View Full Version : Crystal Storyline

03-29-2009, 02:33 AM
Tonight, a group of us met up with the Scholar Avelorre and after briefly discussing the events which last took place, we decided to travel out to the crystal. In turns out the inscription found upon the crystal was a series of words that when spoken in the proper manner activate the object. Activation spells invasion by mid-high level undead. The group was able to defeat these creatures easily enough, then gain a piece of the crystal for research purposes. Unfortunately, gaining said piece temporarily broke the wards upon the crystal, once again unleashing a flood of undead in the Wraithenmist.

With the help of the Illistimi Guard and a number of the local citizenry the creatures were routed and several soldiers were left to patrol the path leading into the area. The crystal returned to its dormant state and the scholar eventually left to examine her findings. No time was announced for when next she would seek to further study the crystal in person.

(A synopsis of the events which took place two nights ago)

So, quick synopsis, there was an invasion of undead near Wraithenmist. Creatures spanned from the level of the creatures in the area (Darkens and Spectral lords), all the way to stuff I could get experience from at cap. After some time a crystal appeared in the Ghost Town's center. It was sentient and spoke to those that gathered. Apparently a child's image could be seen within the crystal, though then it exploded.

After that, the crystal mentioned a bit about needing flesh, stole some spirit from us, changed shape several times, then went dormant. All I have for the moment.

03-29-2009, 02:34 AM
Release event, or just storyline?

03-29-2009, 02:40 AM
Right now I'd say it's just a storyline. Since a new town guru just adopted Ta'illistim.

03-29-2009, 02:53 AM
Definitely thinking just a storyline.

03-29-2009, 06:48 PM
All quest whores please report to Ta'Illistim for the Crystal Saga.
Oh wait, they're already here!

Sylvan Dreams
03-29-2009, 06:49 PM
All quest whores please report to Ta'Illistim for the Crystal Saga.
Oh wait, they're already here!

Of the people that I know to be involved, none are quest whores.

03-29-2009, 09:13 PM
All quest whores please report to Ta'Illistim for the Crystal Saga.
Oh wait, they're already here!

Unless they just arrived and I missed them. The only people who have been the same throughout the quest is Evarin, Linsha, and Sovine. Hell, I missed 2 events out of 4.

03-29-2009, 10:01 PM
Am referring to all the new faces in town the last couple days.

I guess it could be a coincidence.

03-29-2009, 10:23 PM
Am referring to all the new faces in town the last couple days.

I guess it could be a coincidence.

It isn't, but that's ok. It is a Guru's job to draw people to the town for roleplay. I was surprised by who I ran across tonight as well.

03-29-2009, 10:50 PM
I'm assuming something happened when I was napping. Anyone know?

03-30-2009, 12:13 AM
Evarin arrived in the midst of a battle taking place just beyond the path to the Wraithenmist, with a Illistimi official named Lorvellas attempting to return the crystal to a pacified state. After several deaths (DON'T CONE NEAR THE LADIES) we were able to subdue the undead forces and speak with Lovellas. He mentioned that he did not have the means to activate the Wardstones, but the scholar Avelore should be able to do so.

A short time later the scholar broadcasted over the thought net that she had been busy with her research. She requested that a group gather outside the library. Once assembled she mentioned that she believes she has the means to activate the wardstones by way of an alchemic potion. She requested a number of us track down a few ingredients: Witchwood twigs, maw flowers, and Grave Blossoms. We were to meet back around that same time tomorrow (Approx 10PM EST) with the items.

03-30-2009, 02:06 PM
Sometimes I hate my job and the fact I have to work long hours at the moment, not to mention needing sleep. I'm missing all the fun! Thank you to Evarin and Linsha for posting updates, at least I can enjoy it vicariously through you both.

03-30-2009, 02:26 PM
I know the crappy feeling of not being able to participate in a storyline that for once interests your character. I feel for ya.

03-30-2009, 09:17 PM
I've found 2 crystal cores in OTF hunting. Any idea what they're for?

03-30-2009, 11:38 PM
I've found 2 crystal cores in OTF hunting. Any idea what they're for?

Those are cheap alchemy components, though they can be used for making an Aish'vrak potion, which is quite useful for a number of different applications. You can also sell them for around 300 silver at the alchemist.

03-30-2009, 11:56 PM

Tonight began at the appointed time, with Avelorre speaking out on the thought net before arriving in front of the Library Aies a few minutes after 10 PM EST. The three ingredients: Witchwood twigs, Grave Blossoms, and Maw Flowers were given to the scholar, who then had us depart for the crystal's location.

Avelorre began her potion after a brief discussion of her plan. After a few moments of haphazard brewing and even more explosions, we finally arrived at the end product. She used her alchemic creation to begin her sealing ritual, which of course drew the crystal's ire. Several waves of undead were released upon those gathered, but were handily defeated as Avelorre finished her work.

The scholar then told us that she discovered a means to journey within the crystal using the wardstones as spell-activated glyphs. Three wardstones, three spells. Divine Wrath, Darkness, and Curse. It was learned that only one could enter the crystal to deal with what waited inside, and Evarin stepped forward to volunteer his services (Imagine that?). He had access to all three spells via his scrolls, and was able to cast them in the correct order to gain entrance into the crystal.

Once inside, he was greeted with rather unique surroundings:

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind.

No spells were able to be cast, and his movement was restricted nearly to a standstill. Even speech was difficult to attempt, though after a time Evarin acclimated to the environment. It was shortly thereafter that a child appeared, calling for his master.

You see an eyeless pale child.

The child appears to be a human boy, lacking any telltale signs of any other race. He is clad in a simple black robe the hides his limbs in the darkness of the cloth. His skull is oddly misshappen, lacking any eyes at all -- patches of skin formed seamlessly over where one would expect eye sockets to be.

The Dhe'nar spoke to the child, informing him that he was his master returned, and had at last come for him. The child then wished to speak of its progress on some unamed task. Before being able to do so, the child was whisked away and replaced with a voice that could only belong to the Child's true master, who was quite displeased with what he had found. After trading a few words with Evarin, "The Master" forcefully removed Evarin from inside the crystal, killing him instantly.

Avelorre was shaken by what happened, and finally conceeded to seek the aid of her father, a powerful flow mage of some importance to Ta'Illistim. She did not give a specific date as to when next she, or her father would return, though said it would likely be soon.

03-31-2009, 12:05 AM

Bah..its not formatting correctly.

03-31-2009, 12:08 AM
A few OOC notes. I apologize for speaking elven the entire time. I didn't mean to screw over all of the non-elven speaking people over who were watching via the mirror. It's one thing to speak in a non-common language during normal RP, but in situations like that one should switch to Common. Again, my apologies.

I understand some people believe I have inside information on this storyline. I don't. GMs don't really like me. I tend to bitch a lot on the boards. I've been following this storyline closely because it is one of the few my character can be involved in without looking like even worse of a quest whore. I spend 99% of my time in Ta'Illistim.

I also believe it is time for other people to step up and shine. I will still be present during these events, but I am going to do a lot less talking. The last thing I want to do is ruin this event for anyone else. I've had my moment in the sun, and despite a few typo's (DAMN YOU STORMFRONT), I enjoyed it.

I will keep updating this thread in the meantime. Hope atleast a few of you getting something out of it.

03-31-2009, 12:11 AM
eyeless pale child = demon?

03-31-2009, 12:13 AM
I should really get into this--but it seems I had to fucking nap way more. I'm horrid with following storylines.

Thanks for the info Fallen. :)

03-31-2009, 12:14 AM
eyeless pale child = demon?

No. It is believed by Avelorre and others that he is a product, or result of Necromantic magic cast by "The Master". Everything else we have encountered so far is undead, so it would make sense he used the soul of a child to power this spell.

03-31-2009, 12:18 AM
No. It is believed by Avelorre and others that he is a product, or result of Necromantic magic cast by "The Master". Everything else we have encountered so far is undead, so it would make sense he used the soul of a child to power this spell.

sounds interesting. Do you think it's major enough for any releases to come out of it? Did you get the recipe for activating the wardstones?

edit: if I were there, I'd be like, "yo, you mind writing that into my book before we continue?"

03-31-2009, 12:20 AM
...I'm getting flashes of Rob Schneider's movie, Big Stan with the way you keep mentioning, "The Master."

03-31-2009, 12:22 AM
sounds interesting. Do you think it's major enough for any releases to come out of it? Did you get the recipe for activating the wardstones?

edit: if I were there, I'd be like, "yo, you mind writing that into my book before we continue?"

No. This is not a major release storyline. Bet you any money.

...I'm getting flashes of Rob Schneider's movie, Big Stan with the way you keep mentioning, "The Master." -Kitsun

I'm afraid I haven't caught that one yet. Is it actually worth seeing?

03-31-2009, 12:35 AM
I actually didn't see any trailers or anything for it in theatres but I really enjoyed this one. I think it's one of his better films.

03-31-2009, 12:41 AM
Bet you any money.

I bet your britches!

(really, ignore me if you want, one of those nights)

03-31-2009, 01:22 AM
Sounds like a lot of fun and too bad I missed it. I hate my job but hopefully I'll be able to get to see a little more. Thanks again for the updates,

03-31-2009, 01:26 AM
Here is the log of what happened while Evarin was inside the Crystal. Since I edited it, I could remove the ah..*cough* glaring typo's that happened when I accidently clicked that Stormfront button that changes everything to speech.

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Curse...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a pale sapphire wardstone.
You send the power of Curse and send it towards sapphire wardstone.

A blackened sigil suddenly darkens, wisps of cold blue essence rising up around it.
Your surroundings become suffused with scarlet light... then you find yourself elsewhere.
[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind.

You say, "Come on, then."

You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.

You don't find anything of interest here.

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind.
Obvious exits: none

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

A hollow moaning echoes around you.

The moaning resolves into a myriad of voices that converge into words spoken at the same time, "...Maaaaaster...?"

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind.
Obvious exits: none

You smile.

You firmly say, "Correct."

You say, "I've returned."

You quietly ask, "It has been a while, has it not?"

The moaning resolves into a myriad of voices that converge into words spoken at the same time, "...you've leeeeft us for so looOoong..."

You smile.

You softly say, "I know..that I do know."

You say, "Your wait is over."

The moaning resolves into a myriad of voices that converge into words spoken at the same time, "...I must... come to you... seeeeee you... we have followed your orders beyond all measurrrre..."

You say, "Then come, though know that my form has changed since last we met. So much time has passed."

You harshly say, "Though never doubt... It is your master who has returned."

An eyeless pale child appears from within the mist.

You tilt your head down.

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind. You also see an eyeless pale child.
Obvious exits: none

You kneel down.

Speaking quietly to an eyeless pale child, you say, "Come."

The child appears to be a human boy, lacking any telltale signs of any other race. He is clad in a simple black robe the hides his limbs in the darkness of the cloth. His skull is oddly misshappen, lacking any eyes at all -- patches of skin formed seamlessly over where one would expect eye sockets to be.

An eyeless pale child speaks in a voice that contains thousands of others, "Maaaaster... I must tell youuuu of the... progress..."

You nod slowly to the pale child.

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind. You also see an eyeless pale child.
Obvious exits: none

Suddenly, the mist turns black as night and ensconces the child.

Speaking to an eyeless pale child, you say, "Be at ease, child. We've all the time we need. You've done well."

An eyeless pale child asks, "Maaaster... what?"

An eyeless pale child is suddenly pulled into the mist!

[Scarlet Fog]
The heavy scent of decay and rot cloys your senses, while an endless expanse of thick incarnadine mist swirls and eddies in an eternal dance. The whorls of bloody mist twist and churn like spirals of oily liquid, and vague, hushed whispers traverse the area like a brisk wind.
Obvious exits: none

You say, "Mm."

You stand back up.

You move into a guarded stance, ready to protect yourself.

You survey your surroundings carefully, looking for any untoward activities.

Soon enough, the mist is bled through with complete darkness.

[Black Fog]
Black mist surrounds you on all sides, oddly enough, it appears still and unmoving.
Obvious exits: none

You blink.

A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "Clever."

You smile.

You say, "One does..what one can."

A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "I expect as much from your kind."
A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "And what did my little pet tell you, then?"

You say, "This place..of yours."

You glance around the room.

[Black Fog]
Black mist surrounds you on all sides, oddly enough, it appears still and unmoving.
Obvious exits: none

You say, "It is rather unsettling."

A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "It is marvelous. And you are a stain on an otherwise beautiful landscape."
A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "A weed... to be rid of..."

You say, "Then show yourself if you dare."

You grin.

You say, "And we shall see who truly is the Master."

You teasingly say, "Come now.."

You say, "This is your world..your place."

You casually glance around the room.

[Black Fog]
Black mist surrounds you on all sides, oddly enough, it appears still and unmoving.
Obvious exits: none

You ask, "You can face me fairly, can you not?"

You tilt your head up.

You say, "Or at least..face me at all."

The black mist begins to churn and swirl as wisps of cold dance around you.

You clench your jaw.

A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "I am rather far away at the moment, but I agree."
A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "Let us be done with pleasantries."

You say, "Lets."

You fold your arms over your chest.

A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "Tell the elf her wards will not hold for long when you arrive."
A deep, sonorous voice murmurs, "Farewell."
Suddenly, the blackness converges around you!

You feel yourself rent to pieces by the black mist!

* Evarin was just vaporized!

03-31-2009, 02:09 AM
Since I edited it, I could remove the ah..*cough* glaring typo's that happened when I accidently clicked that Stormfront button that changes everything to speech.

Since that thing apparently cannot be disabled you can pick some useless window you don't use, make it real small. and drag it over that stupid Stormfront arrow so you never click on it again.

03-31-2009, 07:24 AM
Love reading these updates, E. Makes me wish I had a character out there instead of having to stare at a door all day.


03-31-2009, 07:51 AM
Love reading these updates, E.

Thank you for the updates.

And kudos to the GM's behind this. Not only did they have to build (and test) these rooms, MOBs, NPC personalities, etc., but they also have to be able to role-play an ever changing story on the fly; A story changed by PC interactions.

03-31-2009, 09:02 AM
Since that thing apparently cannot be disabled you can pick some useless window you don't use, make it real small. and drag it over that stupid Stormfront arrow so you never click on it again.

I may have to try that, thanks. That is the second time I managed to click that button at perfectly the wrong time.

03-31-2009, 07:04 PM
It looks like things are going to start up again if anyone is interested.

03-31-2009, 11:58 PM
This evening at roughly ten hours past noon outside the Library Aies, Vorraxius, father of Avelorre, and Ta'Illistim Flow Mage met with a group waiting for word as to recent developments. He seemed perturbed with what he had come to learn from his daughter, though wasted little time in relocating to the Wraithenmist to personally examine the crystal and surrounding Wardstones. After a brief analysis, he concluded that the stones were servicable, but ultimately an obstruction to his plans.

Vorraxius explained that the wardstones would prevent his entry into the same dimensional rift that Evarin entered, and that was ultimately what was required for him to gain an understanding of the forces behind the crystal. The gathered force was warned to prepare for the crystal's assault when he finally deactivated the defensive wards. Several moments were spent doing so before the Flow Mage stepped into the rift, leaving the fighters to deal with the resulting onslaught of undead. Successive waves of various undead minions were repelled before the Mage finally reappeared. After taking a moment to gather himself, Vorraxius explained the nature of what he saw inside the crystal, and reported the absence of both the child and "The Master."

The mage concluded a plan was needed to trap the Necromancer remotely controlling the crystal, and that he would set events in motion to do just that tomorrow evening. Those assembled were also told to prepare for a journey into the same rift from which he came. His parting words were of his plans for the crystal should it be secured away from the influence of "The Master", and that his daughter, Avelorre, had a desire to speak with several of those who had been aiding her with her research.

Roughly an hour later, Avelorre's thoughts could be heard over the thought net. As usual, she appeared in front of the library to a quickly forming crowd. The scholar appeared nervous, weary, yet triumphant. She proudly presented her assembled research on the Tenebrous Crystal in the form of a folio which she passed out to the onlookers. Avelorre then stated that much research was still to be done, and that she too hoped to gain control of the crystal for further study. Soon afterwards, the scholar left to prepare for tomorrow evening's events with some last minute research regarding the nature of the sightless child oft seen in conjuction with the crystal.

04-01-2009, 12:04 AM
Edited the crap out of the synopsis for the evening. If you already read through it I would advise giving it another go as it may make more sense.

04-01-2009, 12:32 AM
Intriguing. I'd be interested in perusing what was in the folio of research, if anyone captured it.

Thanks for the update.


04-01-2009, 12:34 AM
Linsha posted it on the Officials, so I will steal her work (SUCK ON THAT), and post it here:

Field Analysis: Crystal shard.
Locale: Wraithenmist.
Reason: Numerous disturbances involving undead.
Elemental Analyst: A. Nellereune.
Alchemical Analyst: I. Evellere.
Spiritual Analyst: R. Mithunyth.
Mental Analyst: D. Ferrelore.
Sorcerous Analyst: S. Avelleur.

Elemental Results: Inert, unresponsive after extraneous testing.

Alchemical Results: Volatile when mixed with components found in the outer plane known as 'The Rift' near Aenatumgana. Inert with all others. Separate report being drafted outlining details of results.

Spiritual Analysis: Strong leech effect when exposed to certain spiritual spells -- absorbs and reconstitutes the mana from said spells and reconstitutes them into what is presumed to be the basis for undead manipulations.

Mental Analysis: Vague traces of telepathy and transference patterns imbued in the mana matrices within the stone. If enough power is instilled in the structure, these could be functional.

Sorcerous Analysis: The shard might as well be a necromancer, the patterns and even the sigils carved on its surface are suffused with all the telltale energies used in the creation and manipulation of undead. From what little I was able to unravel from the small shard given to me, it has an incredibly efficient command structure for the undeath it spawns -- I'd really like to study this in whole as this small a sample is insufficient for my inquiries. However, this ensorcellment is so rigidly infused within the crystal's physical structure it could theoretically be turned against it to cause a rather phenomenally catastrophic backlash.

General Notes:

Given the ability of leeching mana from the surroundings and at spells directed at it and the ability to remotely transfer templates of undead creations fueled by the necromantic power deeply infused within the mana foci inside of it, the use of this crystal is abundantly clear: military, strategically placed within a certain area to remotely receive commands from whoever controls it and disperse undead that can also receive such commands. It still reacts negatively to the new Nellereune runic patterns developed in 5075 and even better with the Avelleurian ones developed in 5105 so long as they are coupled with the newer wardstones and circles of protection which are in use in a majority of Ta'Illistim -- as such, there is little threat to the city directly. However, it is recommended the crystal be deactivated and brought in for study under close supervision and the usual restrictions.

04-01-2009, 12:52 AM
Nice.... thanks to E and Linsha for the info!


04-01-2009, 12:54 AM
I attended tonight at the invitation of an old friend from Illistim. I accepted just to take a break from my usual solo grind and see a bit more of the GS world outside my chars little bubble.

But it was really awkward for my char RP wise. Like being invited to a party of people whom you don’t know but all know each other really well. It was a very hospitable group though so it was pretty cool to be involved.

It was a very small group... 10 - 15 at most... and I didn’t see any quest whores or any GM ass kissers. Just gamers coming together for a little fun. In fact, despite all the different personalities and races providing RP possibilities, the group was very cooperative. It was a little bland, but still very enjoyable.

How do you all deal with the scrolling? All I could do was watch my status windows to see if I was in roundtime, wounded or dead. lol.

04-01-2009, 10:09 AM
How do you all deal with the scrolling? All I could do was watch my status windows to see if I was in roundtime, wounded or dead. lol.

Cast mass spells, mana management, and watch for status changes in my character and/or my allies. As you saw, I will typically break away from the main group during that type of scenario and fight on the fringes. I only returned once the main group was damn near wiped.

04-01-2009, 11:08 AM
A stressed elven messenger was seen today in the city, delivering messages to a number of people regarding Voraxxias' extended study schedule due to new information regarding an odd child.

(If you're involved, feel free to use this as your IC excuse not to mull around waiting. I thought I was opening an art show Wednesday of NEXT WEEK. It is apparently tonight. Thus, in the interest of keeping things happening generally early for enough people to get involved, there's not going to be any major, if any, activity tonight!)

~ V

Yay. I get to watch Fight Night.

04-04-2009, 09:56 PM
Err..this story ended. For now.

04-05-2009, 01:19 AM
So..I was a jerk and didn't update this thread with what took place several nights ago.

To keep it short and sweet, a group lead by Vorraxius the Flow Mage went inside the crystal. After fighting our way though both waves of undead and the crystal's inate defenses, we located the heart of the construction and destroyed it. Both the crystal, and an artifact found within it during our explorations were finally brought within the city proper this evening. Avelorre, the scholar who has been investigating this incident since its appearance had a night out on the town while her fellow mages established the defensive wards needed to safeguard the artifact.

Research on both the globe, and crystal's remains are scheduled to begin tomorrow...

04-05-2009, 02:02 AM
I actually hadn't realized what a crazy freaking storyline driven thing GMs would actually do. I hate participating in them but I really do admire V's and all the players commitment to keep coming back to it.

04-05-2009, 02:22 AM
Voraviel is definitely one of the best GMs at being able to pull together a storyline in short order, do the coding to back it up and run with the players. Getting involved in one of his storylines always means a good time to be had.


04-06-2009, 03:57 AM
Avelorre spoke to several townspeople via the thought net yesterday evening. She mentioned, among other things, that research on the globe has begun, and the investigation into the Necromancer's identity has lead to an abandoned house. She believes the house to be the property of the Crystal's creator, and will likely lead a group of concerned citizens to that location this evening.

04-07-2009, 12:37 AM
It was eleven hours past noon, rather than the usual ten, when Avelorre spoke out over the thought net. She informed everyone that she did indeed receive permission to personally examine the abandoned home found during the course of her investigation. The home had once belonged to Vaelsoth, a high ranking member of The Watchers of the Ancient Eye, an organization devoted to studying History and Fringe magic concerning Ta'Illistim.

We gathered just inside the Library Aies as usual to wait for Avelorre to emerge from her research on the artifacts collected earlier in the week. After a brief discussion, the group set out to the abandoned home which was located a short distance from the Ta'Illistim Realty office. The defensive wards surrounding the home were deactivated, and we were allowed entrance into the structure.

[Abandoned Home]
Cobwebs infest the corners of this small home, the once pristine furniture covered in an ageless coating of dust and soot. The center of the room has been cleared of all obstruction, the thick blanket of dust disturbed heavily. Upon the center of the floor, a series of complex and intertwined sigils is charred into the stone. A single window, one of its panes broken, is set into the northern wall.

A thorough examination of the home lead to the discovery of two important pieces of evidence; sigils carved into the floor and a broken, ichor-stained window.

The sigils looked to have been painstakingly carved into the very stone of the floor itself, the rough ridges forming complex looping arcs and hard angles that comprise a very sophisticated arcane pattern.

The window's top left pane is shattered, an odd, dried up black ichor coating the razored edges of the glass.

While the staining on the shattered glass window proved interesting, it was the sigils that were Avelorre's primary source of information. Using the same device she employed to examine the crystal in detail, she discovered the faint signals of bardic magic left within the designs. A call went out for the services of one, and Galenblackbard the halfbreed answered to provide aid.

Apparently, Galen also answered the call of his thirsts and was roaring drunk by the time he arrived. He struggled to compose his versus properly, but after some prompting and a lot of patience he was able to coax the following loresong from the sigils on the floor...

Galenblackbard recites:

"The sigils are no longer scrawled on the floor, and the room looks rather plain.
Dust swils about listlessly, and no sounds mar the otherwise dead silence
suddenly, a small form--too small to be an elf or human, come hurtling
Through the windowpane, crashing to the floor
It shivers in the darkness, its broken form
Too shadowed to be discerned"

Galenblackbard recites:

"As my song wrapped around the sigils
my vision is suddenly clouded
By shadows, and I see the room through the eyes of the past
The room holds the sigils now, looking very much the same.
Still clouded by shadows, a vague, small form
Sits within the center of it, unmoving
Save for nearly imperceptible twitches.
Suddenly, the sigils blaze with an ebon flame, and unblinking,
Scarlet eyes open from the darkness and stare directly at me"

Galenblackbard recites:

"I plunged into the sigils
The same small form sits within the circle, unmoving and silent,
Suddenly, the door slams into the wall as it's nearly thrust off its hinges by a massive force---
The lithe, slim form of an elf in silhouette at the doorway and gestures as the form suddenly bolts towards the window,
Narrowly missed by the spell.
The elf murmurs,
"you cant run forever, I'll imprison you once more..."
As it stalks and the song ends"

The evening ended shortly after the bard's song, with Avelorre pledging to return in the "near future" to inform us of her findings from further examination of the facts learned this evening.

04-07-2009, 01:32 AM
Luckily we found a bard and I had A LOT of OOC whispering for him to get the hang of targeting loresongs. From what I was told he'd been on a long hiatus and has been back about a week. Poor guy getting drug right into things. :)

04-07-2009, 01:36 AM
Luckily we found a bard and I had A LOT of OOC whispering for him to get the hang of targeting loresongs. From what I was told he'd been on a long hiatus and has been back about a week. Poor guy getting drug right into things. :)

Yeah. I felt for him. I had another bard on standby but the guy really should be given the chance, even if we had to wait a bit longer. An event like that could make all the difference in a returning player's enjoyment of the game.

04-07-2009, 04:52 AM
Didnt get any almonds at all.

04-08-2009, 12:41 AM
This evening begun with Vaelsoth, member of the Watchers of the Ancient Eye, and prime suspect in the crystal investigation, streaking past the fountain, startling Linsha, Evarin, and Debia into giving chase. After frantically dashing about the city for quite some time, Vaelsoth was eventually tracked outside the city walls, out onto the Gyldemar. Merjinia was the first to reach Vaelsoth by means of Transference, with Evarin arriving a short time later. The Watcher was found searching about in a pile of ash, and was ill disposed to be questioned by anyone, especially a Dhe'nar.

After an exchange of heated words, Vaelsoth returned to town to prove his innocence to the gathering mob which sought him. He conferred with the Illistimi guard, thus ensuring to everyone that he had indeed already spoken to them regarding the events which took place in his house. The acerbic scholar then allowed himself to be questioned, if begrudgingly, by those gathered as to the nature of the sigils in his house, the crystal, and eventually the language that was taken from off the crystal's surface. Vaelsoth was instantly able to translate the Necromantic runes, and seemed to gain some insight from the facts and evidence provided to him by the various townsfolk. He also seemed to be completely unwilling to share his observations, and outright evasive when questioned further. At that point Evarin's temper got the best of him...so I don't know what else may have been said.

Avelorre's thoughts were heard on the net shortly afterwards, and after a general migration to the library, she appeared to speak with those who sought her. She too confirmed that Vaelsoth had been questioned by the guard, and expressed her opinion that he conspired to keep information from those investigating the crystal. The scholar then asked to be lead outside of town; an unusual request for one who rarely seeks to leave the familiar comforts of the Library Aies. All were eventually taken to Linsha's home just outside the city proper for a more private discussion.

Avelorre had a secret she wished to share, and her primary reason for wishing to leave town was to make use of the device she had planted on Vaelsoth during the course of his interrogation. By use of Scrying magic we were able to spy upon Vaelsoth in his study...

[Dark Study]
Darkness casts the room in complete shadows, the only visible object in the room being a dark ash desk with a fairly cushy padded seat set in front of it. The desk is illuminated by several large candles, revealing innumerable scrolls and sigil-carved trinkets atop its worn surface.
Also here: Vaelsoth who is sitting
Obvious paths: out

He spoke to himself in an irritated fashion as he sat alone in his study, reviewing various scrolls and notations. After a time the Watcher took out a veil iron box and mentioned something about a corpse found in a "rancid town to the west". Shortly after this comment, the connection to Avelorre's scrying device and Vaelsoth's study was severed. More may have been discussed, but Evarin took his leave for reasons best left unsaid.

04-08-2009, 12:54 AM
That pretty much sums it up. After you left Avelorre was quick to follow. I booted a 'sleeper' out of Linsha's house (WTF does anyone join in if they're just going to zombie anyway!!!) and I had to leave myself for 30 mins or so. When I came back IG I saw Vaelsoth was logged in but couldn't locate so I don't know if anything else happened.

04-09-2009, 12:18 AM
A lot happened tonight. I will try to update this tomorrow. Right now my writing would make even less sense than normal.

You suck for missing it, Linsha.

04-09-2009, 01:13 AM
It's not my fault I had to work until late. I knew something was going to happen but I couldn't avoid it. :(

04-09-2009, 09:03 PM
Last evening began as most others have over the past few weeks, with Avelorre speaking out across the thought net to announce her presence. She was a bit skittish from our efforts the night prior, and hesitant to speak to us at length inside the confines of town. After a brief discussion, our small band headed off to the Dreadnought compound where the scholar informed us that she has devised a method to travel THROUGH the mirror used to scry upon Vaelsoth in his study.

The scholar bravely volunteered to go first, and scout the house for any magical traps or defensive wards. Though injured in the process, she was otherwise successful in her attempt. Our group then traveled through the mirror to join Avelorre, and begun a thorough search of the household. A small door proved to block our party from advancing. None present were able to detect any malicious traps upon the door, but trapped it was, and resulted in an immolation of Debia when she attempted to pick the lock guarding entrance to the study.

Another brief discussion took place, and a locksmith named Aethyrin was brought into the house to deal with the lock, doing so in short order. The study was searched and a journal was found. Much of the writing contained within with illegible, but the following was able to be discerned.

Page 6
Hammer to the stinger, ineffective.

Page 7
...Pain, Nightmare... ineffective...

Page 8
...made fire come alive inside a very small portion of its veins. Didn't want to risk killing it. Minor response, encouraging. This is going to be difficult.

Page 9
Experimenting with devices that can instill the burning mana in specific points of its body at very low dosages. Essentially localized casts of Dark Catalyst, burning through the blood of it, which is apparently highly volatile and reacts quite strongly to the spell once you penetrate its skin.

Page 10
Blew off its leg. It regrew it a few days later. I think it knows we truly mean to get answers now.

Page 11
Adjusted harnesses to account for limbs - they're quite delicate. Will test tomorrow.

Page 12
...blew off ANOTHER leg.

Page 13
...and another. I think one of its eyes burst.

Page 14
Almost killed it today. Letting it rest to regenerate. This is unerringly tedious.

Page 15
Nearly bifurcated it today. Bah.

Page 16
Blew off three of its legs.

Page 17
DIDN'T blow off a leg and it just twitched in pain. Need to up the dosage of mana while streaming it properly in order to achieve the maximum level of pain. I feel like a damned devotee of Mularos doing this.

Page 18
Miscalculated. Blew off three legs.

Page 19
Another near-bifurcation. I'm glad this thing regenerates.

Page 20
Some progress. Streamed enough to make it scream psychically, heard it in my head before it regained composure. We'll bring in a host tomorrow to let it speak.

Page 21
It's speaking after several hours in the device, although hesitantly. Several years work are now finally yielding results. Finally. Now I just need to pose all the questions I want...

Page 22
This is fascinating. Just its origins are astounding, and now that I can ask everything about all the odd events... it's still *very* reluctant, but I'm *very* persistent...

Page 23
...astounding revolutions in necromancy, just the intimate knowledge of the construct alone is invaluable. This will be more than a simple report... this will open up avenues in magical research never dreamed of before or since.

Page 24
It tried to escape. The room is made of pure veil iron, but it managed to break out of its bonds. Don't know how it did it, but it's intensely weakened and was left in the device for a full week.

Page 25
Keep it in the device all the time now, keeping it on the lowest setting. I am tired of its insolence.

Page 26
More information, yet more, the report is almost finished, but the numerous expanded papers and research will not be done for some time.

Page 27
More information, yet more, the report is almost finished, but the numerous expanded papers and research will not be done for some time.

Page 28
Found the remnants of the Overseer lair it mentioned. Most curious. I absolutely abhor undead and reanimation, but it's quite a masterpiece of work.

Page 29
Planar revolutions are quite astounding -- I have yet to attempt to visit those mentioned by it, but eventually we'll attempt it.

Page 30
More questions. More answers. Research can be so satisfying with such a willing subject.

Page 31
So much archiving. Requisitioned a small team to go gather the various artifacts of import mentioned by it.

The words Overseer, along with Planar Revolutions were both unsettlingly reminiscent of Kiramon, though no firm conclusions were reached. We quickly returned to the library, where a now shaken Avelorre revealed that further investigation would be outright dangerous due to the restricted nature of the information we sought. She hastily retired despite repeated attempts to settle her and draft an effective plan. Moments after her doing so a scuttling noise was heard, though nothing was found as a result of our search. Our party quickly disbanded in the worry that whatever was in hiding may be attempting to spy for Vaelsoth, or an entity perhaps even more dangerous.

04-10-2009, 11:02 PM
X-post of a Log.
First, omg thank you so much Voraviel and Xynwen. You guys rock out for being able to do everything so fast. This completely ranks in the top three coolest things that have ever happened to Treeva. She is furiously taking notes, searching her brain for details left out, and hoping that she is the first to discover such an intriguing happening. Not to mention secretly hoping that she manages to aquire enough power to perform this someday.

Ok, so Eva is in her garden corner, minding her own business, performing various bounties. I'm idly chatting in IMs when I notice a message I don't recognize as typical "mood" messaging for Ta'Illistim. Thus the story begins. I was so thrilled.

This is to keep everyone informed OOG. Eva would not be entirely forthcoming without some coaxing, as she realizes that she never second guessed the creatures plans once it promised a favor in return. A potentially compromising situation, well worth the risk in her mind.

A faint skittering sound echoes across the cobblestones.

You tilt your head down.

The trees shake momentarily.

The trees shake momentarily.

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Rather odd sound."

You cock your head at a grey wolf.

[Ta'Illistim, Glamesine Var]
Opposite the city's theatre, a small garden has been planted to provide a respite from the crowded var. Beds thick with hostas, lady's slipper, dragonstalk, and a myriad of other nameless blooming flora carpet the ground beneath thick shady monir trees. Stone benches surround the small clearing. A few glaesine lamps mounted on slender iron stakes gently illuminate the area. You also see a grey wolf and the fiery red Treeva disk.
Obvious paths: west

The grey wolf sniffs.

You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Presence (402) starts for 2m 34s.
You become aware of everyone near you...
You do not detect any hidden or invisible people.
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights...
Five stars directly overhead form a distinct T-shaped pattern within the brilliant sparkling ocean of their sisters. They twinkle nearly in unison every few moments, highlighting the perfect straightness of their arrangement with a bright illumination.

~insert going to the Aies, finding nothing, returning to the garden~

You gaze at a grey wolf.

A pervasive feeling of cold suddenly grips the area as the trees slowly stop their shaking.

You glance around the area.

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Getting rather chilly isn't it, my wolf?" She brushes her arms once over. "Do you feel that?"

The grey wolf barks loudly at you.

Speaking in Elven, you hesitantly ask, "Is anyone there?"

A slow, halting speech filters down from below, its words utterly unfamiliar.

You cock your head.

Speaking in Elven, you slowly ask, "I can't...understand what you're saying." She peers intently at the ground. "Could you speak up perhaps?"

You kneel down.

Speaking in Elven to a grey wolf, you ask, "Is there something below us?"

The grey wolf growls.

A wisp of cold shadow slithers down from above and grips your neck tightly -- instantly, you feel your body freeze up

~unable to move from this point on~

You feel an intensely cold sensation on the back of your skull.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I don't-" choking the words out with a gasp. "Stop it, this is most invasive."

Speaking in Elven, you sternly say, "I insist that you relay your message now, since you have so rudely taken over my thoughts."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I'm willing to listen but this is rather painful." Her lips barely move through the frozen feeling. "Please, share your knowledge."

The icy cold feeling permeates your brain, and soon even your thoughts are suffused in the chill. The strange, unfamiliar words suddenly echo in your mind, but they unfamiliarity begins to melt away as you begin to understand, "...you will BRING me something, little biped, and in return, I will not liquify your skull..."

The icy feeling floods your limbs, and you find yourself moving as if you were a puppet on strings.

~The "puppet strings" make her lie down and stand up once~

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I'm not your toy," managing to snarl the words out. She fights unsucessfully against the ice. "Aside from an intact skull, what are you offering if I bring you this? Power for power."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "If you plan to take over the mind of an Illistim elf, be prepared for a mental struggle. I require knowledge in return for running your errands."

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "You will see something you have never seen before, and you will live to document it."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Yes, I agree," she responds instantly. Her eyes alight with fierce drive and curiosity. "What do you desire from me?"

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "A humanoid corpse. One of your ilk will not do. It must be permanently dead. Void of its soul. A hollow shell."

Speaking in Elven, you slowly ask, "I don't understand. Void of it's soul. How do I remove the soul from a humanoid?" She contemplates momentarily. "And do I get to keep the soul? Will a simple creature do, or must this be something capable of higher thought?"

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "Search the outlying provinces, biped. Whatever will fall beneath your gaze. Something of rudimentary intelligence... but not... primitive... their minds are too... clouded."

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "I will be behind you... unseen. Do not fail me, or I will attempt to use you as my vessel..."

The sudden cold leaves you, and your limbs loosen as you feel control rushing back to you.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "No, that's not necessary," replying hastily. "I will accomplish it."

Speaking in Elven, you murmur, "Intelligence..."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "A caster perhaps? Or...a kiramon."

A sudden crashing sound echoes around the bushes as something leaps from the trees.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "They are related to the bugs, no?" Her gaze flickers to the trees momentarily before resuming thoughts. "They must be somewhat intelligent."

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "Humanoid, fool."

You stare at nothing in particular.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Don't be so rude, fine."

You grumble.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "We're going to the forest. I assume an ogre will suffice for you."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "With the behavior thus far, I'm not travelling to Old Ta'Faendryl, considering you might freeze me up again."

You hear a noncommittal growl in the back of your mind.

(Treeva murmurs a quiet swear under her breath.)

~insert going to the blighted forest~

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Do I need to avoid any specific areas to not wound?"

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Or shall I just torch the entire body?"

The dark speech echoes in your head once more, instantaneously translating to words you can understand, "Keep it as intact as possible."

~Eva kills a couple...but she's a mage. It's hard to keep things intact. He chooses this second one.~

You gesture at a black forest ogre.
You unleash a bolt of churning air at a black forest ogre!
AS: +416 vs DS: +291 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +40 = +206
... and hit for 59 points of damage!
Strike to arm spins opponent like a top. The black forest ogre is stunned.
The black forest ogre is knocked to the ground!
The black forest ogre is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a black forest ogre.
CS: +425 - TD: +245 + CvA: +17 + d100: +75 == +272
Warding failed!
You blast a black forest ogre for 23 points of damage.
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of a black forest ogre.
The light in a black forest ogre's eyes goes out and he finally dies.
The black forest ogre no longer bristles with energy.
A black forest ogre glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a black forest ogre suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a black forest ogre.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a black forest ogre.
The bright luminescence fades from around a black forest ogre.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

A shadowy web coalesces around the ogre.

You see a fairly typical black forest ogre that is lying down.
He appears to be dead.
He has a fractured and bleeding right arm, deep gashes and serious bleeding from his back and a case of uncontrollable convulsions.
He has some dusty leather armor (worn) and a rust-covered kite shield.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Aside from the shock, it wasn't actually that bad."

Slowly, the burns and wounds on the ogre begin to knit themselves up, driven on by small strikes of essence from the cloud of shadow surrounding it.

You take a few steps back.

A slit in the flesh of the ogre's skull suddenly opens, as if something invisible were cutting it open.

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

(Treeva peers intently at the ogre as if making silent notes, though still keeping a fair distance from the creature.)

The bone suddenly is sliced neatly in two, and you see the hemispheres of its brain exposed for a mere moment.

You hear an odd squishing sound as the skull of the ogre widens, then is suddenly sewn up by the unseen force.

Speaking in Elven, you murmur, "I suppose since you can heal the thing, cutting it's head open isn't anything to be concerned of." She barely winces at the squishing noise, still staring at the work before her eyes. "Very practiced at this it seems."

A shadowy haze rises around the ogre as it begins to twitch and rise upwards.

You see a fairly typical hollow-eyed ogre that is lying down.
He is dead, but he has no visible injuries.
He has some dusty leather armor (worn) and a rust-covered kite shield.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre plods through the countryside, his immense arm and leg muscles rippling with each wide step. An oversized, slavering lower jaw and two long, pointed, lower teeth give the ogre a constant toothy sneer. The thick bones of his protruding forehead shade beady black eyes, and if there is any intelligence in those eyes, it is completely obscured by the hollow-eyed ogre's vicious malevolence. Short, coal black hair covers the creature's body and appendages, though in many places the hair is broken by long, deep scars. ~I think this is normal ogre description?~

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre stands up.

You gaze at a shadowy hollow-eyed ogre.

A massive black boar barrels in!

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre flexes its claws.

You glance at a massive black boar.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre gestures, and a wisp of shadow suddenly appears on the ground, taking the form of a blade.

A black forest ogre lumbers in, growling.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre snatches up a shadowy blade.

A black forest ogre lumbers in, growling.

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Well? Why don't you put on a little show then?"

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a massive black boar!
AS: +425 vs DS: +197 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +33 = +298
... and hits for 60 points of damage!
Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings.

You nod.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a massive black boar!
AS: +525 vs DS: +197 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +92 = +457
... and hits for 95 points of damage!
Deep slash to the black boar's right forearm!

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a massive black boar!
AS: +525 vs DS: +189 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +65 = +438
... and hits for 116 points of damage!
Powerful slash!
The black boar's right leg is severed at the knee!
The black boar squeals loudly as he collapses to the ground in obvious pain and favors his mangled right hind leg.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +261 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +11 = +312
... and hits for 71 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
The black forest ogre is knocked to the ground!
The black forest ogre is stunned!
A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +198 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +41 = +405
... and hits for 119 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the black forest ogre clean through!
A black forest ogre twitches one last time and dies.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +277 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +22 = +307
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks the black forest ogre back a few paces!
The black forest ogre is stunned!
A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +257 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +13 = +318
... and hits for 74 points of damage!
Knocked back several feet by blow to abdomen.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +5 = +318
... and hits for 59 points of damage!
Downward slash across the black forest ogre's left thigh!
Gouges bone!

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +229 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +4 = +337
... and hits for 63 points of damage!
Powerful slash just cracks the black forest ogre's weapon arm!

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a black forest ogre!
AS: +525 vs DS: +222 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +69 = +409
... and hits for 115 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves the black forest ogre without a right leg!
A black forest ogre grunts and falls over grasping his mangled right leg!

A black forest ogre twitches one last time and dies.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre swings a shadowy blade at a massive black boar!
AS: +525 vs DS: +77 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +42 = +527
... and hits for 111 points of damage!
Deep slash to the black boar's right forearm!
The black boar squeals loudly as he cradles his wounded right foreleg.
The black boar lets out a final agonized squeal and dies.

Speaking in Elven, you slowly observe, "It's gaining power with each kill."

~It started swinging faster each time, by the end, those last 3 or 4 were nearly instantaneous~

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre flexes its arm once more, as if testing it.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Ingenious."

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre begins to roll its jaw about, forming odd words.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "Good."

You incline your head.

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "This will do, for now."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Are you acting through this ogre entirely? Or do you manage to keep distinct entities?"

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "I am utilizing its last thoughts and memories. Forming connections with its tissue... it is... unclean, not my preferred host..."

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "But it is far better than the alternative."

Speaking in Elven, you inquire, "What is your preferred host?"

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre steps forward, towering over Treeva. "Your ilk, biped. The humans, the elves, the giants. But you are much harder to come across in a voided state."

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre smirks.

You chuckle to yourself.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I likely could have found you a nice human pet, if you could have performed the soul removal."

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "I am lingering too long in one place. You'll be spared, perhaps, when the time comes."

Speaking in Elven, you echo, "Perhaps?"

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Listen you, I helped you take on this form."

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre says, "He will not be expecting me to have found something this quickly. He still thinks I am small, and weak from his infernal torture..."

You cock your head.

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Who is He?"

A shadowy hollow-eyed ogre just went northeast.

[Dark Forest, Trail]
Threading through the crowded boles of trees, the trail winds in a serpentine ribbon, making directions turn back on themselves in a dizzy coil. The trees seem like an endless, confusing wall of similarity, each with heavily furrowed bark and impossible size. Overhead, the dense ceiling of black leaves creates a thick darkness beneath their boughs, as if the moonlight is afraid to penetrate their shadows.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Bastard."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Rude, not even a goodbye."

(Treeva huffs a bit before she turns to leave.)

This was like...30-45 minutes ago? It took me a bit to clean up the log.

Ideas on possibilities? I'm wondering why the thing couldn't take over a body by itself, if it could take hold of Eva's body and invade her mind. Also, why it needs an ogre, how long this shell will last, and who "He" is.


04-11-2009, 03:08 PM
Rohese's turn for an encounter!

Blocking her path to the pawnshop earlier today was a large hooded figure.

>l figure
The figure is clad in a voluminous black robe, its features hidden underneath the deep cowl. It appears quite large in proportions, and moves in a strange, unsteady gait. A faint, shadowy haze ripples outward from its hood and sleeves, shrouding it in a dark miasma.

It spoke to her ...

A large hooded figure murmurs in a low voice, "And... you are?"

Since it was behaving oddly and seemed to be sick (rather nasty guttural wet coughing), Roh enquired if she might be of assistance but was rudely rebutted.

A large hooded figure murmurs in a low voice, "I somehow... doubt you lack the mental fortitude for such a task, elf."

Speaking softly to a large hooded figure, you say, "I'm well versed in the spiritual arts."

A large hooded figure murmurs in a low voice, "There are things you simply... won't do..."

Speaking softly to a large hooded figure, you say, "There is much I won't do but I will avail myself to someone in need."

A large hooded figure points towards the tattoo on Rohese's ankle.

You glance downward.

You nod.

Speaking softly to a large hooded figure, you say, "I serve my Lady in all things."

A large hooded figure murmurs in a low voice, "...how very pleasant..."

A large hooded figure continues to cough wetly.

A large hooded figure murmurs to itself in a low voice, "...this... dependency... is infuriating..."
You feel more refreshed.

A large hooded figure growls -- sounding surprisingly bestial for a moment, before coughing once more.

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Speaking softly to a large hooded figure, you say, "And your manner is quite impolite."

A large hooded figure turns its head towards Rohese once more, and scarlet eyes flash from beneath the hood.

You gasp.

You take a few steps back.

A large hooded figure murmurs to itself in a low voice, "...do not tempt me, biped."

A large hooded figure just went south.

Rohese attempted to follow it but it disappeared. She headed to the fountain in Briarstone Court to seek assistance and relayed her encounter to Evarin, Linsha and Merjinia.

Shortly afterwards a scream was heard coming from the direction of Glimaer Wey. Rohese stumbled across the corpse of a shadowy ogre. It looked like something had actually crawled out of the body.

The Guard Commander, Lorvellas, arrived on the scene. Mmmm, elves in uniform, very yummy!

You see Lorvellas Javilerre Illistim the Sapphire Guard Commander.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is taller than average and appears to be mature. He has steely blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. He has impeccably trimmed, thick deep black hair upswept in a number of stylized spikes.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a slender coraesine longsword incised with stylized sapphire sigils in his right hand and a slim coraesine blade incised with stylized sapphire sigils in his left hand.
He is wearing an intricate clockwork pendant scattered with a variety of sigils, a set of crossed leather backsheaths, a rippling pallid silver cape clasped with a complex runic sphere, a suit of regal vaalorn platemail swept with six opaline feathers, a crested pale sapphire ring, and a pair of narrow-toed black leather boots twined with sapphire scrollwork.

He explained he'd received a brief report of an incident and it must have been the screams that we'd heard.

Evarin attempted to preserve the corpse but to no avail so Lorvellas made arrangements for its removal from the streets.

Evarin and Linsha discussed the matter further with Lorvellas, explaining other recent events they'd witnessed in an attempt to get him to consider the implications of what had just transpired. Lorvellas agreed to speak further with the witness and keep us informed.

Shortly afterwards, he joined us at the fountain and showed a sketch of what the woman had seen.

Lorvellas shows you a small sketch, which he is holding in his right hand. The sketch depicts a single, spidery black appendage ending in a gleaming, razored talon -- oddly, it has four joints.

And with that he returned to his duties, leaving Merjinia and Rohese somewhat smitten.

04-11-2009, 03:23 PM
Thanks for the log! I always like to see things from someone elses viewpoint instead of just hearing about it second hand. :)

04-11-2009, 04:01 PM
My pleasure! I was just so excited to be a part of it and hope to be able to join in some more :tumble:

04-11-2009, 05:36 PM
Definitely need some fresh blood in the quest. Glad to see you enjoyed yourself.

04-12-2009, 01:26 AM
Cross post from the officials.

Interesting turn of events.

Eva had another visit from her invasive bug friend around 30 minutes ago. She was a bit more unnerved this time, as she had thought it to be a one time encounter. Despite feeling uneasy, she is still willing to aid after the astonishing task she saw the beast perform last night. She is incredibly curious to know the background and future plans of the parasite.

For reference, Treeva doesn't worship any patrons, and considers herself a balanced grey. In the past she has made bargains with Luukos and is technically tied to him in the end. However, she actively dislikes that tie, and it was only agreed upon to achieve the "ultimate prize" in her mind. She swears allegiance to none but her mate and Ta'Illistim. These tasks are performed by Treeva strictly for information and personal power gain.

[Mistress of Adoration Table]
While the tables are spaced far enough apart to ensure some measure of privacy, they stand in the center of the skylit atrium. Like all of the tables in the room, this one is round and spacious, its heavy cast iron base supporting a carved black marble top. Set at an angle into the stone is a black steel plate inset with nine white starstones that form the leaf, stalk, and petals of a spring flower.
Obvious exits: out

You hear a faint skittering sound from somewhere nearby.

~I totally missed this for the first 5 minutes at least. I was off getting a drink and wrapping up a phone conversation, V was very patient~

The skittering sound echoes across the floor as it draws nearer.

You stare at nothing in particular.

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "What do you wish now?" She tsks disapprovingly. "And what happened to the body I got you yesterday?"

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I don't think that bugs are even allowed in here..."

You glance around the room.

You feel something cold on the back of your neck, and once more the chilly feeling grips the inside of your skull as invisible talons curl in your hair in a tenuous grasp.

You grimace.

Speaking in Elven, you murmur, "Never going to get used to that."

As strange words permeate your mind, they melt away into something sensible, "It wasn't enough."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Well obviously." She attempts to keep her expression calm, the only outward sign of irritation is a brief roll of her shoulders. "Perhaps you didn't use the resource I gave wisely."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "The corpse would not sustain me. I absorbed too much of it. I need something more substantial, biped."

Speaking in Elven, you cautiously ask, "What sort of more substantial?"

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "I have suffered unending wounds. My hunger is insatiable, and I cannot help but wither away that which I am attached to."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "I need things to... speed up the recovery process."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "So I'm going to be performing this task for you regularly until you figure out how to stop being such a parasite." She offers a long suffering sigh, though a faint hint of a smile curves her lips. "What do you need to recover properly?"

Speaking in Elven, you say, "And by the way...what injured you so badly? I've considered it for a day, and I still haven't actually seen what you look like, in true form."

A sudden sharp, stinging pain radiates from the base of your neck and flows down your spine until your entire nervous system is aflame, "Do not TEST ME, biped. I may not be able to use you as a suitable HOME, but I can still hollow you out..."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "Things... from the outer planes... stones..."

(Treeva's body stills, a low growl escaping from her lips though she offers no complaint. A single sharp nod, and she bristles in silence, waiting for further instruction.)

Speaking in Elven, you calmly ask, "Outer planes such as the Rift?"

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "Oblivion quartz... and a shadowglass orb... yes..."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Those orbs are difficult to find," offering the words casually. "It might take me a day or two if I cannot purchase one. The oblivion quartz is easy enough to come by in the Rift."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "Good... good. Find them. And seek out another one of your ilk... I see whose allegiances she claims... she is green-eyed..."

Speaking in Elven, you query, "Another elf? Do I know this female?"

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "I do not know. The others call her Linsha. Do not make them aware you speak to me -- it would complicate things beyond measure -- simply bring her somewhere... alone. I must speak with her."

~here I do a quick "find Linsha" but she is probably still at work. :( ~

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Complicate things beyond measure indeed." Her eyes narrow. "I'm hearing voice in my head that I can't explain, telling me to run around killing ogres and get oblivion quartz."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Does Lady Linsha need to come with me to the Rift? Or do I simply need to arrange to you speak to her when I return?"

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "Arrange with her to speak with me."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "I hope you understand that I am risking quite a bit, aiding you in the nameless quest you're on for recovery." A quick flinch later, and she continues. "And we haven't discussed a payment method."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "I helped you yesterday and in exchange, I was able to watch and document your strange abilities. What sort of knowledge will come of this?"

Speaking in Elven, you say, "The Rift is a rather far journey..."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "You may watch the next process, biped. And this time, you'll see what I am."

Speaking in Elven, you ask, "And I will remain intact?"

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "I have no need of you beyond your latent ability to appear normal to others of your kind. I prefer the skull cavities of giantkin."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "So, you needn't worry about your safety, little biped." The last words almost sound sweet, but the odd hiss-click sound erodes that implication.

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Appear normal," answering with a scoff. "I'm simply your average Illistim elf, nothing abnormal about me." Her nose crinkles as the hiss reverberates in her brain. "And very well."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "As long as I am alive and well enough to document your transformation."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Giantkin...brutish things they are."

The clicking, halting speech resolves itself into words in your mind, "I'll leave you to your task, then, biped. The more stones, the better, but one of each will suffice..."

Speaking in Elven, you say, "Very well parasite, I shall procure your shadowglass orb and a few oblivion quartz." She offers a slow dismissive gesture. "Now leave my mind, it's disgusting feeling your chilly slime attached."

The cold feeling leaves the base of your skull, and you feel the six invisible talons loosening their grip around your head. Soon enough, the presence fades away entirely.

You close your eyes for a moment.

You hear a skittering sound echoing away from the table.

Ok next, a question directed specifically at Linsha's player. Eva will be contacting Linsha through letter form initially, since she is currently on her way to the Rift. Do you mind playing along through the forums so everyone can read the drama or should I email you personally? Really thrilled at the opportunity to get some insight on Linsha when she introduces the parasite to her, despite Treeva's mild disdain. Her dedication to Mularos being thrown in the mix is very interesting.


04-13-2009, 12:35 PM
Around ten hours past noon an elven courier approached Evarin, asking for him to gather those he found trustworthy, and head to the Library Aies. After he had assembled those parties which met the given criteria, the group headed off to wait upon the portal to allow them entrance into the restricted section of the Aies. A Lore Master by the name of Savathas greeted them, and explained that he had summoned them there to aid in the examination of the tenebrous crystal.

It seemed that Avelorre, before departing on sabbatical, had accidently discovered the means to reactivate the child construct locked within the crystal. Savathas had heard that several, including Evarin, had assisted in Avelorre's research and thought they might be able to coax useful information from the blind child. The scholar then performed some rather bizarre sorcery, enabling him to activate the six-fingered orb and force the child into the open.

A brief interrogation pursued, and it was found that the child could be motivated by giving it flesh and blood. Debia provided both of the required materials, and the child was coerced into revealing various facts about his Master, as well as its own purpose. It also spoke of there being hundreds, if not thousands of crystals waiting to be activated. After a time, the creature departed, and the group left the confines of the Crystal's realm.

Back within the library, Savathas revealed some of the initial findings of the investigation of the ogre body discovered the day prior. It seems that what had been described as some sort of necromantic parasite had been able to take control of the host by manipulating its brain functions with the flow of mana. The process also drained the ogre's life essence until it was nothing but a preserved shell, which likely prompted the creature's abandonment of it. The party then dispersed without further incident.

04-14-2009, 01:55 AM
This took place between Linsha and Treeva this evening. Yes I know it's long and doesn't show her viewpoint but NOT what I expected at all.

[Treeva's Home]
A faint scent of jasmine fills this room. Its rug-covered herringbone oak parquet floor supports a scroll-carved mahogany featherbed and a gold-trimmed black marble table, and the area is enclosed by walls of white marble pilaster-set. A porphyry and granite-tiled fireplace sits at the far wall, above it hanging a neatly inked map of Ta'Illistim. You also see an opulent carved mahogany armchair, the fiery red Treeva disk, an opulent carved mahogany armchair and a lacquered maple door.
Also here: Lady Treeva.
Obvious exits: none
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I'm sorry, I didn't prepare wine ahead of time, I was rather not expecting this meeting until tomorrow."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Neither was I honestly."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Had I not been...directed otherwise this could have waited."
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Has something come up?"
Speaking in Elven, you thoughtfully ask, "Directed?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Yes indeed it has." Her nose crinkles. "My little friend is most anxious to meet you."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Please, do sit down."
You sit down on an opulent carved mahogany armchair.
Treeva sits down on an opulent carved mahogany armchair.
(Linsha turns her eyes toward Treeva and raises her eyebrows a touch,"Little friend?")
You notice a disturbance on Treeva's shoulder for but a moment.
You blink at Treeva.
Speaking in Elven, you nervously ask, "What is that?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I'm uncertain how to approach something like this. While unnatural beings have an-" she grimaces briefly before quickly speaking. "That's it, the...parasite."
(Linsha sits back in her chair carefully and stares directly at Treeva.)
Speaking in Elven, Treeva scolds, "You could have let me introduce you properly."
Speaking in Elven to you, Treeva says, "It has very poor manners."
Speaking in Elven, you firmly ask, "What is it?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva uncertainly says, "I don't exactly know...but it's very powerful."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "It feeds on...souless beings."
(Linsha thrusts her chest out and folds both arms with an annoyed expression on her face.)
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Why am I here?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "The ogre? The dead one? The parasite had at it."
Treeva raises an eyebrow.
Treeva's eyes glaze over slightly, and she goes slightly rigid for but a moment.
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you ask, "What does it feel like?"
(Linsha taps her temple. "I imagine it lurks about inside your head.")
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "You're here because the thing wants to talk with you." She goes limp suddenly a moment, a low sound escaping her lips before she bites down firmly. "It's...cold. I'm never cold, being attuned to fire. But it's freezing."
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Why you?"
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I mean..."
(Linsha choses her next words slowly, "Why not anyone else in town?")
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I know whom you bow to, little elf."
Speaking in Elven, you haughtily ask, "Yes so?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "If you truly serve your Master, then you will aid me."
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Aid you how?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Escape."
Speaking in Elven, you curiously ask, "From?"
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Why does my Lord have anything to do with this as well."
(Linsha's posture slowly relaxes as she leans toward Treeva curiously.)
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "This place. This city. The wardings hold me close to here, the one who imprisoned me burdened me with a binding."
Treeva chuckles low, her eyes swimming with shadows for but a moment.
(Treeva makes no attempt to stop the parasite from speaking through her, rather she listens just as intently as Linsha, while focused on remaining upright.)
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Why did you not come to me directly?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "The shadowglass and the oblivion quartz. Place them on the ground."
Speaking in Elven, you murmur, "The Rift."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Don't hurt the female, parasite." She offers the words slowly before halted movements begin to lay the items out. The motion is stiff, and a look of annoyance crosses her features. "And I dislike this."
Treeva removes a murky shadowglass orb from in her cashmere wrap.
Treeva carefully places a murky shadowglass orb on the floor.
Treeva removes a murky shadowglass orb from in her cashmere wrap.
Treeva carefully places a murky shadowglass orb on the floor.
Speaking blandly in Elven to Treeva, you say, "Being harmed will not hurt me. Exactly."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Yes...I've heard tales of your...tolerance. However, I would not have you hurt on account of me."
(Linsha aims her next question to the parasite other than Treeva as she asks, "Why my Lord and none of the others?")
The shadowglass orb is a smoky color reminiscent of fog at dusk or dawn. While it gives the impression of depth at a casual glance, it refuses to reveal anything more on a closer examination, and in fact, seems to grow more unresponsive and flat the more you look at it.
(Treeva forces the oblivon quartz quickly as possible, a wince setting her features upon contact.)
Treeva removes a shard of oblivion quartz from in her leather sack.
Treeva drops a shard of oblivion quartz.
Treeva removes a shard of oblivion quartz from in her leather sack.
Treeva drops a shard of oblivion quartz.
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "You do not recognize me. Perhaps you will now. Those who would be my allies are *not* numerous in this city of elves."
(Linsha gestures toward the gemstones, "What are these for?")
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I know the quartz can be fun to handle."
Something blurs atop Treeva's head, and you begin to see something dark and slick attached to her skull.
(Linsha chuckles dryly.)
(Linsha's mouth purses with disgust as she watches.)
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Slimy."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva slowly says, "Yes, it's done nothing to improve my hair. Bathing directly after is necessary."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "The sight of watching it take over the ogre was incredible however, it healed the wounds in a blink, and somehow forced itself inside the body."
The creature detaches itself from Treeva's head and slithers down to the floor, its triple-tined stinger whips about oddly.
(Treeva exhales an audible sound of relief as the parasite detaches before peering curiously at the creature.)
A small shadowy six-taloned creature skitters about.
(Linsha lets out a startled gasp as the the creature crawls around.)
[Treeva's Home]
A faint scent of jasmine fills this room. Its rug-covered herringbone oak parquet floor supports a scroll-carved mahogany featherbed and a gold-trimmed black marble table, and the area is enclosed by walls of white marble pilaster-set. A porphyry and granite-tiled fireplace sits at the far wall, above it hanging a neatly inked map of Ta'Illistim. You also see a small shadowy six-taloned creature, a shard of oblivion quartz, a shard of oblivion quartz, a murky shadowglass orb, a murky shadowglass orb, the fiery red Treeva disk and a lacquered maple door.
Also here: Lady Treeva who is sitting on an opulent carved mahogany armchair.
Obvious exits: none
The creature appears to be about as large as a giantman's hand and generally the same shape, its six spider-like legs tipped with gleaming razored talons, while its back harbors bat-like wings folded up against its black skin. A few dark red, lidless eyes are positioned atop its spikily-ridged body, while a long curving tail ending in a triple-tined stinger whips back and forth constantly. A miasma of shadow seems to wreath the creature in a stifling haze, its silhouette shrouded in darkness.
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "What ARE you?"
(Linsha extends a hand toward the creature but avoids touching it directly.)
A small shadowy six-taloned creature arranges the orbs and the quartz in a strange pattern, quickly carving out an arcane pattern in the wood of the floor.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Well no wonder it can't go out in public like that," sounding marginally horrified. "What an unsightly little parasite."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "It is beautiful."
Treeva gazes at you.
Speaking in Elven, you add, "You should see my demons."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I suppose that would explain our difference in opinions." A smile hovers on her lips. "I don't find demons strikingly beautiful either."
A small shadowy six-taloned creature rearranges the stones again to fit within the carved pattern. It taps one of its talons, and the lines of the arcane circle alight with a black fire -- the flames tinged a deep incarnadine around each of the stones.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Simply drawn to their power."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "You will need a new floor I think."
A small shadowy six-taloned creature skitters into the middle of the circle.
Speaking in Elven to a small shadowy six-taloned creature, you ask, "Have you a name?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Lovely," angling her head to get a better view of the arrangement. As an afterthought, she adds, "Try not to scorch my floor, parasite."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva casually asks, "Do you think we ought to be more concerned with this ceremony?"
A small shadowy six-taloned creature clicks and hisses in a halting, echoing speech, "Tulath verthule math'riiz k'lun'di'viir, shuul anath." It fixes one of its eyes on Linsha's wrists, then makes a very distinct slashing motion with one of its talons and points at the circle with another talon, looking about as expectant as it can possibly look.
You tremble.
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "You need my blood?"
A small shadowy six-taloned creature fixes Linsha with a multi-eyed, blank stare.
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Yes?"
You get off the armchair.
Speaking in Elven to you, Treeva asks, "Not to say it, but you're used to this sort of thing, no?"
You slip a hand to the hidden sheath in your sleeve, deftly retrieving your dagger.
(Linsha kneels on the floor near the creature and rolls up her sleeve.)
A small shadowy six-taloned creature whips its stinger about on the floor.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Please watch the furniture, my mate is already going to be driven crazy by the scent of blood when he returns."
(Linsha tilts her head back as she places the dagger's edge against her exposed wrist. Closing her eyes briefly she slashes downward in a single arc.)
>Treeva winces.
You shift your weight, trembling slightly.
A small shadowy six-taloned creature reacts rapidly, its stinger slashing upwards to catch some of the droplets -- it quickly spatters them around the circle, and the flames hiss and turn a ghostly blue for but a moment before they return to their black hues.
Speaking in Elven, you serenely ask, "Need more?"
A small shadowy six-taloned creature twists in a number of ways, its talons striking out a repetitive, staccatto beat along the wood as it caresses each of the stones in the circle with its stinger, its dark speech barely coherent among the racket.
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you say, "It seems to be in a frenzy."
(Treeva's gaze fixes on the hissing flames, watching the colours flare. Her brow arches when the talons begin to strike a pattern, and she nods once to Linsha.)
(Linsha craddles her bleeding wrist carefully as she studies the creature.)
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "It looks rather...excited."
(Linsha releases a deep sigh, her eyes almost glazed as she rocks back on her heels.)
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Thankfully it did not need more."
You gingerly run your palm over the flat of your dagger's blade.
A small shadowy six-taloned creature suddenly moves like a whip, its stinger smashing each of the gems in rapid succession! As the shadowglass orbs break, a strange, curling grey worm of thick smoke rises about as the circle flares, twisting in pain as it's trapped by the sigils.
Treeva cocks her head.
You cock your head at a small shadowy six-taloned creature.
The crimson energies unleashes from the oblivion quartz suffuse themselves around the tiny smoke worms, causing them to shriek loudly as the creature raises its talons higher, conjuring the flames to dance around them in torturous rapture.
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you say, "This is amazing."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "It's brilliant, I'm so pleased to be part of such an experience. And one of my own House along with."
(Linsha sits up straighter as she watches with fascination. Her eyes dart from the writhing smoke and leaping flames.)
A small shadowy six-taloned creature suddenly descends on each of the worms like an animal, absorbing the smoke in rapturous delight amid the screams of the dying entities. As the shadowy fog is absorbed by the creature, the haze around it increases, and its skin ripples and bubbles, looking renewed and less scarred.
A small shadowy six-taloned creature consumes the last of the smoke-worms, and the flames die out as the circle dims completely, leaving an utter stillness to the room.
You watch in breathless anticipation.
Treeva glances expectantly at a small shadowy six-taloned creature.
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I would love to study this thing."
A small shadowy six-taloned creature leaps up and attaches itself to the back of Treeva's skull once more.
Treeva flinches.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Still not enough that you can talk by yourself I suppose..." She looks vaguely disdainful, though still entirely intrigued. "And you just ate those worms."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "You asked my name..."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I did ask."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I am the one called Nershuul."
Speaking in Elven to you, Treeva murmurs, "Do you know that name?"
Speaking in Elven, you say, "The name sounds familiar... yet I cannot place it right this moment."
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "The Nameless?"
Speaking in Elven, you say, "No that was not it."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Something the Dhe'nar mentioned last night."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "The talons are distinct. It lends some insight, reading far back into history."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva asks, "How often does one come across a six taloned creature specifically?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I am the right hand of Morvule. I knew one who you would *gladly* call Master."
You gasp.
A small shadowy six-taloned creature twitches on Treeva's skull briefly.
(Linsha covers her mouth in shock as her attention is fully focused on Treeva.)
Speaking in Elven, you exclaim, "I thought you were all destroyed!"
(Treeva looks distinctly unimpressed at the revalation, until the realization slowly dawns.)
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "Wait...right hand of...gone. All gone."
Speaking urgently in Elven to Treeva, you ask, "Do you KNOW what that thing is?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I was struck down in Solhaven. I was *retrieved* by agents of the Eternal Eye, and I have been in their *care* ever since." A flash of anger crosses her face.
You think to yourself, "There could be hope the others are not lost."
(Linsha almost whispers, "The others are they truly gone?")
Speaking in Elven, Treeva slowly says, "It's connected to the darkness much more than I had realized." She falls against the chair, murmuring to herself. "I'm suppose to be neutral."
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you say, "You cannot hide what you are."
(Treeva blinks in surprise at Linsha, bolting upright in her chair in one smooth movement.)
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I will need several days to *break* my binding so that I may leave the city -- without my wounds, this should be easier. But I must be reconnected with the crystal in the library."
(Treeva simply goes silent as Nershuul continues to speak through her, a curiously lifeless expression painted on her features.)
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Can this vessel be trusted, or do we have no more need of her?"
(Linsha glances at Treeva, "This one?")
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Yes."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I need to speak to Linsha...without you." Her lips barely move. "I need advice."
Speaking in Elven, you murmur, "If she was not of my own House I would dispose of her. But... since she is I will not have her harmed."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Very well. And you may speak to her when I am done with you." A twinge of an imperceptible smirk graces her lips.
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Will you contact me again through her?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I will speak to you later of what I wish to accomplish. For now, wait for my orders -- and seek out a potential host. With my wounds cured, I should be able to sustain something, but I would prefer... something *civilized*."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Yes. Or you, directly."
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Human?"
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I prefer larger, but it will do."
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "He simply adores giantkin," offering the words with a faint smile. "Big brutes."
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you ask, "You will help find a host?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I..." Her features conflict briefly before determination sets in. "Yes, I will see this through, Lady Sinti. It seems I cannot turn back from here."
Speaking in Elven to Treeva, you say, "You do not understand how important this is."
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva agrees, "No, I will need a good amount of explanation."
Treeva suddenly grips one of her hands, then twists it sharply, breaking it at the wrist.
Speaking in Elven, Treeva says, "I can speak whenever I want," snarling the words out despite the pain. "You are not my Master."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "She is lucky you vouched for her. I tired of her 'witticisms'..."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "Would that I had a preference for your lithe, weak bodies, you'd have been hollowed out and used as my home. Count yourself lucky you've lived thus far."
Treeva's mouth moves in a strange fashion, an odd accent tinging her words, "I depart now. Await my orders."
Speaking in Elven, you blandly ask, "Yet you need our weak bodies, hmm?"
Speaking in Elven, Treeva retorts, "Count yourself lucky that I let you use my body and mind as a vessel." Her eyes narrow. "Lucky isn't what I would use for me."
A small shadowy six-taloned creature suddenly detaches from Treeva's head and skitters along the floor.
Speaking in Elven to a small shadowy six-taloned creature, you say, "Amazing."
A small shadowy six-taloned creature suddenly is suffused by a dark haze and is gone.

04-14-2009, 03:16 AM
....Nershuul? We're in trouble now!

Explains why he appeared as a giant before.


04-14-2009, 07:23 AM
Heh. I think that thing is playing them for a fool. It knows they are both Mularosians and came up with a story to get them to do as it wants. Zealots. So easy to manipulate.

04-14-2009, 08:22 AM
Most likely. Nershuul was rather good at manipulations before, if I'm recalling the same character. That just made things a lot more interesting than they already were.


04-14-2009, 09:28 AM
Eh, interesting, yah, for the DA/Resistance crowd. If this turns into GSS lite, like I said on the boards, Evarin will be resting on the Four Winds for the duration. That shit brings WAY too much drama, and I don't want to be dealing with a bunch of cranky characters tired from sprinting back and forth between Ta'Illi and Solhaven.

04-14-2009, 09:54 AM
Very true. I know for myself, I'll be staying in Solhaven. I really can only focus on so many storylines in game at a time, and while Nilandia would be concerned that Nershuul is active again, she's more concerned for Solhaven's welfare. I will be watching the board posts, of course. Good reading.


04-14-2009, 09:59 AM
Very true. I know for myself, I'll be staying in Solhaven. I really can only focus on so many storylines in game at a time, and while Nilandia would be concerned that Nershuul is active again, she's more concerned for Solhaven's welfare. I will be watching the board posts, of course. Good reading.


I honestly can't blame people for running once they hear something related to the GSS is going on. Several people have built their whole RP/Character around that single storyline. It would make sense to the CHARACTER to want to get involved, either for stopping Morvule's assistant or aiding him. But we're putting the cart in front of the horse for the moment. We'll see how things play out.

04-14-2009, 10:07 AM
Eh, interesting, yah, for the DA/Resistance crowd. If this turns into GSS lite, like I said on the boards, Evarin will be resting on the Four Winds for the duration. That shit brings WAY too much drama, and I don't want to be dealing with a bunch of cranky characters tired from sprinting back and forth between Ta'Illi and Solhaven.

I'm partly glad I was on break during GSS2. I'm sure it was character making/breaking, but the storyline snailpace would have made me want to quit.

04-14-2009, 10:09 AM
I'm partly glad I was on break during GSS2. I'm sure it was character making/breaking, but the storyline snailpace would have made me want to quit.

Voraviel has not had a night of inactivity other than the 1 scheduled break he took to give people time to see that new Teras building, and a brief stint after we went inside the crystal and kicked the shit out of that freaky heart. I HAVE to imagine that this phase of the storyline will either be wrapped up, or put on hold during CCF, though. Atleast Thursday-Sunday.

04-15-2009, 01:12 AM
Minor update.

Linsha's little creature friend contacted her when she was resting in town. She went to somewhere more private and it invaded her mind. Nershuul knew of her doubts regarding who it claimed to be and set to tell what really happened and how it came to be in Illistim. She asked about the Four (avatars in the GSS) and he told Linsha that Morvule was still alive even though the connection was faint. She of course was thrilled to think there was a chance of having them return and it requested she call on Treeva so all doubts could be thrown aside.

It led them in front of the bank where they gained entry to Vaelsoth's home and study. The creature withdrew from Linsha's head and opened up a secret panel in the floorboards where books written in regards to Neshuul during the GSS were kept.

Linsha attempted to barter with the creature saying she would assist it only if Ta'Illistim was left alone. It agreed and shortly after left.