View Full Version : Research: Lightening Critical Table

03-13-2009, 02:11 PM
This should be complete with the exception of rank 5 eye's instant death or not crit. I've also included injury ranks (1,2,3) with the corresponding critical ranks. I'll also note that rank 2 and 3 head crits both have 15 damage - that is not a misprint.



ARMOR GROUP--------------------CLOTH-----LEATHER-------SCALE----------CHAIN---------PLATE
MINOR SHOCK (901) DF----------.150---------.133-----------.111------------.122-----------.128
AvD--------------------------------- 35 ---- 25/24/23/22 - 30/28/26/24 - 33/29/25/21 - 36/30/24/18

MAJOR SHOCK (910) DF----------.750---------.555-----------.433------------.415-----------.433
AvD--------------------------------- 50 ---- 40/39/38/37 - 45/43/41/39 - 48/44/40/36 - 51/45/39/33


(A) - amputation
(F) - fatal (instand death crit)
(K) - knockdown
(S) - stun
(R1,2,3) Injury ranks

rank 0 head 0 Hair stands on end. Neat effect.
rank 1 head 5 Light shock to head. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 head 15 Shocking jolt to forehead. Painful. (R1)(S)
rank 3 head 15 Nasty shock to the head. The critter looks dazed and confused. (R2)(S)
rank 4 head 20 Painfully bright jolt to head leaves ears glowing. (R2)(S)
rank 5 head 25 Horrid jolt to forehead amplifies brain waves. You hear the critter scream in your head. (R3)(S)
rank 6 head 30 Horrifying jolt to forehead. Brain explodes in a stunning display of light!(R3)(F)
rank 7 head 35 Spectacular arc of electricity enters one ear and comes out the other. Instant death. (R3)(F)
rank 8 head 40 Massive electrical shock turns head into shark bait. Time to feed the fish (R3)(F)
rank 9 head 50 Horrifying electrical shock converts head into blood-stained glass. Death is a step up. (R3)(F)

rank 0 neck 0 Tiny sparks around neck. Pretty.
rank 1 neck 2 Light shock to neck. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 neck 5 Shocking jolt to neck. Painful. (R1)(S)
rank 3 neck 10 Nasty shock to the neck. Gonna be stiff for awhile. (R2)(S)
rank 4 neck 12 Painfully bright jolt to neck explodes surrounding skin. Nasty! (R2)(S)
rank 5 neck 15 Horrid jolt to neck explodes vocal cords. The critter gurgles in response. (R3)(S)
rank 6 neck 20 Terrible shock to neck fuses larynx shut. A painful death follows. (R3)(F)
rank 7 neck 25 Explosive bolt of electricity vaporized neck. Head drops to shoulders then on ground. Never knew what hit 'em. (R3)(F)
rank 8 neck 30 Arcing bolt of electricity snaps through neck as if it wasn't there and now it really isn't. Instant Death. (R3)(F)
rank 9 neck 40 Surprisingly large electrical arc destroys neck and moves up around head making a flashy halo. Rather classical death occurs. (R3)(F)

rank 0 r eye 0 Hair stands on end. Neat effect.
rank 1 r eye 1 Light shock to right eye. Bet that stung. (R1)
rank 2 r eye 3 Heavy spark to right eye causes tears and redness. (R1)
rank 3 r eye 5 Nasty jolt to right eye causes eyelid to split. Gross! (R2)(S)
rank 4 r eye 10 Heavy shock to right eye bursts a few blood vessels. Sick. (R2)(S)
rank 5 r eye 20 Heavy jolt to right eye chars the optic nerve. Now that's pain! (R3)(F?)
rank 6 r eye 30 Great bolt of electricity pierces right eye and fries brain till dead. (R3)(F)
rank 7 r eye 40 Right eye socket explodes in a dazzling array of multi-colored sparks. Shocking death. (R3)(F)
rank 8 r eye 45 Sudden blast of electricity sends right eye flying to the ground! Death from shock results. (R3)(F)
rank 9 r eye 50 Immense electrical bolt finds right eye the perfect conductor to ground out in. A shocking death indeed. (R3)(F)

rank 0 l eye 0 Hair stands on end. Neat effect.
rank 1 l eye 1 Light shock to left eye. Bet that stung. (R1)
rank 2 l eye 3 Heavy spark to left eye causes tears and redness. (R1)
rank 3 l eye 5 Nasty jolt to left eye causes eyelid to split. Gross! (R2)(S)
rank 4 l eye 10 Heavy shock to left eye bursts a few blood vessels. Sick. (R2)(S)
rank 5 l eye 20 Heavy jolt to left eye severs optic nerve. Now that's pain!(R3)(F?)
rank 6 l eye 30 Great bolt of electricity pierces left eye and fries brain till dead.(R3)(F)
rank 7 l eye 40 Left eye socket explodes in a dazzling array of multi-colored sparks. Shocking death. (R3)(F)
rank 8 l eye 45 Sudden blast of electricity sends left eye flying to the ground! Death from shock results. (R3)(F)
rank 9 l eye 50 Immense electrical bolt finds left eye the perfect conductor to ground out in. A shocking death indeed. (R3)(F)

rank 0 chest 0 Tiny sparks around chest. Almost tickles.
rank 1 chest 5 Light shock to chest. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 chest 10 Heavy spark to chest. Bet that hurts. (R1)
rank 3 chest 15 Heavy shock to chest illuminates ribcage. Cool! (R1)(S)
rank 4 chest 20 Nasty jolt to chest causes heart to skip a beat! (R2) (S)
rank 5 chest 25 Heavy jolt to chest causes solar plexus to explode. Remarkable display of spraying blood. (R2)(S)
rank 6 chest 30 Horrid jolt of electricity shatters ribs in a sickening flash of light! (R2)(S)
rank 7 chest 50 Massive electrical shock to chest tears through muscle tissue.(R3)(S)
rank 8 chest 60 Horrifying jolt of electricity fries chest to a crisp. Toasty!(R3)(S)
rank 9 chest 70 Horrifying bolt of electricity turns chest into a smoking pulp of flesh. No life left there. (R3)(F)

rank 0 abdomen 0 Tiny sparks dance around belly. Cool!
rank 1 abdomen 5 Light shock to abdomen. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 abdomen 10 Heavy spark to abdomen. Bet that hurts. (R1)
rank 3 abdomen 15 Heavy shock to abdomen blackens skin. Ick. (R1)(S)
rank 4 abdomen 20 Nasty jolt to abdomen makes a critter's stomach turn. Urp. (R2)(S)
rank 5 abdomen 25 Heavy jolt to abdomen causes skin to break open exposing liver. Yuck! (R2)(S)
rank 6 abdomen 30 Horrid jolt of electricity illuminates kidneys! (R2)(S)
rank 7 abdomen 50 Massive electrical shock to abdomen turns muscle tissue into a crispy bubbled mess. Not pretty. (R3)(S)
rank 8 abdomen 60 Horrifying jolt of electricity fries abdomen to a crisp. Upper torso falls to the ground. Talk about repugnant! (R3)(F)
rank 9 abdomen 70 Horrifying bolt of electricity crystalizes abdominal area. Spiffy but unfortunately also quite deadly. (R3)(F)

rank 0 back 0 Static discharge to back. Doesn't hurt, much.
rank 1 back 5 Light shock to back. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 back 10 Heavy spark to back. Bet that hurts. (R1)(S)
rank 3 back 15 Arcing strand of electricity jolts across a critter's back. Pretty. (R1)(S)
rank 4 back 20 Nasty jolt to back fuses a few vertebrae. Definitely uncomfortable. (R2)(S)
rank 5 back 25 Heavy jolt to back shoots up spine. Sympathetic pains almost as bad. (R2)(S)
rank 6 back 30 Horrid jolt of electricity smokes a shoulder blade! (R3)(S)
rank 7 back 50 Massive electrical shock to back. Won't be bending over for awhile. (R3)(S)
rank 8 back 60 Terrifying electrical arc destroys spinal column one vertebra at a time!(R3)(F)
rank 9 back 70 Massive electrical bolt burns a hole through the back and kidneys. (R3)(F)

rank 0 r arm 0 Static discharge to right arm. Almost tickles.
rank 1 r arm 3 Light shock to right arm. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 r arm 7 Heavy spark to right arm. Gonna hurt tomorrow. (R1)
rank 3 r arm 8 Visible wisps of electricity shoot up right arm. Youch! (R1)(S)
rank 4 r arm 10 Heavy shock to right arm numbs elbow. (R2)(S)
rank 5 r arm 15 Nasty shock to right arm stiffens joints. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 r arm 20 Stunning arc of electricity fuses right arm at elbow. (R2)(S)
rank 7 r arm 25 Massive electrical shock to the right arm destroys flesh. What remains is useless. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 r arm 35 Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 r arm 40 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right arm into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

rank 0 l arm 0 Static discharge to left arm. Almost tickles.
rank 1 l arm 3 Light shock to left arm. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 l arm 7 Heavy spark to left arm. Gonna hurt tomorrow. (R1)
rank 3 l arm 8 Visible wisps of electricity shoot up left arm. Youch! (R1)(S)
rank 4 l arm 10 Heavy shock to left arm numbs elbow. (R2)(S)
rank 5 l arm 15 Nasty shock to left arm stiffens joints. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 l arm 20 Stunning arc of electricity fuses left arm at elbow. (R2)(S)
rank 7 l arm 25 Massive electrical shock to the left arm destroys flesh. What remains is useless. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 l arm 35 Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 l arm 40 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left arm into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

rank 0 r hand 0 Static discharge to right hand. Kinda tickles.
rank 1 r hand 1 Light shock to right hand. Fingers tingle. (R1)
rank 2 r hand 3 Heavy spark to right hand. Bet that hurts. (R1)
rank 3 r hand 5 Shocking jolt to right hand stiffens skin around knuckles. (R1)
rank 4 r hand 7 Heavy shock to right hand. Fingers go numb. (R2)(S)
rank 5 r hand 8 Nasty shock to right hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 r hand 10 Stunning arc of electricity fuses right hand at wrist. (R2)(S)
rank 7 r hand 15 Massive electrical shock to the right hand destroys flesh. What remains is useless.(R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 r hand 17 Impact removes the right hand in a spray of red mist!(R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 r hand 30 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right hand into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

rank 0 l hand 0 Static discharge to left hand. Kinda tickles.
rank 1 l hand 1 Light shock to left hand. Fingers tingle. (R1)
rank 2 l hand 3 Heavy spark to left hand. Bet that hurts. (R1)
rank 3 l hand 5 Shocking jolt to left hand stiffens skin around knuckles. (R1)
rank 4 l hand 7 Heavy shock to left hand. Fingers go numb. (R2)(S)
rank 5 l hand 8 Nasty shock to left hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 l hand 10 Stunning arc of electricity fuses left hand at wrist. (R2)(S)
rank 7 l hand 15 Massive electrical shock to the left hand destroys flesh. What remains is useless. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 l hand 17 Impact removes the left hand in a spray of red mist!(R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 l hand 30 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left hand into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

rank 0 r leg 0 Static discharge to right leg. Doesn't hurt, much.
rank 1 r leg 5 Light shock to right leg. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 r leg 10 Heavy spark to right leg. The critter cringes in surprise. (R1)
rank 3 r leg 15 Visible wisps of electricity shoot up right leg. Youch! (R1)(S)
rank 4 r leg 17 Heavy shock to right leg. Gonna limp for awhile. (R2)(S)
rank 5 r leg 20 Nasty shock to right leg stiffens joints. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 r leg 25 Stunning arc of electricity fuses right leg at knee. (R2)(S)(K)
rank 7 r leg 30 Massive electrical shock to the right leg destroys flesh. What remains is useless. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 r leg 40 Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 r leg 45 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right leg into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

rank 0 l leg 0 Static discharge to left leg. Doesn't hurt, much.
rank 1 l leg 5 Light shock to left leg. That stings! (R1)
rank 2 l leg 10 Heavy spark to left leg. The critter cringes in surprise.(R1)
rank 3 l leg 15 Visible wisps of electricity shoot up left leg. Youch! (R1)(S)
rank 4 l leg 17 Heavy shock to left leg. Gonna limp for awhile. (R2)(S)
rank 5 l leg 20 Nasty shock to left leg stiffens joints. Nice and painful. (R2)(S)
rank 6 l leg 25 Stunning arc of electricity fuses left leg at knee. (R2)(S)(K)
rank 7 l leg 30 Massive electrical shock to the left leg destroys flesh. What remains is useless. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 l leg 40 Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 l leg 45 Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left leg into another universe. Happy traveling. (R3)(A)(S)

03-13-2009, 02:18 PM
Fucking radsticks!

03-13-2009, 02:19 PM

03-13-2009, 06:37 PM
Awesome man, thank you! Especially like that you added the injury ranks.

03-15-2009, 09:35 AM
Don't the lightning Death crits also cause automatic nerve damage?

Also, isn't there nerve damage crit table associated with lightning/electricity?

I've gotten fried dead by a kiramon with nerve damage only.

03-16-2009, 01:18 AM
Don't the lightning Death crits also cause automatic nerve damage?

Also, isn't there nerve damage crit table associated with lightning/electricity?

I've gotten fried dead by a kiramon with nerve damage only.

Player cast minor and major shock do not induce nerve damage with maybe a couple of rare exceptions. I think the rank 9 back crit may have an associated N3 injury. Lightning/electricity in the hands of critters can do anything the GM's wish, unfortunately.
