View Full Version : Autism due to Lich strikes GS Player

03-11-2009, 12:35 PM
Look, I don't know if I'm autistic but I can't get this thing to work.

I'm actually somewhat computer compotent and don't think I'm technically inept at dealing with computer issues. With that said...

I'm running Windows XP.

I downloaded SIMU Launcher...installed it.
I downloaded Lich...installed it...then installed to registry(by clicking on that deal under Lich in all programs).
I downloaded SGE...installed it.
I clicked on SGE...entered the game no problem typed ";lich"...big doughnut.
I went to stat-all programs-lich-force wizard. Nothing happened here either.
I can enter the game like nothing happened.... type ;lich and get no response.
I've also tried the force stormfront as well...nothing.

This was today. Previously I had tried installed Lich and Psinet...I couldn't get Lich installed previously so I just installed Psinet..everything worked great but I still didn't have Lich which I want more... So last night I removed every trace of psinet...I remove SIMU folder...remove SGE...remove previous Lich folder and reinstalled as denoted above.

I don't know WTF to do now.
"Talk to me Goose"

Please help I'm tired of healing people slow as ballz.

03-11-2009, 12:39 PM
It can be difficult to get working... But once it is, it's great.

Should install SGE & get into the game w/ it before you install to registry (in my experience).

03-11-2009, 05:49 PM
It can be difficult to get working... But once it is, it's great.

Should install SGE & get into the game w/ it before you install to registry (in my experience).

If I'm not mistaken you need to install SGE to the registry before Lich, been a while but that's how I remember it.

Oh and Lich should launch on its own, shouldn't have to manually launch it.

03-11-2009, 05:52 PM
install preferred client (sf/wizard)
install SGE
install lich
install to registry
install psinet

03-11-2009, 11:03 PM
It's still not working...

03-11-2009, 11:09 PM
nevermind i lerned2reeeeeeed

03-13-2009, 10:10 PM
Plat, eh?

The current SGE doesn't work for plat, so I'm betting you're trying to do plat.

Get the old SGE. Works fine.


03-16-2009, 05:50 PM
Nah, I had some .dll issues I guess. I used that link on Lich's website and run that program and I still have some problems. Basically I've given' up. i'm going to try it on my laptop tonight perhaps.

03-16-2009, 06:07 PM
Uninstall everything. Clean your registry with ccleaner (found online).

Then read stormtov's post here. It worked for me many times.

Also be careful where you install the SGE or launcher (don't remember which). If you've installed psinet before make sure its not trying to install it to the psinet folder/location.

03-16-2009, 06:09 PM
try resetting your winsock database
admin cmd session:
"netsh winsock reset catalog"

Google it, its very safe. I had a problem with a vista workstation and lich.
Basically it was becuase SGE would not connect the first time(winsock would fail), trigger lich, but with no connection to the server. SGE would report 'failed to communicate with server' or something like that. but it would accept the name and password if you tried again. But becuase lich was already triggered on a bad connection, nothing worked after that. I went though a long drawn out process of watching my firewall NAT connections, packet capturing my workstation, until I ended up finding out it was winsock. I reset it and everything worked.

Good luck