View Full Version : Dwarven warblades

03-28-2009, 03:11 AM
Ok these are beautifull weapons and unfortunatly I should of researched my purchase more before I got them.

Open to offers (coin, trade, trade + coin, first borns, A cow named Jeb) feel free to pique my interest.

First my Delima. I'm trying to find an item to define Sile, something I can get and not trade after a few weeks, days or hours as this may be the case here. I'm open to any ideas of weapons, etc. He's a Paladin, mid 60's. With the fixskill comming up, I'll consider any weapon outside of lances/awl-pikes. And I prefer something on Par with these weapons if possible. Again I prefer two handed weapons, but I'm not limiting myself to them.

Now on to the Warblades.

a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'

Both have shows and long loresongs.

The warblade is forged of some unknown alloy that is extremely light and flexible, yet remains highly resilient. The metal gleams with a bluish hue. The edge of the warblade is honed to an uncommon sharpness. Inscribed along the length of the blade are ancient runes of some forgotten origin.

Here is their loresong:

Evil and ruin befell the Lands.
Seven strong hearts and seven stout hands,
wielding fire to stem the flow,
Guarded the pass against their foes.

Seven stood in the darkest hour.
Fire in hand, whilst the village did cower.
Against the ancient evil of old,
they stood as one, brave and bold.

Seven blades flashing bright,
mighty brands to pierce the night.
Did set all their foes a'straight,
withering them in ruint fate.

Aelthed, Orin, were the first to fall,
Five now stood and fought for all.
Farouk, Karo, followed soon,
Three blades still shined against the moon.

Three blades left began to fade.
Without all seven their doom was made.
Iubdan, Manser, fought till death,
with ebbing strength and waning breath.

Ottar held his blade up high.
Lightning crashed against the sky.
Seven blades their powers meshed,
to cleave asunder demon flesh.

With fading breath and dying sight,
Ottar passed beyond the Light.
The weapons great, their wielders strong.
Together these blades shall right the wrong.

Seven blades, each with a light,
came together in blazing might.
Separate, each had a fire.
Brought together they formed a pyre.

The village free, the seven dead,
Weapons were laid beside each head.
And if the lores of old ring true,
Seven blades shall rise anew.

Both Falchion based which defused my idea of dual wielding as a Giant. But on the flip side its a much more desirable base one handed. They also weigh 13-15lbs. Which is one negative about them.

Info I've found out on the blades so far, and through my testing on some of my alts with instant mitigation so far. And through some info that has been posted.

Thier Enchant seems to fluctuate, Unsure how high they it goes, but one factor that seems to increase the enchant is the train of your character. Swinging with Sile I seemed to get close to a 5x enchant. With some lower level characters it seemed to be more along the lines of 4x. Now I don't know what other factors affect this.

Thier power also increases with more being used in the same group.

Dual Wielding doesn't increase thier power.

So this is what I've seen.

Single/dual wield, Enchant seems to be somewhere around 3x (again I never figured it completely out) the flares seem to have no element attached and hit 1-20, with 1 being very rare, and 20 being even more so. 10's/15's by far the most common. With 5's and 7's occasionally.

Two characters holding one each. Enchant doesnt seem to change. But a strange thing I noticed, my ds seemed to increase slightly, perhaps they have an added defended bonus when combinded up. The element of the flare also changed to Cold and now they seem to hit 10-25 damage, with 15/20 being more common, 10 less common and 25 rare.

They always flare on every hit.

Also when waved you get this:

Your warblade whistles a shrill note as you swing it back and forth through the air.

I haven't found any more scripts.

The testing is far from complete, and I'm not looking to break these up, as the previous owner was very happy I wanted to keep them together. I'll take offers on them for awhile, if I they don't end up moving I'll roll up two new dwarves to make full use of the blades to multi with.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, I'll do my best to answer.

Taken from another post:

It is believed that these are the blades referred to in the official Simu dwarven history:

"Shortly after the Witch Winter of 4628, Hendor was lost to Queen Issyldra, the Ice Witch. Those dwarves that did survive took to the underground mines with the bulk of their clansmen. The dwarves stood with the Humans against the Ice Witch, but her power and minions drove all the defenders back for nearly two years. During this time, seven magical blades were crafted to defeat the Ice Queen, crafted from the very flows of Eonak's Belt. Before the blades were finished, Issyldra was defeated by the Humans, but her minions remained and scattered about the lands. The blades were given to the seven strongest warriors of all the dwarven miners, and in a great battle, Issyldra's remaining minions were defeated, but the seven warriors were killed. In the process, however, the dwarves reclaimed their lost mines, and the Humans retook the northern lands."

03-28-2009, 08:26 AM
My suggestion, try to get the white shaalk claid.

03-28-2009, 11:46 AM
Great weapon, but I was never really a fan of Extra Weighted Claidhs.

I just don't like having items with a big flag saying nerf me.

Had a weapon in gs3 brought down from 100m in value to 30m from a nerf. Doubt I'd risk it again.

03-28-2009, 12:15 PM
Something I wish to add.

I'm not really interested in offers of many items to add up to these blades. The more items in the trade I probably won't use, the less likely I'll trade sorry.

Had a couple offers of 8-10 items and really even in if your items are nice respectively. I'm not really looking to have a bunch of items to resell.

Still feel free to make offers you feel fit.

And I need to add, as inquired by one person, I am not looking to break the both of them up. Even if someone offered me a stupidly high amount for one blade. I'd just give them the 2nd as a free be.

03-28-2009, 02:08 PM
They sound expensive, I think it would be super cool to own all 7 of the blades from the dwarven histories, but I doubt I can afford even one. Maybe someday... I wonder if all 7 still exist or if some dissapeared in lockers in closed accounts.

03-28-2009, 02:46 PM
I know of five... Other two who knows.

03-28-2009, 04:09 PM
My understanding Is there are 6 still in the lands, and I do know last known owners.

03-28-2009, 05:52 PM
Great weapon, but I was never really a fan of Extra Weighted Claidhs.

I just don't like having items with a big flag saying nerf me.

Had a weapon in gs3 brought down from 100m in value to 30m from a nerf. Doubt I'd risk it again.

Have any of the extra weighted claids been nerfed ever? Even IF they did bring the weighting down to that of the normal claid, it's still a 4x old style claid isn't it? Not to mention how often do you see someone with a claid like that?

03-28-2009, 05:53 PM
At least two are gone forever.

I'll never figured why people kept going group items after this, the pavises and then the runestaves. They are an AMAZING idea in concept, but they never worked out.


03-28-2009, 05:54 PM
True, but I would rather a 4x non extra weighted oldstyle claidh with a little coin added then getting that claidh. Personal preferance

03-28-2009, 05:55 PM
At least two are gone forever.

I'll never figured why people kept going group items after this, the pavises and then the runestaves. They are an AMAZING idea in concept, but they never worked out.



03-28-2009, 05:57 PM
Yeah, I'm still confident I'll find a buyer with them, may take a bit of time.. If not they'll just be lockered.

03-28-2009, 05:57 PM
What should happen with all those group items is that CHEs or MHOs, or something similar, should buy the entire set, then issue it in defense of the house or something. At least they'd get used together, and you could hand them out to a group during invasions. If you could get the pavises and runeblades all together, you'd have a HELL of a set.

03-28-2009, 06:01 PM
What should happen with all those group items is that CHEs or MHOs, or something similar, should buy the entire set, then issue it in defense of the house or something. At least they'd get used together, and you could hand them out to a group during invasions. If you could get the pavises and runeblades all together, you'd have a HELL of a set.

I thought about giving it a go for the Tower, but it is too much expense for too little gain. What I was thinking is that these types of items should be GIVEN or SOLD to CHE's and/or MHO's instead of 1 person. That way the group owns them and they don't disappear so readily when people leave. They likely will still, but atleast then they would have a fighting chance.

03-28-2009, 06:04 PM
Of course, if such an opportunity was given to CHEs or MHOs, the cries and complaints of favoritism would be pretty intense. Imagine it's largely a case of why bother at that point.

03-28-2009, 06:07 PM
Yeah I actually am doing my part and keeping these two together, had a couple inquire about me breaking them apart.

But that sort of thing causes them to be lost and too hard to track.

03-28-2009, 06:09 PM
I should also add, I'm not asking nowhere near the 70m per that one sold for a couple years back.

03-28-2009, 06:17 PM
I'd send Khariz a pm, see if he's willing to party with someone thing from his collection. Colossos (sp?) has that really nice black ora claid, think that one is 2x. Or maybe one of the xenium hilted laen claids, 3x? Might be able to find one of those.

03-28-2009, 06:42 PM
Yeah I've never been on the whole Claidh bandwagon to be honest.

Now a 10x perfectly forged battleaxe, doubt even one exists, doubt even more one would ever be sold.

03-28-2009, 11:32 PM
So many inquiries, so I'll just say here what I value them at.

80m as a set. which is far below what they've sold for before.

03-29-2009, 09:26 PM
Still open to offers...

03-29-2009, 10:38 PM
I have a current offer of 65m for the pair. Which is lower then I want to sell, but I'll let that stand as a current offer for awhile.

03-30-2009, 08:13 AM
Current trade + coin offer at 70m.

03-31-2009, 01:17 PM
Previous offers have been revoked and I put this up in Auction's folder. Happy bidding.