View Full Version : 1608 questions

03-10-2009, 11:06 AM
Ok so I'm relatively new, only been playing about a month. Would my fellow Paladins mind educating me on a topic?

I have seen a lot of people selling things with descriptions like;

A suit of vaalorn augmented chain
+18, 23 lbs, sancted for use by a cleric or paladin


a pair of enoake arm-guards, sancted, 1608'able

Now as far as I can infer on my own:
I can wear most armors so sancted has nothing to do with that.
I know how 1608 works on weapons, and I think from what I have read that 1608 on armor will only flare on the offensive and not reactive defensive flares.

So my questions becomes; Since it appears that 1608 is a purely offensive spell, the only time it would be useful on arm/leg/shield armor would be when CMAN sweeping/bull rushing etc. Is this about correct?
Is there really a use for it on chest armor?
Or is it really all just a way of milking a few extra silvers selling to gullible noobs?

I apologize if I have not explained my questions well enough or if I have inadvertently missed a topic where this was already discussed. Any education on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

03-10-2009, 11:48 AM
I know how 1608 works on weapons, and I think from what I have read that 1608 on armor will only flare on the offensive and not reactive defensive flares.

So my questions becomes; Since it appears that 1608 is a purely offensive spell, the only time it would be useful on arm/leg/shield armor would be when CMAN sweeping/bull rushing etc. Is this about correct?
Is there really a use for it on chest armor?

Sounds like you've pretty much got it. The flares do not react or strike out when you are hit. If they ever change it to do that these types of items would be worth a lot more. It only helps to 1608 an item that is used in an offensive CMAN. Eonake shields for example, then you can shield bash or shield charge and get flares.

The eonake leg guards would allow flares on sweep but pallys don't have sweep.

I don't know if chest armor flares on bullrush. Picturing a bull rush in my mind I'd say the head, arms, and torso all have a chance to hit the enemy and cause a flare but who knows how they actually implemented it. It would be pretty easy to test though, if you have the sanctified armor or test it with the seller.

03-10-2009, 12:03 PM
>>So my questions becomes; Since it appears that 1608 is a purely offensive spell, the only time it would be useful on arm/leg/shield armor would be when CMAN sweeping/bull rushing etc. Is this about correct? >>

Correct. As you stated, the flares are not reactive.

>>Is there really a use for it on chest armor? >>

A few CMANs might take chest worn armor into account. Tackle and Bearhug come to mind.

>>Or is it really all just a way of milking a few extra silvers selling to gullible noobs? >>

It is a usually useless selling point, you have to be a Paladin that uses very specific CMANs against undead.

03-10-2009, 12:13 PM
Bullrush (which paladins CAN learn) would most likely work with chest armor, and it's definitely superior to tackle, IMO. The only reason to use tackle is if you're a CMP stingy warrior.

03-10-2009, 12:24 PM
1,608 questions is too many questions. 20 questions is better. Unless the car trip is REALLLY long.

That's how I initially read the thread title, at least.

03-10-2009, 12:52 PM
1,608 questions is too many questions. 20 questions is better. Unless the car trip is REALLLY long.

That's how I initially read the thread title, at least.

Stop taking my jokes! That was my joke! I came to this thread to do that joke! Now I can't do that joke!

Now I have to do a lame joke!!

A guy walks into a bar. Ouch.