View Full Version : And the losers are...

07-17-2003, 02:12 AM
I just thought I'd share this.

On Teras, I was... what was I doing. Standing there... reading the Simutronics boards. I have "Mularos" highlighted, so I can tell when people are wearing the symbols etc. easily.

Totally unedited.

Dicendarq calmly says, "Maimara be sure to tell Mularos I'm coming for the griffon sword"
Ganalon put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in his black weapons harness.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's chest looks better.
>'I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains.
You say, "I'll be sure to tell him you'd like to be His humble slave in chains."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan flails his arms about.
>'But I bet you'd like that.
You say, "But I bet you'd like that."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly says, "hah no one but a fool trys to enslave a Talicyte sorcerer"
>l dicen
You see Great Lord Dicendarq Talicyte the Beguiler.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He appears to be young and taller than average. He has piercing crystal green eyes and bronze skin. He has shoulder length, fine auburn hair. He has small pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a silvery hammered tower shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some blue casting leathers, a dark damask rose, a black snakeskin sash, a team pin, a colorful striped woolen scarf, a gold star-shaped pin, a delicate garland of mournblooms, a grinning pumpkin pin, a deep green pumpkin leaf pin, a skull-shaped pin, a black quartz open hand sigil, an emerald green coif, a fur-lined spidersilk backpack, a prowling carved jet panther pin, some silver tooled dragon gauntlets, a tiny black castle pin, a blue Charl symbol, a coiled gold dragon earcuff, a veniom bound vruul skin sheath, a pair of manticore hide boots, an opal-set veniom-threaded sack, a butterfly charm, a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm, an engraved vultite scroll case, a perfect white daisy, a stylized gold dragon head torc, a sparkling blue starstone buckle, a tiny black glaes spider, a small rose, a black leather belt with a sterling silver buckle chiseled into the image of the Four Winds symbol, a pair of claw-tipped gloves, a tiny black glaes spider, a shimmering glaesine orb, an antique silver armband inset with two glaes stars, a tooled black leather armband inset with rubies, an emerald wreath pin, an embroidered black silk satchel, and a long dark spidersilk cloak.
Philosilan looks thoughtfully at Dicendarq.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left leg looks better.
Dicendarq calmly asks, "what are you saying about your master?"
>'If you're so great, why don't you have them now?
You ask, "If you're so great, why don't you have them now?"
>ponder dic
You ponder the meaning of Dicendarq's existence.
Zvardin nods to Ganalon.
Philosilan clearly says, "he never said he was great..."
Dicendarq calmly says, "a good battles takes planning"
>'Mularos is in the Sea of Fire.
You say, "Mularos is in the Sea of Fire."
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"So go get the pieces, idiot.
You say, "So go get the pieces, idiot."
Ganalon deeply says, "night Zvardin."
Ganalon gives Zvardin a friendly hug.
Zvardin says, "night"
Zvardin hugs Ganalon.
Ganalon deeply says, "night Suschia"
The Dwarven deputy stomps in and turns his usual glare on you.
Ganalon gives Suschia a friendly hug.
Dicendarq calmly says, "if it's one thing I pride myself on it's my strategies"
Ganalon just pushed the hood of his cloak back off his head.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Ganalon stifles a yawn.
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
>'If strategies equal stupidness, I guess.
You say, "If strategies equal stupidness, I guess."
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby.
Delfalk stands up.
The Ganalon disk goes off in search of its master.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Philosilan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan bristles with energy.
Zvardin leans softly against Suschia.
Delfalk removes a vultite-shod enruned short-staff from in his climbing pack.
Philosilan clearly says, "bahhhhhh"
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Delfalk just went north.
Dicendarq laughs at you!
>smile dic
You smile at Dicendarq.
>mychar thinks You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely.
You think to yourself, "You'll be my first sacrifice in a long time, lovely."
>mychar thinks Better watch yourself.
You think to yourself, "Better watch yourself."
The Dwarven deputy glares at you as he stomps away.
Dicendarq calmly says, "how utterly ammusing I haven't had any decent challenges for my tactics so we'll have to see if he gives me one"
Zvardin raises an eyebrow.
>"You're so much better than the Arkati.
You say, "You're so much better than the Arkati."
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Philosilan removes a flagon of Kenar's Dropjaw ale from in his wizard's cloak.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
>"Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me.
You say, "Why don't you go find a streetwalker and prove it for me."
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
Mogonis says, "back to debbils"
Mogonis removes a darkened silver krodera katana from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Mogonis slings a dragon-etched krodera shield off from over his shoulder.
You feel at full magical power again.
Lord Mogonis just went north.
Philosilan stands up.
Azorack just arrived.
Philosilan clearly asks, "suschia?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "hate to say it but the Arkati don't have a decent tactitian among them"
>'And you'd like to be that tactician?
You ask, "And you'd like to be that tactician?"
Azorack just went south.
>"Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?
You ask, "Is one of your tactics trying to sleep with every woman on the Isle?"
>scratch my ear
Pastoya just arrived.
You scratch your ear.
>'Good tactic.
You say, "Good tactic."
Zvardin laughs!
Pastoya hugs Dicendarq, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Philosilan clearly asks, "is someone jealous?"
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq laughs!
Philosilan sniffs.
Philosilan sniffs.
Dicendarq calmly says, "good tactic but not my own"
>'Actually, I don't really like women that much.
You say, "Actually, I don't really like women that much."
Philosilan kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Dicendarq calmly says, "I'm a family man"
Philosilan clearly says, "tell that to your mom"
'Oh, you like families in that way?
>You ask, "Oh, you like families in that way?"
Philosilan stands up.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
"Sisters, eh?
>You ask, "Sisters, eh?"
Dicendarq calmly says, "I have my sweet love..a few children and grandchildren"
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's abdomen looks better.
>nudge dic
You elbow Dicendarq in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Zvardin chuckles.
Azorack just arrived.
Azorack kneels down.
>'Hey, Azorack.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
You say, "Hey, Azorack."
Philosilan clearly says, "suuuuuuschiiiiiiaaaaa"
>"Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos.
Philosilan clearly says, "im diiiieinggg"
You say, "Dicendarq's going to take the sword pieces from Mularos."
Philosilan mutters rumors.
Philosilan hums distractedly to himself.
>"This is me, giggling.
You say, "This is me, giggling."
Philosilan doubles over as he is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!
Your face goes blank.
Philosilan stands up.
The Ganalon disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
Philosilan makes a choking sound.
Zvardin taps Suschia lightly on her shoulder.
Philosilan takes a drink from his Kenar's Dropjaw ale.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin asks, "ya awake hon?"
Philosilan clearly says, "Negative, zvardin"
Philosilan clearly says, "she's dead"
Pastoya just went north.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some wolifrew lichen, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan's twitching subsides.
Zvardin gasps.
The pelican eyes the area with apparent disinterest.
Zvardin pulls Suschia closer to himself.
Dicendarq calmly says, "makes no difference if he knows I'm coming for them or not"
Philosilan gasps in terrified panic, trembling and flailing his arms about!
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Zvardin exclaims, "can't be dead!"
>'I'm sure.
You say, "I'm sure."
Philosilan whines.
Dicendarq calmly says, "it's his fate to lose them to me...even Arkati have to answer to fate"
>"Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like.
You say, "Come with me, I can show you where to get them if you'd like."
>'You don't answer to fate... do you?
You ask, "You don't answer to fate... do you?"
Philosilan clearly says, "ooo oo, bring me"
>"You're far above fate.
You say, "You're far above fate."
>wink dic
You wink at Dicendarq.
Philosilan manages to take a bite of some woth flower, which is on some stone benches.
Philosilan makes a horrible face!
Philosilan's twitching subsides some.
Philosilan clearly says, "I know fate"
Dicendarq calmly says, "sorry but fate cannot be rushed..."
The pelican preens itself quietly.
Philosilan clearly says, "Its my neighbor"
Philosilan grins stupidly.
>'No, but idiots can be called what they are.
You say, "No, but idiots can be called what they are."
>turn dicendarq
You turn to face Dicendarq.
>You say, "Idiot."
Philosilan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Philosilan gestures.
Philosilan suddenly disappears.
Dicendarq calmly says, "true I'm calling Mularos a fool"
Suschia leans softly against Zvardin.
With a great leap, the pelican launches into the air.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's back looks better.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
The dim aura fades from around Azorack.
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right eye looks better.
>You say, "Eeeediot."
The pelican flaps off.
You hear the voice of Philosilan clearly exclaim, "I can call sleepy people, what they are too!"
The brilliant aura fades away from Azorack.
You hear someone intoning a phrase of elemental power...
Philosilan suddenly fades into view.
Philosilan gestures at you.
CS: +368 - TD: +233 + CvA: +8 + d100: +47 - -5 == +195
Warding failed!
Your mind goes completely blank.
Forced to stance offensive.

Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left hand looks better.
Philosilan clearly exclaims, "sleepy!"
A pelican appears overhead, circling.
The opalescent aura fades from around Azorack.
Philosilan points at you.
You awake from a dream startled. You are lying down.
Zvardin pokes you in the ribs.
The appearance of great calm leaves Azorack as he looks up and glances around.

Azorack taps you lightly on the shoulder.
The pelican watches you quietly.
Suschia gives Zvardin a lingering kiss.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Dicendarq calmly says, "much thanks Philosilan"
Zvardin gives Suschia a lingering kiss.
Philosilan laughs!
Suschia smiles at Zvardin.
Philosilan clearly says, "i knew he'd wake up"
'And who are you, Philosilan?
>You ask, "And who are you, Philosilan?"
Philosilan removes a midnight black falchion from in his blue satchel.
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's left arm looks better.
Philosilan clearly says, "philosilan."
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
You say, "Dandy."
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's right leg looks better.
Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"What gives you the right to cast at me?
You ask, "What gives you the right to cast at me?"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
Dicendarq calmly says, "you're blabbering"
Philosilan clearly asks, "my casting strength?"
Dicendarq grins at you.
The pelican descends to the ground and lands nearby.
>'I am blabbering?
Dicendarq calmly says, "that's a right"
You ask, "I am blabbering?"
>'You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him."
Dicendarq nods to you.
You say, "You're the one saying, "Ohhhh Mularos is a sissy, I'm totally going to beat him up and take the sword pieces from him.""
Zvardin chuckles.
Dicendarq calmly says, "aye"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Philosilan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Philosilan gestures.
Dicendarq calmly exclaims, "Fool Fool you know nothing of strategy wait and see!"
>'Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again.
You say, "Philosilan, you have no right. Don't do it again."
Philosilan appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Philosilan clearly says, "yes sir."

I just want to reiterate. What gives you the right to cast at me, O great wizard?

My casting strength.

I want to be that cool. :(

07-17-2003, 02:21 AM
BTW, if clerics had a CS booster, I WOULD be that cool.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-17-2003, 09:37 AM
Philosilan is a punk ass kid. He's still up to his usual tricks it seems. You'll find he has a slave empath and a slave rogue there as well, all are him.

He pulled that shit with Tayvin a few times too.

He needs to put down the dew, wipe the orange cheeto crust from his fingers, take his lard ass outside into his momma's living room and apologize for being the poster child for abortion. Douche.

07-17-2003, 10:32 AM
Philosilan is one of the reasons my character left Teras. He doesn't try to roleplay and when it ends up going bad for him, he will warn and report you. He's never in character and is basically a chat room, powerhunting idiot.

07-17-2003, 06:05 PM
Why am I not surprised.

I'm sorry to hear that. I really think that some more quality people should come to Teras, even though I'm not there right now. In a level or two pyrothags might be a little less frustrating for me.

Everyone tells me not to let the jerks get me down... kinda hard when dude thinks his big boom stick = right to do whatever he wants.

07-17-2003, 09:39 PM
First off, maimara, you're a bitch and no one likes ya. second, I have an empath, but no rogue. Thanks for lettin me clarify that. Third, i'm glad you all have lives and sit around and talk smack about shit you dont even like. (ME) Fourth, you care if i powerhunt? You care if i roleplay with or without you? I bet you dont.. why don't YOU GET THE LIFE, ...do you see me, (other than this reply) complaining about when you guys come to where i'm resting and bitch and complain..? Nope.. maimara, shut yer trap, no one wants you in teras, and I hope you stay out. I'm glad that sleeping someone, because they talk too much, is a "trick" tayvin. For crying out loud, I coulda eblasted her silly ass, but no, i harmlessly slept her, and that ended that conversation between them two, didn't it? Yep. It did.. Or do you know the ending to that conversation too... Were you there? I bet you think you were.. Just cuz i was grumpy to you once, doesn't make me an ass, just because I'm catching you in trainings, doesn't make me a powerhunter, it makes you lazy. Maimara, you werent just standin there, You were standing there, making a disturbance to our ....Rest. Good night, bitch

Rogue Slayer
07-17-2003, 10:11 PM
Yeah! dont let me catch you outa town Phil ! i might boil me up some Mage.

-Evoz - Destroyer of Elves

Weedmage Princess
07-17-2003, 10:17 PM
Mmmhmm/Philosian, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. Hey, my character that's pretty well over the age cap, that character's CS is higher than yours. So I guess that means I can go to Teras and start casting all kinds of crap at you by your logic, eh?

07-17-2003, 10:18 PM
sure, if you'd like....? (thats only if i bother you)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-17-2003, 10:51 PM
I could give a rats ass what you do Philosilan. I was merely concuring with Miamara that you are an asshole. That is all.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't give a rats ass what you do, who you are, or anything about your pathetic existance. You will never amount to anything anyway. What do people know you for, other than being an ass?

07-17-2003, 10:57 PM
do you really care after saying all that?

07-17-2003, 11:07 PM
I remember a lovely encounter with Philosilan. We'd been cool with each other...done a little business...and then his secondary character starts talking crap on the boulder...and all of a sudden he declares his desire to deed me.

:rolls eyes:

07-17-2003, 11:09 PM
hmmm.. I wish you knew what you were talkin about.. I DONT HAVE ANOTHER FIGHTING CHARACTER.

07-17-2003, 11:31 PM
Probably some baby you were defending. Needless to say, after having a decent business relationship, you totally flipped out on me. Made me not want to associate with you again.

07-18-2003, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Mmmhmm/Philosian, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. Hey, my character that's pretty well over the age cap, that character's CS is higher than yours. So I guess that means I can go to Teras and start casting all kinds of crap at you by your logic, eh?

Oh yeah? My dad can beat up your dad Haha, my character is "pretty well over the age cap" so I'm gonna jump in the middle of a fight I know nothin about.

Keep this in mind, Maimara RP's as someone aiding in the Krolvin invading force, aids them which leads to many deaths, then calls Phil a bad roleplayer. Keeping in mind, that Maimara seems to think that after she's aided an invading army, told the whole town that they'd pay after the Krolvins won the war, helped kill a bunch of people, bitched all over Elanthia and all over message boards about how everyone on Teras is a loser, she thinks that she should be able to come back to this little town and all will be forgiven? Now, I'm not winning RP awards left and right, but I'm just thinking, if I'm aiding an invading force that loses, it would be pretty bad RP to sit around that town and act like nothing has happened. The best RP move that she could make would be to quietly leave said town, and if anyone asks, explain to them that she's not really welcome as the war did not turn out in her favor. At the least, I would think that a traitor would want to keep a low profile if she was to remain in town. But, she's really good at RP and Phil's bad. Personally, I add it up to her just wanting attention. Otherwise, her little 70 train cleric with few friends is relatively unknown. However, you take the opposing side in a war, and you spend enough time bitching, and you get the attention that you want.

07-18-2003, 01:08 AM
1. I did not walk in and start a fight with Dicdendarq, he started that 'fight' which remained in words until Phil casted, and remained at Phil's one cast.

2. I unstunned one fricking Krolvin, I saw nothing wrong with unstunning another.

3. Yes, I am a bitch, and I never denied it.

Thank you.

Weedmage Princess
07-18-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Cain
[quote] :?: :?: :?: blah blah blah, DUH, I'm just gonna start running my mouth even though I clearly have no idea why you're saying what you say cause I didnt bother reading everything..blah blah blah :?: :?: :?:

Recap for you, since I'm gonna venture and guess you didn't read the log in it's entirety (which you can't really be faulted for I guess, it's rather long)

I was responding to Mmhmm/Philosilan's comment to Maimara in the log when she asked him who/what says he has the right to cast

Philosilan works his fingers under his starred wizard hat and scratches his head.
>"What gives you the right to cast at me?
You ask, "What gives you the right to cast at me?"
Suschia murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Suschia gestures.
Suschia's head looks better.
Azorack begins to meditate on his lot in life.
Dicendarq calmly says, "you're blabbering"
Philosilan clearly asks, "my casting strength?"
..............................See that lame ass comment in bold at the end??? THAT is why I said what I said in my post. HIS RESPONSE to her, no matter how much of a krolvin sympathizer her character may be, no matter how much her character may bitch..is LAME. That comment is the equivalent of the losers in the park, boulder, TSC and any other hangout who stand around and say "I'm gonna hunt this or whatever cause my AS is high enough" and things along those lines. This isn't about me actually GETTING my character to do anything to him, this is about proving a point, so stop trying to make this something it's not, thanks.

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

07-18-2003, 01:32 AM
P.S. If YOU wake up and smelled something, you'd realized I casted at her because I was being BOTHERED while resting, because of her bitching, and It was a joke that i said my casting strength, seee my TONE??!?! Sarcasm is a bitch. Get used to it.

07-18-2003, 01:34 AM
It was 50% me, and 50% Dicendarq....

How come you didn't sleep him?

Or maybe try asking nicely to take it elsewhere?

07-18-2003, 01:36 AM
does it matter, it wasn't my right to cast at you anyways.. you called my friend an idiot (Dice) and I called you sleepy.

07-18-2003, 01:42 AM
Okay, but I think the problem is, we have a major difference of opinion.

What Maimara did was totally in character for her. If someone walks up to a religious zealot and insults their deity, or teases them, whatever. Do you expect a friendly reaction? Wouldn't you call it idiocy to basically imply you're better than an Arkati?

Anyway, if you had wanted to get involved in a roleplayed scenario, I think you could have done it in a much better way, perhaps something cohesive to the roleplay involved, instead of something that just impresses the hell out of everyone with your casting strength.

If the interaction between Dicendarq and myself was really so straining on you, so angering, and if you find me such a horrible, terrible, tyrannical BITCH, then how about we don't interact anymore?

I find it interesting, that in one day, you have a. Registered to read the post I made, and b. Accusedme of being an irresponsible poster, c. Implied that I do nothing -but- that on these boards...

It was never my intent to 'flame' you and put you on the defensive. It WAS my intent to call you on behavior I would call unacceptable.

Perhaps the term idiot was uncalled for. If you feel that's the case, you have my sincerest apologies. I think 'irresponsible hothead' would be a better term to use.

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Maimara]

07-18-2003, 01:58 AM
thanks.... mom

Carl Spackler
07-18-2003, 02:10 AM
I don't want to enter this argument, but I want to stat that I personaly I find phil to be a great guy. And why does everyone have to nitpick about little things like this?


07-18-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Carl Spackler
I don't want to enter this argument, but I want to stat that I personaly I find phil to be a great guy. And why does everyone have to nitpick about little things like this?


I don't think I would have cared about what he did in the little log that was shown. However the ways he has acted on the boards makes me believe he's like that alot.....

07-18-2003, 02:18 AM
I don't doubt he's a great guy, but it irks me just a little he freaks out on me for overreacting, etc. I don't think anything I said or 'did' was in any way overreacting.

07-18-2003, 02:20 AM
I've never interacted with him, but from what I've observed a few times before, he IS like that a lot.

07-18-2003, 04:27 AM
I'd like to make this statement. What happened in that log is merely an account of WHAT HAPPENED. My ONLY comment was that if I had a CS booster, I'd be as 'cool' as you are.

If you don't like it, mmhmmmm, maybe you should REVISE how you acted and make an effort to see it doesn't happen again.

FACT: I was standing there before you guys even walked in. I was disturbing your rest? Who started that entire interaction? Wait... I forget I didn't have any interaction with Philosilan until he cast at me.

If you're going to blame me for disturbing your rest, you need to look at the FACTS and SEE.

That log starts about half an hour after I'd been standing at the statue looking bored, wondering where I should stow all the extra junk I had with me so I could hunt and not get my ass kicked by skayls. The log I posted starts where Dicendarq makes his comment, and I begin responding.

And if you want to make this about the Krolvin BS, I might add that there aren't any Krolvin on the Isle, and that the people that actually were involved in the 'incident' have all gone to Ta'Illstim with Eregrek.

Did I go to Teras to stir up trouble? No. I went to find out if pyrothags really ARE better to hunt than the Stronghold, found that I preferred the Stronghold, and left.

So if it makes you feel like a big man with a nice big CS, know that I'm not on Teras, and I don't really have plans to be back anytime soon. It has very little to do with the people there, and very much to do with my hunting prefferences.

By the way, Dicendarq is a mentor, isn't he? Isn't his condoning that kind of behavior like... wrong?

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Maimara]

Red Devil
07-18-2003, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by mmhmmm
First off, maimara, you're a bitch and no one likes ya. second, I have an empath, but no rogue. Thanks for lettin me clarify that. Third, i'm glad you all have lives and sit around and talk smack about shit you dont even like. (ME) Fourth, you care if i powerhunt? You care if i roleplay with or without you? I bet you dont.. why don't YOU GET THE LIFE, ...do you see me, (other than this reply) complaining about when you guys come to where i'm resting and bitch and complain..? Nope.. maimara, shut yer trap, no one wants you in teras, and I hope you stay out. I'm glad that sleeping someone, because they talk too much, is a "trick" tayvin. For crying out loud, I coulda eblasted her silly ass, but no, i harmlessly slept her, and that ended that conversation between them two, didn't it? Yep. It did.. Or do you know the ending to that conversation too... Were you there? I bet you think you were.. Just cuz i was grumpy to you once, doesn't make me an ass, just because I'm catching you in trainings, doesn't make me a powerhunter, it makes you lazy. Maimara, you werent just standin there, You were standing there, making a disturbance to our ....Rest. Good night, bitch

Philosilan=Stupid N00B, hey, remember when cruelaq blasted you back go GS2 your ass when you had about hrm... 30-40 levels on him?

07-18-2003, 08:07 AM
And unless you sold the little twit, you do have a little rogue. His name's Atreau.

Ya little bitch.


07-18-2003, 08:12 AM
Yep yep. Unless its a live in lover.

Weedmage Princess
07-18-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by mmhmmm
P.S. If YOU wake up and smelled something, you'd realized I casted at her because I was being BOTHERED while resting, because of her bitching, and It was a joke that i said my casting strength, seee my TONE??!?! Sarcasm is a bitch. Get used to it.

A) Your tone was clear--not MOCKING or JOKING or anything that would INDICATE you were *joking* Hello?! Either way, it was a stupid thing for your character to say, and I'm gonna second what others are saying..your polls calling her a bitch, etc and and your posts reflect a lot of the same about the player.

B) This sorry excuse of "people bothering me while I'm resting" has GOT TO GO. Since when has it been that people in a PUBLIC PLACE can't socialize with one another? If you're THAT bothered by people talking, go to a table, a locked room, an odd corner somewhere, ANY PLACE where there aren't people talking, and rest there. Unless they are harassing you in particular, people don't have a right to start casting at others just because they're talking with other charactes, get over yourself friggin loser

07-18-2003, 10:23 AM
See that lame ass comment in bold at the end??? THAT is why I said what I said in my post. HIS RESPONSE to her, no matter how much of a krolvin sympathizer her character may be, no matter how much her character may bitch..is LAME. That comment is the equivalent of the losers in the park, boulder, TSC and any other hangout who stand around and say "I'm gonna hunt this or whatever cause my AS is high enough" and things along those lines. This isn't about me actually GETTING my character to do anything to him, this is about proving a point, so stop trying to make this something it's not, thanks.

So how is saying I'm gonna get my character that's pretty well over the cap to come cast at you different from the Park, boulder, or TSC? If it's not about getting your character to do anything, why bring it up? Someone calls you on that bullshit, and all the sudden you're all, Oh, I wasn't gonna do anything, I was just saying is all. If you can't "prove a point" without pulling some my character is older than yours so I'll come kill you crap, then just Shaddup. You obviously have only seen one side of the issue and already you're talking about coming to Teras to cast at people, just to prove a point. Haha. You need to either get back to powerhunting and leave the debates to people who actually know how to prove a point without bringing it to a pissing contest or get back to work, earn some more cash so you can buy more characters, whichever applies to you.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-18-2003, 10:48 AM
Man, I'm guessing elementary school is out for summer! Cain (whoever this is) and Philosilan are proof of that!

Make use of your free time, take some writing and debate classes. Or better yet, go hang with Vif, Warclaidhm and Haashek!

Oh, and lets all get back to something we can agree on. Warclaidhm is a douche!

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

07-18-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
And unless you sold the little twit, you do have a little rogue. His name's Atreau.

Ya little bitch.


Haha! I remember that little punk Atreau. He tried to kill me with some of his friends in landing just because I told him openly on the amunet he was being a jerk. Was really funny. :bouncy:

07-18-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Man, I'm guessing elementary school is out for summer! Cain (whoever this is) and Philosilan are proof of that!

Make use of your free time, take some writing and debate classes. Or better yet, go hang with Vif, Warclaidhm and Haashek!

Oh, and lets all get back to something we can agree on. Warclaidhm is a douche!

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

While I agree with your Warclaidhm summary... I have no problem with the Philosilan bashing continuing? Do you?

I'll look through some of my logs tonight to see some classic moments ala Philosilan. I'm sure I can dig up a couple hundred.

07-18-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin

Originally posted by Makkah
And unless you sold the little twit, you do have a little rogue. His name's Atreau.

Ya little bitch.


Haha! I remember that little punk Atreau. He tried to kill me with some of his friends in landing just because I told him openly on the amunet he was being a jerk. Was really funny. :bouncy:

It's a whole 'family' of soul whores. You never know how they will react on an hourly basis. Could be one of many players controlling them.

07-18-2003, 03:06 PM
Warclodh's in EN again. Ugh. I'm just LOOKING for a reason to drop him. Oh yeah, and how dare someone try to interact with you!?! WARN THEM.

>Warclaidhm says, "Any'un have a white crystal or perhaps a wizard kin give me some strength please? Will tip fer the white crystal"
Warclaidhm asks, "Any wizards here?"
>Warclaidhm asks, "Anyone have a blue crystal?"
>Warclaidhm says, "I mean black crystal"
>Warclaidhm says, "My mistke"
>Warclaidhm bows to Sierpas.
>Warclaidhm asks, "Could me use?"
>Warclaidhm smiles at Sierpas.

God damn you're a leech.

07-18-2003, 03:31 PM
LoL poor Sierpas. Undoubtedly another unsuspecting victim. Its like, Warclaidhm is a dimwitted spider waiting for people to come by so he can snag them up and suck everything they got out of them.

About Philosilan.. I remember my character *at the time* talking to him. In whispers he was talking to me about his rl gf and how he should go about asking her to shave... her um female area. LOL I was like... huh?

Anyway, Priceless... I wish I saved the log. rofl

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-18-2003, 03:31 PM
Heh. I'm in the nations!

07-18-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Cain

See that lame ass comment in bold at the end??? THAT is why I said what I said in my post. HIS RESPONSE to her, no matter how much of a krolvin sympathizer her character may be, no matter how much her character may bitch..is LAME. That comment is the equivalent of the losers in the park, boulder, TSC and any other hangout who stand around and say "I'm gonna hunt this or whatever cause my AS is high enough" and things along those lines. This isn't about me actually GETTING my character to do anything to him, this is about proving a point, so stop trying to make this something it's not, thanks.

So how is saying I'm gonna get my character that's pretty well over the cap to come cast at you different from the Park, boulder, or TSC? If it's not about getting your character to do anything, why bring it up? Someone calls you on that bullshit, and all the sudden you're all, Oh, I wasn't gonna do anything, I was just saying is all. If you can't "prove a point" without pulling some my character is older than yours so I'll come kill you crap, then just Shaddup. You obviously have only seen one side of the issue and already you're talking about coming to Teras to cast at people, just to prove a point. Haha. You need to either get back to powerhunting and leave the debates to people who actually know how to prove a point without bringing it to a pissing contest or get back to work, earn some more cash so you can buy more characters, whichever applies to you.

Were you there?

Who made this a pissing contast, mr. I'll use whatever ammo I can to try and look like I know what the hell I'm talking about?

Buzz off.

Weedmage Princess
07-18-2003, 07:06 PM
Okay Cain...here's my initial post again. Read it REAL SLOW and let it seep in, so you can see what I'm saying. It will probably take a couple of days and all your little Hooked On Phonics reading comprehension tools to understand it, but I'm patient so it's okay. My post follows. The stuff after where it says ORIGINALLY POSTED BY WEEDMAGE PRINCESS. Just so you follow :)

Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Mmmhmm/Philosian, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. Hey, my character that's pretty well over the age cap, that character's CS is higher than yours. So I guess that means I can go to Teras and start casting all kinds of crap at you by your logic, eh?

Now, read the bolded part ONCE more, and in particular, the underlined, bolded part. **NOTE THE BY YOUR LOGIC, EH?** If you're still intent on saying I put my character on the boat for Teras, and was headed over hell bent on doing something to him, then go ahead. It's your God given right to be wrong. Just don't put words in my mouth. Thanks, and go to hell.

07-18-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Maimara

2. I unstunned one fricking Krolvin, I saw nothing wrong with unstunning another.

You openly admitted the whole damn time about how you were on the Krolvins' side and how we'd get ours when the Krolvins won. You unstunned one fricking Krolvin who was in the process of killing everyone in sight, and when you did, he killed 15 people including yourself. And after that you spend alot of time and energy in other towns and on the boards bitching about how you were treated in Teras. And rather than leave this town you bitch so much about, you come back. Are you that stupid that you don't see how this is a simple cause and effect relationship? Are you so dense that you don't understand that if you hate the people of a town so much, you don't have to go back there? Quit telling half-truths and own up to the fact that you did alot more than unstun one Krolvin. Lying by omission is still lying. The entire truth there is you unstunned one Krolvin who was in the process of killing everyone in sight and when you did he continued to kill about 15 people including yourself before he was stopped. That's the whole truth and that's part of the reason you're not warmly welcome on Teras. And you just make matters worse by telling anyone who will listen about how everyone on Teras sucks, and how Teras needs more quality people, the whole time leaving out the fact that you brought it ALL on yourself. I mean, it's only a matter of time before you give your little bitch Azorack's leash another tug and drag him back to Teras for another round after which you'll come back here and bitch some more. I'm done responding to your posts, you're a lying child who just craves attention and I'm through indulging you.

07-18-2003, 07:32 PM
That's bullshit, and you know it. ALL I DID WAS UNSTUN A KROLVIN. And everyone jumped on me. Fine, no big deal. After that, I spent a lot of time and energy hunting. You need to stop assuming shit. Seriously.

I don't think everyone on Teras sucks. But I DO think YOU suck. Grow up. This thread isn't even about Teras Isle, moron.

Oh, and while you're putting words in my mouth, why don't you [insert homosexual expletives] what you're getting at.

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Maimara]

[Edited on 7-19-2003 by Caels]

07-18-2003, 07:34 PM
And why don't you just knock it off with my little bitch Azorack, huh? Or is that the best you can come up with, dolt?

You don't know SHIT. About me, about what happened, or about anything other than shitting on other people.


07-18-2003, 07:35 PM
Now, read the bolded part ONCE more, and in particular, the underlined, bolded part. **NOTE THE BY YOUR LOGIC, EH?** If you're still intent on saying I put my character on the boat for Teras, and was headed over hell bent on doing something to him, then go ahead. It's your God given right to be wrong. Just don't put words in my mouth. Thanks, and go to hell.
By your logic? And? You still said it. You said, by your logic I can come with my character that's pretty well over the cap and kick your ass. You see how you try and veil the threat with By Your Logic then throw in there how I got a character that's pretty well over the cap. It's like saying, by your logic I should shoot your ass right now when you're in someone's face, and then saying, well I wasn't threatening him, because I said by your logic.

[Edited on 7-18-2003 by Cain]

07-18-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
And why don't you just knock it off with my little bitch Azorack, huh? Or is that the best you can come up with, dolt?

You don't know SHIT. About me, about what happened, or about anything other than shitting on other people.


Haha, you can dish it out but you sure can't take it. You can sit there, call Phil a loser, call me a snert and then you get all pissy when people fight back. Remember that whole cause and effect thing I mentioned? This is a perfect example.
Personally, I don't have a problem with you, Maimara. But I'm not going to sit here and let you spread lies freely and call me names. Keep in mind, you started this thread :D

07-18-2003, 07:41 PM
Dude, who STARTED the 'dishing out'? Jesus Christ on the cross. Fight back? Helloooooo. Do you have a granite BRAIN IMPLANT?

07-18-2003, 07:42 PM
And PERSONALLY, I have no problem with YOU, but IMHO, you are a loser for getting involved in this when You Don't Know Jack.

Spreading lies? Maybe I should start a poll of my own. Did Philosilan act like a loser? Then wtf is so wrong with CALLING HIM ON IT?

07-18-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Dude, who STARTED the 'dishing out'? Jesus Christ on the cross. Fight back? Helloooooo. Do you have a granite BRAIN IMPLANT?

The name of the thread is "And the losers are" and the whole thread was started basically as a way of calling Phil a loser. So you tell me who started it?

07-18-2003, 07:44 PM
Okay, so <insert insult on Cain's friends/family here> and we're even, right?

Weedmage Princess
07-18-2003, 07:46 PM

My patience has worn out....you're just too stupid to even be bothered with anymore. Go finish reading your SEE JANE RUN books you dolt.

07-18-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Okay, so <insert insult on Cain's friends/family here> and we're even, right?

I could care less. If you think that me saying something about Azorack is the worst I can do, you're severly mistaken. You start a thread that's centered around making someone look bad, and people take up for them, and all the sudden you seem so shocked and angry. Personally, I don't understand it. If I start a Warclaidhm sucks thread and then he starts insulting me for it, I'm not going to blame him when it blows up. After all, I would have been the one who started the whole thing. You seem like an immature person who wants to act without impunity and then when you can't you start getting upset. Well then, take your ball and go home, I'm fine with that. But don't get mad at me because this thread didn't instantly fill up with people saying, Yeah, you're right, he sucks and nothing else which is apparently what you were going for. Just remember, you're the one that started this whole thread. It's cliche, but still, "People in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones."

07-18-2003, 08:01 PM
Um, this thread did fill up with people saying "Philosilan is an ass."

Or are you conveniently reading only your own posts?

07-18-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Um, this thread did fill up with people saying "Philosilan is an ass."

Or are you conveniently reading only your own posts?

If that's all that it filled up with, why are you calling me an asshole again? Look, it's like I said. You start a thread, you call someone a loser, and then you get mad when someone starts calling you names or your friend names. If you wouldn't go around just starting threads trying to flame people, then you wouldn't get hurt. So either quit getting mad over it, or quit calling people names. You take getting slept way too seriously. Damn, it's a game, and you got slept, big deal, life goes on, no need to go off on a forum about how that person is a loser. And if it is that big of a deal to you, then you might want to think about how that person is probably going to see it one day or one of their friends, and they just might have something to say about it.

07-18-2003, 08:13 PM
Why? Because I'm sick of your childish little prods at me. Everyone knows, you're the little bitch in this relationship...

07-18-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Why? Because I'm sick of your childish little prods at me. Everyone knows, you're the little bitch in this relationship...

Well, if I'm the bitch in this relationship then it's typical of your relationships. Going by your relationship with Azorack, the man is usually the bitch when you're in a relationship. How does this shit get started again?

07-18-2003, 08:19 PM
I'm about done with you. You can't even come up with a good arguement. You are no fun.

07-18-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I'm about done with you. You can't even come up with a good arguement. You are no fun.

A good argument? You're the one with the one line responses. "Youre the bitch in this relationship..." And I'm the one that can't come up with anything good? Heh, whatever, we can just agree to disagree then and leave it at that.

07-18-2003, 08:22 PM
If I had the energy or the inclination I'd go through and re-post all your posts. But I think this subject is better off left a one-sided arguement. I'm out of it.

Only reason I posted was in my own 'defense' but I see no reason to post anymore, I think I have made myself perfectly clear.

07-18-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
If I had the energy or the inclination I'd go through and re-post all your posts. But I think this subject is better off left a one-sided arguement. I'm out of it.

Only reason I posted was in my own 'defense' but I see no reason to post anymore, I think I have made myself perfectly clear.

Only reason you posted? What? The whole thread was started by you. I'm lost, you make no sense whatsoever. I don't even think Phil had posted before you started this thread but it was all in your own defense when you went on the attack here. Either way, you take this all too seriously and you need to learn that when you go through the effort of posting a log to call someone a loser, chances are, they're gonna have a few names to call you in response.

07-18-2003, 09:24 PM
I wanted to point out what a stupid idiot he acted like.

You're the one that started making personal attacks, Bubba.

Captain Amby
07-18-2003, 10:41 PM
Ehh I like Phils.. he never bothered me. He's always been nice to me in EN actually.

07-19-2003, 02:59 AM
Don't ya just love these lovers' quarrels?


07-19-2003, 03:16 AM
Umm..that was Amby

07-19-2003, 07:22 AM
~~Sex is like air. You realize how much you miss it when yer not getting any.~~

Oh so that's the problem. LOL


07-19-2003, 08:09 AM
One wonders if there is a sandbox involved in all of this.

07-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Slit your wrists, it lowers your blood pressure.

Red Devil
07-19-2003, 10:38 AM

Captain Amby
07-19-2003, 12:05 PM
gs4gurl needs a new hobby, repeating all I said or jest plain making fun of me is rather getting tiresome. Oh.. and lil Gurl, dont you get a "Joke" most of my signatures have been. It has nothing to do with me in character or out of.

07-19-2003, 01:03 PM
ROFL! Helloooo? I was making a joke as well ya twit!