View Full Version : Installing lich on linux
03-01-2009, 12:06 AM
I just installed lich on my weak laptop I run ubuntu on. For some reason I can't get it to open up or load. Anyone have any ideas what I might be missing? Do I need to download wizard or stormfront or anythign on this linux box to run lich? Anyways, I am getting the error message:
"Pretending to be the game host, and waiting for game client to connect to us..." Nothing else happens after that. Do I need to install anything else that wouldn't be with the lich download or any other dependencies?
03-01-2009, 01:15 AM
Lich is NOT a standalone front-end You do have to use it in conjunction with a front-end.
03-01-2009, 07:45 AM
Decent thread on installing lich on linux.
03-01-2009, 11:24 AM
Hm, I got it all installed I just can't get it to connect. I didn't have the problem of writing to root like they had.
Do I have to download the game launcher and the wizard and such? To run GS through lich do I have to start lich and then go into wine and run the launcher/SGE or something? I was under the assumption that lich was the interface I was using. I guess I am wrong?
03-01-2009, 12:55 PM
Hm, I got it all installed I just can't get it to connect. I didn't have the problem of writing to root like they had.
Do I have to download the game launcher and the wizard and such? To run GS through lich do I have to start lich and then go into wine and run the launcher/SGE or something? I was under the assumption that lich was the interface I was using. I guess I am wrong?
Install the launcher and the SGE, that will download the wizard for you.
Then write a script and make it a hot button on your toolbar to launch the SGE and lich at the same time.
For an example to work off of, here's my little script, I called it (remember to make the file executable - chmod a+x )
#! /bin/sh
cd /home/cobrien/lich/
wine /home/cobrien/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/SIMU/SGE/SGE.EXE & /home/cobrien/lich/lich
Once you get the script working from the command line ( sh ), if you're using gnome, you can make the hot button by right clicking on the toolbar -> add to panel -> custom application launcher then just give it a name and in the command part add the path to your script (for me it was sh /home/cobrien/ )
Now that you have the hot button, whenever you want to play, just click on it and it'll start lich and the SGE and you'll be good to go.
03-02-2009, 01:10 AM
Hm, I got it all installed I just can't get it to connect. I didn't have the problem of writing to root like they had.
Do I have to download the game launcher and the wizard and such? To run GS through lich do I have to start lich and then go into wine and run the launcher/SGE or something? I was under the assumption that lich was the interface I was using. I guess I am wrong?
Lich is a runs a service on your machine that intercepts your traffic to the simu server (intercepts the login and forwards the credentials, intercepts commands to track spells and run lich scripts, etc). You need to run lich, then attempt to login with a client (likely wizard).
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