View Full Version : Research: Acid Critical Table

03-11-2009, 01:16 AM
Here's the acid critical table.

No guarantees that the legend items are 100% accurate but they should be fairly reliable. I didn't attempt to keep track of the injury levels but most of them should be self-evident from the crit rank and messaging.



ARMOR GROUP-------CLOTH-----LEATHER-------SCALE----------CHAIN---------PLATE
ACID (904) DF--------.525--------.383-----------.314------------.350-----------.197
AvD-------------------- 40 ---- 38/37/36/35 - 35/33/31/29 - 37/33/29/25 - 32/26/20/14


(A) - amputation
(F) - fatal (death crit)
(K) - knockdown
(S) - stun

rank 0 head 0 Barely touched. Too bad critter ducked!
rank 1 head 5 Acid splatters on critters's cheek leaving a bright red burn!
rank 2 head 10 Acid burn on the right ear! (S)
rank 3 head 15 Burn to cheek. Not a pretty sight. (S)
rank 4 head 20 Acid wash cleans the skin off part of the nose and cheek! (S)
rank 5 head 25 Right in the face! Hope critter wasn't attached to those facial features!(S)
rank 6 head 30 Large swig of acid enters mouth. Swelling cuts off essential breathing!(F)
rank 7 head 35 Acid splash isn't stopped by skull, fries brain!(F)
rank 8 head 40 Acid dissolves the head into a barely recognizable lump! (F)
rank 9 head 50 Blast of acid washes head off clean... and clean off! (F)

rank 0 neck 0 Barely touched. Too bad critter ducked!
rank 1 neck 2 Acid catches the side of the neck and drips down in a steaming trail!
rank 2 neck 5 Acid causes a painful burn on the neck, inflaming the skin! (S)
rank 3 neck 10 Nasty burn eats the skin away from the spine! (S)
rank 4 neck 12 Bad burn eats at skin under the chin! (S)
rank 5 neck 15 Acid dissolves the skin on the neck exposing the windpipe!(S)
rank 6 neck 20 Dissolved larynx opens windpipe. Unfortunately it quickly fills with blood! (F)
rank 7 neck 30 Burn exposes the spine (from the front)!(F)
rank 8 neck 35 Acid burns a hole in the neck causing a fatal fluid leak!(F)
rank 9 neck 40 Acid bolt removes the neck giving the head no place to go but down!(F)

rank 0 r eye 0 Soap in the eye would hurt the critter worse!
rank 1 r eye 1 Drop of acid gets in the critter's eye! Better flush it out.
rank 2 r eye 5 Acid splash near the eye causes blisters that almost swell it shut! (S)
rank 3 r eye 10 Acid gets in eye. An unscheduled flush!(S)
rank 4 r eye 15 A gob of acid blinds critter in the right eye! (S)
rank 5 r eye 20 Hit to eye empties the socket. How can something missing be so painful?(S)
rank 6 r eye 30 Acid hits full in the eye! Nothing left but a smoking socket! (F)
rank 7 r eye 40 Acid burns right through right eye and into the brain! (F)
rank 8 r eye 45 A blast of acid leaves a gaping hole where critter's eye used to be!(F)
rank 9 r eye 50 Acid Flush! The critter's brains get washed right out the mouth!(F)

rank 0 l eye 0 Soap in the eye would hurt the dark orc worse!
rank 1 l eye 1 Drop of acid gets in the critter's eye! Better flush it out.
rank 2 l eye 5 Acid splash near the eye causes blisters that almost swell it shut! (S)
rank 3 l eye 10 Acid gets in eye. An unscheduled flush!(S)
rank 4 l eye 15 A gob of acid blinds critter in the left eye! (S)
rank 5 l eye 20 Hit to eye empties the socket. How can something missing be so painful?(S)
rank 6 l eye 30 Acid hits critter full in the left eye! Nothing left but a smoking socket!(F)
rank 7 l eye 40 Acid turns left eye to mush, and then erodes the brain!(F)
rank 8 l eye 45 A blast of acid bores right through eyesocket and into the brain! (F)
rank 9 l eye 50 Acid Flush! The critter's brains get washed right out the mouth!(F)

rank 0 chest 0 Acid splattered on chest! Might leave a stain!
rank 1 chest 5 Splash to chest runs off before it does worse than blister the skin.
rank 2 chest 10 Acid reaches the chest causing a nasty rash!
rank 3 chest 15 Spray of acid bites deep into the skin over the sternum. (S)
rank 4 chest 20 Acid spray dissolves flesh exposing the muscles over the ribs!(S)
rank 5 chest 25 Severe burn to the side of the critter's chest exposes ribs!(S)
rank 6 chest 30 Acid dissolves connecting cartilage, freeing ribs to move independently.(S)
rank 7 chest 50 Acid hole in the ribs makes it hard to breathe. Better get that checked!(S)
rank 8 chest 60 Acid eats into lungs. Hemorrhaging fills lungs with fluid! (F)
rank 9 chest 70 Acid bath empties chest. It's a lot cleaner now (F)

rank 0 abdomen 0 Stung just enough to annoy!
rank 1 abdomen 5 Splash of acid catches hip, leaving a painful trail of smoke.
rank 2 abdomen 10 Acid burns to the midsection leave a lasting impression.
rank 3 abdomen 15 Spray of acid eats into the right hip!(S)
rank 4 abdomen 20 Bad burn chars the skin. Weakened abdomen bulges ominously! (S)
rank 5 abdomen 25 Acid dissolves abdominal muscles. No sucking in the gut now!(S)
rank 6 abdomen 30 Acid opens midsection. Loose organs cause the critter to watch her step! (S)
rank 7 abdomen 50 Acid burns a hole through the left hip causing severe bleeding!(S)
rank 8 abdomen 60 Acid dissolves the outside of the stomach. Now that's fire in the belly!(F)
rank 9 abdomen 70 Acid eats away the midsection. Not a lot left. (F)

rank 0 back 0 Gets splattered with a little acid. Big deal!
rank 1 back 5 Splash of acid hits shoulder and runs down the back in a painful trail.
rank 2 back 10 Acid works its way into the skin. Nasty burn.
rank 3 back 15 Spray of caustic liquid burns the skin along the back!
rank 4 back 20 Hit eats into the back dissolving part of a shoulder blade!(S)
rank 5 back 25 Spray of acid exposes the spine! (S)
rank 6 back 30 Acid causes some lower back troubles. Large holes do that. (S)
rank 7 back 50 Acid causing a gaping hole in the back can't be healthy!(S)
rank 8 back 60 Large spot of acid dissolves kidneys. (S)
rank 9 back 70 Acid eats away spine and most of what's under it. (F)

rank 0 r arm 0 Splash to the arm hardly touches
rank 1 r arm 3 Avoids the worst of the attack but still gets a singed forearm.
rank 2 r arm 7 Acid gets on the right arm raising some large blisters.
rank 3 r arm 8 Acid raises angry red welts on the arm!(S)
rank 4 r arm 10 Hit on the arm chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!(S)
rank 5 r arm 15 Burn to the elbow eats through tendons. Muscles snap free! (S)
rank 6 r arm 20 Acid dissolves the elbow ligaments. Arm swings in a very odd manner!(S)
rank 7 r arm 25 Arm is drenched in acid! Flesh and bones are reduced to a smoking slime!(S)(A)
rank 8 r arm 35 Spray of acid reduces the forearm to gelatin.(S)(A)
rank 9 r arm 40 Acid strikes the arm leaving nothing but a puddle of melted flesh!(S)(A)

rank 0 l arm 0 Splash to the arm hardly touches
rank 1 l arm 3 Avoids the worst of the attack but still gets a singed forearm.
rank 2 l arm 7 Acid gets on the left arm raising some large blisters.
rank 3 l arm 8 Acid raises angry red welts on the arm! (S)
rank 4 l arm 10 Hit on the arm chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!(S)
rank 5 l arm 15 Burn to the elbow eats through tendons. Muscles snap free! (S)
rank 6 l arm 20 Acid dissolves the elbow ligaments. Arm swings in a very odd manner!(S)
rank 7 l arm 25 Arm is drenched in acid! Flesh and bones are reduced to a smoking slime!(S)(A)
rank 8 l arm 35 Spray of acid reduces the forearm to gelatin.(S)(A)
rank 9 l arm 40 Acid strikes the arm leaving nothing but a puddle of melted flesh!(S)(A)

rank 0 r hand 0 Splash to the hand hardly touches..
rank 1 r hand 1 Spray just catches the hand as the little finger is badly blistered.
rank 2 r hand 3 Acid gets on the right hand raising some large blisters.
rank 3 r hand 5 Splash to the back of the hand causes the skin to smoke!
rank 4 r hand 7 Spray eats through the skin on the hand and dissolves some ligaments!(S)
rank 5 r hand 8 Excruciating pain as back of hand is dissolved!(S)
rank 6 r hand 10 Severe burn removes several fingers and formerly good parts of the hand!(S)
rank 7 r hand 15 Acid dissolves right hand leaving only smoldering ruin!(S)(A)
rank 8 r hand 25 Acid eats the hand off cleanly leaving only the stump. (S)(A)
rank 9 r hand 30 Acid very slowly eats off hand (S)(A)

rank 0 l hand 0 Splash to the hand hardly touches..
rank 1 l hand 1 Spray just catches the hand as little finger is badly blistered.
rank 2 l hand 3 Acid gets on the left hand raising some large blisters
rank 3 l hand 5 Splash to the back of the hand causes the skin to smoke!
rank 4 l hand 7 Spray eats through the skin on the hand and dissolves some ligaments!(S)
rank 5 l hand 8 Excruciating pain as back of hand is dissolved!(S)
rank 6 l hand 10 Severe burn removes several fingers and formerly good parts of the hand!(S)
rank 7 l hand 15 Acid dissolves left hand leaving only smoldering ruin!(S)(A)
rank 8 l hand 25 Acid eats the hand off cleanly leaving only the stump.(S)(A)
rank 9 l hand 30 Acid very slowly eats off hand (S)(A)

rank 0 r leg 0 Splash to the leg hardly touches.
rank 1 r leg 5 Bit of acid strikes calf leaving bright red spots.
rank 2 r leg 10 Acid gets on the right leg raising some large blisters.
rank 3 r leg 15 Acid raises angry red welts on the leg! (S)
rank 4 r leg 17 Hit on the leg chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!(S)(K)
rank 5 r leg 20 Strike dissolves the tendons in the ankle, effectively severing foot!(S)(K)
rank 6 r leg 25 Acid dissolves the knee ligaments. Tibia passes femur in a very unpleasant manner! (S)(K)
rank 7 r leg 30 Critter screams! Right leg is reduced to a puddle of bubbling slime!(S)(A)
rank 8 r leg 40 Acid hits leg squarely leaving nothing useful behind.(S)(A)
rank 9 r leg 45 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which critter quickly melts to the hip!(S)(A)

rank 0 l leg 0 Splash to the leg hardly touches.
rank 1 l leg 5 Bit of acid strikes calf leaving bright red spots.
rank 2 l leg 10 Acid gets on the left leg raising some large blisters.
rank 3 l leg 15 Acid raises angry red welts on the leg! (S)
rank 4 l leg 17 Hit on the leg chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!(S)(K)
rank 5 l leg 20 Strike dissolves the tendons in the ankle, effectively severing foot!(S)(K)
rank 6 l leg 25 Acid dissolves the knee ligaments. Tibia passes femur in a very unpleasant manner! (S)(K)
rank 7 l leg 30 Critter screams! Left leg is reduced to a puddle of bubbling slime!(S)(A)
rank 8 l leg 40 Acid hits leg squarely leaving nothing useful behind.(S)(A)
rank 9 l leg 45 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which critter quickly melts to the hip!(S)(A)

03-11-2009, 01:19 AM
Good work.

03-11-2009, 01:43 AM
Kickass. This'll get added to my qrs. Thanks.

03-11-2009, 08:38 AM
Acid splatters on %d's cheek leaving a bright red burn!

A gob of acid blinds %d in the right eye! (S)

Acid Flush! %d's brains get washed right out the mouth! (F)

03-11-2009, 09:20 AM
Cool. All of this needs to go up on Krakiipedia. They don't even have Slash/Crush/Pierce up on there, or the lowest crit threshholds per damage type.

03-11-2009, 11:50 AM
Here's the list of all my attacks using 904 that I have saved. The Avg/Max/Min are endrolls.

If anyone wants to pull out any useful information on crit or location randomization I can include the ASG or limit it to one creature.

Count Avg Max Min Message
1034 253 443 138 Burn to the elbow eats through tendons. Muscles snap free!
966 229 377 146 Hit on the arm chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!
843 206 380 131 Acid raises angry red welts on the arm!
793 253 446 162 Severe burn to the side of %d's chest exposes ribs!
792 252 434 139 Strike dissolves the tendons in the ankle, effectively severing foot!
778 227 388 138 Hit on the leg chars the skin and eats into the underlying muscles!
769 265 449 148 Acid dissolves the elbow ligaments. Arm swings in a very odd manner!
723 230 386 131 Acid spray dissolves flesh exposing the muscles over the ribs!
669 205 327 133 Acid raises angry red welts on the leg!
616 265 448 178 Acid dissolves the knee ligaments. %d's tibia passes %d femur in a very unpleasant manner!
575 229 347 149 Hit eats into the back dissolving part of a shoulder blade!
575 208 363 132 Spray of acid bites deep into the skin over the sternum.
573 226 365 144 Bad burn chars the skin. Weakened abdomen bulges ominously!
556 251 453 157 Spray of acid exposes the spine!
552 266 521 153 Acid dissolves connecting cartilage, freeing %d's ribs to move independently.
545 251 486 159 Acid dissolves abdominal muscles. No sucking in the gut now!
527 205 389 130 Spray of caustic liquid burns the skin along the back!
509 278 439 157 %d's arm is drenched in acid! Flesh and bones are reduced to a smoking slime!
499 206 388 120 Spray of acid eats into the right hip!
440 230 333 146 Spray eats through the skin on the hand and dissolves some ligaments!
414 267 452 160 Acid opens midsection. Loose organs cause %d to watch %d step!
402 262 460 175 Acid causes some lower back troubles. Large holes do that.
395 277 426 193 Acid hole in the ribs makes it hard to breathe. Better get that checked!
381 254 448 159 Excruciating pain as back of hand is dissolved!
354 205 258 122 Splash to the back of the hand causes the skin to smoke!
347 182 359 115 Acid reaches the chest causing a nasty rash!
330 275 417 191 Acid causing a gaping hole in the back can't be healthy!
326 294 454 177 Spray of acid reduces the forearm to gelatin.
308 225 311 147 Acid wash cleans the skin off part of the nose and cheek!
302 275 494 194 Acid burns a hole through the left hip causing severe bleeding!
297 177 349 113 Acid works its way into the skin. Nasty burn.
286 269 428 182 Severe burn removes several fingers and formerly good parts of the hand!
285 252 431 164 Right in the face! Hope %d wasn't attached to those facial features!
285 227 330 158 Bad burn eats at skin under the chin!
279 182 297 123 Acid burns to the midsection leave a lasting impression.
273 208 347 145 Burn to cheek. Not a pretty sight.
270 249 388 159 Acid dissolves the skin on the neck exposing the windpipe!
268 179 263 121 Acid gets on the left arm raising some large blisters.
267 298 472 210 Acid eats into lungs. Hemorrhaging fills %d's lungs with fluid!
255 281 446 155 %d screams! %d's left leg is reduced to a puddle of bubbling slime!
254 290 448 181 Acid hits leg squarely leaving nothing useful behind.
244 180 285 121 Acid gets on the right arm raising some large blisters.
228 203 265 136 Nasty burn eats the skin away from the spine!
215 280 416 193 %d screams! %d's right leg is reduced to a puddle of bubbling slime!
214 262 457 181 Large swig of acid enters mouth. Swelling cuts off essential breathing!
213 265 395 181 Dissolved larynx opens windpipe. Unfortunately it quickly fills with blood!
209 305 434 177 Acid strikes the arm leaving nothing but a puddle of melted flesh!
203 177 254 119 Acid gets on the left leg raising some large blisters.
195 291 441 195 Acid dissolves the outside of the stomach. Now that's fire in the belly!
195 159 249 111 %d avoids the worst of the attack but still gets a singed forearm.
191 182 252 125 Acid gets on the right leg raising some large blisters.
184 291 451 190 Large spot of acid dissolves %d's kidneys.
175 248 430 143 Hit to eye empties the socket. How can something missing be so painful?
164 276 439 183 Acid splash isn't stopped by skull, fries brain!
161 301 453 186 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which %d quickly melts to the hip!
158 275 441 163 Acid burns a hole in the neck causing a fatal fluid leak!
155 198 261 138 Acid gets in eye. An unscheduled flush!
155 304 432 231 Acid bath empties chest. It's a lot cleaner now
144 153 215 114 Bit of acid strikes %d's calf leaving bright red spots.
135 177 265 116 Acid burn on the right ear!
135 178 319 116 Acid causes a painful burn on the neck, inflaming the skin!
131 307 431 217 Acid eats away %d's spine and most of what's under it.
127 298 449 209 Acid eats the hand off cleanly leaving only the stump.
127 161 218 115 Splash of acid hits shoulder and runs down the back in a painful trail.
125 158 232 123 Splash to chest runs off before it does worse than blister the skin.
117 283 440 184 Acid dissolves %d's right hand leaving only smoldering ruin!
115 282 413 193 Acid dissolves %d's left hand leaving only smoldering ruin!
107 157 207 116 Splash of acid catches hip, leaving a painful trail of smoke.
101 297 446 186 Acid eats away %d's midsection. Not a lot left.
100 181 339 116 Acid gets on the right hand raising some large blisters.
97 227 294 150 A gob of acid blinds %d in the left eye!
97 226 293 148 A gob of acid blinds %d in the right eye!
96 283 380 170 Acid dissolves the head into a barely recognizable lump!
95 280 425 194 Burn exposes the spine
93 306 452 225 Acid very slowly eats off %d's hand.
90 259 414 186 Acid hits %d full in the left eye! Nothing left but a smoking socket!
90 162 233 116 Spray just catches the hand as %d's little finger is badly blistered.
87 177 305 129 Acid splash near the eye causes blisters that almost swell it shut!
87 178 215 122 Acid gets on the left hand raising some large blisters.
71 257 398 179 Acid hits %d full in the eye! Nothing left but a smoking socket!
70 157 204 115 Acid splatters on %d's cheek leaving a bright red burn!
68 290 349 178 Blast of acid washes %d's head off clean... and clean off!
66 304 425 177 Acid bolt removes the neck giving the head no place to go but down!
56 298 408 196 Acid Flush! %d's brains get washed right out the mouth!
54 274 358 212 Acid turns %d's left eye to mush, and then erodes the brain!
51 287 417 204 Acid burns right through %d's right eye and into the brain!
40 293 403 209 A blast of acid leaves a gaping hole where %d's eye used to be!
29 152 230 124 Drop of acid gets in %d's eye! Better flush it out.
27 116 152 103 Splash to the arm hardly touches %d.
25 301 420 236 A blast of acid bores right through %d's eyesocket and into the brain!
24 156 188 119 Acid catches the side of %d's neck and drips down in a steaming trail!
22 117 150 103 %d gets splattered with a little acid. Big deal!
18 120 179 101 Acid splattered on %d's chest! Might leave a stain!
17 203 267 168 The %d is knocked to the ground!
14 201 274 147 Smash to the chest! Good thing there were no ribs there to shatter.
14 235 409 165 Attack whistles right through the chest! It's like fighting fog!
13 199 256 162 The %d is stunned!
13 221 376 169 Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee. It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place!
11 130 181 105 Splash to the hand hardly touches %d.
11 113 139 104 Splash to the leg hardly touches %d.
10 299 408 216 Brutal assault cuts a swath through the torso! Fortunately for %d, it doesn't need lungs.
9 111 135 102 Barely touched. Too bad %d ducked!
9 258 424 181 Hard strike shatters arm into vapor. The arm reforms before your eyes!
9 225 339 173 Good hit! Right shoulder is ripped from its socket, then wriggles back into place.
9 182 251 151 Hard shot to %d's back sends it drifting forward!
9 174 198 142 %d fades for a second as the blow passes through the chest.
8 205 266 164 Deft blow to the spine cuts along the ethereal bones. Fillet of soul?
8 222 256 195 Body swirls violently from a strong hit to the back. Neat effect!
8 190 250 150 Strong hit rips arm from wrist to elbow. The wound vanishes as the ethereal flesh swirls around in chaotic patterns.
8 308 429 200 Strong hit to the chest! Tendrils of mist explode as the strike passes right through.
8 237 399 182 Strong strike splits the belly open, revealing ghostly organs. Haggis anyone?
8 108 114 104 Stung %d just enough to annoy!
7 258 385 184 Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
7 185 224 163 Massive blow strikes %d and drives it back! Good thing those ribs aren't made of bone.
7 209 374 154 %d's head wavers as your attack passes right through it!
6 275 347 184 Attack whistles right through the lower back encountering little resistance!
6 182 250 162 Good hit! Left shoulder is ripped from its socket then wriggles back into place.
6 189 221 156 Quick strike to the left leg! %d makes no bones about it.
6 216 262 167 Quick strike to the right leg! %d makes no bones about it.
6 239 303 219 Strike to the abdomen goes right through, leaving misty trails in its wake.
6 326 431 206 Tremendous strike! Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
5 237 368 194 Massive blow obliterates the right knee. %d falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg.
5 258 304 235 Massive strike to the chest crashes through %d's back in a cloud of vapor. Slowly, %d reforms its torso.
5 249 280 220 A massive blow to the right shoulder hoists %d high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
4 209 234 177 Hard blow strikes deep into the left eye socket. Within moments the eyeball pops back out!
4 107 109 106 Did you even connect? Nope, that was just wind damage.
4 309 404 223 Hard strike to the abdomen. Ethereal entrails seem to spill from %d's mangled substance, vanishing into misty tendrils as they strike the ground.
4 334 444 248 Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting %d in half! To your horror the two parts rejoin a moment later.
4 178 189 170 Quick strike connects with %d's lower back! Luckily there was nothing vital there.
4 179 196 158 Powerful hit to %d's neck leaves trails of vapor in its wake!
4 228 279 198 Right arm ripped in half at elbow! The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes.
4 234 271 194 Strong smash to the left hand! %d quails and sinks momentarily as its left hand reforms before your eyes.
4 143 155 122 Weak attack slips silently through %d's fingers, stirring the breeze.
3 226 271 189 Your attack whistles right through %d's face. Dimples!
3 276 413 161 Strong attack rips through the neck! To your horror, %d's substance flows around the wound without leaving a trace!
3 222 249 203 Strong blow to the head! %d enjoys the breeze.
3 224 254 200 Strong smash to the right hand! %d quails and sinks momentarily as its right hand reforms before your eyes.
3 199 220 182 Swift strike would have hit more than an ear, if only it were there.
3 148 159 135 Large gash to the right arm seals as strike passes through.
3 290 314 267 Left arm ripped in half at the elbow! The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes.
3 315 422 249 Brutal blow to the neck sends head flying! The head floats up and settles back in place as easily as a hat. What is this, a haberdashery?
3 151 161 144 Hard strike connects with %d's back! A thin arc of mist spews forth, evaporating quickly.
3 288 382 226 Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist. When you look again, the arm has reformed.
3 179 196 160 Hard blow strikes deep into the right eye socket. Within moments the eyeball pops back out!
3 196 197 196 Hard blow to the left hand sends fingers flying. Alas, they reform soundlessly from thin air.
3 158 184 140 Glancing blow to the stomach. Good thing it won't be eating soon.
3 229 243 212 A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists %d high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
3 230 246 214 %d's head is split cleanly in two, but reseals from the neck up!
3 248 316 205 A fine blow splits the back of the hand. Tendrils of vapor intertwine as the wound seals before your eyes.
3 163 178 155 A fine strike immobilizes the left leg for an instant. %d looks miffed.
3 180 189 169 %d glares maliciously as the strike slides through its left hand.
2 259 296 223 %d wails eerily as your blow passes through its vocal cords.
2 218 240 196 %d's hand explodes from the brutal strike! Trails of ether spurt high into the air in all directions.
2 255 276 235 A mighty attack shatters the right hand into a thousand fragments. To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
2 152 168 136 A strong blow bursts the left calf open in a spray of vapor. New muscle erupts from the middle of the wound, consuming the injured tissue.
2 123 131 116 Glancing blow to the right arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake.
2 211 218 204 Hard blow to the right hand sends fingers flying. Alas, they reform soundlessly from thin air.
2 148 149 148 Direct assault cleaves straight through the breastbone. Alas, it mends before you can make a wish.
2 135 141 130 Flashy attack passes through the side of the neck. Ethereal fluids spray forth and quickly vanish into vapor!
2 240 257 224 Huge strike vaporizes the right thigh. %d convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
2 337 392 282 Incredible strike to %d's back smashes through the chest! Too bad it melts back together.
2 174 183 166 Hit passes right through the midsection. Nothing hurts like an empty stomach.
2 361 404 318 Hard blast to the side of the right eye. Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose, the other eye, and the rest of the head!
2 228 229 227 Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist! You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
2 334 348 321 Mighty blow rips through %d's chest, causing it to pause as it reforms.
2 165 189 142 Quick strike rips left arm open! To your dismay it quickly closes on its own.
2 234 244 225 Smash to the cheek deforms right eye socket. Vapor swirls as the ethereal bones reform.
2 107 108 107 Soap in the eye would hurt %d worse!
2 134 146 123 Quick blow to the belly causes %d to drift backwards slightly.
2 117 122 113 Quick strike to the face! Just nicked an eyelid!
2 165 173 157 Top of the head momentarily flattened.
2 224 239 209 Strong hit rips arm from wrist to elbow. The wound vanishes as the ethereal flesh swirls around in chaotic patterns. The %d is stunned!
2 246 252 241 Strong attack separates head from shoulders. Head disappears in the breeze as a new one forms on %d's shoulders!
2 211 243 179 Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee. It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place! The %d is knocked to the ground!
2 221 238 204 Strike swipes cleanly through the abdomen, but seals up a moment later!
2 132 138 126 Wild attack passes through the right leg, viciously assaulting the air!
1 119 119 119 Weak blow leaves a brief imprint on %d's chest!
1 256 256 256 Strong smash to the right hand! %d quails and sinks momentarily as its right hand reforms before your eyes. The <pushBold/><a exist="20686265" no
1 432 432 432 Surgical strike to the left eye removes the top of the head! %d goes still for a moment while its head reshapes.
1 211 211 211 Surgical strike to the right eye removes the top of the head! %d goes still for a moment while its head reshapes.
1 123 123 123 Right ankle stung! %d stamps in silent annoyance.
1 154 154 154 Quick strike to the right leg! %d makes no bones about it. The %d is knocked to the ground!
1 141 141 141 Smoky tendrils rise from neck as your attack sweeps through.
1 146 146 146 Quick strike rips right arm open! To your dismay it quickly closes on its own.
1 176 176 176 Quick strike sinks deep into the left eye socket.
1 173 173 173 Quick strike sinks deep into the right eye socket.
1 142 142 142 Nasty strike to the left eye causes it to dim a moment.
1 140 140 140 Misjudged timing. You barely catch %d in the back!
1 207 207 207 Massive blow obliterates the left knee. %d falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg.
1 276 276 276 Massive blow obliterates the right knee. %d falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg. The %d is knocked to the ground!
1 320 320 320 Massive blow obliterates the right knee. %d falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg. The %d is stunned!
1 232 232 232 Attack whistles right through the chest! It's like fighting fog! The %d is stunned!
1 283 283 283 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which %d quickly melts to the hip! %d grunts and falls over grasping her mangled right leg!
1 285 285 285 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which %d quickly melts to the hip! %d grunts and falls over grasping his mangled left leg!
1 241 241 241 Acid to the foot forms a pool into which %d quickly melts to the hip! %d grunts and falls over grasping his mangled right leg!
1 294 294 294 Acid strikes the arm leavi
1 244 244 244 Burn to the elbow eats through tendons. Muscles snap free! The <pushBold/><a exist="23719741" no
1 126 126 126 Barely touched.
1 191 191 191 Bad burn eats at skin under the chin! The <pushBold/><a exist="22445232" noun="vipe
1 183 183 183 Blow to the left eye slides through head. %d twitches violently, then shudders slightly as the wound seals.
1 288 288 288 Blow to the right eye slides through head. %d twitches violently, then shudders slightly as the wound seals.
1 244 244 244 Hard strike shatters arm into vapor. The arm reforms before your eyes! The %d is stunned!
1 236 236 236 Hard blast to the side of the left eye. Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose, the other eye, and the rest of the head!
1 306 306 306 Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist. When you look again, the arm has reformed.
1 154 154 154 Large gash to the left arm seals as strike passes through.
1 288 288 288 Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh. %d convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends. The %d is knocked to the ground!
1 226 226 226 Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh. %d convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
1 143 143 143 Glancing blow to the left arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake.
1 181 181 181 A strong blow bursts the right calf open in a spray of vapor. New muscle erupts from the middle of the wound, consuming the injured tissue.
1 212 212 212 A strong blow cleaves the left wrist! The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place!
1 137 137 137 A weak slap on the wrist. That's not going to reform a soul.
1 277 277 277 A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists %d high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward. The %d is stunned!
1 314 314 314 A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments. To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
1 189 189 189 A fine strike pins the right leg for an instant. %d looks miffed. The %d is knocked to the ground!
1 186 186 186 A fine strike pins the right leg for an instant. %d looks miffed.
1 261 261 261 %d screams! %d's right leg is reduced to a puddle of bubbling slime! %d grunts and falls over grasping his mangled right leg!
1 179 179 179 %d glares maliciously as the strike slides through its right hand.
1 103 103 103 %d blinks as the strike grazes the right eye.
1 229 229 229 Acid dissolves the knee ligaments. %d's tibia passes %d femur in a very unpleasant manner! The %d is knocked