View Full Version : Auwyn/Nien at work in WoW
02-23-2009, 05:40 PM
Here's an aggregate of screenshots from when Auwyn was having a little fun in Grizzly Hills. It covers a period of about 20 minutes.
I thought it was funny that he was a DK.
02-23-2009, 05:57 PM
ROFL...I was levelling up my resto shaman and he killed me. Then again and again. The fourth time he killed me some warrior jumped in as well, so I logged Auwyn on, found the warrior and killed him once and killed the DK repeatedly.
Oh shit, you were moocifer? LOL Awesome.
02-23-2009, 05:58 PM
There were a bunch of other horde around Dun Argol too. Just let them quest in peace.
That troll was a little bitch though.
Some Rogue
02-23-2009, 07:09 PM
BUT HE HAD 0 HK'S!!!@12!@!
And I called it. I told Moo that the guy probably ganked your shammy.
02-23-2009, 07:42 PM
How's everyone liking the death knight? Worth a try?
02-23-2009, 08:42 PM
How's everyone liking the death knight? Worth a try?
Overpowered currently... you can face mash across the keyboard to be tops in dps.
02-23-2009, 09:11 PM
Eh, my 60 DK got his ass kicked repeatedly by a 66 shaman. I kept going back over and over just to see if I could change things up and win one. I don't think I ever killed him 1vs1. One thing I didn't use I think I should have was the ice chain thing. Though I don't think it would have slowed him down too much.
I am very poor at PvP still. I can't get around the fuckers who jump and cross your path so you have to doa 360 to hit them... This guy was jumping in and around me, and then I was dead. I still am not sure whether he was using spells, or melee or what. And wtf is the two spirit wolf things? I am not sure if those really hindered me that much. But I didn't like alla sudden going up against 3 things instead of one.
Also what is the best way to twink a 59 DK?
(hijacking another wow thread :P )
02-24-2009, 12:19 AM
druids are the only thing that give me issues as a DK, I cant fucking stand them.
02-24-2009, 01:58 AM
Yeah I was having trouble with druid/hunter duo tonight. They wouldn't leave each others side. One stealth/cat, one big ass monkey tank, and a ranged hunter and I don't think I ever got one down before I died. I finally was able to kill the hunter one on one, when someone else got the druid separated... Sad thing is I only killed him with my ranged spells. No melee. Hah.
02-24-2009, 02:54 AM
BUT HE HAD 0 HK'S!!!@12!@!
And I called it. I told Moo that the guy probably ganked your shammy.
Hahaha...its funny because he took everyone's advice and ran back up to the horde base (obviously dying a couple of times along the way). The last time I killed him was IN the horde base.
That must have pissed him off.
Some Rogue
02-24-2009, 07:54 AM
That's why I love being a rogue. There is nothing more satisfying than sneaking into the other faction's town, waiting til they are feeling safe, then slaughtering them again. Not that I've ever done that or anything. :D
02-24-2009, 08:02 AM
This game is brutal.
Some Rogue
02-24-2009, 08:53 AM
I don't start shit with people til they start with me. Then I will usually let it go at a couple deaths. Also, this is a pvp server. There are pve servers for people who don't like it.
That's why I love being a rogue. There is nothing more satisfying than sneaking into the other faction's town, waiting til they are feeling safe, then slaughtering them again. Not that I've ever done that or anything. :D
Watching rogues try to stealth while their on fire is pretty satisfying.
Some Rogue
02-24-2009, 09:07 AM
That's a dumb rogue.
Watching a mage iceblock like I am just gonna get tired and leave in those few seconds is pretty funny too.
02-24-2009, 09:10 AM
I don't start shit with people til they start with me. Then I will usually let it go at a couple deaths. Also, this is a pvp server. There are pve servers for people who don't like it.
I'm pretty much the same way for the most part.. unless we have a whole party/raid at the summoning stone and one alliance walks up to it like he owns the place.. then the gloves come off.
02-24-2009, 09:17 AM
I'm pretty much the same way for the most part.. unless we have a whole party/raid at the summoning stone and one alliance walks up to it like he owns the place.. then the gloves come off.
All I read was: "I'm pretty much the same way for the most part.. unless we have a whole party/raid as the summoning stone and I know I've got a healer with me.. then the gloves come off."
That's a dumb rogue.
Watching a mage iceblock like I am just gonna get tired and leave in those few seconds is pretty funny too.
I dont think your going to leave, I think i have a better shot of spamming blink when it wears off then you do of spamming a lock and it usually works.
Some Rogue
02-24-2009, 10:42 AM
I dont think your going to leave, I think i have a better shot of spamming blink when it wears off then you do of spamming a lock and it usually works.
Because I dont have a sprint at all. :P
and ive got a frost nova, and we all have damage and trinkets! Its a good match up for the rogue but its not impossible for the mage.
After 3.1 mages are going to be much more serious business because your going to start seeing raiding mages spec'd pvp frost constantly once duel spec comes out. Fun fun fun.
Some Rogue
02-24-2009, 11:11 AM
And a PvE rogue can go subtlety. I've never been subtlety in my life so that might be an interesting change for awhile.
02-24-2009, 12:45 PM
I don't start shit with people til they start with me. Then I will usually let it go at a couple deaths. Also, this is a pvp server. There are pve servers for people who don't like it.
Im the same pretty much. When I am levelling with my friend, we will kill horde we come across once. If they attack after that we will kill them, if not we carry on levelling and leave them be.
Tea & Strumpets
02-24-2009, 12:59 PM
Im the same pretty much. When I am levelling with my friend, we will kill horde we come across once. If they attack after that we will kill them, if not we carry on levelling and leave them be.
Same here. If I see 2 alliance hunting in the same area that I am, I just walk up to them both and bitch slap them across the face. As long as they are gentleman and don't react, I let them continue on their way.
02-24-2009, 01:02 PM
Like you ever stayed connected long enough to slap anyone.
02-24-2009, 01:03 PM
Same here. If I see 2 alliance hunting in the same area that I am, I just walk up to them both and bitch slap them across the face. As long as they are gentleman and don't react, I let them continue on their way.
It's animal nature. Like marking your territory.
02-24-2009, 01:03 PM
Like you ever stayed connected long enough to slap anyone.
/love Nien
And she lies shes let me live tons of times!
I rarely bother anyone unless they are twirps. I suck at pvp so I try to avoid it. Kill me get your chuckles and I go about my way.
I think the most fun I had was with Blueman in the cenarion town where the guards would go nuts if you tried to kill each other. Didn't stop him so he would stun me to death I would wait to raise until I found him stealthed near my body I would trap him kill him then die to the guards rinse and repeat I think we did it for over an hour. Hope it was fun for him too heheheh.
02-24-2009, 06:29 PM
/love Nien
And she lies shes let me live tons of times!
Lies...I tried to kill you but my mangle kept missing.
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