View Full Version : some spare items...

02-22-2009, 12:11 PM
a blood red ruby ring - self charging 1101 - takes 1 hp per charge to a max of 40. 3sec cast rt...great item, i'm just out of finger slots generally, <grumble>

a wide silver wrist cuff chased with whorls of greenish gold - wrist worn, the auction/raffle version of the gold ring holders. Holds *five* rings. I use different looking rings so I can set it to all the areas I hunt on Teras.

read cuff in pack
In the Common language, it reads:
Turn to select, rub to set, and touch to activate.

You slide the dial on your wrist cuff and it clicks into place at the next rune. The thick gold ring in the slot vanishes leaving an empty slot in its place.

Trades, coins , whatever...send smoke signals, IMs, PMs, carrier pigeons, whatever...

Don't even really know how to value the cuff...


02-22-2009, 12:25 PM
Trade you a 5 socket gold ring holder for that blood ring!

02-27-2009, 03:09 PM

No bids on either of these.

Sheesh, well, Belnia, but I got one I selling, heh.


02-27-2009, 04:15 PM
I wouldn't mind having that 5 setting ring holder but I don't have any available wrist slots.