View Full Version : Expert weighted +12 flamberge

03-05-2009, 09:08 AM
See officials for any auction updates

03-05-2009, 09:09 AM
So much for it being claid weighted. That sucks.

03-05-2009, 09:23 AM
if that was the case somewhat crit weighted stuff would sell for more

edit: It's still nice, but there's still a big difference betwen saying it's claid weighted and the pricing.. and it not being claid weighted.

03-05-2009, 09:43 AM
24 phantom damage versus 29 phantom damage is hardly worth the semantics to me.

It mattered enough for you to drop your price from 50m to 30m

I'd want 50m in cash to straight buy the weapon (since that's what I paid and how much money I would need for the replacement I have in mind)

03-05-2009, 09:44 AM
What exactly happened?
I always thought it had claidh weighting? was it nerfed or what?

edited he answered as I posted heh

03-05-2009, 09:44 AM
It mattered enough for you to drop your price from 50m to 30m


03-05-2009, 09:47 AM
Gotcha, thanks for the clear up

03-05-2009, 09:48 AM
For what it's worth, the weighting of this weapon has not changed in any way.. it was about +30 BEFORE they fleshed out the incredible weighting labels, it just now bears the title expert instead of incredible.

Didn't say otherwise. It's still a pretty good weapon, like I said earlier.

What bearing that has on it's worth remains to be seen... anyone caught up on labels can feel free to argue that anything over masterful should still count as "claidh scale" but I'm not going to bother with trying to portray this as something it's not.

Claids didn't gain any weighting, so there's nothing to argue. It's not equal to claid weighting, and presumbly never has been (Unless it's specifically been nerfed somehow). As for what bearing it has, you should already know it affects the price since your MB dropped 20M in a very short period of time.

03-05-2009, 09:50 AM
The weapon was always incredibly weighted, and was +30 weighting both before and after they fleshed out the weighting labels... it was always just far easier to call it "claidh weighted" since +30 was over the top of a normal +25 incredible weighting.... with the new labeling system, it is now easier to depict the true weighting of the flamberge.

I call BS.

It was refered to as having claid weighting because people (myself included) thought the weighting was equal to a claid. Not because it had a little more weighting and it was 'easier'.

03-05-2009, 09:53 AM
As I JUST said, the price was dropped for the sake of selling it via auction style, not for any depreciation in value. I took offers from everyone who was interested in trading for it, and decided 30m would be the most efficient starting point for an auction.

When I posted you hadn't responded yet.

Edit to your edit:

Frankly, I don't feel any of this matters... I could have very very easily posted this as claidh weighted, as it can be verified for YEARS as "claidh weighted" and the buyer would be none the wiser until they got it assessed.... but I did the HONEST thing and posted it as it IS. It is the EXACT same weapon it has been for years.

Congratulations? I don't think I've called into question your honesty.

03-05-2009, 09:57 AM
Jesus christ.

03-05-2009, 10:02 AM
Jesus christ.


You get bored and post a thread about racism/species-ism. I get bored and reply to auction threads.

My sentiments exactly... at point can a mod just delete this entire thread back up to the first (and only relevant) post?

If you didn't like what I had to say you didn't need to respond. You're just as much to blame for the irrelevant posts as I am.

03-05-2009, 10:08 AM
And the economy is fucked enough as it is without douchebag comments that force me to defend my auction just to make a damn sale

What's to defend? I didn't say your MB was wrong. I didn't say the weapon was shit. I didn't even say you're a shady mofo seller who's selling stuff with the wrong properties.

03-05-2009, 10:23 AM
You immediately dogged the item for not being claidh weighted

This isn't dogging your item.

So much for it being claid weighted. That sucks.

This is feeling sorry for you that it's not.

You made the rather pointed and WRONG assumption that the value of the item has dropped due to not being claidh weighted

If you think the value didn't drop because you can't say it's claid weighted like the previous owners, then it's something we'll have to disagree on. I think it did, and should. As for it being pointed, sure I guess.

You criticized my HONESTY in saying the weapon is only expert weighted despite being falsely sold at claidh weighted for YEARS (previous owner openly informed me this was not fully claidh weighted)

I did no such thing.

It was refered to as having claid weighting because people (myself included) thought the weighting was equal to a claid. Not because it had a little more weighting and it was 'easier'.

I said I thought it was claid weighted based on previous owners. There's been no questioning of your honesty.

WE cluttered my thread with OUR pointless drivel that will now make this thread about what a couple of assholes we both are instead of selling the item

Fixed, and true. :)

03-05-2009, 10:38 AM
Don't forget to delete your last few posts, I wouldn't want you to miss them before you /wrists...