View Full Version : Classifieds: RP Wanted !

02-21-2009, 11:28 AM
This thread is for people who are seeking other players to RP with. The game is getting bigger and the number of people out there are shrinking so connecting people with similar RP tastes are getting more and more difficult. This thread will hopefully alleviate some of this problem.

Please cut and paste from IN-game (preferably) the following:

Name: In character preferably and/or just OOC contact info.

Location: In character town or locale you hang out in.

Position Desired: What do you want out of your RP experience.

Background: A description of your character, her quirks, her personality or whatever you want to reveal of yourself initially.

Story Arc: What type of story are you currently involved in and/or what do type of characters/situation you want to be involved in for the future.

Hope people can connect and have a great time. Happy RPing!

02-21-2009, 11:33 AM
, her quirks, her personality


02-21-2009, 01:11 PM

02-21-2009, 03:03 PM
would'nt all information kind of get in the way of the RP you are speaking of?

I mean part of Role playing is the act of getting to know the folks around you

Moist Happenings
02-21-2009, 03:34 PM
would'nt all information kind of get in the way of the RP you are speaking of?

I mean part of Role playing is the act of getting to know the folks around you

In a sense it could help if done right.

Let's say my character is a loner who doesn't really enjoy the company of other people. Those of you who know any of my characters know this isn't the case, but I do have a friend who creates characters like this in every game he's ever played. He enjoys RP, but he likes to RP this specific type of person who probably wouldn't approach anyone under his own restrictions.

A player with the knowledge of this about my character could make it a point to be the one to approach him and start something, while remaining true to their character and not bringing OOC information IC until it was revealed IC. Otherwise, my character just gets passed up as some sort of bot who never speaks to anyone.

Anyway, the concept is good I think, Aesir. It's sort of along the same lines as what the PRO and profile systems were and are meant to do, but there's no harm in adding more to the mix, so I'll get the ball rolling with my info.

Character Name: Jespin De'Maris
Real name: Chad Lippincott
AIM: Ich Liebe Pimmel

Location: Lately I've been stuck in the Landing forging, but normally I make frequent trips to Illistim and Zul Lugoth in order to further my own RP.

Position Desired: Well, I RP a ton as it is, and I'm involved in several organizations and one or two story type deals, but I'm always open to new things and new people to RP with.


Jespin was born in Riverwood, and due the the normal oppression associated with half elves there, very much dislikes Humans to the point of becoming rather bitter around them at times without warning or known reason. He associates happiness with money and power, which he makes through a merchanting operation dealing mainly in forged weapons. He calls it an "import/export business", hence the frequent trips between towns, and has been known to have some shady dealings. First and foremost, he is a merchant, but he is also a devout follower of Eonak with a fairly twisted take on the teachings. Eonak teaches people to overcome adversity. Jespin feels that the best way to teach people about overcoming adversity is to force adversity upon them. There's a bunch more, but that's it in a nutshell.

Story Arc:

Currently involved with House Aspis and Clan Snar on a regular basis, so there are a few friendships and business associations stemming from those. It also means that he can't be out of the Landing for too terribly long at any given time. Have meetings Monday, Wednesday, and Friday weekly. He is also involved in a storyline type scenario involving Stalgart, Zuie, and potentially Stunseed involving the Nations. Unfortunately, Stalgart and I haven't been able to keep the same schedules of late and it hasn't gone anywhere quite yet, but I expect it to rather soon.

As far as what I want to be involved in for the future, well, I enjoy taking things as they come, and I like the surprise of not knowing as a player what's coming. I don't like to plan out specific RP; I like to just stay in character and react as I believe my character should as things happen.

End exceedingly long rant.

02-21-2009, 04:08 PM
I think more of the objective of all this is for characters to get involved in each other's stories. The problem with this is many times a player is not in 'story mode' and thus it's very difficult for you to interact with said player. I mean half the people I met are operating 2 other accounts at the same time so theres another hangup.

So, really just walking up to someone and trying to RP is A.) Will get a negative reaction. B.) Pointless... what exactly am I supposed to interact with you about?

So, I figure this may grease up the process somewhat.

Moist Happenings
02-21-2009, 04:18 PM
I think more of the objective of all this is for characters to get involved in each other's stories. The problem with this is many times a player is not in 'story mode' and thus it's very difficult for you to interact with said player. I mean half the people I met are operating 2 other accounts at the same time so theres another hangup.

So, really just walking up to someone and trying to RP is A.) Will get a negative reaction. B.) Pointless... what exactly am I supposed to interact with you about?

So, I figure this may grease up the process somewhat.

This is a good point. At times I don't want to be bothered with certain RP because I'm trying to do something, but only once since I've been back have I let it stop me from interacting and RPing when the opportunity arose (I was late filling an order for a spikestar so I was in back and forth mode between the bank and the forge). Most of the time, however, I'll drop what I'm doing and RP with whoever just spoke to me. At times it can be short and to the point, but I'll almost always take the time to RP the situation out.

The answer to this that I've seen has been organizations, but they fall short. What do organizations do to spark RP for the mostpart?

1. Organize house hunts.
2. Hold house meetings.
3. ???

Having someone set up a general premise that several people are interested in roleplaying out isn't a bad idea at all. And like you said, the world's getting bigger, and the playerbase is shrinking (or staying the same-ish). At this point I wouldn't mind bringing a little bit of OOC in to get people in the right place to make it happen.

02-21-2009, 04:23 PM
Oh and here's mine.

Name: Thanatos Kykyu
Real Name: Daniel Paulson
Contact: PM me anytime.

Location: EN mostly sometimes landing and even less sometimes Teras.

Position Desired: Looking to develop the first expeditionary questing company.
Each month teams of three will have to race each other to retrieve an item or accomplish a task in a hunting area 20-30 levels higher then themselves for cool in-game items or even paid tickets to EG!

Background: Honestly, I had amnesia and I washed up onto Teras Isle around my 19th birthday. I am a halfling warrior and although I am now significantly older I still wear and dress to pass myself off as a young adolescent human male. I've been adopted and I belong to a guild of turnip farmers located primarily in EN. Every month we RP going out to a farm trail near OTF and RP farming, I shit you not.

Story Arc: Really my background and position desired covers this. My only arc I have going is with another turnip farmer in my guild, Sublimate, who wants to kill me and take my 2 roomful of acres I have near EN. Both these rooms are great foraging spots and we RP that these are what we farm... and turnips of course.

The Ponzzz
02-21-2009, 04:30 PM

02-21-2009, 05:12 PM
Name: tabletop or LARP
Location: Your local gaming store/Camarilla venue/NERO, whatever else
Position Offered: You can talk with actual people.
Background: More than you.
Story Arc: If you have actual talent there may very well be some.

03-08-2009, 06:04 PM
What the fuck. Nothing lost, nothing game. Put me in for the test.

Name: Telsas (prefers Priestess Telsas, but isn't big on titles)

Location: Plurs Pub in the Landing. Teras is home away from home. Loves to travel and will take any excuse to do so, especially one that involves killing something

Position Desired: Something to be involved with that has depth to it. But is willing to do even the short stints just as well, like a quick messenger or hand off. Basically, I really do enjoy RP in every aspect. There is nothing that can be dished out IC'ly that my character isn't up for. Always been up for the challenge even if I get pissy OOC about it. (Eventually I get over it). Report is more of a safe word that should only be used in case of emergencies, if that tells you the extent, just make sure its all IC.

Background: Telsas has a been around for a bout 3 years now. She woke up in Vaalor with nothing but rags on her back in some strange room. She was treated poorly due to the viewing of Dark Elves there, and helped to the landing by a pair of giants who hooked her up with a rogue. She has never seen them since, can't even remember their names but has never forgotten them. In her quest to figure out what happen to her and why, she has become another person then who she was. Starting with becoming an Eorgina Priestess who was once removed and then welcomed back into the fold. However, the trial has left her less of a zealot then she was. It was during these times she was exploring the Obsidian tower and joining the Moonshine Manor, as it was becoming her family. Lots of stories inbetween. Including the small time she served as a seer for the Basilica.

I think she is searching for something but just doesn't know what.

Story Arc: Currently nothing going on. She has been involved in a deamon story. Which co-insides with Her own on going quest to find out her past, and what type of dark elf she is. Is it Faendryl or Dhe'nar or summoned by a sorc (part demon)? Each venue is constantly sought out, though there was a solid RP scenario that pretty much made it clear she was not Dhe'nar regardless what she thinks.

She has been approached by pirates a few times saying that she was on their ship or traded off through a few hands before . . . before... and shortly after that they tend to disappear. She tried to find out "before what" but it always comes to a dead end.

And now, after a series of serious losses,and blows to her pride, she is lost to the hunting cycle and honing her skills and shying away from events.

03-08-2009, 06:14 PM
So, really just walking up to someone and trying to RP is A.) Will get a negative reaction. B.) Pointless... what exactly am I supposed to interact with you about?Roleplaying... you're doing it wrong.

What the fuck. Nothing lost, nothing game. Put me in for the test.I believe the saying is nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And what is up with this red text? It's humongously annoying.

03-08-2009, 06:20 PM
This thread is for people who are seeking other players to RP with. The game is getting bigger and the number of people out there are shrinking so connecting people with similar RP tastes are getting more and more difficult. This thread will hopefully alleviate some of this problem.

Please cut and paste from IN-game (preferably) the following:

Name: In character preferably and/or just OOC contact info.

Location: In character town or locale you hang out in.

Position Desired: What do you want out of your RP experience.

Background: A description of your character, her quirks, her personality or whatever you want to reveal of yourself initially.

Story Arc: What type of story are you currently involved in and/or what do type of characters/situation you want to be involved in for the future.

Hope people can connect and have a great time. Happy RPing!

Nobody cares.

03-08-2009, 06:22 PM
I did the saying different on purpose and Sorry? I like the dark red text.

03-08-2009, 06:23 PM
I did the saying different on purpose and Sorry? I like the dark red text.


03-09-2009, 08:56 AM

That is pretty mean Fallen! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-angry007.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

I like the red color.

03-09-2009, 09:02 AM
That is pretty mean Fallen! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-angry007.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

I like the red color.

I was obviously kidding you nit. I'm rather a fan of Telsas even if Evarin wouldn't mind seeing her spitted over an open flame.

03-09-2009, 09:02 AM
I'm seeking RP IRL.

03-09-2009, 09:27 AM
I've been adopted and I belong to a guild of turnip farmers located primarily in EN. Every month we RP going out to a farm trail near OTF and RP farming, I shit you not.

Story Arc: Really my background and position desired covers this. My only arc I have going is with another turnip farmer in my guild, Sublimate, who wants to kill me and take my 2 roomful of acres I have near EN. Both these rooms are great foraging spots and we RP that these are what we farm... and turnips of course.

If this were real, I'd go out to EN and kill you.

03-09-2009, 10:21 AM
I'm seeking RP IRL.

Seems kind of tough to find down here. Not an overwhelmingly friendly environment for it like the Midwest. There's LARP through the Camarilla. You might be able to find D&D or wargaming through 'Little Wars.'