View Full Version : Utah, turkeys, and other random crap

02-15-2009, 08:42 PM
So, I have to get up at 4 AM to get on a flight for Utah tomorrow for work. I'm sitting here having a beer, trying to decide if I truly hate my life, my job, or am just ridiculously bored.

Nothing happens. I had a friend I hadn't spoken to in 5 years call me. Both of her kids are getting married, she's going to be a grandma, she and her husband bought a new house, they've each gotten additional degrees, and have new jobs.

I, uh.. yea. Nothing.

There's something nice to be said about stability. I just got another promotion and raise, and am firmly in line to take over the Corporate Controller's job in 3-4 years when our CFO retires. I'm making good money, our business is growing, we have good owners and a bank that are behind us in our growth (read: plenty of capital), so I'm not worried about us going out of business. There's always the possibility, of course, but I consider the risk extremely low.

I own a condo on which I owe approximately half of my annual compensation, but I have no desire to spend money on a bigger place. After all, it's just me and the cat.

I haven't had a serious long-term relationship in about 6 1/2 years. And yet, the thought of having to consider someone else in my decisions really makes me twitchy.

So where do I go from here? I have been running through scenarios in my head of what-if-I-didn't-get-on-the-plane tomorrow? It's not that I want to get fired, truly. I just feel like it might be the only motivation I would have to go out and do something different. But I don't even know that I would want to do.

It sounds stupid, but I am really starting to feel trapped in my own life.

End random purge session. Odds of me not getting on the plane? 1 in a million.

02-15-2009, 11:01 PM
Well babe, you have security; which you can use as a base to try new things, take new paths. It's all up to you, and it isn't such a binary situation that you'd need to wipe-out the stability in your life just so you can find some adventure.

I will admit, a trip to Utah isn't likely to open up any new horizons for you though :(.

An old friend said to me long ago "a boat can't steer unless it's moving. You can turn the rudder all day, if the boat isn't moving, you just can't turn it." Consider going for another degree. Consider seek out a more serious relationship; it's not like you have to get married just because you're looking. Consider travel. Consider a new hobby you've always been curious about. Consider a pair of weasels- that'll DEFINITELY make your life interesting *groan*.

Keep the job, keep the condo- but get out there; you're too young to be in a rut :P

02-15-2009, 11:12 PM
So where do I go from here?

Where do you want to go?

I know a bunch of great places in the DC area.

02-20-2009, 07:02 PM
Apparently, the answer is - I STAY IN FREAKING UTAH.

Corporate travel hosed up my itinerary. Got to the airport, couldn't check in. Because they scheduled my flights for TOMORROW. So, I get in tomorrow night at midnight, then have to turn around and leave Sunday to be at UNI for recruiting Monday morning.

I hate life.

So - Anyone in SLC?

02-20-2009, 07:19 PM
Yout better not be purchasing any corn beyond my back.

02-20-2009, 07:49 PM

02-20-2009, 09:00 PM
Yout better not be purchasing any corn beyond my back.

The problem with corn in Utah is that women are forced to share it with others. I'm not that kind of girl!

02-20-2009, 09:48 PM
I'm in Utah :-) and I don't share my corn...Not EVER!

02-20-2009, 10:39 PM
Why doesn't anyone go on business trips to Denver? I want to drink heavily with a stranger I only know on the internet.

Uh, aside from that.. I sympathize. My cousins are variously getting married, getting his Master's in Mathematics, opening his own business, becoming a procurer for a museum, working on a degree in aerospace engineering, et cetera. Friends? Having babies, buying big houses, making junior partner in a law firm (we're still in our twenties, ffs!) and shit like that.

It can really be frustrating.

02-21-2009, 10:53 AM
Why doesn't anyone go on business trips to Denver? I want to drink heavily with a stranger I only know on the internet.

Well, crap. Plan B for last night was for them to strand me in Denver with the hopes of getting on the first flight home from there this AM. Should have taken them up on that!

02-21-2009, 11:03 AM
Bunch of text

I'm honestly in the same boat right now. I stopped going to work for the last four days. My bosses can't fire me. Well they can, but their business would clapse if they did fire me.
I just got a new place, new car, and got engaged...so I have no other option than to keep working. But I'm looking around for something else. Problem is, EVERYONE is looking for work right now. Times right now suck. I have computer science and math degrees but am working as a sign maker. It's fun work and I get paid alright, so it's not so bad. But I didn't spend 100k+ to work for someone else to make money off my talents. I've been depressed as fuck lately and don't know what's the next step to make.
You're not alone, we got your back.

02-21-2009, 11:15 AM

02-21-2009, 11:19 AM

There's actually a FBI headquarters about five minutes away from me. I don't think i could pass their lie-detector though.

02-21-2009, 11:21 AM
Why doesn't anyone go on business trips to Denver? I want to drink heavily with a stranger I only know on the internet.

I may be in colorado springs in late march.