View Full Version : Assessment and advice welcomed
03-29-2009, 11:34 PM
I been trying out new things but I am wondering if my Attack Strength is lacking and if my training plan is missing out on something. At level 77 with self spells(no zealot), 4x weapon, and surge I have an AS of about 424. Is that low or am I in the ballpark for a small race?
My current skills:
Armor Use..........................| 250 150
Combat Maneuvers...................| 239 139
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 257 157
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 160 60
Physical Fitness...................| 177 77
Dodging............................| 177 77
Arcane Symbols.....................| 105 25
Magic Item Use.....................| 105 25
Harness Power......................| 126 33
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 35 7
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 120 30
Perception.........................| 105 25
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 120 30
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 20
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 35
03-29-2009, 11:52 PM
Drop MoC back to 35 for now, and fully 2x in CM would be a start.
It's because you're a halfing, and halfings sux :C.
I don't think it's all that low though.
Drop MoC back to 35 for now, and fully 2x in CM would be a start.
That would net him like 8 AS. I'd vote to keep the MoC.
Religion and blessing lore will both augment your AS boosting spells. 1617/1611 respectively, if I remember correctly. Other than that, get a higher enchant weapon, strength enhancives, THW enhancives, etc.
Edit: Also, as you bond to your weapon you'll get a STR bonus from it. You can also pick up ranks of wspec if you have the points.
03-30-2009, 12:21 PM
I was thinking more for the manuevers, as his lores/spells/lack of mana shows he's wanting to be physical. However, I'd gladly defer to someone who plays one, all I've done is help folks with builds.
03-30-2009, 12:26 PM
Patron's Blessing helps out a bit with CM training so Paladins can slack off a bit in that regard. It doesn't provide CMAN points though, so you need to ensure you have enough to atleast gain the skills you desire.
What Society and CMANs are you using?
03-30-2009, 10:37 PM
Voln and I've only picked up surge and feint so far.
03-30-2009, 11:23 PM
424 AS is what I have selfspelled at 75. I wouldn't worry too much.
I’m only 35 and can self spell an AS of 297 without Surge, with 100 stg, using Voln and a fully bonded 1625 weapon (+10 stg bonus) as an elf.
But I agree with Stun and Izzy. Since you are THW, you could drop MOC a bit and add CM. For a few points.
03-31-2009, 07:26 PM
What routes have people thought of if you wanted to cast a bit more? I was thinking strictly voln fu and casting. I didn't see a way to make CS high enough to be a real option to explore.
I’m only 35 and can self spell an AS of 297 without Surge, with 100 stg, using Voln and a fully bonded 1625 weapon (+10 stg bonus) as an elf.
But I agree with Stun and Izzy. Since you are THW, you could drop MOC a bit and add CM. For a few points.
This isn't what I said.
What routes have people thought of if you wanted to cast a bit more? I was thinking strictly voln fu and casting. I didn't see a way to make CS high enough to be a real option to explore.
Rofl..if you wanted to be a caster you should've stayed a cleric man.
03-31-2009, 08:04 PM
Rofl..if you wanted to be a caster you should've stayed a cleric man.
03-31-2009, 08:29 PM
At .75 spells our CS is high enough to do exactly what it was meant to do, disable.
03-31-2009, 09:14 PM
At .75 spells our CS is high enough to do exactly what it was meant to do, induce boredom.
Fixed that for you.
03-31-2009, 09:28 PM
Whatever makes you happy.
04-01-2009, 12:38 AM
Its not that I want to cast that much, but I've only ran around in full plate. That alone has made me cringe at even casting 117 in combat much less the disabling line of spells.
I got about 25 more days to try anything. Figured someone would have an unorthodox training plan for a Paladin.
04-01-2009, 01:18 AM
There's a big difference between the paladin circle and minor spirit.
10-27-2011, 02:52 PM
I've been under/same level hunting in Maaghara Tower for the past couple of days and I have obviously grown bored. I ventured into OTF the other day and had about the same results before I quit. In the past, I was recommended to drop CM a tad and pump up my lores. Would you recommend that approach again? I have been considering dropping dodge a few ranks and trying to pick up lores along with harness power. Soon to be level 78, 108 mana obviously isn't cutting it, and I have also do not have enough two weapon combat since I am running at a rather high clip of not finding an opening with my second weapon.
Two Weapon Combat..................| 190 90
Armor Use..........................| 250 150
Combat Maneuvers...................| 243 143
Blunt Weapons......................| 258 158
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 155 55
Physical Fitness...................| 177 77
Dodging............................| 179 79
Arcane Symbols.....................| 105 25
Magic Item Use.....................| 105 25
Harness Power......................| 130 35
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 25 5
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 50 10
Perception.........................| 105 25
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 120 30
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 20
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 35
Strength (STR): 92 (6) ... 96 (8)
Constitution (CON): 85 (27) ... 81 (25)
Dexterity (DEX): 92 (36) ... 92 (36)
Agility (AGI): 92 (31) ... 92 (31)
Discipline (DIS): 94 (17) ... 94 (17)
Aura (AUR): 96 (18) ... 96 (18)
Logic (LOG): 98 (29) ... 98 (29)
Intuition (INT): 88 (29) ... 88 (29)
Wisdom (WIS): 92 (21) ... 96 (23)
Influence (INF): 89 (14) ... 89 (14)
10-27-2011, 04:07 PM
You're running a difficult build for a paladin. That TWC/Blunt setup is very TP intensive and it robs you of the two best Cman knockdowns available for paladins. With no charge or shield charge, your knockdown options are pretty much only ambushing legs or casting 1615. 1615 is a real stretch too, because you lack the free TPs to get the mana and lores needed to pull it off. (CS looks like it would be fine though).
My advice would be to (just for now) drop the TWC and pick up shields. Keeping your CM high, you will gain a solid knockdown Cman that will knock the damn casters (Taints, beings, dhu'goleras) that uses stamina (which 1607 replaces). You could probably shave off 10 or 20 CM ranks without hurting your shield charge, if you end up needing those points too. I would rather not though.
If the TWC is a big part of the character, add it back post cap (which will come up soon). By then you will have the mana to 1615 everything as well.
I am not sure how much of a penalty you will get for being a small race (stats look like hobbit?) but you should still be able to knock them on their butts. It will beat the hell out of bullrush anyway. I cannot imagin you will drop much attack power, you must be using an awful light off hand blunt to work with that low strength bonus.
Hope the suggestions help, feel free to IM me at GS4Menos if I can answer any other questions.
10-27-2011, 04:20 PM
You are correct on the str bonus, I am running as a halfling. Right now, I am basically staying in stance offensive, feint, ambush left leg, and finishing with an ambush head. My ambush time is 6seconds and I believe my mstrike is at 6 or 8. I still fail casts in full plate so 1615 is rather rare for me to cast at this point with my low mana.
I don't have a fixskills for another 206 days and I can't afford a potion.
10-27-2011, 04:26 PM
With no charge or shield charge, your knockdown options are pretty much only ambushing legs or casting 1615.
I used to bullrush all the time. Is that no longer viable?
10-27-2011, 04:29 PM
Can just start the conversion, may take a few months but you can still hunt while it is going. Your off hand AS will just drop a bit until shield is high enough it is worth using. I've slow converted many a skill on Menos.
Outside of training modifications, you could always just couple up with a bard or other helpful class for hunts, or buy a crapload of 410 casting anklets.
10-27-2011, 04:30 PM
I used to bullrush all the time. Is that no longer viable?
Bullrush is awful and has always been awful. It is the Cman equivalent of swinging a scimitar. It may sort of work, but it is never the best choice.
10-27-2011, 04:36 PM
>cman feint gol
[Roll result: 216 (open d100: 124) Penalties: 12]
You feint to the left, the dhu goleras buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>mstrike gol
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing an elegant eonake morning-star at a dhu goleras!
AS: +459 vs DS: +292 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +56 = +256
... and hit for 73 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
The dhu goleras is stunned!
You swing a walnut-hafted eonake crowbill at a dhu goleras!
AS: +422 vs DS: +270 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +56 = +236
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of the dhu goleras's right leg with that one.
You swing an elegant eonake morning-star at a dhu goleras!
AS: +459 vs DS: +268 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +45 = +269
... and hit for 117 points of damage!
Massive blow punches a hole through the dhu goleras's chest!
You swing a walnut-hafted eonake crowbill at a dhu goleras!
AS: +422 vs DS: +263 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +27 = +214
... and hit for 35 points of damage!
Strike pierces forearm!
The dhu goleras opens her mouth wide and lets out a choked, shrill scream and her eyes cloud over to a solid milky white as she collapses and dies.
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
10-27-2011, 06:36 PM
Bullrush is awful and has always been awful.
Maybe I'm old school, but I modeled my paladin after my warriors, and bullrush was a 2-second-faster tackle. If your goal is to put your opponent on the ground, the damage/stun/whatever that comes from other attacks doesn't accomplish the goal any more effectively.
10-27-2011, 07:48 PM
Any other recommendations outside 1hb/shield conversion?
10-27-2011, 09:43 PM
I prefer pole-arms myself and would recommend that route.
-2x poles
-2x PF (upping the redux value a lot for times you do get hit/stamina/stamina regen)
-1.5x+ CM (Since you are a weaker race I'd pump what you could into it-But AS should not be an issue with a heavier hitting lance)
-Then push the spare points into getting 25 ranks Religion (85% chance to force a kneel with 1615/1630)
-1x HP
-Get charge for another disabler
-Then find a set of padded plate (that and 2x redux stuff isn't going to hurt to bad)
-Also if you are still hurting a little on DS, remember you can always run 102 to help add to it. Sure you lose some AS, but AS is never really an issue for Paladins in most places if you set up your target with disablers and the heavy hitting lance/pole-arm.
But again, play how you see your character.
10-27-2011, 10:22 PM
I'm on shattered and run a pole armer, with a lance, currently 84 tearing up the tower and can do OTF as long as I don't get disarmed while AFK. Plan to go to bowels soon.
Basically do a charge, that gets enemy on ground then start swinging. You prime paladins get too many spells so it kills your redux. I don't know where you're going with the TWC stuff but it isn't going to cut it.
This is my build, basic overview is max pole arm, max cman-23(patron's blessing), max PF, 1x+ dodge, summoning(arm of arkati) ---- notice the bare MINIMUM amount of spells. MOC is just incase I'm knocked down and something rushes in, I only fight one enemy at a time.
Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 250 150 150
Combat Maneuvers...................| 249 149 149
Polearm Weapons....................| 272 172 172
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10 10
Physical Fitness...................| 272 172 172
Dodging............................| 189 89 89
Harness Power......................| 142 42 42
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 168 68 68
Perception.........................| 99 23 23
Climbing...........................| 62 13.922 3 11 days, 9 hours, 3 minutes
Swimming...........................| 200 100 100
Trading............................| 10 2.922 0 3 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 1 1
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 29 29
10-27-2011, 10:55 PM
Agreed on the spells. Spells in prime are easy to get, especially MnS ones.
I'd do up to 1635 and call it a day, or maybe 1635 and up to 103 or 107 for self sufficiency and stop there.
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