried to roleplay a title for one of my characters, but as was said in the "Whats your name?" thread, people will mock you for it in a second. All thats left is punishing everyong that does not honor your title, and there is always someone bigger than you.

You can say well if you roleplay like a lord people will call you that. To an extent I can see this happening, but there will always be those that will renounce you no matter what you accomplish. A proper Lord or Lady will never suffer slanderous fools.

02-17-2004, 04:00 PM
that is all so true... primarily why I keep my Lord title off except for that rare occasion when I turn it on. alot of respect for titles has been lost.

02-17-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I think there is a perfectly good explanation.

Everyone in Gemstone is a "somebody", while NPC's and other REAL peons (the everyday people which are not a regular part of Gemstone) are not visible. Hence everyone in game can be associated with someone famous in which his or her name is widely known. Warren Sapp, Michael Jordan, Ben Affleck. Everyone in Gemstone can be attributed to someone of like stature. Thus it's sort of like Hollywood in that everyone is a step above your average Elanthian resident.

[Edited on 2-17-2004 by Soulpieced]

I never thought about that. That's interesting though.

02-17-2004, 04:25 PM
Pretending to not know names is just gay. It's not as if roleplaying names makes you a good roleplayer, it just means you're taking one example of where convenience is necessary for the environment of the game, RPing it, and then acting elitist about it. The truth of the matter is, it just makes you a dumbass. If you want to Roleplay, try playing a roleplaying game. Or at least you could RP all the other little things rather than suspending disbelief and accepting convenience. For example, if you want to be realtistic about it all, dont' use scripts for anything at all, don't use warn interact, don't withdraw a mil in coins since there's no way you could possibly carry 1 million pieces of silver on your person, etc.

[Edited on 2-17-2004 by Mistomeer]

02-17-2004, 04:43 PM
I wear the title Lord, I don't consider myself worthy of Great Lord. Great Lord is like Legend, something that I looked on with awe when I first started. I try to keep it that way. If someone calls me by name it doesn't phase me. People know me, people talk so my name should be known alittle bit. If someone treats me with no respect though they can expect none in return.

Also I am not a freakwizard you are just jealous of my War Maginess! <-- that is a word so shut up :cool:

02-17-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
If you want to Roleplay, try playing a roleplaying game.

Some of us kinda thought we already were playing one.

02-17-2004, 04:49 PM
Some of you are wrong.

02-17-2004, 05:09 PM
I think Soulpieced has a great explanation.

02-17-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Pretending to not know names is just gay. It's not as if roleplaying names makes you a good roleplayer, it just means you're taking one example of where convenience is necessary for the environment of the game, RPing it, and then acting elitist about it. The truth of the matter is, it just makes you a dumbass. If you want to Roleplay, try playing a roleplaying game. Or at least you could RP all the other little things rather than suspending disbelief and accepting convenience. For example, if you want to be realtistic about it all, dont' use scripts for anything at all, don't use warn interact, don't withdraw a mil in coins since there's no way you could possibly carry 1 million pieces of silver on your person, etc.

[Edited on 2-17-2004 by Mistomeer]

I usually roleplay introducing myself etc. I enjoy it. Boy am I gay. I thought I WAS in a roleplaying game:P

That aside, I don't get all twitchy when someone says my name though. I usually just assume the characters beauty is world-wide know and get cocky....etc. My dumbass ways makes my day.

[Edited on 2-17-2004 by Sweets]

02-17-2004, 06:41 PM
Mustn't... agree... with Galleazzo... ARGHHH!
Originally posted by Mistomeer
For example, if you want to be realtistic about it all, dont' use scripts for anything at all, don't use warn interact, don't withdraw a mil in coins since there's no way you could possibly carry 1 million pieces of silver on your person, etc. Silvers are pretty small in Elanthia, smaller than our dime, I think the consensus was. Go ask Porcell or Khaladon or someone, they did the math. Anyhoo, I'm quite sure there are people who don't use scripts, and I'm positive that people don't use warn interact (on account of it being stoopit). But please, continue with your baseless tirades.

02-17-2004, 06:44 PM
10 coins = 1 ounce
160 coins = 1 lb
1 million coins = over 6000 lbs

You carry 6000 lbs of silver on you.

There are people who don't use scripts. I think Kerl is one of them. I'd wager the vast majority of people have never used WARN except jokingly (guilty of the second myself, just ask Tijay/Tayvin/Falgrin/Ardwen/anyone else I've ever interacted with).

02-18-2004, 01:41 AM
The name thing doesn't bother me that much. The explanation that said we are all like famous people in a way is really good. If you look at GS in a certain way, we all do know each other. We see Marclar when he walks into Town Center. Wouldnt you rather see him then see:

A man just arrived.
A man just went west.
A man just arrived.

See? much nicer to see kick-ass Marclar walk in. No? Anywho, I think the only thing that REALLY bugs me is whenever someone sees Marclar and pulls the lame South Park joke. It's so old it's not even remotely funny to me anymore. Sad thing is, Marclar has nothing to do with South Park. I rolled him like 3 weeks before that episode ever aired. :grr:

02-18-2004, 07:49 AM
The use of names in roleplay is just one more tool at your disposal. Hardly anyone roleplays the weather, be it the time of day, raining or snowing. The only time you usually hear the topic broached is when people say "Im getting bad weather over here."

You dont need to be a nazi about names, but I certainly wouldnt call anyone that introduces his character and name to others foolish.

Gemstone IV is a roleplaying game. It is advertised as such and policy describes it as one as well. You are expected to be in character at all times, enforced or not. To say things like "go find a roleplaying game if you wish to roleplay" is detrimental to the efforts of those individials who do seek to follow the rules.

02-18-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Mustn't... agree... with Galleazzo... ARGHHH!
Originally posted by Mistomeer
For example, if you want to be realtistic about it all, dont' use scripts for anything at all, don't use warn interact, don't withdraw a mil in coins since there's no way you could possibly carry 1 million pieces of silver on your person, etc. Silvers are pretty small in Elanthia, smaller than our dime, I think the consensus was. Go ask Porcell or Khaladon or someone, they did the math. Anyhoo, I'm quite sure there are people who don't use scripts, and I'm positive that people don't use warn interact (on account of it being stoopit). But please, continue with your baseless tirades.

First, this isn't a thread talking about introducing yourselves, at least from what I read. I think the point the original poster made was those people that run around saying things like, "How do you know my name? I never told you my name." That's quite different from introducing yourself.

Secondly, GS is not a roleplaying game. Roleplaying can be done there, but it's not a roleplaying game. The difference being that in a roleplaying game, all advancement is not based on hunting. GM's have even posted on the official boards that it isn't a roleplaying game, so if you thought you were playing one, you are in fact, wrong.

Those are just a few examples of where players should, and do, accept convenience in order for the game to be enjoyable. The game is fantasy world where it is necessary to suspend disbelief in order to make it enjoyable. If you all want to be such realists about everything, why not come up with a maximum weight that your character can carry and not exceed it? Is it reasonable to think that a character can walk around in a hunting area with 10 20lb boxes on his or her person and still swing a sword? Or cast a spell? Shouldn't the realists out there put a self imposed movement RT on their characters for different encumberence levels? Can you really walk as fast when you're encumbered as you do when you're not? Wouldn't your character get hot in a place like Haven running around in a cloak, backpack, etc and swinging a sword? Do you RP sleeping regularly, eating, fatigue from hunting? There's alot of things necessary to forego in order to make the game actually enjoyable. Knowing people's names is one of those things that's necessary for the gaming environment. If you don't want to suspend disbelief, what are you doing any a fantasy game anyway?

02-18-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
10 coins = 1 ounce
160 coins = 1 lb
1 million coins = over 6000 lbs

You carry 6000 lbs of silver on you.

There are people who don't use scripts. I think Kerl is one of them. I'd wager the vast majority of people have never used WARN except jokingly (guilty of the second myself, just ask Tijay/Tayvin/Falgrin/Ardwen/anyone else I've ever interacted with).

I'm not talking about the weight of the coins, even though 6000lbs is alot of weight. But do you know how much 1 million of anything is? How in the world are you going to put 1 million coins in your pocket? Even if it's the size of a dime, you can't fit 1 million dimes in your pocket. If people are going to pick and choose what they're realistic about, they shouldn't try and hold others to the standards they set for themselves.

02-18-2004, 10:13 AM
Where do you draw the line then, Mistomer? Should we disband all attempts at roleplay? Should it be perfectly fine for people to speak OOC and kill people at random?

Obviously there are rules and guidelines in place to promote roleplaying. In-character events are held by the GMs in the spirit of getting others into their different personas. It may not be a by the book roleplaying game, but to use that excuse to stop you or trying to stop others from doing so is not the answer.

If someone prefers to roleplay you not being able to know his name without first being introduced or having a legitimate explination why, try humoring them. Come up with a reason you know it. Better yet, start introducing your character to others before your name can come up.

Do you roleplay, Mistomer? Do you think criticizing the roleplay of those that do, even in a form you would'nt use, will help anything?

02-18-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
10 coins = 1 ounce
160 coins = 1 lb
1 million coins = over 6000 lbs

A dime weighs a shade over 2 grams. So that'd mean for a silver piece smaller than a dime about 225 = lb.

02-18-2004, 11:48 AM
Edaarin's information is correct.

02-18-2004, 01:09 PM
I really wish the official boards had a search option.

02-18-2004, 01:19 PM
I wish the official boards didn't suck.

02-18-2004, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
My empath knows everyone's name when she's getting their attention. Too much crap to say "you there! Bleeding one! Shall I heal you?"
Same with clerics, IMO. "Would you like life, body 3 of 5?"

Um, all you have to do is address them when you are speaking to the person.... Tap, glance, peer at them, etc. You even have the SAY TO command to make it clear who you are speaking to....

If it's just a social situation I will RP it out.

Healing and raising people are social situations....

02-18-2004, 05:54 PM
Gemstone IV: Roleplaying reinvented. IT SAYS IT RIGHT ON THE DAMN WEB PAGE!

It's not the people who are elite in roleplay (I personally can't stand those so rigid they can't see out their ass in roleplay) that ruin the experience for me....it's those who refuse to admit what type of game they are in.

So in short......Those who get weird about the name thing either way...*shrug* may have lost touch in why they play the game or should play Everquest.:lol:

Oh and the coin thing.....that's why they have notes.

[Edited on 2-18-2004 by Sweets]

02-18-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Sweets
Gemstone IV: Roleplaying reinvented. IT SAYS IT RIGHT ON THE DAMN WEB PAGE!

It's not the people who are elite in roleplay (I personally can't stand those so rigid they can't see out their ass in roleplay) that ruin the experience for me....it's those who refuse to admit what type of game they are in.

So in short......Those who get weird about the name thing either way...*shrug* may have lost touch in why they play the game or should play Everquest.:lol:

Oh and the coin thing.....that's why they have notes.

[Edited on 2-18-2004 by Sweets]

Yeah, roleplaying reinvented as not roleplaying at all. You're more than welcome to search the Official Boards to find the posts from staff members where they say that GS isn't really a roleplaying game.

Generally, roleplaying games have complex storylines, which GS has none. There is no plot in GS; it's not a game driven by a story. It would really fall into the genre of an action/adventure game. You can completely ignore all quests (mostly by not paying to be in them) in the game and still advance. Also in GS, you are dependent on someone hunting in order to advance. There is no real bonus for Roleplaying (other than an RP award which is generally an exp modifier which again requires hunting) and there is no penalty for not roleplaying.

Just because a sales pitch says it to be true doesn't make it true.

02-18-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Where do you draw the line then, Mistomer? Should we disband all attempts at roleplay? Should it be perfectly fine for people to speak OOC and kill people at random?

Obviously there are rules and guidelines in place to promote roleplaying. In-character events are held by the GMs in the spirit of getting others into their different personas. It may not be a by the book roleplaying game, but to use that excuse to stop you or trying to stop others from doing so is not the answer.

If someone prefers to roleplay you not being able to know his name without first being introduced or having a legitimate explination why, try humoring them. Come up with a reason you know it. Better yet, start introducing your character to others before your name can come up.

Do you roleplay, Mistomer? Do you think criticizing the roleplay of those that do, even in a form you would'nt use, will help anything?

It's easy to draw the line. You draw the line at the point the game does. You roleplay those things that the game doesn't hand you in order to make the game playable. I've given tons of examples of where it's necessary for the sake of actually playing to accept a few things here and there. You've taken specific examples and tried to generalize them into your definition of roleplaying. That's exactly the problem I have with the name thing. You want to RP it? Cool with me. Don't hold me to the standard which you set for yourself. Being overly realistic about names but ignoring all the other things added for convenience doesn't make you a good roleplayer.

I don't really "roleplay." That would imply making up a story for my characters and playing it out. I find that dull. I'd rather take the game as it is, without a story, and simply play it. That doesn't mean I run around yelling, "Look at me! I'm l33t liek Jeffk!" I try to stay IC, but I don't sit around, write up stories, put myself as the hero of such stories and roleplay. Roleplaying games have stories, Gemstone doesn't.

02-19-2004, 01:14 PM
Roleplaying games have stories, Gemstone doesn't. >>

I do not agree with this statement, and I would guess the majority of people here would not as well.

Just as in real life, events happen in real time whether you are involved in the occurances or not. Political elections are currently taking place in the US, just because I chose not to become an active participant in them does not mean it wont effect my life in the future.

The recent Krolvin invasion in River's Rest is a good example of a point you brought up. All during the invasions there were people that chose to participate to help aid or fight against the Krol, and there were people that didnt do a damn thing and went on their merry way.
My character at the time told all the Krol officers that if he caught them outside of a sanctuary he would kill them without warning. Some time later, A Krol officer left his ship and was speaking with some of the townsfolk. I was informed of the officer's whereabouts,and staying true to my word I tracked him down and killed him. Because of my attack the officer flooded the area with Krol soldiers, who in turn killed several innocent bystanders. These people had nothing to do with the incident, yet were effected by it in a very real way.

Gemstone IV is very much a roleplaying game. Elanthia is not real world, so some suspension of disbelief is necissary. My definition of an excellent roleplayer is someone who does everything possible to blend the lines between fantasy and reality.

-Edited because I completely botched a part of that story.

[Edited on 2-19-2004 by Fallen]

02-19-2004, 02:28 PM
I agree with Fallen's last couple of lines there... to me, its roleplay and fantasy all wrapped up into one dysfunction yet enjoyable package.

02-19-2004, 02:32 PM
Heh. I am just waiting for Miamara to read the post and figure out that she was one of the innocent bystanders. However, I dont think the word innocent could ever be used to describe M from what little I have seen and heard.

02-19-2004, 03:39 PM
I still think everyone should re-read my theory on Elanthia on page 1 of this thread.

02-19-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I still think everyone should re-read my theory on Elanthia on page 1 of this thread. The only problem with it is level 0 characters are supposed to be fresh off the turnip farm. Your theory works for everyone (approx) lvl 10 and up, but not for turnip farmers who grabbed a heavy backpack and set out for the Landing.

02-19-2004, 03:47 PM
Someone who just hit Hollywood, not everyone is going to know their name, but it takes a LITTLE time to become a somebody. They're still an exceptional person head and shoulders above an "average person" which I explained we do not see in game.

02-19-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Roleplaying games have stories, Gemstone doesn't. >>

I do not agree with this statement, and I would guess the majority of people here would not as well.

Just as in real life, events happen in real time whether you are involved in the occurances or not. Political elections are currently taking place in the US, just because I chose not to become an active participant in them does not mean it wont effect my life in the future.

The recent Krolvin invasion in River's Rest is a good example of a point you brought up. All during the invasions there were people that chose to participate to help aid or fight against the Krol, and there were people that didnt do a damn thing and went on their merry way.
My character at the time told all the Krol officers that if he caught them outside of a sanctuary he would kill them without warning. Some time later, A Krol officer left his ship and was speaking with some of the townsfolk. I was informed of the officer's whereabouts,and staying true to my word I tracked him down and killed him. Because of my attack the officer flooded the area with Krol soldiers, who in turn killed several innocent bystanders. These people had nothing to do with the incident, yet were effected by it in a very real way.

Gemstone IV is very much a roleplaying game. Elanthia is not real world, so some suspension of disbelief is necissary. My definition of an excellent roleplayer is someone who does everything possible to blend the lines between fantasy and reality.

-Edited because I completely botched a part of that story.

[Edited on 2-19-2004 by Fallen]

There's still no central plot to Gemstone. It's not driven by a story. In a roleplaying game, there's a story driving a character's actions. For example, a character must do this and this or else the world will be consumed by evil. In GS there really aren't consequences on the future of your character.

Sure, there's invasions with stories, but other than that, what is there? And if you don't participate in the story what happens to your character? Nothing. Wait it out, it will end soon enough and that's it. And what's the story behind hunting? You must kill the evil trolls or else what? Nothing. You can kill them and get money and exp or not. There's no story to it.

In Gemstone there's no reason to actually roleplay. You don't really get tangible benefits from taking part in those aspects of the game that are story driven; if anything you're penalized for it. So what if you get a RP award for doing well in an invasion? While you spent hours roleplaying it, someone else in the game has spent hours powerhunting and even with your RP award, you'll still never get as much exp as they did while you spent hours talking it over with the leader of the invasion force.

This post got longer than I intended, but in short it comes down to this. There's no penalty for not roleplaying and no set reward for roleplaying. If anything your advancement in the game is hampered by taking part in story-driven events. So how is it a roleplaying game given these simple facts?

02-20-2004, 09:16 AM
So you want the whole game to revolve around one character, or one group of characters? Does the real world have a central story? No. Its just a bunch of crap some people find important and some dont.

It is a roleplaying game. Just because a party of a warrior, a cleric, a fighter and an assclown with a crowbill can't decide the fate of the known universe doesnt mean it isnt.

02-20-2004, 09:37 AM
Yeah. Mistomeer keeps saying "In a roleplaying game," when he really means "in a D&D game." Online games and LARPs work different. It's sorta like saying D&D isn't a RPG because it doesn't use computers.

RP is for the RPers. We don't need GMs to tell us what to do. We can do it without being bribed with EXP. Fuck, this is MORE of a RPG than D&D is, because RPers in Gemstone do it because they want to, not because they have to or there's a payoff.

02-20-2004, 09:54 AM
*Cringes* I..agree....with..... Galleazzo... *sighs* I am going to go pray now.

02-20-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Yeah. Mistomeer keeps saying "In a roleplaying game," when he really means "in a D&D game." Online games and LARPs work different. It's sorta like saying D&D isn't a RPG because it doesn't use computers.

RP is for the RPers. We don't need GMs to tell us what to do. We can do it without being bribed with EXP. Fuck, this is MORE of a RPG than D&D is, because RPers in Gemstone do it because they want to, not because they have to or there's a payoff.

Or don't do it all because there's no reason to. Convincing arguments can be made either way, and it's probably just relative to what you want from the game. And as long as that's the case, I don't see the point of calling GS a RPG since there's no reason to RP. We're going in circles here, we might as well agree to disagree.

02-20-2004, 11:06 AM
Yep. It's obviously a twinky multi-account PvP Haven.

02-20-2004, 11:38 AM
So classic D&D wasn't a roleplaying game because it didn't give EXP for roleplaying?


[Edited on 2-20-2004 by Galleazzo]

02-20-2004, 02:33 PM
I dont believe just because they dont enforce strict roleplay with a regimented reward system Gemstone IV is not a roleplaying game. If you believe it isnt Mistomer, thats fine, but I will never agree to that. Roleplaying in itself is its own reward.