View Full Version : Ever been pwned this bad???

Killer Kitten
03-30-2009, 07:57 PM
Friday morning we got a call at the shelter from a woman whose grandfather had just passed away, leaving his three senior cats. She had seen the article the local paper did on our shelter earlier in the week and thought since we took in a lot of elderly and special needs cats that her grandfather's pets would find a safe place with us.

She laughed when I mentioned that we needed a donation to help cover their care, telling me that she was related to the absolute richest family in our area and that our recommended donation was nothing for them. She also wanted all of their rich friends to donate to our shelter instead of sending flowers.

This particular rich family are famous locally for their generous donations to charities, including animal rescue causes. She told us she'd be in touch next week about the cats and said to watch the paper for the obituary and the mention about donating to our shelter. This was a done deal.

Needless to say, we were very hopeful. One of our fellow poor organizations is housed in an old animal hospital. With this money, we would be able to get the surgery and recovery rooms re-equipped, persuade some local vets to give us a Saturday each by bribing them with pizza, and get a free cat spay/neuter program up and running for this area where so many poor people live.

When I picked up the paper the next morning... crushing disappointment. Instead they thanked the largest (and highest-kill) shelter in the area for taking the cats and told those wishing to donate to send their checks to that shelter, where they will doubtless be used to buy more euthanasia solution and body bags.

When I called the woman back she was like "Oh yes they are taking the cats so we won't need the spaces you are holding for us." Not a word about pumping up and shooting down our hopes.

Is it just rich people who are that rude? I'm certainly waiting for that shelter to call us to come rescuke these elderly cats, like they have us reacue everything else they get.

03-30-2009, 08:25 PM
First of all, thank YOU for taking in animals that other people either neglect or just don't give a fuck about. I know it's not easy, but is probably very rewarding. Taking care of my one cat isn't easy (he has me trained).

I know plenty of "rich" people that are jerks, and just as many who are very giving and caring. So I have not seen the correlation...yet.

Keep up the hard work. Seems like you're doing the best you can. That's all you can do.

03-30-2009, 08:34 PM
Jesus. :/

03-30-2009, 09:02 PM
I'd make a point of calling the bitch back when the other shelter has you rescue the cats from them.

03-30-2009, 09:05 PM
DAMN! Diethx. Your post had b.b.blts, pole dancing, porn, rolling on dubs, and Nachos. Heaven.

I could so without the hairy men, Jesus, and moobs though.

Edit: How could I forget the 72 virgins? Idiot me.

03-30-2009, 09:07 PM
That really sucks. But while you obviously know a lot about the local animal care scene (and therefore recognize the other shelter's failings), she's probably 99% oblivious to it. That other shelter probably employs her hair-dresser's nephew or something asinine like that, and so she changed her mind and went with them, because it's really all the same to her. As the others said, stick with it, you're doing a great thing.

Tea & Strumpets
03-30-2009, 09:10 PM
Cats are pretty evil, though.

03-30-2009, 09:14 PM
Cats are pretty evil, though.

I thought about mentioning the fact that they steal your soul when you look in their eyes, but I figured that would be in bad taste. :-\

Sylvan Dreams
03-30-2009, 10:22 PM
I think it's horrible that she just basically tossed those cats away. Those cats probably brought uncountable hours of comfort to the old man. For all the money she has, you'd think she'd be able to do more for those animals, for her father's memory if nothing else.

It kills me to think that my animals would be in a shelter if I died, so I've tried to make sure that they'd be taken care of.

03-30-2009, 10:37 PM

Sean of the Thread
03-30-2009, 10:54 PM
I know this is not up to date with today's standards but I grew up on a farm and a ranch where feral cats were either shot or had their neck rang then burned in a barrell because they were so out of control.

My great grandfather would ring their necks to save the money on a .22 round if possible.

Now I'm feeding the homeless and taking in too much shit that I can. I dunno how you do it girl but keep on doing what you're doing because in my belief it's a good thing.

Until they put a bounty on feral cats that is. Then it's game on sorry. I'm poor.



03-30-2009, 10:55 PM
Friday morning we got a call at the shelter from a woman whose grandfather had just passed away, leaving his three senior cats. She had seen the article the local paper did on our shelter earlier in the week and thought since we took in a lot of elderly and special needs cats that her grandfather's pets would find a safe place with us.

She laughed when I mentioned that we needed a donation to help cover their care, telling me that she was related to the absolute richest family in our area and that our recommended donation was nothing for them. She also wanted all of their rich friends to donate to our shelter instead of sending flowers.

This particular rich family are famous locally for their generous donations to charities, including animal rescue causes. She told us she'd be in touch next week about the cats and said to watch the paper for the obituary and the mention about donating to our shelter. This was a done deal.

Needless to say, we were very hopeful. One of our fellow poor organizations is housed in an old animal hospital. With this money, we would be able to get the surgery and recovery rooms re-equipped, persuade some local vets to give us a Saturday each by bribing them with pizza, and get a free cat spay/neuter program up and running for this area where so many poor people live.

When I picked up the paper the next morning... crushing disappointment. Instead they thanked the largest (and highest-kill) shelter in the area for taking the cats and told those wishing to donate to send their checks to that shelter, where they will doubtless be used to buy more euthanasia solution and body bags.

When I called the woman back she was like "Oh yes they are taking the cats so we won't need the spaces you are holding for us." Not a word about pumping up and shooting down our hopes.

Is it just rich people who are that rude? I'm certainly waiting for that shelter to call us to come rescuke these elderly cats, like they have us reacue everything else they get.

Show her this thread.

03-30-2009, 10:55 PM
Ouch! I'm sorry to hear that happened, for you and the cats. I'm a firm believer in karma. That's great for you, bad for her.

I love your avatar, it says it all.

Killer Kitten
03-31-2009, 08:38 AM
I must have been pretty tired last night, all the whining and tons of typos, too.

No more whining over lost income. Now what else can I whine about?

Aargh! Just saw the mirror! Let the whining begin.

Stanley Burrell
03-31-2009, 10:53 AM
Is it just rich people who are that rude?

Nah, nah girl. It's just that they all speak with British accents and wear pince-nez spectacles and have shiny golden pocket watches, so you think they're all rude. It's quite the guise, oh yes.

What probably happened is that they just figured their cats were suffering too much -- And after being polite and courteous to your face, it would be really, ummm, scary? To double-back and say "our bad."

That or you got royally PWND by rude rich people. Bastards! It's O.K., because in retrospect, they are eating cats, non-sexually (it's still early for me, sorry) in China: And at least you're doing something to counteract that.

03-31-2009, 11:40 AM
I think I just got pwned that bad by Methias' new Diablo 3 class thread. I had that youtube video maximized, volume cranked up, pants down ready for some action and then BAM, I Got rick rolled.