03-04-2009, 03:19 PM
http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=A8DE87237D254752A23E6B3E 5D6EDBAB
Entertaining offers, you can see what I'd like at the link. I'll listen to trade items, coins, cash and any combination there abouts. Character can keep 211 and 215 up on the party rather consistently. Has a low percentage of sickness from 130 and its rather accurate to boot. Can march around over Ice Patches with limited chance to slip, I run between Landing and Mule often and maybe fall once in three or four trips and its just once, no pausing for any of the patches. Shes a stellar utility character. Anywho, fallenSaint@gmail.com if interested.
Entertaining offers, you can see what I'd like at the link. I'll listen to trade items, coins, cash and any combination there abouts. Character can keep 211 and 215 up on the party rather consistently. Has a low percentage of sickness from 130 and its rather accurate to boot. Can march around over Ice Patches with limited chance to slip, I run between Landing and Mule often and maybe fall once in three or four trips and its just once, no pausing for any of the patches. Shes a stellar utility character. Anywho, fallenSaint@gmail.com if interested.