07-17-2003, 02:12 AM
I just thought I'd share this.
On Teras, I was... what was I doing. Standing there... reading the Simutronics boards. I have "Mularos" highlighted, so I can tell when people are wearing the symbols etc. easily.
Totally unedited.
Dicendarq calmly says, "Maimara be sure to tell Mularos I'm coming for the griffon sword"
Ganalon put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in his black weapons harness.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's chest looks better.
>'I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains.
You say, "I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan flails his arms about.
>'But I bet you'd like that.
You say, "But I bet you'd like that."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly says, "hah no one but a fool trys to enslave a Talicyte sorcerer"
>l dicen
You see Great Lord Dicendarq Talicyte the Beguiler.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He appears to be young and taller than average. He has piercing crystal green eyes and bronze skin. He has shoulder length, fine auburn hair. He has small pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a silvery hammered tower shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some blue casting leathers, a dark damask rose, a black snakeskin sash, a team pin, a colorful striped woolen scarf, a gold star-shaped pin, a delicate garland of mournblooms, a grinning pumpkin pin, a deep green pumpkin leaf pin, a skull-shaped pin, a black quartz open hand sigil, an emerald green coif, a fur-lined spidersilk backpack, a prowling carved jet panther pin, some silver tooled dragon gauntlets, a tiny black castle pin, a blue Charl symbol, a coiled gold dragon earcuff, a veniom bound vruul skin sheath, a pair of manticore hide boots, an opal-set veniom-threaded sack, a butterfly charm, a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm, an engraved vultite scroll case, a perfect white daisy, a stylized gold dragon head torc, a sparkling blue starstone buckle, a tiny black glaes spider, a small rose, a black leather belt with a sterling silver buckle chiseled into the image of the Four Winds symbol, a pair of claw-tipped gloves, a tiny black glaes spider, a shimmering glaesine orb, an antique silver armband inset with two glaes stars, a tooled black leather armband inset with rubies, an emerald wreath pin, an embroidered black silk satchel, and a long dark spidersilk cloak.
Philosilan looks thoughtfully at Dicendarq.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly asks, "what are you saying about your master?"
>'If you're so great, why don't you have them now?
You ask, "If you're so great, why don't you have them now?"
>ponder dic
You ponder the meaning of Dicendarq's existence.
Zvardin nods to Ganalon.
Philosilan clearly says, "he never said he was great..."
Dicendarq calmly says, "a good battles takes planning"
>'Mularos is in the Sea of Fire.
You say, "Mularos is in the Sea of Fire."
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"So go get the pieces, idiot.
You say, "So go get the pieces, idiot."
Ganalon deeply says, "night Zvardin."
Ganalon gives Zvardin a friendly hug.
Zvardin says, "night"
Zvardin hugs Ganalon.
Ganalon deeply says, "night Suschia"
The Dwarven deputy stomps in and turns his usual glare on you.
Ganalon gives Suschia a friendly hug.
Dicendarq calmly says, "if it's one thing I pride myself on it's my strategies"
Ganalon just pushed the hood of his cloak back off his head.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Ganalon stifles a yawn.
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
>'If strategies equal stupidness, I guess.
You say, "If strategies equal stupidness, I guess."
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby.
Delfalk stands up.
The Ganalon disk goes off in search of its master.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Zvardin leans softly against Suschia.
Delfalk removes a vultite-shod enruned short-staff from in his climbing pack.
Philosilan clearly says, "bahhhhhh"
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Delfalk just went north.
Dicendarq laughs at you!
>smile dic
You smile at Dicendarq.
>mychar thinks You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely.
You think to yourself, "You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely."
>mychar thinks Better watch yourself.
You think to yourself, "Better watch yourself."
The Dwarven deputy glares at you as he stomps away.
Dicendarq calmly says, "how utterly ammusing I haven't had any decent challenges for my tactics so we'll have to see if he gives me one"
Zvardin raises an eyebrow.
>"You're so much better than the Arkati.
You say, "You're so much better than the Arkati."
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Philosilan removes a flagon of Kenar's Dropjaw ale from in his wizard's cloak.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
>"Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me.
You say, "Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me."
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
Mogonis says, "back to debbils"
Mogonis removes a darkened silver krodera katana from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Mogonis slings a dragon-etched krodera shield off from over his shoulder.
You feel at full magical power again.
Lord Mogonis just went north.
Philosilan stands up.
Azorack just arrived.
Philosilan clearly asks, "suschia?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "hate to say it but the Arkati don't have a decent tactitian among them"
>'And you'd like to be that tactician?
You ask, "And you'd like to be that tactician?"
Azorack just went south.
>"Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?
You ask, "Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?"
>scratch my ear
Pastoya just arrived.
You scratch your ear.
>'Good tactic.
You say, "Good tactic."
Zvardin laughs!
Pastoya hugs Dicendarq, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Philosilan clearly asks, "is someone jealous?"
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq laughs!
Philosilan sniffs.
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq calmly says, "good tactic but not my own"
>'Actually, I don't really like women that much.
You say, "Actually, I don't really like women that much."
Philosilan kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Dicendarq calmly says, "I'm a family man"
Philosilan clearly says, "tell that to your mom"
'Oh, you like families in that way?
>You ask, "Oh, you like families in that way?"
Philosilan stands up.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
"Sisters, eh?
>You ask, "Sisters, eh?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "I have my sweet love..a few children and grandchildren"
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's abdomen looks better.
>nudge dic
You elbow Dicendarq in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Zvardin chuckles.
Azorack just arrived.
Azorack kneels down.
>'Hey, Azorack.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
You say, "Hey, Azorack."
Philosilan clearly says, "suuuuuuschiiiiiiaaaaa"
>"Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos.
Philosilan clearly says, "im diiiieinggg"
You say, "Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos."
Philosilan mutters rumors.
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
>"This is me, giggling.
You say, "This is me, giggling."
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Your face goes blank.
Philosilan stands up.
The Ganalon disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
Philosilan makes a choking sound.
Zvardin taps Suschia lightly on her shoulder.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin asks, "ya awake hon?"
Philosilan clearly says, "Negative, zvardin"
Philosilan clearly says, "she's dead"
Pastoya just went north.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some wolifrew lichen, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin gasps.
The pelican eyes the area with apparent disinterest.
Zvardin pulls Suschia closer to himself.
Dicendarq calmly says, "makes no difference if he knows I'm coming for them or not"
Philosilan gasps in terrified panic, trembling and flailing his arms about!
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Zvardin exclaims, "can't be dead!"
>'I'm sure.
You say, "I'm sure."
Philosilan whines.
Dicendarq calmly says, "it's his fate to lose them to me...even Arkati have to answer to fate"
>"Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like.
You say, "Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like."
>'You don't answer to fate... do you?
You ask, "You don't answer to fate... do you?"
Philosilan clearly says, "ooo oo, bring me"
>"You're far above fate.
You say, "You're far above fate."
>wink dic
You wink at Dicendarq.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Philosilan clearly says, "I know fate"
Dicendarq calmly says, "sorry but fate cannot be rushed..."
The pelican preens itself quietly.
Philosilan clearly says, "Its my neighbor"
Philosilan grins stupidly.
>'No, but idiots can be called what they are.
You say, "No, but idiots can be called what they are."
>turn dicendarq
You turn to face Dicendarq.
>You say, "Idiot."
Philosilan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan suddenly disappears.
Dicendarq calmly says, "true I'm calling Mularos a fool"
Suschia leans softly against Zvardin.
With a great leap, the pelican launches into the air.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's back looks better.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
The dim aura fades from around Azorack.
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right eye looks better.
>You say, "Eeeediot."
The pelican flaps off.
You hear the voice of Philosilan clearly exclaim, "I can call sleepy people, what they are too!"
The brilliant aura fades away from Azorack.
You hear someone intoning a phrase of elemental power...
Philosilan suddenly fades into view.
Philosilan gestures at you.
CS: +368 - TD: +233 + CvA: +8 + d100: +47 - -5 == +195
Warding failed!
Your mind goes completely blank.
Forced to stance offensive.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left hand looks better.
Philosilan clearly exclaims, "sleepy!"
A pelican appears overhead, circling.
The opalescent aura fades from around Azorack.
Philosilan points at you.
You awake from a dream startled. You are lying down.
Zvardin pokes you in the ribs.
The appearance of great calm leaves Azorack as he looks up and glances around.
Azorack taps you lightly on the shoulder.
The pelican watches you quietly.
Suschia gives Zvardin a lingering kiss.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Dicendarq calmly says, "much thanks Philosilan"
Zvardin gives Suschia a lingering kiss.
Philosilan laughs!
Suschia smiles at Zvardin.
Philosilan clearly says, "i knew he'd wake up"
'And who are you, Philosilan?
>You ask, "And who are you, Philosilan?"
Philosilan removes a midnight black falchion from in his blue satchel.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan clearly says, "philosilan."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You say, "Dandy."
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"What gives you the right to cast at me?
You ask, "What gives you the right to cast at me?"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
Dicendarq calmly says, "you're blabbering"
Philosilan clearly asks, "my casting strength?"
Dicendarq grins at you.
The pelican descends to the ground and lands nearby.
>'I am blabbering?
Dicendarq calmly says, "that's a right"
You ask, "I am blabbering?"
>'You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him."
Dicendarq nods to you.
You say, "You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him.""
Zvardin chuckles.
Dicendarq calmly says, "aye"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
Dicendarq calmly exclaims, "Fool Fool you know nothing of strategy wait and see!"
>'Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again.
You say, "Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again."
Philosilan appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Philosilan clearly says, "yes sir."
I just want to reiterate. What gives you the right to cast at me, O great wizard?
My casting strength.
I want to be that cool. :(
On Teras, I was... what was I doing. Standing there... reading the Simutronics boards. I have "Mularos" highlighted, so I can tell when people are wearing the symbols etc. easily.
Totally unedited.
Dicendarq calmly says, "Maimara be sure to tell Mularos I'm coming for the griffon sword"
Ganalon put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in his black weapons harness.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's chest looks better.
>'I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains.
You say, "I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan flails his arms about.
>'But I bet you'd like that.
You say, "But I bet you'd like that."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly says, "hah no one but a fool trys to enslave a Talicyte sorcerer"
>l dicen
You see Great Lord Dicendarq Talicyte the Beguiler.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He appears to be young and taller than average. He has piercing crystal green eyes and bronze skin. He has shoulder length, fine auburn hair. He has small pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a silvery hammered tower shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some blue casting leathers, a dark damask rose, a black snakeskin sash, a team pin, a colorful striped woolen scarf, a gold star-shaped pin, a delicate garland of mournblooms, a grinning pumpkin pin, a deep green pumpkin leaf pin, a skull-shaped pin, a black quartz open hand sigil, an emerald green coif, a fur-lined spidersilk backpack, a prowling carved jet panther pin, some silver tooled dragon gauntlets, a tiny black castle pin, a blue Charl symbol, a coiled gold dragon earcuff, a veniom bound vruul skin sheath, a pair of manticore hide boots, an opal-set veniom-threaded sack, a butterfly charm, a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm, an engraved vultite scroll case, a perfect white daisy, a stylized gold dragon head torc, a sparkling blue starstone buckle, a tiny black glaes spider, a small rose, a black leather belt with a sterling silver buckle chiseled into the image of the Four Winds symbol, a pair of claw-tipped gloves, a tiny black glaes spider, a shimmering glaesine orb, an antique silver armband inset with two glaes stars, a tooled black leather armband inset with rubies, an emerald wreath pin, an embroidered black silk satchel, and a long dark spidersilk cloak.
Philosilan looks thoughtfully at Dicendarq.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly asks, "what are you saying about your master?"
>'If you're so great, why don't you have them now?
You ask, "If you're so great, why don't you have them now?"
>ponder dic
You ponder the meaning of Dicendarq's existence.
Zvardin nods to Ganalon.
Philosilan clearly says, "he never said he was great..."
Dicendarq calmly says, "a good battles takes planning"
>'Mularos is in the Sea of Fire.
You say, "Mularos is in the Sea of Fire."
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"So go get the pieces, idiot.
You say, "So go get the pieces, idiot."
Ganalon deeply says, "night Zvardin."
Ganalon gives Zvardin a friendly hug.
Zvardin says, "night"
Zvardin hugs Ganalon.
Ganalon deeply says, "night Suschia"
The Dwarven deputy stomps in and turns his usual glare on you.
Ganalon gives Suschia a friendly hug.
Dicendarq calmly says, "if it's one thing I pride myself on it's my strategies"
Ganalon just pushed the hood of his cloak back off his head.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Ganalon stifles a yawn.
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
>'If strategies equal stupidness, I guess.
You say, "If strategies equal stupidness, I guess."
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby.
Delfalk stands up.
The Ganalon disk goes off in search of its master.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Zvardin leans softly against Suschia.
Delfalk removes a vultite-shod enruned short-staff from in his climbing pack.
Philosilan clearly says, "bahhhhhh"
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Delfalk just went north.
Dicendarq laughs at you!
>smile dic
You smile at Dicendarq.
>mychar thinks You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely.
You think to yourself, "You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely."
>mychar thinks Better watch yourself.
You think to yourself, "Better watch yourself."
The Dwarven deputy glares at you as he stomps away.
Dicendarq calmly says, "how utterly ammusing I haven't had any decent challenges for my tactics so we'll have to see if he gives me one"
Zvardin raises an eyebrow.
>"You're so much better than the Arkati.
You say, "You're so much better than the Arkati."
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Philosilan removes a flagon of Kenar's Dropjaw ale from in his wizard's cloak.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
>"Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me.
You say, "Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me."
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
Mogonis says, "back to debbils"
Mogonis removes a darkened silver krodera katana from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Mogonis slings a dragon-etched krodera shield off from over his shoulder.
You feel at full magical power again.
Lord Mogonis just went north.
Philosilan stands up.
Azorack just arrived.
Philosilan clearly asks, "suschia?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "hate to say it but the Arkati don't have a decent tactitian among them"
>'And you'd like to be that tactician?
You ask, "And you'd like to be that tactician?"
Azorack just went south.
>"Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?
You ask, "Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?"
>scratch my ear
Pastoya just arrived.
You scratch your ear.
>'Good tactic.
You say, "Good tactic."
Zvardin laughs!
Pastoya hugs Dicendarq, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Philosilan clearly asks, "is someone jealous?"
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq laughs!
Philosilan sniffs.
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq calmly says, "good tactic but not my own"
>'Actually, I don't really like women that much.
You say, "Actually, I don't really like women that much."
Philosilan kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Dicendarq calmly says, "I'm a family man"
Philosilan clearly says, "tell that to your mom"
'Oh, you like families in that way?
>You ask, "Oh, you like families in that way?"
Philosilan stands up.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
"Sisters, eh?
>You ask, "Sisters, eh?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "I have my sweet love..a few children and grandchildren"
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's abdomen looks better.
>nudge dic
You elbow Dicendarq in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Zvardin chuckles.
Azorack just arrived.
Azorack kneels down.
>'Hey, Azorack.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
You say, "Hey, Azorack."
Philosilan clearly says, "suuuuuuschiiiiiiaaaaa"
>"Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos.
Philosilan clearly says, "im diiiieinggg"
You say, "Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos."
Philosilan mutters rumors.
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
>"This is me, giggling.
You say, "This is me, giggling."
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Your face goes blank.
Philosilan stands up.
The Ganalon disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
Philosilan makes a choking sound.
Zvardin taps Suschia lightly on her shoulder.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin asks, "ya awake hon?"
Philosilan clearly says, "Negative, zvardin"
Philosilan clearly says, "she's dead"
Pastoya just went north.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some wolifrew lichen, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin gasps.
The pelican eyes the area with apparent disinterest.
Zvardin pulls Suschia closer to himself.
Dicendarq calmly says, "makes no difference if he knows I'm coming for them or not"
Philosilan gasps in terrified panic, trembling and flailing his arms about!
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Zvardin exclaims, "can't be dead!"
>'I'm sure.
You say, "I'm sure."
Philosilan whines.
Dicendarq calmly says, "it's his fate to lose them to me...even Arkati have to answer to fate"
>"Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like.
You say, "Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like."
>'You don't answer to fate... do you?
You ask, "You don't answer to fate... do you?"
Philosilan clearly says, "ooo oo, bring me"
>"You're far above fate.
You say, "You're far above fate."
>wink dic
You wink at Dicendarq.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Philosilan clearly says, "I know fate"
Dicendarq calmly says, "sorry but fate cannot be rushed..."
The pelican preens itself quietly.
Philosilan clearly says, "Its my neighbor"
Philosilan grins stupidly.
>'No, but idiots can be called what they are.
You say, "No, but idiots can be called what they are."
>turn dicendarq
You turn to face Dicendarq.
>You say, "Idiot."
Philosilan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan suddenly disappears.
Dicendarq calmly says, "true I'm calling Mularos a fool"
Suschia leans softly against Zvardin.
With a great leap, the pelican launches into the air.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's back looks better.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
The dim aura fades from around Azorack.
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right eye looks better.
>You say, "Eeeediot."
The pelican flaps off.
You hear the voice of Philosilan clearly exclaim, "I can call sleepy people, what they are too!"
The brilliant aura fades away from Azorack.
You hear someone intoning a phrase of elemental power...
Philosilan suddenly fades into view.
Philosilan gestures at you.
CS: +368 - TD: +233 + CvA: +8 + d100: +47 - -5 == +195
Warding failed!
Your mind goes completely blank.
Forced to stance offensive.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left hand looks better.
Philosilan clearly exclaims, "sleepy!"
A pelican appears overhead, circling.
The opalescent aura fades from around Azorack.
Philosilan points at you.
You awake from a dream startled. You are lying down.
Zvardin pokes you in the ribs.
The appearance of great calm leaves Azorack as he looks up and glances around.
Azorack taps you lightly on the shoulder.
The pelican watches you quietly.
Suschia gives Zvardin a lingering kiss.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Dicendarq calmly says, "much thanks Philosilan"
Zvardin gives Suschia a lingering kiss.
Philosilan laughs!
Suschia smiles at Zvardin.
Philosilan clearly says, "i knew he'd wake up"
'And who are you, Philosilan?
>You ask, "And who are you, Philosilan?"
Philosilan removes a midnight black falchion from in his blue satchel.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan clearly says, "philosilan."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You say, "Dandy."
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"What gives you the right to cast at me?
You ask, "What gives you the right to cast at me?"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
Dicendarq calmly says, "you're blabbering"
Philosilan clearly asks, "my casting strength?"
Dicendarq grins at you.
The pelican descends to the ground and lands nearby.
>'I am blabbering?
Dicendarq calmly says, "that's a right"
You ask, "I am blabbering?"
>'You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him."
Dicendarq nods to you.
You say, "You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him.""
Zvardin chuckles.
Dicendarq calmly says, "aye"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
Dicendarq calmly exclaims, "Fool Fool you know nothing of strategy wait and see!"
>'Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again.
You say, "Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again."
Philosilan appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Philosilan clearly says, "yes sir."
I just want to reiterate. What gives you the right to cast at me, O great wizard?
My casting strength.
I want to be that cool. :(