View Full Version : Warn interact?

03-22-2009, 02:50 AM
I've never warned anyone for anything so maybe I don't know how it is supposed to work...

But after being repeatedly insulted by someone the other night, and I can honestly say it was for nothing, I killed him today. Didn't say anything... and didn't plan on bothering him again unless he kept running his mouth. But once his body was brought to town he continued to insult me.. saying the same things he had that lead to me killing him. Which was.. Understandable.. Most people don't react well to getting murdered.

What bugged me was.. AFTER he spewed his insults (I didn't save a log unfortunately)... He warned me...?

If he had just warned me after killing him, but not ran his mouth more.. I wouldn't really have an issue but thats not how it was. So I put in an assist and was told I should just abide by the warning BUT if he mentions me again.. He's nulled it. Well not an hour later he did.. He didn't say anything bad but.. I guess my question is.. Once you warn someone aren't both parties supposed to pretty much act like the other doesn't exist?

I put in another assist just stating I wanted it to be noted that he had broken his own warning. But was responded to hours later and pretty much told "Keep obeying the warning, and continue to let us know if he breaks it."

I dunno.. Felt like bullshit to me. Breaking his warning an hour after he created it isn't violation enough? IMO it was already disruptive enough that his warn pretty much allowed him to run his mouth AGAIN without me being able to respond in any way.

But maybe I'm wrong.. and I'm sure you guys will tell me if I am.

03-22-2009, 03:00 AM
Once you warn someone aren't both parties supposed to pretty much act like the other doesn't exist?

Yes. Unfortunately it doesn't always happen like that.

I put in another assist just stating I wanted it to be noted that he had broken his own warning. But was responded to hours later and pretty much told "Keep obeying the warning, and continue to let us know if he breaks it."

I dunno.. Felt like bullshit to me. Breaking his warning an hour after he created it isn't violation enough? IMO it was already disruptive enough that his warn pretty much allowed him to run his mouth AGAIN without me being able to respond in any way.

But maybe I'm wrong.. and I'm sure you guys will tell me if I am.

Next time he says something, REPORT about it. That will alert GMs immediately so they can watch him. Assists don't do that, I believe.

03-22-2009, 03:01 AM
Actually I did report it.. and was told that in order to make record of it I needed to assist... as well as to use assist in the future.

03-22-2009, 03:06 AM
I'd report again anyway if he says something further. Just put in an assist after you report. They'll never do anything if they don't catch him in action.

03-22-2009, 04:14 AM
Anyone who has ever typed WARN in GS pretty much sucks.

03-22-2009, 04:53 AM
Anyone who has ever typed WARN in GS pretty much sucks.

Yeah thats kinda how I feel about it.. Excluding cases of extreme and repetetive attacks I guess.

Now it just kind of seems like this guy can do whatever the fuck he wants.. meanwhile i should ignore it as a character but be busy reporting it until some undocumented queue of policy violation is met... and even when that happens.. I'll have to place an assist to find out when I'm allowed to respond to it.

03-22-2009, 10:03 AM
Anyone who has ever typed WARN in GS pretty much sucks.

I can honestly say that I have never used the WARN option, and I used to feel pretty much the same way you did. However, having been on the receiving end of some rather vicious personal attacks in game...it sure is tempting, if for no other reason than to have provided peace for myself.

When politely, repeatedly asking someone to "LEAVE ME ALONE" doesn't work, what other real options do you have? Trust me, in MY situation, ignoring him only seemed to make it worse.

To the OP, I hope things get better. My own situation improved eventually, and at this point in time, seems to be behind me.

03-22-2009, 11:04 AM
Yep, WARN is about very near the top of the "Crock of shit" pile in GS. One of the most absurd, very well abused by snerts and in general, one of the most likely to get you fucked over by GM intervention commands in the game. What a lovely brainchild of the politically correct generation of not-thinking.

03-22-2009, 11:10 AM
I've used warn on people who will randomly attack with no reason, and no previous RP. If they're wasting my time getting me into something I don't completely choose to get into, then warn and move on.

03-22-2009, 11:13 AM
I've never used WARN before. If someone is going to kill/insult/touch me, I'll handle it in game and IC. Sometimes I might get my ass kicked...whatever. It's a stupid command. I've been WARNed plenty of times (usually for petty arguments) and just left the other character alone. They even talk to me again though, they're dead.
I just feel like if this is supposed to be a "real world", you have to deal with assholes without calling on God to save you. Just like in the real world.

03-22-2009, 11:37 AM
I just feel like if this is supposed to be a "real world", you have to deal with assholes without calling on God to save you. Just like in the real world.

It's not the real world, it's my free time

03-22-2009, 12:28 PM
I can see how sometimes people feel like issuing a warn is their only option. I've seen how retarded some situations can get between people.

But like I said, it was never my intentioin to continuously torment this guy. I just saw it as: Dipshit runs their mouth to someone they shouldn't, dipshit gets killed.. Dipshit should learn their lesson or if they choose to keep being a dipshit should know what they have coming.

Having been the dipshit before, it sounds fair to me. And I've never even considered warning someone. Isn't it realistic that sometimes two characters are just not going to like eachother!?

It sounds like most of you agree, I'm still just annoyed. Minutes before issuing his warn he publicly said things like "The whole town knows you're an ass so I'll say it again.. You're an ass! And a sad little man!"

Its not that what he said really upset me... Not being able to slit his neck the minute he was raised did though.

03-22-2009, 12:36 PM
I used warn once and only once, and I felt shitty for dealing with it. Basically it boiled down to I couldn't hunt anymore. I would be immediately killed if I attempted to hunt, and there was no roleplay going on. In OTF CvC is extremely retarded as you have a 5 second swim that you must make to get into the hunting ground. No invisibility, etc. You're just in solid RT for 5 seconds.

Bottom line is unless someone is KoS'ing you repeatedly with no attempts to roleplay I wouldn't bother with warn.

03-22-2009, 01:30 PM
A few important details were left out of this post.

I was the one who warned him, based upon the fact our first interactions and his subsequent aggression against me was so thinly veiled as "RP" I put it more on him being a bully.

A group of us were commenting about his character's actions, I cracked a little joke and he chose to cut my throat in public, which even elicited "WTFs" from everyone in the room(It was not justified).

To attempt to put some RP into his aggression after getting my throat healed I sputtered a few things about him not wanting to do that again or I'd have him snuffed.

The next day he stalked me, shot me in the eye and killed me.

Under advice from other people I WARNed him as I was told he chronically picks on lower level people, (he has 40 levels on me) and not wanting to be to target of his male PMSing and thinly veiled RP (you made a rather tame joke about me I cut your throat in public "RP")

As for breaking my WARN interact I did when Quildor asked me why I had an arrow in my eye still (didn't know they stick there and I was subsequently whisked away by a GM and told to STFU).

He has also continued to trash talk me in public, after this post, and after the WARN, and comes in here complaining about it.

Had I known he was only going to kill me once I would have forgone the WARN. But being told he will multi kill, being camped by an ass was not on my agenda when I had my gift. so I WARNed

To you Durka, lets just drop this thing go back to glaring at each other like normal and leave the whole WARN shit like it didn't happen.

03-22-2009, 01:38 PM
Under advice from other people I WARNed him as I was told he chronically picks on lower level people, (he has 40 levels on me)

You was told wrong.

I'm not sure what to say here. But lets be realistic, just for a moment. If you badmouth someone do you honestly expect them to beam a smile in your direction, sashay around in the middle of bunnies and birdies singing your praise?

At the least you're looking at some sort of retribution, you just got the worst end of it. It happened, you got killed and I'm absolutely certain being killed once was going to be the end of it. The warn was unnecessary.

03-22-2009, 01:44 PM
Indeed, I made the mistake of listening to other peoples advice instead of handling it myself.

Shoulda waited for him to grief me, instead of preemptively going the nancy route.

Was aggravated extra by the fact I was on my way to help a completely new person with their first hunting death and I got plinked outside the gate.

We need fresh blood in GS

03-22-2009, 01:49 PM
You was told wrong.

I'm not sure what to say here. But lets be realistic, just for a moment. If you badmouth someone do you honestly expect them to beam a smile in your direction, sashay around in the middle of bunnies and birdies singing your praise?

No I dont, but I was not the only one cracking jokes either, we can go back and forth on what justifies what, to the majority of people present his actions were not justified, but it is all perspective, it was my mistake to put WARN in the mix.

I just want it resolved, I don't hate Durka the player, I dislike Durka the character. I just feel he took it a little more extreme than it needed to be based on the fact I'm friends with Murkshev and no other real reason.

03-22-2009, 01:49 PM
Ask the person who probably gave you that bum advice how many times the OP killed him for being an ass. I can assure you it was *one*. I'm not some huge fan of PvP but if someone says something out of line or borderline stupid you're pretty much opening yourself up for some kind of ouch. Even if it doesn't end in death.

I'm pretty sure if he was off on some quest killing people who are connected to Murkshev a lot more people would have died by now.

03-22-2009, 01:54 PM
A group of us were commenting about his character's actions, I cracked a little joke and he chose to cut my throat in public, which even elicited "WTFs" from everyone in the room(It was not justified).

What actions? I was sitting at the well picking boxes and not talking to you. And seeing as how all cutthroat really does is shut you up.. I thought that was a pretty clear way of saying, Durka doesn't want you talking about him like that. Matter of fact I can't recall ever having interaction with you other than you obviously being upset I didn't know who the hell you were a day or two before that.

Walking into a room and insulting someone who hasn't done a damn thing to you, then suffering retaliatioin is hardly getting bullied. You ran your mouth, and got dealt with for it.

To attempt to put some RP into his aggression after getting my throat healed I sputtered a few things about him not wanting to do that again or I'd have him snuffed.

Oh right.. RP. You mean you saying something like "You still have a woody for mistruss!" Well done...

The next day he stalked me, shot me in the eye and killed me.

And enjoyed it.

Under advice from other people I WARNed him as I was told he chronically picks on lower level people, (he has 40 levels on me) and not wanting to be to target of his male PMSing and thinly veiled RP (you made a rather tame joke about me I cut your throat in public "RP")

I'd like to know who Durka chronically picks on.. and I know more than a few people that would disagree.. but.. Ok. I play Durka as a bit of a dick.. That is RP. You would have no idea who my other character is.. Why? Because he's played completely differently. And what exactly do you think happens when you run your mouth to someone 40 trains over you? More often than not.. You get killed, its happened to me.. and I doubt thats the last time it happens to you.

As for breaking my WARN interact I did when Quildor asked me why I had an arrow in my eye still (didn't know they stick there and I was subsequently whisked away by a GM and told to STFU).

He has also continued to trash talk me in public, after this post, and after the WARN, and comes in here complaining about it.

Actually I abided by the warn until you broke it.

Had I known he was only going to kill me once I would have forgone the WARN. But being told he will multi kill, being camped by an ass was not on my agenda when I had my gift. so I WARNed

Please name one person Durka has killed repeatedly? I know exactly who you're getting your information from.. And he's about as bright as you, so I'm not all that surprised.

To you Durka, lets just drop this thing go back to glaring at each other like normal and leave the whole WARN shit like it didn't happen.

Like normal? Dude, I had never heard of you before like 3 days ago. WTF is normal?

03-22-2009, 02:00 PM
I took a 7 month Sabatical, hence why I know about your past interactions with Mistruss, you and I had a rather fun, rather tense few moments back then, we were also a bit more on an even footing then.

It is a shame you have forgotten it.

I will admit I was not on my best footing that day, so instead of hurling it back an forth, lets just drop it. Durka doesn't like Bels, Bels doesnt like Durka, Bels ran his mouth got killed, learned his lesson now, even if it took some OOC hashing and lets move on.

It was my mistake to bring WARN into it.

03-22-2009, 02:02 PM
Ok. That works for me. I appreciate you manning up to it.

03-22-2009, 02:40 PM

03-22-2009, 04:49 PM
I just feel like if this is supposed to be a "real world", you have to deal with assholes without calling on God to save you. Just like in the real world.

Just like in the real world, where you can call the police to intervene if someone is harassing you and tries to kill you? ;)

03-22-2009, 05:02 PM
This thread is camper than Drew2

03-24-2009, 09:16 AM
No I dont, but I was not the only one cracking jokes either, we can go back and forth on what justifies what, to the majority of people present his actions were not justified, but it is all perspective, it was my mistake to put WARN in the mix.

Hence why you don't fuck with people you don't know


03-24-2009, 10:27 AM
Regardless of the backstory and so on, WARN is still about the biggest crock of shit this side of "imbedding is working as intended and not scheduled for a review any time soon."

Just sayin

03-27-2009, 12:46 AM
overall amusing incident and everyone learned a lesson. Carry on.